阅读理解。     Some people believe that genes and intelligence (基因和智力) decide a stude

阅读理解。     Some people believe that genes and intelligence (基因和智力) decide a stude

阅读理解。     Some people believe that genes and intelligence (基因和智力) decide a student"s success. But there
 is no study to support this opinion, and in fact, it is wrong. Students"success or failure (失败) is finally
decided by one simple thing: how they learn. Some students are lucky when they find ways that arehelpful
for them to study. But not all students are so lucky. Some students still learn in wrong ways. Dr. James
J. Asher developed "Total Physical Response" as a way to teach languages. Studies at San Jose State
University showed that students who moved their bodies while learning English learned more words and
grammar in a short time. Those who sat still and didn"t move learned less. After a year, the students who
learned by moving their bodies still remembered 80% or more of what they had learned, while the others
forgot over 80%. So you should make sure that you keep moving when you learn English. As you listen
to a story or an article, mime (模拟) the action. For example, if you hear the word "go", move yourfeet.
Pretend you are acting out the story or the article that you are listening to. By doing this, you will be able
to learn English better, remember it longer and use it more easily.
根据短文内容,补全表格中所缺的信息。How to Study
     In the writer"s opinion, what decides students"success or failure? Their    1   .Why did Dr. James
J. Asher develop "Total Physical Response"? To    2   .Who studied better according to the studies? The
students who    3    while learning. What was the performance (表现) of the students who kept still while
learning? They    4    of what they had learned. What"s the writer"s suggestion for the way of studying?
To    5    while learning.
1. ways of learning / ways to learn 
2. teach languages
3. moved their bodies 
4. forgot over 80%
5. keep moving
根据短文内容选择正确答案。     Llamas (美洲驼) are four-legged animals that live in the mountains of South America. The people that
live in these mountains have used llamas for thousands of years. Llamas are useful in many ways. Male (雄
性的) llamas carry heavy bags up and down the mountains. An adult male llama can carry things which are
as heavy as 100 pounds (磅) for 12 hours at a time. Female (雌性的) llamas provide milk for the local
people. Llamas are sturdy animals. They can go for days without drinking water. They can stay alive for a
long time because they get enough water from the plants they eat.1. Male llamas are animals that _____.A. can provide lots of milk
B. mainly live in South Africa
C. can carry heavy things
D. don"t like to be with people2. In this passage, the word "sturdy" means "_____" in Chinese.A. 弱小的
B. 好笑的
C. 顽强的
D. 固执的3. What is the main idea of this passage?A. Llamas are very useful animals.
B. It is easy to take care of llamas.
C. People can drink llamas"milk.
D. Llamas are as clever as men. 4. The readers can know from the passage that an adult male llama is _____.A. strong
B. clean
C. friendly
D. fast5. Llamas can go for days without drinking water because _____.A. they don"t like drinking water
B. they eat very little
C. they eat plants that have lots of water
D. they don"t need much water
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     We have three players today. Each of them will tell us about himself. Let"s welcome them.
     Earth(地球):I am the third planet (行星) from the sun. I have one moon (卫星). I have many
mountains. I give a home to lots of plants and animals. I have much water on me.
     Mars(火星):I am the fourth planet from the sun. I am a planet with high mountains. I have two
small moons. People call them Phobos and Deimos. I have a very high mountain. People call it
Olympus Mons.
     Mercury(水星):Well, I am the nearest planet to the sun. I am also the second smallest planet.
I don"t have any moons. I am the fastest (最快的) of all the planets when I go around the sun. It
only takes me 88 earth days (One earth day is 24 hours). 1. The underlined word "them" in the first paragraph refers to (指的是) _______.A. the three planets        
B. moons
C. 88 earth days            
D. mountains 2. Earth is different from other planets in that_______.A. it has a moon          
B. it has much water on it
C. it"s the only planet of the sun
D. it"s the only planet with mountains3. According to the passage, where can we see the high mountain -Olympus Mons?A. On the sun.          
