阅读理解。    Never try to work when you are very hungry. If you want to do your home

阅读理解。    Never try to work when you are very hungry. If you want to do your home

阅读理解。    Never try to work when you are very hungry. If you want to do your homework right after school, you
may want to eat something before getting to work. ①Always do your homework before you get too tired.
Don"t wait till very late in the evening, or your homework will seem much harder than it really is. If you
have more than an hour"s work, you should give yourself ②a break after an hour. On the other hand, ③you
should work at least half an hour at a time without stopping.

    Don"t put it off (推迟) until the last minute. If you put off doing your homework, you will have it on your
mind, and you won"t enjoy your free time so much. If you put it off until the end of a week or until right
before a test, you will have too much to do. A little each night, enough to keep up with (跟上) what is
happening each day in school, will take the fear out of tests and keep you on top of it.
    ④每天在同一个时间做作业. This will help you make it a habit. It will make part of your daily work
easier to do, and it will make your free time more enjoyable as well. 1. 改写①句且句意不变。________ you get too tired, you should ________ doing your homework.
2. ②处的a break意为 __________。 
    A. a sleep 
    B. a rest
    C. an idea
    D. a moment
3. 请将短文的③句翻译成中文。
4. 请将短文的④句翻译成英文。
5. According to the passage, when you have homework to do, you should _______. (可选多个答案).
    A. not put off doing your homework
    B. do your homework at the same time every day
    C. eat something to keep yourself not hungry
    D. have a short break after working for half an hour
1. If; stop
2. B
3. 你应该每次至少半小时不间断的学习。(答案不唯一)
4. Do your homework at the same time every day. (答案不唯一)
5. ABC
阅读理解。    PDAs are very useful. They are like small computers. You can put a lot of information into them. For
example, you can put in the telephone and e-mail addresses. Many people use PDAs to remember important
dates. Some of these super machines can even send and receive e-mails.
    PDAs are small and convenient. A few years ago, they were expensive. Now, they are cheap. Many
people use them at work and at school. People can carry PDAs in their pockets.
    But, it"s important to be careful. These little machines are easy to lose (丢失). People put such important
information into their PDAs. It"s really terrible to lose them. 1. What"s the main idea of the passage? [     ]
A. PDAs are like small computers.
B. You can do many things with a PDA.
C. PDAs are cheap.
D. Too many people use PDAs. 2. The passage does not say a PDA can ______.[     ]
A. send e-mails
B. remember information
C. talk to you
D. do some things like a computer 3. What do we learn about PDAs? [     ]
A. Students don"t like to use them.
B. All of them can send and receive e-mails.
C. They are very large.
D. They aren"t very expensive. 4. Losing a PDA is a ______ experience (经历). [     ]
A. great
B. fine
C. strange
D. bad 5. What kind of person would not use a PDA? [     ]
A. Someone who hates computers.
B. A student.
C. A person with a busy time table.
D. A business (商) person.
题型:期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。    Pandas are black-and-white Chinese bears. (1)These large pandas have a big head, a heavy body, rounded
ears, and a short tail.
   The Chinese people call the panda "Da Xiong Mao", which means" big bear cat" in Chinese. (2)This bear is
quite different from other bears. It has unusual cat-like eyes. (3)大熊猫的视力非常好.
   The largest pandas grow to be about 115 kg, about the weight of a large adult human. They are about 1.6
to 1.8 m long. Most pandas grow to be about 80cm tall and weigh about 80kg.
    Pandas eat about 18kg of food each day. Bamboo is their favourite. These bamboo plants only grow in a
few places. In zoos, pandas eat bamboo,carrots, apples and sweet potatoes.
    Pandas have 42 teeth. (4) Pandas have very thick fur that keeps them warm in cold weather. Their fur is
waterproof (防水的).
    Pandas only live in a few mountains in central (中心的) and western China, mainly in Sichuan, Shanxi,
and Gansu provinces.
    (5)有大约1000至1500只大熊猫生活在中国. There are about 120 pandas living in zoos in the world. 1. 将 (1) 处英语翻译成中文。
2. 将 (2) 处英语翻译成中文。
3. 将 (3) 处中文翻译成英语。
4. 将 (4) 处英语翻译成中文。 
5. 将 (5) 处中文翻译成英语。
题型:0110 期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。    Plants are very important living things. Life can"t go on living without plants.This is because plants can
make food from air, water and sunlight. Animals get their food from plants, animals and so on, so animals
and man need plants in order to live. This is why we find that there are so many plants around us. 1. The passage doesn"t tell us ______. [     ]
A. why there are so many plants around us
B. we can"t live without plants
C. how important plants are for man and animals
D. how many kinds of plants there are in the world 2. From the passage, we know that animals and man depend on plants; while plants depend on ______. [     ]
