完形填空。     For most people, the word“fashion”  means “clothes”. But people may as

完形填空。     For most people, the word“fashion”  means “clothes”. But people may as

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     For most people, the word“fashion”  means “clothes”. But people may ask the question, “What    1       are in fashion?” And they use the adjective“fashionable” in the same way:  “She was wearing a     2     coat. ” His shin was really a fashionable color. 
      But of course there are fashions    3   many things, not only in clothes. There are fashions in holidays, in restaurants, in films and books. There are    4     fashions in school subjects, job and in languages. Fashions     5     as time goes.     6    you look at pictures of people or things from the past, you will see that fashions have always changed. An English house of 1750  was different -7 0ne of 1650. A fashionable man in 1780 looked very different from his grandson in 1850.
     Today fashions change very quickly.  We  hear  about things        8       more quickly than in the past.
Newspapers, radios, telephones and televisions send information from one country 9     another in a few
hours. New fashions mean that people will 10        new things, so you see there is money in fashion.
(     ) 1. A. color  
(     ) 2. A. nice    
(     ) 3. A. at      
(     ) 4. A. even    
(     ) 5. A. change  
(     ) 6. A. Where  
(     ) 7. A. on      
(     ) 8. A. very    
(     ) 9. A. in      
(     ) 10.A. buy    
B. clothes    
B. beautiful  
B. by        
B. just      
B. changes    
B. When      
B. for        
B. much      
B. by        
B. sell      
C. food        
C. expensive    
C. in          
C. only        
C. are changed  
C. If          
C. with        
C. too          
C. to          
C. get          
D. money          
D. fashionable    
D. with            
D. already        
D. changed        
D. As              
D. from            
D. quite          
D. with            
D. use            
1~5 BDCAA  6 ~10CDBCA
     Before you go to another country, it"s great helpful if  you know the language and some of  the
customs of  that country.
     When people meet each other for the first time in Britain,  they say" Hello" or " Nice to meet you"
and shake hands. Usually they don"t shake hands when they just meet or say goodbye. But they shake
hands after they haven"t met for a long time or when they"ll be away from each other for a long time.
     Last year a group of German students went to English for a holiday. Their teacher told them the
English people hardly shake hands. So when they met their English friends at the station, they kept their
hands behind their backs. The English students had learned that the Germans shake hands as often as
possible, so they put their hands in front and got ready to shake hands with them. It made both of them
1. If  you want to travel, it"s             _ for you to know the language and some of the customs of the
    country you"re going to visit.
A. not useful            
B. not helpful            
C. very helpful
2. English people usually shake hands when they _             .
A. meet every time  
B. meet for the first time  
C. say goodbye to each other
3. Usually English people don"t shake hands ________.
A. when they"ll be away for a long time
B. when they just meet or say goodbye
C. after they haven"t met for a long time
4. Which of the following is not true?
A. The Germans shake hands as often as possible
B. The English people hardly shake hands
C. The Germans hardly shake hands
5. This story is about                 .
A. languages            
B. customs              
C. bowing
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题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案


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     The Spring Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. We Chinese call it "Nian". But do you know that Nian was once the name of a monster(妖怪) ?
     A long time ago, the monster Nian   1     in the mountains. It mainly ate animals which were      2    than
itself. But in winter, the animals stayed in the holes and        3       went out. It was difficult  for Nian to find
something to eat. So it came to villages and ate a lot of people. People were so        4     of Nian that they
locked their doors before evening came during winter. One day, an  old man  came to   the village. He told people there that Nian was afraid of    5   things the color red, fire and noise. He told people to play drums and gongs, make big fires and set off fireworks to make Nian   6   .
       7   a moonless, cold night, Nian went to the village again. As soon as opened its mouth, people made
too much loud   8   and made fire. Nian was really afraid and ran away. Wherever it went, there was noise and fire. When Nian was tired and couldn"t run any more, people killed it.
     After that, on  the  coldest  day  of  winter,   people beat  drums and gongs,  and  set off  fireworks to
celebrate the     9       of the monster Nian. They   10   red lanterns and have a big dinner without sleeping during the night. In the morning people greet each other happily. So now we have the Spring Festival.
     If you can speak English, you know a lot of English words.  You can read, speak and understand, But
there is another kind of language you need to know, the language of the body.
     All over the world, people "talk" with their hands, heads and eyes. When Japanese people meet, they
bow. When Indians meet, they put their hands together. What do American and British people do?
     Americans are more informal(非正式的) than the British.They like to be friendly. They use first names, they ask  questions  and  they talk easily about themselves.  When they sit down,  they like to relax in their
chairs and make themselves comfortable.
     British people are more reserved.  They take more time to make friends.  They like to know you before they ask you something of your home. When British and American people meet someone for the first time, they shake hands.  They do not usually shake hands with people they know well.  Women sometimes kiss
their women friends,  and men kiss women friends.   When a man meets a man friend,   he just smiles, and
says "hello". Men do not kiss each other or shake hands.Even father and sons do not often kiss each other.
1. People can communicate with each other using _       .      
A. only words      
B. only body language.
C. only the English language
D. not only words but also body language
2. We can learn from the passage that __________.    
A. handshake and kiss can not be used in greeting
B. people can "talk" with their hands, heads and eyes
C. only a few people use people use body language.
D. body language is more often used by people than words
3. British people take more time to make friends because _________         
A. they are quite conservation
B. they don"t like people to go to their homes
C. they are not as friendly as the Americans
D. they find it more interesting to stay alone
4. When Indians meet, they __________.
A. kiss each other
B. bow to each other
C. put their hands together
D. just smile
5. In the U. S. A. and Britain ___________.
A. men always kiss their men friends when they meet
B. people would like to shake whenever they meet their friends
C. women are likely to kiss each while men aren"t.
D. father and sons often kiss each other
     J__1__ 1st is New Year"s Day. Women"s Day (三八节) is on March 8th. The f __2__ day of May is
  May Day. China"s Youth (青年) Day comes a __3__  it. It"s on the t __4__ day after May Day.
 C__5__  Day is on June 1st. July 1st is our Party"s birthday. August 1st is the Army(军队) Day.
 T__6__ Day is on the t __7__ of September and O __8__ 1st is our National Day  (国庆节). Then we
  come to C__9__ Day. It"s December 25th. Then we have winter (冬天) h __10__  in February. We
 have a lot of fun on these days.
     J___1_____ 1st is New Year"s Day. Women"s Day (三八节) is on March 8th. The f___2_____ day of May is May Day. China"s Youth(青年) Day comes a__3______it. It"s on the t___4___day after May Day. C____5__ Day is on June 1st. July 1st is our Party"s birthday. August 1st is the Army(军队) Day.
T______6__ Day is on the t______7__ of September and O__8______1st is our National Day (国庆节). Then we come to C_____9___ Day. It"s December 25th. Then we have winter(冬天) h____10____ in February. We have a lot of fun on these days.