B. On Mars.
C. On the earth.        
D. On Mercury. 4. How long does it take Mercury to go around the sun?A. 24 hours.        
B. 88 hours.
C. 408 hours.        
D. 2112 hours.5. What can we NOT learn from the passage?A. Mercury has no moons.
B. Mercury is very near to the sun.
C. Mars goes around the earth.
D. Phobos and Deimos are moons of Mars.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。     Food is important. Everyone needs to    1    well if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our minds
also need a kind of food. This kind of food is    2   . We begin to get knowledge even when we are young.
Small children are    3   in everything around them. They learn    4    while they are watching and listening.
When they are getting older they begin to    5    story books, science books..., anything they like. When
they find something new, they have to ask questions and    6    to find out the answers. 
     What is the best    7   to get knowledge? If  we learn    8    ourselves, we will get the most knowledge.
If we are    9    getting answers from others and don"t ask  why, we will never learn more and understand
  10  .
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
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(     )1. A sleep        
(     )2. A sport        
(     )3. A interested  
(     )4. A everybody    
(     )5. A lend        
(     )6. A try          
(     )7. A place        
(     )8. A on          
(     )9. seldom (几乎不)
(     )10. A harder      
B. read      
B. exercise  
B. interesting
B. something  
B. write      
B. have      
B. school    
B. with      
B. always    
B. much      
C. drink    
C. knowledge
C. weak      
C. nothing  
C. learn    
C. think    
C. way      
C. to        
C. certainly
C. well      
D. eat        
D. meat        
D. good        
D. anything    
D. read        
D. wait        
D. road        
D. by          
D. sometimes  
D. better      
根据短文内容,  补全所缺的信息。(每空不超过三个词)
  This spring, the H1N1 virus (病毒) has been all over the news. The virus
spread (传播) from Mexico and people in the United States also got sick. The
virus has spread all around the world. It can make people very sick, and can
spread easily from one person to another. Some people have died from it. Most
people got better after having a fever and sore throat. Most people want to know:
Should I worry about the H1N1 flu virus or not? Medical scientists say instead of
worrying, wash your hands! Worry won’t keep you from getting the H1N1, but
washing your hands often can keep you healthy. A virus is a germ (细菌) and
germs are too small to be seen. Keeping your hands clean -and following other
good hygiene (卫生) habits like not sharing drinks and keeping your fingers out
of your mouth -can keep the germs on the outside. If you want to travel to Mexico
or other countries, pack a travel health case. The case should include a number of
basic medicines inside. Another way to stop the spread of the flu is for sick
people to stay home from school or work. Anyone who thinks he or she might
have the H1N1 virus should see a doctor as soon as possible. If someone has the
H1N1 virus, medicine can help the person get better.
Information about the H1N1 flu virus
How to deal with the H1N1 flu virus
●The H1N1 flu virus first appeared in Mexico. It can 1. _____ from one person
to another.
●Some people have died from it, but most people 2. _____ after having a fever
and sore throat.
●3. _____ instead of worrying.
●Keeping your hands clean can keep germs 4. _____.
●Pack a travel health case that should include a number of 5. _____.
     Paris has a beautiful name, the City of Lights. Do you know what it means? Many beautiful buildings
are lighted (照亮) at night. The streets are very bright. When you drive in Paris, you must not turn on
your headlights (汽车前灯) even after dark.
     Paris is full of life all day and all night. But this is not the only reason for its beautiful name. For
hundreds of years, Paris has been the centre (中心) of science (科学) and art (艺术).
     Many scientists (科学家) and artists (艺术家) have come to study here. For this reason also, people
call it the City of Lights.
1. Paris is the capital (首都)of _____.
A. America      
B. Japan        
C. France        
D. China
2. The streets are very bright at night because (因为) _____.
A. you turn on your headlights    
B. it"s in the day
C. many buildings are lighted      
D. it"s beautiful
3. The City of Lights means(意思是) _____.
A. the streets are very bright            
B. Paris is full of life all day and all night
C. Paris is the centre of science and art    
D. both B and C
4. Which of the following is right?
A. There are many cars in Paris.    
B. Paris is a beautiful name of a girl.
C. Paris is dark at night.          
D. Many people like coming to Paris.
5. What does"study"mean?
A. 写生        
B. 学习        
C. 打猎        
D. 发明