After death, John went to see God. God looked at him, feeling very unhappy, “You

After death, John went to see God. God looked at him, feeling very unhappy, “You


After death, John went to see God. God looked at him, feeling very unhappy, “You’ve lived in this world for 60 years. Why haven’t you gotten any result at all?” God asked.
John argued, “My God, I couldn’t become a successful person just because you didn’t give me any chance. If you let that magic apple hit on my head, the man who found the law of gravity should be me.”
God said, “OK, we might as well try again.”
God rocked his hands and the time turned back to a few hundred years ago.
God shook the apple tree for the first time, when a red apple fell and happened to drop on John’s head. John picked up the apple, wiped it and ate it up as soon as possible.
God allowed another bigger apple drop on John’s head and John ate it up once again.
God shook the apple tree for the third time, when a much bigger apple fell on John’s head. John got mad, picked up the apple, threw it out heavily. Then he shouted angrily: “The apple annoyed my sweet dream! What a bad luck!”
The apple flew out and happened to fall on Newton’s head. Newton awoke and picked up the apple. After a long time of thinking, he discovered the law of gravity at last.
The time returned once again now.
God said to John, “John, do you understand it now?”
John asked, “My God, please give me another chance…I will …”
God shook his head and said, “No. The chance that the apple drops on the head of everyone is the same, but each person’s ability to catch the chance is different.” 
小题1:When did John die?
A.At the age of 50.B.At the age of 60.
C.At the age of 70.D.At the age of 80.
小题2:How many times was John hit by apples?
A.Once.B.Twice.C.Three times.D.Four times.
小题3: What did John do after he was hit by the apple for the second time?
A.He ate the apple at once.B.He got angry and shouted.
C.He threw the apple out.D.He thought something over.
小题4: Which is the best title of the passage?
A.God’s WordsB.Annoying Apples
C.John’s LifeD.Lost Chances



试题分析:这篇短文主要通过一个故事告诉我们, 落在我们每个人身上的机会是一样的,差别就在于我们每个人把我机会的能力不同而已.
小题1:根据“You’ve lived in this world for 60 years.描述,可知约翰是在六十岁时死的,故选B.
小题2:根据God shook the apple tree for the third time,描述,可知约翰被苹果砸中三次,故选C.
小题3:根据God allowed another bigger apple drop on John’s head and John ate it up once again.描述,可知选A.
An old man lived in a nice house with a large garden. He took care of his  1 all the time, watering and fertilizing(施肥)them.  
One day a young man went by the garden. He looked at the beautiful flowers, imagining how happy he could be  2 he lived in such a beautiful place. Then, suddenly he found the old gardener was  3 . He was very surprised about this and asked, “You can’t see these flowers.  4 are you busy taking care of them every day?”  
The old man smiled and said “I can tell you four reasons. First, I was a gardener when I was young, and I really like this job. Second,  5 I can’t see these flowers, I can touch them.   6 , I can smell the sweetness of them. As to the last one, that’s you.”
“Me? But you don’t know me,” said the young man.
“Yeah, it’s  7 that I don’t know you. But I know that flowers are angels(天使) that everybody  8 . We enjoy the happiness these flowers have brought us.”
The blind man’s work opened our eyes and  9 our hearts, which also made his life  10 . It was just like Beethoven, who became deaf in his later life and wrote many great musical works. Beethoven himself couldn’t  11 his wonderful music, but his music has  12 millions of people to face their difficulties bravely. Isn’t it one kind of happiness?
A.after B.asC.before D.if
A.true B.hardC.coolD.fair
A.broke B.hurtC.pleasedD.treated
A.emptier B.busierC.luckierD.happier
A.write D.believe
A.changed B.directedC.discoveredD.encouraged

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One summer vacation in my college, my roommate Ted asked to me to work on his father’s farm in Argentina. The idea was exciting. Then I had second thoughts. I had never been far from New England, and I had been homesick my first few weeks at college. What about the language? The more I thought about it, the more the idea worried me.
Finally, I turned down the invitation. Then I realized I had turned down something I wanted to do because I was scared and felt depressed(沮丧). That experience taught me a valuable lesson and I developed a rule for myself: do what makes you anxious(焦虑); don’t do what makes you depressed.
In my senior year, I wanted to be a writer. But my professor wanted me to teach. I hesitated. The idea of writing was much scarier than spending a summer in Argentina. Back and forth I went, making my decision, unmaking it. Suddenly I realized that every time I gave up the idea of writing, that downhearted feeling went through me.
Giving up writing really depressed me. Then I learned another lesson. To avoid the depression meant having to bear much worry and concern.
When I first began writing articles, I often interviewed big names. Before each interview I would get butterflies in the stomach. One of them was the great composer Duke Ellington. On the stage and on television, he seemed very confident. Then I learned Ellington still got stage fright(害怕). If Ellington still had anxiety attacks, how could I avoid them? I went on doing those frightening interviews. Little by little, I was even looking forward to the interviews. Where were those butterflies?
In truth, they were still there, but fewer of them. I had learned from a process psychologists(心理学家) call “extinction”. If you put an individual in an anxious situation often, finally there isn’t anything to be worried about, which brings me to a conclusion: you’ll never get rid of anxiety by avoiding the things that caused it.
The point is that the new, the different, is definitely scary. But each time you try something, you learn, and as the learning piles up, the world opens to you.
小题1:We can infer from the passage that the author________. 
A.finds it difficult to make decision
B.has found out what causes anxiety
C.was encouraged by Duke Ellington’s stage fright longer feels anxious about new experiences
小题2:What does the word “extinction” in Paragraph 6 means?
A.a person’s loss of confidence little by little
B.the natural development of a child’s abilities
C.the inborn ability to avoid anxious situations
D.the process of losing fear by keeping facing anxiety
小题3:Which of the following opinions does the writer probably accept?
A.Anxiety can be a positive drive
B.Hesitation leads to depression.
C.Avoiding anxiety reduces depression.
D.Depression is a signal that one is growing up.
小题4:What"s the best title for the passage?
A.Confidence: Key to Success
B.Anxiety: Challenge by Another Name
C.Depression: A Psychological Appearance
D.Success: A Trip Through Anxiety and Depression

