阅读理解。     One cool April 22 morning, people started the day as usual. Yet it was

阅读理解。     One cool April 22 morning, people started the day as usual. Yet it was

阅读理解。     One cool April 22 morning, people started the day as usual. Yet it was not a normal day. What"s so
special about April 22? The answer is simple. It is Earth Day. People all over the world celebrated this
important day. The idea of having a special day to celebrate Earth began in the 1960s. Life was very
different then. Few people talked or even thought about the environment. Most people had no idea how
dirty our air and water were.
     On ApriI22, 1970, twenty million Americans joined the first Earth Day activities. They showed that
people really did want to do something about the environment. Since then laws have been passed to
protect the air, water, land, and animals.
     The vehicles such as cars and buses you ride in must pass tests to make sure they don"t cause too
much pollution. Thanks to this law, cars today release ( 排放 ) about half as many bad chemicals as
cars did back in 1970. As a result, the air we breathe is cleaner than it once was.
Rivers and lakes are cleaner today than they were in the 1970s. It"s a good thing because they needed
a lot of help. The Cuyahoga River in Ohio was so polluted that rubbish and oil the river even caught fire!
Today, the river is cleaner. It no longer burns. It"s healthy enough for birds, fish, and other animals.
Now the celebration has spread (  传播 ) to other countries. More than 175 countries take part each
     In 2007 ,  People in China paid much attention to a big problem.  People were throwing away 27
million plastic bags a day! People had "Bye-Bye Throwaway Culture Week." They wanted everyone to
see how polluted it was to throw away so many plastic bags. In 2008, China passed new laws against
     Every April22, millions get together to clean and protect Earth. They also celebrate how far we have
come. Our job is to put this knowledge to work. You can help keep our planet healthy too!根据短文内容回答下列各题。
1. Is Earth Day on April 22?
2. What caught fire on the Cuyahoga River?
3. How many countries take part in the celebration each year now?
4. Why did Chinese people have "Bye-Bye Throwaway Culture Week"?
5. What are the purposes (目的) of celebrating the Earth Day?
1. Yes, it is.  
2. Rubbish and oil.    
3. More than 175.
4. Because they want everyone to stop throwing away plastic bags.  
5. To help more people to realize the importance of protecting the earth and encourage people to take
1. In Japan, you are NOT supposed to _________.  
A. eat with chopsticks
B. make a noise when you eat noodles
C. pick up your bowl
D. point at anyone with your chopsticks  
2. The capital of Australia is _________. People in Australia speak _________.  
A. Sydney; English
B. Canberra; English
C. Vienna; French
D. Ottawa; English and French 6
3. What’s the mascot (吉祥物) of the 2012 Olympic Games in London

