The widespread number of food scandals ( 丑闻) in China is making many people paus

The widespread number of food scandals ( 丑闻) in China is making many people paus

The widespread number of food scandals ( 丑闻) in China is making many people pause before they put their chopsticks in their mouth. They are wondering if the food they are eating is clean, healthy and nutritious or does it contain something harmful that will cause disease?
Most of the food we eat today is processed food( 加工食品). That means the foods we buy in stores and supermarkets, especially packaged foods, are prepared in factories. Chemicals are added to the foods in these factories to make them look better, taste better and last longer on the shelf. The chemicals are supposed to be harmless and there are laws that regulate which chemicals can and cannot be used. Unfortunately, some producers do not obey the laws.
A producer of steamed buns (馒头) in Zhejiang Province was recently discovered to be breaking the law. He was adding yellow dye and other banned chemicals to the buns. He was also taking old buns and using them to make new buns. Most of the buns were sold to schools and eaten by students. . . like you’
Why did he do it? Why did he break the law and endanger people’s health? The answer is simple: he wanted to make more money. It was a moral failing, and this is at the heart of the food scandals in China. Too many people focus on making money and not on the effects their actions can have on others.
小题1: Chemicals are added to the foods in the factories because _____.
A.they want to make the foods look better, taste better and last longer
B.they want to make the foods contain something harmful
C.chemicals will cause disease
D.chemicals are harmless
小题2: According to the passage, which is NOT true?
A.Most of the food we eat today is prepared in factories.
B.There are laws that regulate which chemicals can and cannot be used.
C.The food scandals in China are making many people worry about the food safety.
D.Most of the buns were sold to schools and eaten, by students in Zhejiang Province.
小题3:It was a moral failing, and this is at the heart of the food scandals in China. Here what’s
the Chinese meaning of "moral failing"? 
小题4: What is the main reason of the food scandals in China?
A.Some producers do not obey the laws.
B.The processed food is clean, healthy and nutritious.
C.Too many people pay much attention to making money.
D.The chemicals are supposed to be harmless and can be used.