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We are a bilingual (双语) school for children of 6-15. We want a cook, a library assistant, a sports coach and a language teacher.
Other term(其它条件)
Cooking both Chinese food and western food
Library assistant
Having the knowledge (知识) of different kinds of books
Sports Coach
Majoring in (主修) physical education
Healthy, strong

Majoring in English

小题1:Which of the following can"t go to Sunny School?
A.A four-year-old child.B.A ten-year-old child.
C.An eleven-year-old child.D.A fifteen-year-old child.
小题2:Who is not wanted by Sunny School?
A.A cook.B.A headmaster.
C.A library assistant.D.A sports coach.
小题3:Which of the following may not be able to speak English?
A.The language teacher.B.The library assistant.
C.The cook.D.The sports coach.
小题4:The coach must major in __________.
C.languageD.physical education
小题5:Which is right?
A.The teacher can only teach Chinese.
B.A twenty-five-year old cook can"t work in the school.
C.The library assistant must be careful.
D.A teacher must be strong.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Born in 1949, Diana Nyad took an early interest in swimming as a sport and was a Florida State High School swimming champion(冠军). Like many young trainers, she had Olympic dreams, but a serious illness prevented her from competing in the Games. The disappointment didn’t stop her from going forward. Instead, she became interested in marathon swimming.
For ten years Nyad devoted herself to becoming one of the world’s best long-distance swimmers. In 1970, she swam a ten-mile marathon in Lake Ontario, setting the women’s record for the course. In 1972 she set another record by swimming 102.5 miles from an island in the Bahamas to the coast of Florida. Then she broke a third record when swimming around Manhattan Island in 1975.
Nyad attempted to swim the distance between Florida and Cuba in 1978. Though the span(跨度) of water is less than 100 miles wide, it is rough and dangerous. After battling(与---作战) the water for two days, she had to give up for the sake of her own health and safety. Even so, she impressed the world with her courage and strong desire to succeed. It did not matter that her swim came up short; she believed she had touched the other shore.
When Nyad ended her career as a swimmer, she continued to try new things---travelling the world as a reporter, writing books and giving public speeches about her life. Diana Nyad works to inspire others, just as she did when she swam the waters of the world.
小题1:What was Nyad’s early interest?
小题2:When did Nyad set the record for a ten-mile marathon swimming?
小题3:According to the passage, how many times did Nyad join the long-distance swimming?
小题4:What did Nyad do after she finished swimming?
小题5:What can we learn from the passage?
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My name is Ben Mansury. I’m fifteen years old and study in a middle school. In school, I never join in any group discussion or stage (舞台) program. So, I never knew what stage nervousness was.
Our community (社区) has a weekly “Students Ideas” program. About two years ago, I received a(n)   1   from the chairman of our community. He invited me to the “Students Ideas” talk the next morning to speak to the group.
The time between his call to the next morning was like several weeks for me. The whole night, I could not sleep. Many   2   were coming. One of them was to call the chairman, with regret, and tell him that I could not come. But finally, I thought, if I missed this   3  , the community would never invite me again to any of their programs. So, I decided to go.
I reached the hall in time. When my turn came and I started, my heartbeat increased and my mouth went dry. I wasn’t even able to   4   the words on the paper properly. I had no idea where I was standing and what I was talking. That was the day when I   5   my biggest weakness: public speaking.
After I finished, I met with the chairman and   6   what happened to me. He said that this happens to everyone. It is very   7  . He suggested that I should come again the next week.
I   8   a talk carefully. This time when I gave the talk, I was somewhat comfortable but not confident (自信的). Afterwards, I met with the chairman again and told him about the improvement I   9   I had made. He was kind enough to invite me again.
For around one month, I practiced a lot for my talk. This time I was feeling comfortable and both the chairman and my neighbors thought I did a good job.    
I learned that everything is   10   if we take the first step, as the saying goes: A journey of thousand miles begins with first step.
A.topicsB.regretsC.thoughts D.words
小题3: B.groupC.stageD.chance
A.hadB.forgot C.realizedD.improved
A.asked B.checkedC.explainedD.wondered
A.wroteB.prepared C.gaveD.finished
A.knew B.feltC.believedD.hoped
A.easyB.greatC.helpful D.possible

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