Even plant can run a fever, especially when they’re under attack by insects or d

Even plant can run a fever, especially when they’re under attack by insects or d

Even plant can run a fever, especially when they’re under attack by insects or disease. But unlike human, plants can have their temperature taken from 3,000 feet away straight up. A decade ago, adopting the infrared (红外线)scanning technology developed for military purposes and other satellites, physicist Stephen Paley came up with a quick way to take the temperature of crops to determine which ones are under stress. The goal was to let farmers precisely target pesticide (***虫剂)spraying rather than rain poison on a whole field, which invariably includes plants that don’t have pest(害虫)problems.
Even better, Paley’s Remote Scanning Services Company could detect crop problems before they became visible to the eye. Mounted on a plane flown at 3,000 feet at night, an infrared scanner measured the heat sent out by crops. The data were transformed into a color-coded map showing where plants were running “fevers”. Farmers could then spot-spray, using 50 to 70 percent less pesticide that they otherwise would.
The bad news is that Paley’s company closed down in 1984, after only three years. Farmers resisted the new technology and long-term backers were hard to find. But with the renewed concern about pesticides on produce, and refinements(改进)ininfrared scanning, Paley hopes to get back into operation. Agriculture experts have no doubt the technology works. “This technique can be used on 75 percent of agricultural land in the United States,” says George Oerther of Texas A& M, who recently retired from the Department of Agriculture, thinks remote infrared crop scanning could be adopted by the end of the decade. But only if Paley finds the financial backing which he failed to obtain 10 years ago.
小题1:In what situation will plants have a fever?(No more than 8 words)(2marks)
小题2:How can we apply pesticide spraying precisely?(No more than 10 words)(2 marks)
小题3:Why may infrared scanning technology by brought back into operation?(No more than 13 words)(3 marks)
小题4:What is the biggest problem that might prevent bringing infrared scanning technology back?(No more than 7 words)(3 marks)

小题1:When they’re under attack by insects or disease.
小题1:We can use infrared scanning to locate the problem area. / By using infrared scanning to locate the problem area. / By adopting the infrared scanning technology.
小题1:Because of renewed concern about pesticides on produce, and refinements in infrared scanning.
小题1:Paley may not find the financial backing./ Lacking financial backing. / Lacking enough money.

