To learn a foreign language well, you need to spend a lot of time on it. The __

To learn a foreign language well, you need to spend a lot of time on it. The __


To learn a foreign language well, you need to spend a lot of time on it. The ___46___ time you spend on the language, the faster you will learn. This does not ___47___ sitting in class looking out of the window, nor listening to other students who do not speak well. This means spending time enjoyably on the ___48___ you are learning.
Listen to the language you are learning on your MP3 player. Read ___49___ you are listening to. Listen to and read things that you like, things that you can mostly ___50___, or even partly understand. One hour of listening or reading is more effective(有效率)than many hours of class time. If you ___51___ listening and reading, you will improve yourself.
Build up your vocabulary lists, which you’ll need lots of. Start to notice words and how they come ___52___ as phrases. Learn these words and phrases ___53___ listening and reading. Read online, using online dictionaries, and make your own vocabulary lists. Do not ___54___ for someone else to show you the language, nor to tell you what to do, and you should discover the language by yourself, like a child growing up. Talk when you feel like it. ___55___ when you feel like. You are learning and improving. The language will become clearer in your mind. Just make sure you spend enough time on the language.
A.finishB.stop C.rememberD.keep



试题分析: 本文主要介绍了如何学习英语。学习英语的策略和方法。
小题2:此题考查固定短语mean doing sth表示意味做某事。根据下文内容提示可知,花费的时间多并不是意味着在上课的时候向窗外看,也并不意味着和那些英语说得不好的人进行交流,故选A。
小题5:此题考查动词,根据下文partly understand的提示可知选择C表示大部分理解。
小题6:此题考查固定短语keep doing sth表示坚持做某事。
小题7:此题考查固定短语come together表示聚集在一起。也可表示组成
小题9:此题考查动词短语wait for表示等待或等候。

Sales of laptop computers passed desktops in the U.S. for the first time ever this fall, according to market-research firm IDC. That"s bad news for backs, necks and shoulders.
Laptops are bad for our body. When you work at a computer, the keyboard should be at elbow height and the monitor should be roughly at eye level, so you can sit well in a chair. But most users simply set their laptops on a desk or table. The keyboard is too high, which makes your arms reach up, your shoulders feel tired and your wrists bend down. The monitor is too low, which pulls your head and neck forward and down and your back may feel hurt.
That"s OK if you use your laptop for a short time. But if you use one for hours without stopping – as do millions of college students, business travelers, telecommuters, video-gamers and growing numbers of office workers – your body may feel hurt. Ergonomics experts have warned about laptop problems for years. But people still like laptops better than the desktops. And they use laptops anywhere – in bed, on the floor – in all kinds of positions.
“How can a mouse or a keyboard hurt you?” says Thomas Caffrey, the founder of Myofactors LLC, “Wrong positions can be bad for your body. As time goes by, a wrong position can lead to pain in the neck, shoulders, back and arms, as well as headaches.”
小题1:When you work at a computer, the keyboard should be ________. elbow eye height
C.on a deskD.on a table
小题2:The writer asks us not to use the laptop ________.
A.for a short time play video games
C.for hours without stopping buy things on the Internet
小题3:From the passage, we know that laptop computers ________.
A.are not so popular as the desktops
B.are more popular than the desktops
C.are not bad for our body
D.have no mouse now
小题4:Using a laptop in a wrong position may make ________.
A.people’s sight lowerB.people have cancer
C.people’s arm longerD.people feel pain in the body
小题5:According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
A.When you use a laptop, you should put your monitor at eye height.
B.Laptop computers sold more than desktops this autumn.
C.To keep healthy, you should use laptop computers.
D.Business travelers often use the laptop computers for a long time.

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The rapid growth of Smartphones and electronic tablets(平板电脑)is making the Internet favourite for Americans reading news, a report said.
News consumption online increased 17% last year from the year before. Television news, newspapers, radio and magazines all lost audience last year. For the first time, the number of people who get news online at least three times a week is larger than the number of people who get news from the newspapers. TV news has been the most popular since the 1960s. It has replaced the afternoon newspapers. But now the online news seems to be more popular than the TV news.
People are used to having the Internet available on phones or small tablets. In December, 2010, 41% of Americans said they got most of their news on the Internet, more than double the 17% who said that a year earlier, the report said. In January, 2011, 7% of Americans owned electronic tablets, nearly double what it was three months earlier. It was the fastest-growing new digital technology, ahead of mobile phones when they were introduced. The online ad income was expected to surpass(超过)print newspaper ad income for the first time in 2010.
The news business used to be the intermediary(中介). You needed newspapers and TV stations to reach your customers. In this age of the computer, it’s the software developers that you need.
小题1:Americans like getting news from ________ best today.
A.TV news
B.the Internet
小题2:About ________ % of Americans got most of their news on the Internet in 2009.
小题3:Which of the following media has more readers?
① TV news        ② the Internet        ③ the afternoon newspapers
小题4:About 3.5% of Americans had electronic tablets in ________.
A.October, 2010
B.December, 2010
C.February, 2011
D.March, 2011
小题5:The news business depends on ________ today.
A.the reporters
B.the readers
C.the newspaper sellers
D.the software developers

