阅读材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。         Leaves are nature"s food factories. Plants ta

阅读材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。         Leaves are nature"s food factories. Plants ta

         Leaves are nature"s food factories. Plants take water from the ground through their roots. They take a gas
called carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air. Plants use sunlight to turn water and CO2 into glucose. Glucose is a
kind of sugar. Plants are glucose as food for energy to grow. The way plants turn water and CO2 into glucose
is called photosynthesis. That means "putting together with light". A chemical called chlorophyll helps make
photosynthesis happen. Chlorophyll is green. It gives plants their green colour.
         As summer ends and autumn comes, the days get shorter and shorter. This is how the trees "know" to
begin getting ready for winter.
         During winter, there is now enough light or water for photosynthesis. The trees will rest, and live on the
food they have stored during the summer. They begin to close their food-making factories. The green
chlorophyll disappears from the leaves. Then, we begin to see yellow and orange colours. A few of these colors
stay in the leaves all the time. We just can"t see them in the summer, because they are covered up by the green
          Red and purple colors we see in leaves are made mostly in the autumn. In some trees, like maples (枫树),
glucose is stored in the leaves after photosynthesis stops. Sunlight and the cool nights of autumn turn this
glucose into red. The brown color of trees like oaks (橡树) is made from wastes left in the leaves. 1. The word "chlorophyll" in the first paragraph means ____ in Chinese.[     ]
A. 叶绿素
B. 氧气
C. 胡萝卜素
D. 蛋白质2. Where is CO2 from?
1-5 A D C B C
阅读理解。                                                                   Puppy People 
       Imagine taking a lovely puppy into your family. You love and train it through its first year, knowing
that at the end of the year, you"ll have to give it up. That"s just what puppy raisers do. Puppy raisers raise
guide dogs for blind and very weak people. 
       When a potential guide dog puppy is about eight weeks old, it goes to live with a family, sleeping inside
the house as a member of the family. It"s fine if the family has lots of children or other pets, since a guide
dog needs to learn how to behave no matter who or what else is around.
       The puppy raiser"s duty is not to turn the puppy into a guide dog, but to make the dog a well-behaved
family member. That means someone must spend special time with the puppy, playing with it and training it.
        Guide dogs take blind people into a complex world. There are many interesting things that could keep
the dog from working. The puppy raiser helps the puppy become socialized, or well-behaved in groups, by
giving it the chances to experience lots of new environments and praising it when it stays quiet. Visits to the
park, shopping centre, and bus stop are all very helpful field trips for the puppy. Since guide dogs may have
to travel in cars, buses, planes and boats, puppy raisers try to give their puppies useful experiences of this
nature too. Many puppy raisers even take their puppies to work with them. 
        Although the puppy raiser is not responsible for training the puppy to be a guide dog, the puppy can
be taught orders which can be easily understood. Everyday training classes teach the dog such easy orders
as "Sit," "Down," and "Stay." The one order the puppy is not taught is "Heel," because a guide dog stands in
front of the trainer, not at the trainer"s side.
        Dogs love to eat, but it is important for future guide dogs to learn to eat only from their own bowls.
They can be easily attracted by smells of food and something they can see while they are working, so there
can be no asking for food at the table and no things from strangers.
        When the dog is between a year and eighteen months old, the puppy raiser"s job is over. The dog is
now ready to do its real work. The family members have given their time and care to the dog. When their
work is done, they always feel sad to give up the dog they have loved so much. 
        They can do it only because they know someone else needs the dog more than they do.
1. puppy 小狗                      2. raiser 饲养者                  3. potential 有潜力的
4. behave 行为举止              5. complex 复杂的              6. socialized 合群的
7. praise 表扬                      8. responsible 负责的
题型:北京市期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。        We have known for a long time that flowers of different plants open and close at different time of day.
This is so familiar that there seems to be no need to ask the reason for it. Yet no one really understands why
flowers open and close like this at particular times. The process (过程) is not as simple as we might think, as
recent experiments have shown. In one study, flowers were kept in constant (连续的) darkness. We might
expect that the flowers, without any information about the time of day, did not open as they normally do. In
fact, they continued to open at their usual time. This suggests that they have some mysterious (神秘的) way
of knowing the time. Their sense of time does not depend on information from the outside world; it is, so to
speak, inside them, a kind of "inner clock".
