单词拼写(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)小题1: Alan went to see the strange man out of ____________(好

单词拼写(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)小题1: Alan went to see the strange man out of ____________(好

小题1: Alan went to see the strange man out of ____________(好奇心).
小题2: The Chinese sailor is _____________ (漫游) around all the oceans on his own.
小题3: He was hit by a falling tree and killed on the s__________.
小题4: Easter is an important r__________ and social festival for Christians around the world.
小题5: To make greater progress, we must learn about our s_____________ and weaknesses.


小题1:考查固定短语。out of curiosity出于好奇,是固定短语。
小题2:考查动词。因为前面有be动词is 故用wandering.
小题3:考查固定短语。on the spot当场,是固定短语。
小题5:考查名词。根据and后的名词 weaknesses 与它并列所以用strengths.
小题1: Martin Luther King’s speech was so exciting that the audience rose to a____________.
小题2:But Gandhi(甘地)himself was shot 5 months later by an Indian who o___________ his views.
小题3: As is known to all, taking exercise regularly is greatly b___________ to people’s health.
小题4: The volunteers were kept busy d___________ food and drinks to the people affected by theearthquakes.
小题5:Hearing that many foreign experts will visit our company, the manager made __________(安排)for a welcome team to meet them at the airport immediately.
小题6:The study showed that the elderly of being ___________(遗弃)feared to be cared by strangers.
小题7:Jack has the ___________(潜在的)ability to do this job pretty well.
小题8:This medicine can prevent flu from spreading ___________(有效地).
小题9:The company is just a few minutes by bicycle from my home, which means I will be ___________(准时的)every day.
小题10:The number of road accidents and the deaths __________(由……引起)from those accidents has increased over the past year.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1 分,共计10分)
小题1: The people who witnessed the accident gave a very clear a       of what happened, which helped the police a lot. 1. ___________
小题2:We are free to have our own beliefs, but it’s very important to learn to respect other people’s r      . 2. ___________
小题3:He didn’t say anything about the idea. O       , he doesn’t agree to it.      3. ___________
小题4:It can help us to reduce our pressure from study if we can b       ourselveswell between study and play. 4. ___________
小题5: In order to cooperate well, we should know each other’s s     and weaknesses. 5. ___________
小题6: Christopher, u      his brother who is shy and quiet, likes parties and adventures. 6. ___________
小题7: These kind of movies are not meant for children because they are far too     (暴力) and bloody. 7. ___________
小题8: He was luck enough to be _______ (授予) a scholarship to study in Harvard. 8. ___________
小题9: This classroom is just ________(稍微) larger than that. 9. ___________
小题10: The visitors to our school were deeply ________(留下印象)by the students’wonderful performance in the activity. 10. __________
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:A ________  (平衡的)diet should contain some fat, some fiber, a little salt and so on.
小题2:Children have a natural _________ (好奇心)about the world around them.
小题3:I have ________(受益) a lot from reading aloud every morning.
小题4:Just at that moment they found a young man ________ (徘徊)in the street outside their house.
小题5:I don’t support the plan; on the ________(正相反), I’m strongly against it.
小题6:He doesn’t like to be v       , instead, he prefers to solve problems in a peaceful way.
小题7:Pollution should be p        in our daily life.
小题8:It is known to that smoking is h        to our health.
小题9:Take care of the environment, or you’ll find yourself s        by rubbish.
小题10:Success isn’t m        by how much money you earned, but what you do for others.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:My ambition is to work for a firm that develops computer________(软件)when I grow up.
小题2:In addition, sometimes I am very ___________(笨拙的) and drop things or bump into furniture.
小题3: What a sweet victory to be _________(羡慕) by those women!
小题4: Bill felt great____________(满意) when he tried his new fax machine and it worked.
小题5: I am sitting in the warm night air with a cold drink in my hand and ___________(反思) on the day.
小题6:It was my first visit to a _________(偏远的) village.
小题7: To sniff means to breathe air into your nose____________(吵闹地).
小题8:During the Second World War, many____________(德国人) were still killed by Nazis.
小题9:They destroyed several _________(坟墓) for the treasures within nights.
小题10:If you cannot go to the meeting yourself tomorrow, please find someone to ________(代替)you.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1: ______________(明显地) this key is the wrong one. It didn’t work.
小题2:It is ____________ (不礼貌) to keep silent when asked.
小题3:He did all he could to rescue the ______(溺水的) boy, and his effort was not in vain.
小题4:It is a long ________ (距离)from New York to Hongkong.
小题5: What a surprise! It is his ________(九十) birthday.
小题6:I have kept the photos where I can see it every day as they always __________(使……想起)me of my university days in London.
小题7:We should know our own strengths and________(弱点) and think what could be done about them.
小题8: The school was   ____   (包围)   by green trees
小题9:Her parents don’t   ____  (允许)her to go out alone at night.
小题10: We have established socialist  ____  (制度)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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