A. air, water and sunlight
B. animals and man
C. animals only
D. man 3. What will happen (发生) to man if there are no plants in the world? [     ]
A.They can go on living.
B.They can"t live.
C. They can eat animals.
D. We don"t know. 4. Man gets ______ from plants and animals.[     ]
A. air
B. water
C. sunlight
D. food 5. Which of the following is right? [     ]
A. Man will not be hungry without plants or animals.
B. Plants are food for animals.
C. Animals make food from air, water and sunlight.
D. Plants are not as important for us as air, water and sunlight.
题型:期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。    It"s good to share your feelings with others. No matter whether your feelings are good or not, it can
also help you to get closer to people who you care about and who care about you.
    But how to share your feelings? First, you should focus (定焦点) on your feelings. You can"t tell your
friends what"s inside your backpack if you don"t know what"s in it yourself. Feelings are the same way.
Before you share them with someone, you should know what feelings you have. You can make a list of
feelings in your head or by writing it out on a piece of paper or even by drawing pictures. What bothers
(烦扰) you? Does it make you sad or angry? Do you feel this emotion (情感) only once or many times?
When you do this, it might help you to remember something that happend and think about how it makes
you feel. Then you can say "I feel sad that my friend won"t play with me." or "I feel angry with my
    Do you know why you should talk about your feelings? If you always keep your feelings inside,
especially sadness, nervousness or anxiety (焦虑), it can even make you feel sick. But if you talk with
someone who cares about you, like your mom and dad, you"ll feel much better. Your parents want to
know what"s hapening in your life because they love you.  But if you don"t want to talk with them, please
talk with your friends. They will help you.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。
(     )1. Don"t share your feelings with others.
(     )2. Before you share your feelings with others, you should focus on your feelings.
(     )3. You can draw pictures about your feelings.
(     )4. If you always keep your feelings inside, you may feel sick.
(     )5. You can only share your feelings with your parents.
题型:期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。    In the United States, children between the ages of five and sixteen are required (要求) to attend school
(go to school). In Australia children between the ages of six and fifteen are required to attend school with
the exception of Tasmania. In Tasmania children attend school until the age of sixteen. Kindergarten is
required in the United States, but not in Australia.
    Australia"s four-term school year begins in February with a two-week holiday between terms. The fourth
and last term ends on December 20.The Christmas holiday is also with the end of school and the beginning
of the summer vacation (holidays). The students return to school in February. In the United States, children
have their summer vacation from June until August.
    Australia"s primary or elementary school includes grades one through to six. Secondary school consists
of grade seven through to twelve. All secondary students wear uniforms to school. Students in public
schools in the United States do not wear uniforms at school.
    Students in the United States eat a hot lunch at school. Australian students do not.
    In Australia large schools are found in cities along the coast. The small schools are located farther out in
the countryside. A teacher in the country may teach all grades, with only one or two students in a grade.
Students living far from the city attend "Schools of the Air".
    They listen to the teacher on the radio each day when it"s time for school. Students have their own books.
They answer questions over the microphone, The teacher asks them to do some homework. The completed
homework is mailed to the teacher. It is discussed over the microphone, corrected and mailed back. In the
United States some children attend school at home. Their parents are their teachers! 1. How old are the students in Australia at school? [     ]
A. Between the ages of five and sixteen.
B. Between the ages of six and fifteen.
C. Between the ages of seven and fourteen.
D. Between nine and eighteen 2. Who attends school at age of 16? [     ]
A. The children in the USA.
B. The children in England.
C. The children in Tasmania.
D. The children in Canada. 3. How many grades are there in Australian schools? [     ]
A. 12 grades
B. 9 grades.
C. 10 grades
D.14 grades. 4. Who doesn"t wear uniforms at school? [     ]
A. Students in Australia"s Secondary school.
B. Students in England
C. Students in the USA.
D. Students in public schools in the USA 5. Where can you find large schools? [     ]
A. In the countryside.
B. In cities along the coast in Australia.
C. In the city.
D. At home.
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