         This discovery (发现) may not seem to be very important. However, it was later found that not just
plants but also animals -including man -have this "inner clock" which controls the working of their bodies and
influences (影响) their activities. Men, then, are also influenced by this mysterious power. Whether we wish
it or not, it affects such things in our life as our need for sleep, our need for food.
         In the past, this did not matter very much because people lived in natural condition. In the modern
world, things are different; now there are spacemen, airplane pilots and, in ordinary life, a lot of people who
have to work at night. It would be very useful, then, to know more about the "inner clock". Such ordinary
things as flowers might help us understand more about ourselves.
题型:期末题难度:| 查看答案
Reading comprehension.                                                        
        Do you feel a little sleepy after lunch? Well, that"s normal. Your body naturally slows down then.
What should you do about it? Don"t reach for a coffee! Instead, take a nap. 
        There are many benefits of a daily nap. First of all, you are more efficient after napping. You
remember things better and make fewer mistakes. Also, you can learn things more easily after taking
a nap. A 20-minute
nap can reduce information overload. It can also reduce stress, Finally, a nap may increase your self-
confidence and make you more alert. It may even cheer you up.
         But, there are some simple rules you should follow about taking a nap. First, take a nap in middle
of the day, about eight hours after you wake up, Otherwise, you may disturb your sleep-wake pattern.
Next, a 20~30 minute nap is best. If you sleep longer, you may fall into a deep sleep. After waking from
a deep sleep, you will feel worse. Also, you should set an alarm clock. That way, you can fully relax
during your nap. You won"t have to keep looking at the clock and you won"t oversleep.
        Now, the next time you feel sleepy after lunch, don"t get stressed. Put your head down, close your
eyes, and catch forty winks.
        Choose the best answer from A. B. C or D according to the passage. 1.What is the main idea of this reading?[     ]
A.Why children take naps.
B.How to sleep deeply.
C.Why napping is good.
D.The problems with napping. 2.According to the reading, what is not a benefit of napping?[     ]
题型:黑龙江省期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。        Many people like to search the Internet. Exploring the Internet is one of the most important activities of the
day. The Internet brings the outside world closer to people"s homes. Some people say the world is smaller than
before because of the Internet.
        What"s going on in other countries? How do people live in places far away? Is there a good sports game so
mewhere? What"s the life in the deepest part of sea? If you want answer all these questions, just come to the
Internet. Of course, people can also learn through reading or listening to the radio. But with the Internet they
can learn better and more easily. A lot of information can be collected at a great speed.
        Can we go shopping without leaving home? Can we see a doctor without going to the hospital? Can we
study without going to school? Can we draw money without going to bank? All these things seemed to be
impossible, but now they have become quite possible.
        The Internet helps us open our eyes. The Internet also helps open our minds. The Internet often gives us
new ideas. In a word, it helps us in many ways. Great changes have taken place in our life since the appearance
of the Internet. 1. Some people say the world is smaller than before because _____________ .[     ]
A. all people kike to search the Internet.
B. the Internet makes the earth smaller in size
C. the Internet brings the outside world closer to them 2. The sentence "The Internet also helps us open our mind." means _______ .[     ]
题型:期末题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。       We know that trees are useful in our everyday life. They     1    us many things, such as wood, rubber,
medicine and many other things. They can     2     tell us a lot about our climate (气候). If you     3     a tree,
you can see that it has many rings (年轮). Most trees get a new ring     4    year. Because of this reason, we
know     5     a tree is. A tree over a hundred years old means that it has more than a hundred     6    . When
the climate is dry or very cold, the trees do not grow very much and their rings are usually     7    . When it is
wet and warm, the rings are much thicker. If the rings are suddenly (突然地) very thin or very thick, this
means that the     8     changed suddenly. If we look at the rings on this tree, we can learn     9     the climate
for a hundred years. And we can see    10    our climate is changing today.
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