(1)Around 15 million of us will leave a cup of tea to go cold today while a similar amount will forget where they put the keys to their house or car. Meanwhile, 12 million people will go to the shops only to completely forget what they went for according to research carried out by the National-Lottery.co.uk.
(2) Passwords and chores such as taking food out of the freezer the night before and charging the mobile phone also featured highly on the list. And more than one in ten admits forgetting to buy a lottery ticket which may have cost them a win.
(3) The study also found men are more likely to ___________, even though women generally have more to remember. Busy modern lifestyle, increased workloads and pressures as well as modern technology were to blame for the increase in our levels of forgetfulness.
(4) A National Lottery spokesman said, “The British are more hectic than ever in their work and personal lives and it seems we just have too much to remember for our crowded minds.”
(5) The study found that the technology boom has also played a part, leaving us with more devices than ever before to plug in and charge or take care of.
(6) Despite work pressures it is within the home environment where most things are forgotten, such as credit card payments, children’s school events or food related things.
(7) The study found one in four people have missed an important appointment and nearly one in five have fallen out with a friend over a forgotten date or event. The research also found that despite the number of things people forget only one in four people actually admit to being forgetful.
(8) Women performed much better than men in the report, failing to recall an average of 2.5 things every day compared to 3.5 things for men.
小题1: List at least three things that people often forget based on the passage.(within 15 words)
(1) _______________________________________________________________
小题2:Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words. (within 5 words)
小题3: Which sentence in this passage is the closest in meaning to the following one?
The researchers discovered that only a quarter of people acknowledge that they have a bad memory even though they forget to do lots of things.
小题4:What would be the best title for the passage?(within 10 words)
小题5:Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 6 into Chinese.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Doctors say anger can be an extremely damaging, unless you learn how to deal with it. They warn that anger can lead to heart disease, stomach problems, headaches, emotional problems and possibly cancer.
Anger is a normal emotion that we all feel from time to time, some people express anger openly in a calm reasonable way. Others burst with anger, and scream and yell. But other people keep their anger inside. They can not or will not express it. This is called ______________.
For years many doctors thought that repressing anger was more dangerous to a person’s health than expressing it. They said that when a person is angry, the brain release the same hormones. They speed the heart rate, raise blood pressure, or sugar into the blood, etc. in general the person feels excited and ready to act
Some doctors say that both repressing and expressing anger can be dangerous. They believe that those who express anger violently may be likely to develop heart disease, and they believe that those who keep their anger inside may face a greater danger of high blood pressure.
Doctors say the solution is learning how to deal with anger. They say the first step is to admit that you are angry and to recognize the real cause of the anger, then decide if the cause is serious enough to get angry about. If it is, they say, “Do not express your anger while angry. Wait until your anger has cooled down and you are able to express yourself calmly and reasonably.”
Doctors say that a good way to deal with anger is to find humor in the situation that has made you angry. They said that laughter is much healthier than anger.
小题1:What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)
小题2:Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?
If you don’t express your anger, you may have more chances of having high blood pressure.
小题3:Please fill in the blank with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words.)
小题4:List the three ways the author mentions people express their anger.
小题5: Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Walking is a popular form of exercise. It is an easy activity and offers a good way to improve physical fitness.
Regular, brisk walks help a person’s body work better. Walking builds a stronger heart and lungs. Walking also seems to help protect the heart from heart disease. The lungs work better because they take in and use oxygen more effectively. Walking can help in weight control, too. A quick fifteen- minute walk burns as many calories as jogging the same distance in half the time. Walking causes very few injuries. So there is also a lower “dropout” rate among walkers than among runners. People are more likely to continue a walking program.
Walking offers some mental benefits, too. It seems to make people feel better. Many walkers say they sleep better at night when they take regular walks. Others say they have a better attitude about life.
Walking offers many of the same physical and mental benefits as other forms of exercise, but walking offers some special advantages, too.
Almost everyone can walk. There are no special lessons or coaching. To become a serious walker, a person only needs to walk faster, farther, and more often.
People can walk almost anywhere. There are no special playing fields or courts for walking. Sidewalks, streets, parks, fields, and malls are excellent places for walking.
People can walk almost anytime. A person doesn’t need a team or a partner for walking. There is no “season” for walking. Most walkers walk in all kinds of weather.
Walking doesn’t cost anything. There are no special fees for walking. Good walking shoes and comfortable clothes are the only equipment that a walker needs.
Walking offers a form of exercise within the reach of nearly everyone. With a little time and effort, people can rediscover a valuable form of exercise and improve their fitness.
小题1:What may be the best tile of the passage? Please think of one within 10 words.
小题2:Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by this one: “Compared to running, more people can continue walking as a form of exercise.”? 
小题3: Which word in the passage means the same as the underlined word “benefits”?  (Please answer in a complete sentence.)
小题4: Among the special advantages of walking, which one do you think is the most important?  (Please answer in a complete sentence.)
小题5:Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Even if you really enjoy your job, it’s still possible to battle boredom as you work. You may not be able to make big changes—or change your job—but you can make small adjustments to your routine that can make every day seem, well, a little less routine.
1. Switch Your Seat 
Change your outlook at the office by changing your office. Ask your supervisor to help you find a new desk. Even switching desks with a neighboring coworker can offer a fresh atmosphere.
If it"s not possible to change your location, see if you can change your desk’s direction. A new view can be just as refreshing as a new location.
2. ______________
Start and end your day in a different way. Consider a new mode of transportation, if it’s possible. Take a subway. Ride a bike on sunny days. Carpool with a coworker. Use a new route to get to your job. You needn"t change it for ever—just long enough to help you escape the boredom.
3. Find a New Work Style
Sick of attending that long-standing Monday morning meeting? Try to change it to the afternoon.
If you find yourself feeling most bored in the afternoons, try to arrange to do your favorite tasks then and tackle less desirable projects in the mornings.
If you usually communicate with coworkers via email and instant messaging, start dealing with people face to face. Increased communication with coworkers may help improve your mood.
4. Get and Set a Goal
If your work is short of objectives, it"s no wonder that work has become boring. Identify a goal and set an “achieve by” date for it.
Your goal needn’t be noble as long as you have enough enthusiasm for it. Perhaps you want to make a new project. Maybe you’d like to pursue a promotion. Or you may even set a goal of finding a new job altogether. Whatever it is, actively move toward an objective.
小题1:What is the purpose of the passage? (within 15 words)
小题2:Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?
You will feel bored when you are not working toward something.
小题3:Fill in the blank in Paragraph 5 with proper words. (within 8 words)
小题4: List three methods of escaping from boredom in your daily. (within 5 words for each)
小题5: Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Tsai Chin-chung is one of Taiwan’s most famous cartoonists, and his cartoons are enjoyed by people in many different countries in Asia. His books of cartoons have now become best sellers in Singapore, Malaysia, and even Japan.
As soon as he could hold a pencil or a brush, Tsai Chin-chung lived only for drawing. Every day he practised drawing people and things around him as well as characters and scenes from his favorite stories.
When he was only 15 years old, he left home to work for a publisher in  Taibei.  At first he was only 15 years old and he worked hard to draw pictures for books. So two years later he decided to leave his job as an artist who draws pictures for books and to work on drawing cartoon series. He made up his mind to succeed as a cartoonist even if it meant “living on instant noodles” in order to make himself famous.
Now nearly 50 years old, Tsai Chin-chung has achieved something unusual for a modern cartoonist. He has become extraordinarily successful at changing Chinese literature and philosophy  into humorous comic stories. In this way, he had made the Chinese classics known to thousands of people.
In recognition of his great achievement, several years ago Tsai Chin-chung was given a prize as one of the 10 Outstanding Young People of Taiwan. Since then, he has won many prizes and his cartoons have become popular in countries and areas throughout Asia, America and Europe. So far, he has published more than 20 comic books. Ten of these are about ancient Chinese philosophers, and the remainder are based on Chinese historical and literary classics.
Many of Tsai Chin-chung’s books of cartoons and comics have now been published in English in countries and areas like Singapore. His books have also been translated into several other languages, including Japanese, Korean and Thai. Even publishers in countries like France and Indonesia have recently signed agreements for permission to publish his cartoon series.
小题1: What job did Tsai Chin-chung do when he was fifteen years old?(No more than 5 words) (2 marks)
小题2: What does “living on instant noodles” mean in this passage? (No more than 4 words) (3 marks)
小题3: How does he make the Chinese classics known to thousands of people? (No more than 10 words) (2 marks)
小题4:. Why was Tsai Chin-chung nominated one of the ten outstanding young people of Taiwan? (No more than 5 words) (3 marks)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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