阅读下列句子,根据所给开首字母,写出符合句子意思的本学期所学单词,注意必要的形式变化。小题1:There are two hundred boys r_____

阅读下列句子,根据所给开首字母,写出符合句子意思的本学期所学单词,注意必要的形式变化。小题1:There are two hundred boys r_____

小题1:There are two hundred boys r_______ from seven to fourteen in age.
小题2:Dr. Yuan Longping searched for a way to increase a rich h_______ without increasing the area of fields.
小题3:When Liu Xiang won the 110-metre hurdle race, he was s________ by the clicking cameras of the media.
小题4:You’d better b________ yourself or else you’ll be in deep trouble when Mr. Wang comes in.
小题5:The Spring Festival Gala has developed into an occasion that most Chinese find it hard to ignore, and millions of v________ are watching the performance being broadcast live.

小题1: harvest 
小题1: surrounded 

1 One shouldn’t ________ (假装)to be what he isn’t.
2 The key to ________ (复兴)the morality sense of the public is to protect those that offer help 
from baseless accusations.
3 The expert suggests that an healthy diet should ________ largely _______ (组成)vegetables.
4 The abolishment of slavery _______ (标志)the beginning of equal share of civil rights between the
black and white.
5 Great concern has been raised about Steven Jobs’________ (退休),let alone his death.
6 Since air flights have been _______ _______ _______(增长), there will be a great demand for Airbus A380 airplanes.
7 It makes sense for the customers to make sure of the________ (保证) of a product before
deciding to make the purchase of it.
8 During the economic recession, firms are ________(挣扎) against a prolonged gloomy sales performance.
9 The process of urbanization accounts for the loss of habitat of the ________(濒危的) animals.
10 There was a massive demonstration in Greece ________ (涉及)thousands of people.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
1. This painting is fairly _____________(典型的) of his early works.
2. He _____________(尝试) to get a high position in the company, but failed.
3. Can you give me some _____________(具体的) examples?
4. She is the ____________(赞助人) of this activity.
5. His schedule is _______________.(灵活的)
6. The manager s___________ that key point in particular at the meeting yesterday.
7. The soldiers have _________________(加强)their defenses.
8. He was d__________ when he lost all his money.
9. I was always an _____________ (笨拙的) dancer.
10. We can e___________ our currency for dollars in the bank.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
1. I’ve never lived ________(在国外) before.
2. The novel is _______(以…为基础) on a true story,
3. I think _______(生物) is very easy to learn.
4. He _______(承认) that mistakes had been made.
5. He _______(埋藏) his face in his hands and wept.
6. We ________(庆祝) our National Day every year.
7. That happened a _______(世纪) ago.
8. The football match was _________(播送) live across Europe.
9. We made a _________(化学的) experiment in the science class.
10. He tried his best to speak without an _________(口音)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
1. She has all the personal q______ of a good teacher, like a sense of humor and patience.
2. Tom is not one of the top students, but a boy of average _______(智商)。
3. Though my husband is not rich now but he has great earning p________.
4. The robber was a________ by the police while he was trying to escape from the jail.
5. It is impolite to i_________ others while they are having a conversation.
6. By a strange __________(巧合) we happened to be travelling on the same train.
7. It seemed as if everything was __________(毁坏) in the earthquake.
8. The baby b_______ out crying as soon as he saw the snake.
9. Tsunami is one of the most serious natural _________(灾害)  in Japan.
10. I said hello to her, but she i________ me completely, which made me very angry.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
1. She tried to p_______ him to give up smoking, but he wouldn’t listen.
2. We can c________ with people from any country with a good command of English.
3. As he feared that the police would r_______ him, he never went out in daylight.
4. An unfriendly a_______ of the shopkeeper often make customers angry.
5. It’s not right to j_______ a man only by his looks.
6. Little education was a d_________ when he looked for a job.
7. They completely i_______ these facts as if they never existed
8. He has $100,000 life i_________, which his wife will receive if he dies first.
9. He bravely went into the burning house to r______ the boy
10. It is not a word in common ________. (use)
11. We must use candles because the _____________ is off. (electric)
12. I can’t forget the _________ experience. (frighten)
13. She is busy with the __________ of her daughter’s party. (organize)
14. The ______ cost may run out at rather more than we originally expected. (actually)
15. We climbed to the top of the mountain with strong ________. (determine)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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