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Do you like drinking Coke? As a symbol of American culture, Coca-Cola is liked by many people, especially young people all around the world. But from now on, perhaps it will be hard for students in the US to get it on campus. A new agreement will end almost all sales of high-sugar fizzy drinks in US schools. The agreement allows only unsweetened juice, low-fat milk and water in primary and middle school vending machines(自动售货机)and cafeterias. Former American president Bill Clinton helped the American Heart Association and the beverage industry(饮料业) to come up with the agreement. He suffered from a weight problem and has had a heart operation since leaving the White House. He takes the agreement as “a bold step forward in the struggle to help 35 million young people lead healthier lives”.
Rising childhood obesity(肥胖)has become a big problem in America. A federal report noted that obesity has tripled among teenagers in the past 25 years. It called for new limits on the marketing of junk food to children. Soda is a particular target because of its caloric content and popularity among children.
Britain has already taken similar steps to fight obesity. A recent study shows that people in the UK are much healthier than the people in the US. However, it’s better late than never. Now American schools are trying to make new rules to guide the students to choose healthy drinks. American schools say goodbye to Coca-Cola.
小题1:What kind of beverage is NOT allowed to sell on campus?
A.High-sugar fizzy drinks.B.Unsweetened juice.
C.Low-fat milk.D.Water.
小题2:What does the underlined word “tripled” in the second paragraph mean?
A.Became as much.B.Became twice as much.
C.Became three times as much.D.Became four times as much.
小题3:What is the writer’s attitude(态度)towards limits on junk food?
小题4:Which of the following statements is WRONG?
A.Coca-Cola causes students’ obesity.
B.Coca-Cola makes people unhealthier.
C.Coca-Cola isn’t very popular in the world.
D.Coca-Cola is bad for our body.
小题5:Which is the best title of the passage?
A.Say “Goodbye” to Coca-Cola
B.The Junk Coca-Cola
C.Coca-Cola in China
D.Coca-Cola in the World

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Have you ever stayed in a hotel ? Most Chinese hotels often provide guests with things like disposable(一次性的) toothbrushes , toothpaste , shampoo, and slippers. Many guests like the idea because they don’t have to bring their own . But , if you travel to Beijing , remember to bring your own things. Starting from now on , some hotels in Beijing will no longer provide guests with these disposables. They want to ask people to use less disposable things.
Many disposable things are made of plastic. People throw them away after only using them once. It is a waste of natural resources and is very bad for the environment . Do you know , one Chinese person makes as much as 400Kg of waste a year! Most of that waste comes from disposable things. In Beijing , people throw away about 19,000 tons of plastic bags and 1,320 tons of plastic lunch bowls every year! Plastic can take between 100 and 400 years to break down. So the less plastic we throw out, the better. So, wherever you travel , bring your own things and use them again and again .
Back at home and school, you can also do something to make our world a better place .Try to do these things in your daily life: Use cloth shopping bags , not plastic ones. After using a plastic bag , wash it out and let it dry. Then you can use it over and over again. Do not use paper cups. At your school canteen(食堂), use your own bowl and chopsticks instead of disposable ones.
小题1:Why do many hotels provide guests with some disposable things ?
A.Let their guests be convenient during their travelling .
B.Hope their guests use less disposable things.
C.Wish their guests to save money.
D.Want their guests to use more disposable things .
小题2:From the passage we learn that some Beijing hotels will no longer provide guests with __________________. food and drinkB.disposable thingsC.good TV programs
小题3:Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage ?
A.Many disposable things are made of plastic.
B.Throwing disposable things away is a waste of natural resources .
C.Plastic is very bad for the environment .
D.Plastic can be broken down easily.
小题4:What can we do to make our world a better place at home and school ?
A.Use shopping bags made of plastic
B.Use disposable plates , bowls and chopsticks .
C.Do not throw away paper cups.
D.Do not forget to reuse daily necessities (必需品).
小题5:We can learn from the passage that _________________________________.
A.people don"t like disposable things at all.
B.we can"t use paper or plastic bowls at school
C.We should use less plastic things and protect our environment won’t provide disposable things because they want to save money

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Doctor Seuss was born in 1904. By the middle 1950s, he had become one of the best-loved and most successful children"s book writers in the world. His books are very popular with young readers. They enjoy the invented words and the pictures of unusual funny animals and plants.
In 1954, life magazine published a report about school children who could not read well. The report said many children"s books were not interesting. Doctor Seuss strongly hoped to help children and decided to write books that were interesting and easy to read. He used words with the same ending sound, like fish and wish. He did not receive training in art. Yet, he drew the pictures for most of his books.
In 1957, Dr. Seuss wrote The Cat in the Hat. He used less than 230 words to write the book and even a six-year-old should be able to read it. It was a fun story and easy to read. Children loved it. Their parents loved it, too. Today it is still one of the stories they like best. The success of The Cat in the Hat made him want to write more books for children. In 1960, he wrote a book using less than fifty words. The book is called Green Eggs and Ham.
In 1984, Doctor Seuss won a Pulitzer Prize. He was honored for the education and enjoyment his books provided American children and their parents.
He died at the age of 87, but his influence remains. Millions of his books have been sold worldwide. People say his books helped change the way American children learned to read. Yet, his books are loved by people of all ages. Doctor Seuss once said, "I do not write for children. I write for people.
小题1:Doctor Seuss learned from the magazine that _______.
A.some school children could not read well
B.many children"s books were interesting
C.children wanted to learn to write
D.a writer for children was wanted
小题2: People like his books because the books ______.
A.are cheap and easy to get
B.were written in different languages
C.are easy and interesting to read
D.were written with invented words
小题3:He wrote the book The Cat in the Hat at the age of _____.
小题4:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Doctor Seuss wrote Green Eggs and Ham with over 230 words.
B.Doctor Seuss wrote books only for children in the United States.
C.The Cat in the Hat was written only for six-year-old children.
D.His books provided education and enjoyment for Americans.
小题5: From the text we know that Doctor Seuss __________.
A.won a Pulitzer Prize soon after his death
B.sold millions of his books himself worldwide
C.changed American children"s way of reading
D.wrote the largest number of books in the world

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