Betty is not a traditional American beauty. She is unfashionable, has thick red

Betty is not a traditional American beauty. She is unfashionable, has thick red


Betty is not a traditional American beauty. She is unfashionable, has thick red glasses, untidy hair and large metal braces (牙套) on her teeth. But this hasn’t stopped her from becoming one of America’s favorite TV characters. So how did she manage to do it?
The answer is that charm can be more attractive than beauty. Betty is the main character in a TV show Ugly Betty. The show is about her life as an office worker at a fashion magazine in New York.
The TV show has just started. Betty has many exciting experiences and romantic stories. Betty is often looked down on and laughed at by the people around. But she manages to do better than others with her hard work, charm and wisdom. The show tells us about how a girl goes from an ugly young duck into a beautiful swan.
Though you may know the ending of the show from the beginning and the story is familiar to many of us, it has still been a big success in the USA. It has attracted a large number of viewers and won two Golden Globes awards, one of the highest honors for a television program in the USA. “I think you can see a bit of Betty in all of us, and I mean men as well, because it’s about the underdog (弱者) ”, says Ashley Jensen, who plays one of the characters on the show.
The program is so popular because of the performance of the 23-year-old actress America Ferrera who plays the role of Betty. She brings the character alive on the screen.
小题1:Betty is popular because of                   .
A.her clothesB.her charmC.her personalityD.her appearance
小题2:In Paragraph 4, the underlined word “it” refers to (指的是)                   .
A.the beginningB.the endingC.the storyD.the show
小题3:Which is the reason for the success of the show?
A.A large number of viewers.
B.Her life as an office worker.
C.The wonderful performance.
D.Two Golden Globes awards.
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Betty is a girl of wisdom.
B.Betty acts as a beautiful swan on the show.
C.Betty is an American favourite TV character.
D.Betty is often looked down on by the people around.
小题5:What can be the best title for the passage?
A.Beauty from within.B.A romantic story.
C.An ugly girl.D.An exciting experience.


小题1:细节理解题。根据第二节的第一句可知:The answer is that charm can be more attractive than beauty.。
小题2:词义猜测题。句中的it带指the show。
An elderly carpenter(木匠) was ready to retire. He told his boss his plans to   1  the business and live a more relaxed life with his wife. He would miss the pay, but he needed to retire.
The boss was   2  to see his good worker go, and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favor. The carpenter said yes,   3  it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He used poor skills and   4  materials. It was an unfortunate way to   5  his career.
When the carpenter finished his work, the boss came to   6  the house. After he checked it out, he handed a   7  to the carpenter. “This is your house,” he said. ‘It is my gift to you.”
What a shame!If he knew he was building his own house, the old man would have done it all so   8 .
So it is with all of us. Think of your life as a   9 . Each day you hammer a nail(钉子), place a board, or set up a wall. You must try your best to build the house wisely because it is the only life you will ever have. Your life tomorrow will  10  from the attitudes you choose today.

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It’s not easy to be an astronaut’s son.Everybody expects you to be special or perfect. I often wonder how my father ever had a son like me. I mean he’s so special and so good at everything he does. Even in middle school he was class president and captain of the football team.
Well,to be honest,I often dream about being some kind of hero or doing something special—like saving a child from a burning building or discovering a new star. I was daydreaming at school one morning when my teacher said there would be a Father’s Day writing competition for the whole schoo1. “I hope we have a winner right here in my class.”
When I got home,I started to think about what to write. My father is an astronaut. No, I wouldn’t start like that.That was the way others saw him.How did I see my father? Hmm.
I saw him sitting with me in the dark when I had a terrible dream.I remembered how he hugged me for hours when my dog Spotty was killed by a car.Yes,these were the things I was going to write.To me,he wasn’t just a world—famous astronaut.He was my dad.
My parents and I went to school on Thursday night. There were so many people in the big hall! My dad looked at me, and I shrugged(耸肩).
The third prize was announced and it was not me. I was relieved(释然)and disappointed at the same time. The second prize was announced. It was me.
I went up to the stage and read what I had written,“My father’s son”. When I finished, the people stood up and cheered. I saw my father blowing his nose. Tears were running down my mother"s face.  Dad cleared his throat and put his hand on my shoulder. “Son, this is the proudest moment of my life.’’
It was the proudest moment of my life, too. Maybe I’ll never be a great hero or win a Nobel Prize, but it was enough just to be my father’s son.
小题1:The writer felt it       to be the son of a famous person.
小题2:In order to     the writer would like to save a child from a burning building.
A.become an astronautB.become a class president
C.become a school team captainD.become a great hero
小题3:.What did the boy probably write in his composition?
A.A lot of special things he had done.
B.The story of his father as an astronaut.
C.The unforgettable time he spent with his father.
D.The experiences his father had in middle school.
小题4:.The writer felt proud when he  a prize in a writing competitionB.won a Nobel Prize
C.saved a child from a burning buildingD.discovered a new star
小题5:What is the best title for the passage?
A.My daydream.B.My father’s son.
C.My famous father.D.My happy family.

