从方框中选择合适的词,并用其适当形式补全短文。有两个多余。have, every, one, walk, always, enjoy, with, never,

从方框中选择合适的词,并用其适当形式补全短文。有两个多余。have, every, one, walk, always, enjoy, with, never,

have, every, one, walk, always, enjoy, with, never, to, they, much, sing
Germany’s Lantern(灯笼) Festival
In Germany, people can celebrate the Lantern Festival every year. The festival is on November 11th. The children can小题1:__________ through the streets with paper lanterns they have made. At Hamburg School the students小题2:__________ celebrate the festival on November 11th from 5:00 pm小题3:__________ 9:00 pm.
The festival小题4:__________ games to entertain children. Food and entertainments from the local area are something for every child to小题5:__________. At the end of the festival, there will be a lantern walk. Children can walk through the neighborhood小题6:__________ paper lanterns. A German song is小题7:__________ during the lantern walk. All Germans can sing the song during小题8:__________ lantern festival. This festival is an enjoyable night for children to learn a bit more about Germany. 


小题1:孩子们可以拿着他们自己做的纸灯笼穿过街道。Walk through穿过,所以填写walk。
A:Hi,Cindy. Your handbag looks so nice. ____小题1:___.
B: Online. It’s only 30 yuan.
A:30 yuan online? _____小题2:___. Tell me how to do it ,please.
B: All right. That’s easy. Just enter E-buy.
B: Well, first, you need to apply for(申请)a user’s passport. Next, go through the shopping list.
A:And then?
B: Choose one you like. _____小题4:____. You’ll receive it in a few days.
A:Thank you. ____小题5:___.
A. And I’ll have a try myself.
B. When did you get it?
C. Sounds great.
D. Could you please tell me in detail(细节)?
E. Click on it and follow the instructions.
F. Where did you buy it?
G. How much is it?

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travel   who    many   on    give   by   dish   America   in   four
In most countries, people usually eat traditional food 小题1:____ special holidays. A special day 小题2:___ the United States is Thanksgiving. It is always on the 小题3:___ Thursday in November, and is a time 小题4:__ thanks for food in the autumn. At this time, people also remember the first 小题5:___ from England小题6:_ came to live in America about 400 years ago. They had a long, hard winter, and 小题7:___of them died. In the next autumn, they gave thanks for life and food in their new home. These days, most 小题8:___  still celebrate this idea of giving thanks 小题9:___ having a big meal at home with their family. The main 小题10:__ of this meal is almost always turkey, a large bird.
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A 小题1:     young man went to Paris, expecting that his father’s friend could help him find a job for living.
“Are you   小题2: at math?” his father’s friend asked him. The young man 小题3: his head. “How is your history?” “How  小题4:your law?” The young man lowered(低下) his head小题5:. His father’s friend asked again and again, but the young man could   小题6: shake his head. He himself couldn’t find out any 小题7: .“Then write down  小题8:  address first.” The young man 小题9:  his address and turned to leave,   小题10:  he was stopped by his father’s friend. “Your name is written very beautifully. This is your advantage. You shouldn’t satisfy(满足) yourself with finding a小题11: for living.” Many      小题12:    later, the young man wrote many works that was well-known in the world. He was Alexandra Dumas(大仲马), a    小题13:  French writer of the 18th century.
There are many ordinary persons in the 小题14: who all have many small advantages, but they can’t find   小题15: . In fact, there is a gold mine(矿)in every ordinary life. If you’re willing to dig(挖掘), you will dig out treasures that surprise yourself.
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Hello ! Nice to 小题1: you ! My name is Cindy Smith . I am a 小题2: . I am 13 years old . Look ! 小题3:  this?
It’s my family photo . 小题4:  people are in my family , my parents , my  小题5:  Mary and I . My father and my [mother teach English in the same  小题6: . I  am in No. 1 Middle School . Mary is 11 years old.  小题7: and I are in the same school .Look ! This is  Mary’s 小题8:  telephone . It’s nice . The 小题9: of my telephone is red , too. 
Mary’s  telephone number is 3417891 . And you can  小题10:  me at 3412345 .
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
on, listen, others, hear, of, ask, answer, activity, another, small, learn, we
Many people like to watch TV. Watching TV is one of the most important小题1: _____________of the day. TV brings the outside world closer to people’s homes. Some people say the world is 小题2:____________than before because of TV.
What’s going on in 小题3:__________ countries? How do people live in places far away? Is there a good sports game somewhere? What’s living in the deepest(最深的)part 小题4:___________the sea?
If you want 小题5:__________ these and other kinds of questions, just turn 小题6:  _______ the TV. You can see a lot and learn a lot. Of course, people can also learn through reading or 小题7:__________ to the radio. But with TV they can learn better and more easily. Why? Because they can小题8:______________ and watch, too.
TV helps to open our eyes. TV also helps us to open our minds. TV often gives 小题9:_____________ new ideas. We learn newer and better ways of doing something that can be 小题10:_____________on TV.
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