小题1:A 细节理解题。根据第二段句子“Chemicals are added to the foods in these factories to make them look better, taste better and last longer on the shelf.”我们可以判断食物添加化学品是为了让食物更好看,更好吃,保存更久。故选A。
小题1:D细节理解题。A、B、C在文章中都能找到;D是错误的,根据第四段最后一句话“Most of the buns were sold to schools and eaten by students. . . like you!”大部分的馒头并不仅仅是给浙江省的学生吃,故选D。
小题1:B词义猜测题。根据文章最后一段我们可知,有的人为了赚钱不惜触犯法律和危害人们的健康。这反映出他们道德极差。所以,我们能够猜出出他们是 “道德滑坡”。故选B。
A Manchester teenager has received a phone bill (账单)for over £450 after sending 3 ,500 text messages in just one month.
Tony Russell has had his new mobile phone for only three months, but now his father, Lionel, has taken it away.
He"s been asking me for a mobile for years because all his friends have got one,“ explained Lionel. "I finally bought one for his birthday because he"s been doing so well at school, but he and his friends are crazy (疯狂的)about sending text messages. They do it all the time. They even text each other from different sides of the school playground.
Tony said, "I thought texting was much cheaper than phoning, so I"ve been texting my friends all day long and even into the early hours of the morning. I"ve been going to bed at 2 : 00 most nights. Sometimes my hand hurt because I pressed the buttons so much, but I was having such good fun that I couldn"t stop!"
His father said,"! have forgiven him, but I am angry with the phone company as they are encouraging this crazy behaviour. " He has made his son promise to pay back the money, so Tony has been working on Saturdays. He has found a job in a shoe shop. "I think it will take me about a year to clear this debt(债务),"he said.
A Xiangtan teenager has received a phone bill for over 350 yuan after sending 3,500 text messages in just one month.
Tan Wei has had his new mobile phone for only three months, but now his father has taken itaway
He"s been asking me for a mobile for years because all his friends have got one," explained Tan Wei"s father. "I finally bought one for his birthday because he"s been doing so well at school, but he and his friends are crazy about sending text messages They do it all the time. "
Tan Wei said, "I thoughttexting was much cheaper than phoning, so I"ve been texting my friends all day long and even into the early hours of the morning, Sometimes my Angers hurt because I pressed the buttons(按键)so much, but I was having such good fun that l couldn’t I stop!”
His father said, “I am angry with the phone company as they are encouraging this crazy behaviour." He has made his son promise to pay back the money, so Tan Wei has been working on Saturdays He has found a pan-time job in a shoe shop "I think it will take me about hall a year to clear this debt(债务)he said.
小题1:Tan Wei got the mobile phone because_____
A he"s been asking for it for years
B. all his friends have got one
C he"s been doing well at school
小题2:The underlined word "texting" probably means_____
A,读课文 B. 短信 C. 发邮件
小题3:When he sent text messages, Tan Wei_______ .
A, made friends at school  B. got himself injured   
C .felt quite happy
小题4: How much money does Tan Wei get for his job every month?
A. About 40 yuan  B. About 60 yuan  C. About 80 yuan
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Survey about What Students Do in the Summer Vacation
The students
The things they do in the summer vacation
Study in some training schools
Got together with classmates
Play computer games
Do chores at home
小题1: Most students____-in the summer vacation
A. learn some subjects  B play computer games  C do chores at home
小题2: According to the survey, what the students like to do best is____.
A. Study in the training school
B. get together with their classmates
C. do chores at home
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On the night of May 9, 2011, musician Gao Xiaosong ran his car into three other cars in Beijing.
But it wasn’t just a car accident—he was drunk(喝醉的).
Now, Gao has to go to prison (监狱) for six months and pay a 4,000 yuan fine.
Gao is the first star to be punished under China’s new drunk driving law.
From May 1 on, drunk drivers will pay a fine, and be banned from driving for five years or even forever.
Drunk driving has become a serious social problem in China.
According to the Ministry of Public Security (公安部), police caught more than half a million drunk drivers last year, a 68 % increase from 2009.
The new law sees drunk driving as a crime.
In the West, drunk driving is also a crime.
In the US, for example, if the police catch a drunk driver, the driver will pay a fine, lose his or her license (驾照) and even go to prison. If the driver wants to drive again, he or she must do
public service, and take part in educational programs.
You may think: drunk driving is a crime? Isn’t this law too unkind? But experts say: not at all.
“It is to protect people’s rights to life and health,” Li Gang, lawyer in Chengdu, told China Daily. “Drunk driving is very dangerous. No matter what the results are, it should not be allowed.”
小题1: Mr. Gao ran his car into three other cars because _________.
A. he went home too late
B. he drank too much wine
C. the road was too crowded
小题2: What does the underlined word “fine” in the third paragraph refer to(指)?
A. Health.    B. Weather.    C. Money.
小题3:When did the new law come into use?
A. May 1, 2010.      B. May 1, 2011.     C. May 9, 2011.
小题4:What do experts think of the new law?
A. Drunk driving is a crime.
B. The law is not kind to drunk drivers.
C. Driving has become a serious problem.
小题5: Which of the following sentence is TRUE?
A. Li Gang from Chengdu doesn’t like the law.  
B. In the US, drunk drivers will only lose their licenses.
C. There were more drunk drivers in 2010 than in 2009.
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Earthquake safety tips
On April 14,2010, a big earthquake hit Yushu,Qinghai.Over,2,000 people died. Many people were hurt. Why are there earthquakes?
The surface of the Earth has many pieces. These pieces are always moving. When two pieces move past each other, there is an earthquake.
Scientist are working hard to find out more about earthquakes. They try to predict(预测) them, but it’s very hard.
Do you   know how to get ready for an earthquake? Do you know what to do during an earthquake? Here are some things you should know.
What to do before an earthquake
Make sure you have two bottles of water, a packet of biscuits(饼干),a clean towel(毛巾),a few band-aids(创口贴),a radio and a flashlight(电筒) at home.
What to do during an earthquake
If you are inside:
★    Stay where you are. Quickly move under a strong desk, or along a wall. This will protect you from falling things.
★    Don’t stand near windows.
★    Turn off the lights.
★    Don’t get into a lift during an earthquake. If your are in a lift, get out as quickly as possible.
If you are outside:
★    Don’t stand near buildings. Things may fall on you.
★    Lie on the ground until the shaking stops.
小题1:An earthquake hit Yushu _______.
A.on April 12,2010B.on April 14,2010C.on May 14,2010D.on May 12,2010
小题2:You need ________ at home before an earthquake.
A.some water and biscuitsB.a clean towel and a few band-aids
C.a radio and a flashlightD.all of the things above
小题3:You must protect yourself in an earthquake by ________.
A.keeping you from falling thingsB.turning on the lights
C.standing near the windowD.getting into a lift
小题4:The reason why an earthquake happens is that __________.
A.the surface of the earth is thin
B.the pieces of the surface are moving slowly
C.two pieces of the surface move past each other
D.there are too many people on the earth
小题5:Which is TRUE according to the passage when you are outside in an earthquake?
A. You can play under a big tree.
B. You can’t stand near the buildings.
C. You can lie on the ground until the shaking stops.
D. Both B and C.
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True or False(判断下列句子是否符合短文内容, 符合的用”T”表示,不符合的用”F”表示) : ( 7分)
Biggie Burger, a new fast food restaurant, will soon be opened in the town. A large group of kids and parents were holding signs shouting outside it yesterday. They were there because hey didn"t want the restaurant to open. Never!
“This kind of food is really bad for us!” said Diana,” It’s high in salt, fat, and sugar. it’s unhealthy and we are going to say ’no’ to it!”
“Our town has been a quiet place. Restaurants like this bring people and also a lot of trouble to this area,” said Barbara.” And I’m afraid they will take business away form our local restaurants.”
Other local people disagree .The officials believe that Biggie Burger will bring in huge amounts of money to help improve the town. And 17-year-old Sandy can’t wait for Biggie Burger to open.” I love their hamburgers and fried chicken wings! And I can get a job there.”
Sandy’s dad, a cleaner, agrees,” Biggie Burger’s prices are just right for a family like ours.”
Michael, who owns a toy shop next door to Biggie Burger, is excited, too.” Maybe people who come for a Biggie Burger will spend a few minutes in my store and pick up something.”
The town will hole a meeting on Thursday to hear sides. Everyone is welcome to attend it. Come and voice your opinion!
小题1:Biggie Burger was opened yesterday and many people were there.
小题2: Diana thinks that the food in Biggie Burger is too expensive.
小题3:Barbara is afraid that fewer people will come to the local restaurants.
小题4:Sandy has found a job in Biggie Burger and loves food there.
小题5: Cleaners like Sandy’s dad in the town can afford the food in Biggie Burger.
小题6: Michael welcomes the opening of Biggie Burger.
小题7:The town doesn’t care about people’s opinions when making a decision.
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