4. The given name of Justin Walker Kaley is _________.  
A. Kaley
B. Walker
C. Justin
D. Justin Walker
5. The next Asian Games will be held in _________ in 2014.   
A. China
B. Japan
C. South Korea
D. India
6. If you cut yourself by accident, you’d better_________ first.  
A. take some medicine
B. cover the cut with a clean cloth
C. call the hospital
D. put the cut under cold running water
题型:湖北省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
任务型阅读     We often make a handshake in business and in life in China.It often takes place when you meet
someone new and when you leave a party or a meeting.
     People are supposed to shake hands in many countries.But every country has its own custom of
shaking hands, so you need to know something about another country"s handshaking custom before you
visit it.
     Here are some of the most usual handshaking customs around the world:
★In England you shake hands whenever you meet someone, even if you know them well.
★Russians shake hands often.However, they never shake hands while wearing gloves.
★A strong handshake and holding hands closely are signs of welcome in South Africa.
★Men in Arabian cultures prefer a long handshake.At the same time, they will say a few words to
greet the other person.
★The French always shake hands in business meetings.In social situations, they kiss each other on the
★People in India and Pakistan shake hands by holding your hand in both their hands.
     It is considered impolite to refuse to shake hands with someone.But don"t worry if someone refuses
to shake hands with you, because there may be some special reasons.For example, maybe they have a
cold or don"t feel very well.A person that is unable to shake hands should always say sorry and explain
for it so that the other person does not feel unhappy.1. 判断正误(T表示正确,F表示错误)
(     ). People are supposed to shake hands in many countries.
2. Russians never shake hands while _________________________________________.
3. In social situations what are the French supposed to do when they meet people?
4. Who prefer shaking hands by holding your hand in both their hands?
5. 将文中划线句子译成汉语。       
题型:河北省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     As we know, there are differences between western culture and Chinese culture. We can see 
differences when we pay attention to the words that are used. Let"s look at the words about describing
animals. Most phrases in Chinese about the dog. For example, "a homeless dog", "a running dog", and
"a dog catching a mouse", have negative meanings.
     But in western countries, dogs are considered honest and good friends of humans. In English, people
use dogs to describe positive behavior. For example, "You are lucky dog" means you are a lucky person.   And "Every dog has its day" means _____. To describe a person"s serious illness, they say "sick as a dog". The word "dog-tired" means "very tired". The words about animals are used in positive or negative ways
in different cultures. We can learn about many differences in cultures by comparing how certain words
are used.1. The correct Chinese meaning about "a homeless dog" is "_____".
A. 猎犬
B. 看门狗
C. 丧家犬
D. 家养犬
2. In English ,people use dogs to describe positive behavior because _____.
A. they have different culture
B. they think dogs are honest and good friends of humans
C. they like dogs very much
D. dogs are very active
3. Which sentence is right to fill in the blank in the passage?
A. every dog will die one day.
B. each person has bad luck at times.
C. each person has good luck at times.
D. every dog has good luck at times.
4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. In English people use the dog to describe positive behavior.
B. Most phrases in Chinese about the dog have negative meaning.
C. We should pay attention to the words about animals that are used.
D. "Sick as a dog" is used to describe a healthy person in western countries.
5. What "s the best title of the passage?
A. Dogs.
B. Western Culture.
C. Chinese Culture.
D. Different Countries Have Different Culture.
题型:山东省月考题难度:| 查看答案
阅读表达。Dear Laura,
     Thanks for your message. Yes, I"m having  a great time on my exchange program in France. It"s even  
better than I thought it would be. I was a bit nervous before I arrived  here, but there was no reason to be.
My host family is really nice. They go out of their way to make me feel at home. And you wouldn"t believe
how quickly my French has improved! I"m very comfortable speaking French now. Although I still make
lots of mistakes, it doesn"t bother me like it used to. My biggest challenge is learning how to behave at the
dinner table. As you can imagine, things are really different from the way they are at home. For example,
you"re not supposed to put your bread on your plate. You"re supposed to put it on the table! I thought
that was pretty strange at first, but now I"m used to it. You"re not supposed to eat anything with your hands
except bread, not even fruit! (You have to cut it up and eat it with a fork). Another thing is that it is very
rude to say you"re full. If you don"t want any more food, you should just say, "It was delicious." Also, it"s
rude to put your hands in your lap. You should always keep your hands, but not your elbows, on the table.
I have to say, I find it difficult to remember everything, but I"m gradually getting used to things and don"t
find them so strange any more. I"ll write soon and tell you more about life in France. Hope you"re having a
good school year.
                                                                                                              Wang Kun1. How was Wang Kun before she arrived in France?
2. Why did she have no reason to be nervous?
3. How has her French improved?
4. What is one particular challenge she is facing?
5. What does she find surprising?
题型:山东省月考题难度:| 查看答案
根据所掌握的文化或背景知识,选择正确答案。1. 你丢了a dictionary,应该写一个           .
A. Found        
B. Lost          
C. Thanks        
D. Wanted
2. 当你向他人寻求帮助时,要先有礼貌地说           . 当别人给予了帮助,你要表示感谢,       用_____ 来表达.
A. Excuse me, Excuse me              
B. Thank you, Excuse me
C. Excuse me, Thank you              
D. Thank you, Thank you
3. 下午见到了韩梅,你向她问好,应该说           .
A. Good morning                    
B. Good afternoon, Han Mei
C. Good evening                      
D. How are you, Han Mei
4. 在英语的26个字母中,有5个元音字母,它们按字母表排列顺序正确的是           .
A. b g e u w      
B. a e i y u        
C. a e i o u        
D. e i n o u
5. 你喜欢打篮球吗?下列哪个组合代表美国篮球协会?
A. CBA          
B. BBC          
C. UFO          
题型:湖北省期中题难度:| 查看答案


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