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One day, a tiger saw a frog(青蛙). He had never seen a frog before. He said,“I want to eat you. But first tell me who you are.”
The frog said,“I’m the king(国王)of the frogs! I can do all kinds of wonderful things.”
“Really?” said the tiger.“Can you show me what you can do?”
“All right. Let’s jump across the river. I can jump longer than you.”answered the frog.
They came to the river, The tiger jumped across it. He was surprised to see the frog was in front of him.
“I’m waiting for you, Mr Tiger.”said the frog, laughing.
While the tiger was ready for his jump. the frog held(拉)the tiger’s tail(尾巴)and got some tiger’s hair in his mouth. But the tiger didn’t know.
“Why do you have some tiger’s hair in your mouth?”asked the tiger.
“Oh”.said the frog,“Yesterday I killed(***)a tiger and ate him.”
After hearing that, the tiger ran away quickly.
小题1: What did the tiger want to do at first? He wanted to       
A. jump over
B. run a race(比赛)with the frog
C. eat the frog      
小题2: –What was the frog good at?        
A. Running.                   B. Jumping.              C. Eating.
小题3:Why was the tiger surprised? Because       
A. he found the frog was the king of the frog
B. the frog wanted to kill him
C. the frog also jumped across the river
小题4: How did the frog jump across the river? By    
A. waiting for the tiger
B. holding the tiger’s tail
C. eating the tiger’s hair
小题5:Who do you think is cleverer?
A. The tiger                 B. The frog              C. Neither
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One day, a boy found the cocoon(茧) of a butterfly and brought it home. A few days later, the boy saw a small   41  in the cocoon. He sat and watched for several hours as a butterfly struggled to make   42  body through that little hole. Suddenly it stopped.
So the boy   43  to help the butterfly, thinking the butterfly might be   44 .He took a pair of scissors(剪刀) and cut the hole   45 .The butterfly came out of the cocoon but it  46 
a little different. It had a weak body and small, thin   47 .The butterfly didn’t start to fly. In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling(爬行) around with a weak body and thin wings. It was never able to fly.
The boy acted with   48  but he didn’t understand why it could be like this. When a butterfly crawls out of the cocoon, it must struggle. The hard work of  49  out of the cocoon makes the fluid(液体) from the butterfly’s body into its wings. It helps the butterfly be  50  to fly. If the butterfly never has to squeeze(挤压) itself out of the cocoon, its wings will never get the fluid and it can never fly.
  51  struggles are what we need in our lives. If we lived our lives without any problems, we would never learn or grow. We would not be  52  we could have been and we would never fly.
In our lives, pain and suffering is the key to all windows, and sometimes even   53  growth, without it , there’s no way of life. We can’t avoid   54   or problems. So, next time you are   55 a problem or difficulty, remember the butterfly. Struggle a little—then fly!
A.SomewhereB.SomethingC.Some timeD.Sometimes
小题12: helpful weak strong creative as
A.served withB.growing intoC.bringing inD.faced with

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Life is like the four seasons. Now I am very old, but when I was young, it was the spring of my life. After I was born, I played a lot, and then I started school. I learned many new things. Like a flower, I grew bigger every day. There were happy days and sorrowful days: some days the sun shone(闪耀), and some days it didn’t.
In my twenties, I had a good job. I was strong and happy. Then I married and had a child. In those days, I didn’t have much time to think. Every day I was busy and worked very hard. And so, I started to get some white hairs. The summer of my life passed quickly.
Then the days got shorter. Leaves fell from the trees. My child was a university student, and then an engineer. My home was much quieter. I started walking slowly. One day I stopped working. I had more time. I understood this was my autumn, a beautiful time when the trees change color and give us delicious fruits.
But the days kept getting shorter and colder. Winter has come, I am older and weaker. I know I do not have many days left. I will enjoy them to the end.
小题1:The writer was very busy in the ______ of his life.
小题2:According to the passage, which of the following ages is during the autumn of his life?
小题3:What does the word “sorrowful” mean in this passage?
小题4:Which of the following statements is true?
A.The writer was an engineer.
B.The writer had a garden with flowers.
C.The writer was always happy as a child.
D.The writer now is old and weak, but still he enjoys his life.
小题5:The best title for the passage would be _____
A.Four seasonsB.My life
C.Four seasons in a yearD.Four seasons in my life

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