Do you want to be the perfect you? When you are ready to improve yourself, give

Do you want to be the perfect you? When you are ready to improve yourself, give

Do you want to be the perfect you? When you are ready to improve yourself, give yourself a challenge. Challenge is the key to one’s growth. Try doing something that you are afraid of. When you get over your fears, the feeling of confidence in yourself can push you to new heights.
It is important to realize that habits are not easy to break. Just because setting your mind to do something does not mean you will be able to change it right away. Sometimes you may find yourself going back to what you’re used to. Don’t let this stop you from making the change you want.
If you aren’t sure where to start or what to change, imagine that you have to explain to someone in authority(权威) what you would need to do to develop or progress. If you have to, write it down and think about what you would say to make someone else believe that you are on the right path. This will help you be clearer about what you want to accomplish.
Figure out what you want to do with yourself. This doesn’t mean that you need to map out your entire life in advance. Consider the next five years. Where do you want to be? What does your life look like? If you evaluate(评价) yourself properly, you can decide on the best course of action to get where you want be.
Learn to value what is the best in your life. When value something, you naturally want to do whatever you can to achieve it. What you value influences the choices you will make in life. So if you value the best in your life, the activities that you choose will work toward achieving the best in your life.
Increasing your personal satisfaction with life is sometimes as easy as learning to give back to the community(社区)around you. Giving selflessly and donating charitably(慷慨地) is an excellent way to increase your own feelings of self-worth. Moreover, giving selflessly is an excellent way of proving your worth in your community.
Hopefully with all of the information you have just learned, you can start taking some serious steps toward your personal development. Remember that it is one thing to want to do something, but it is another thing to actually do it, so trying your best to do what you think is going to be right for you in your personal development goals.


小题1:原词重现:从第一段的句子:give yourself a challenge. Challenge is the key to one’s growth. 可知要总是挑战自己:challenge
小题2:词性转化题:从第一段的句子:When you get over your fears, the feeling of confidence in yourself can push you to new heights.可知把fears改成 fear
小题3:词义转化题:从第二段的句子:It is important to realize that habits are not easy to break. Just because setting your mind to do something does not mean you will be able to change it right away.可知right away改成immediately
小题4:词义转化题:从第二段的句子:Sometimes you may find yourself going back to what you’re used to.可知把go back改成return
小题5:词义转化题:从第三段的句子:If you aren’t sure where to start or what to change, imagine that you have to explain to someone in authority(权威) what you would need to do to develop or progress.可知explain to someone改成Share
小题6:词义转化题:从第三段的句子:If you have to, write it down and think about what you would say to make someone else believe that you are on the right path. make someone else believe =convince
小题7:原词重现:从第四段的句子:This doesn’t mean that you need to map out your entire life in advance可知填.need
小题8:原词重现:从第五段的句子:When value something, you naturally want to do whatever you can to achieve it. 可知填naturally
小题9:原词重现:从第五段的句子:So if you value the best in your life, the activities that you choose will work toward achieving the best in your life.可知填 choose
小题10:词性转化题:从第六段的句子:Increasing your personal satisfaction with life is sometimes as easy as learning to give back to the community(社区)around you. 可知satisfaction 改成Satisfied
Tropical Storm Fitow on July 7, 2013 has caused serious _______ to Wenzhou’s economy.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
When they had finished playing, the children were made to _______ all the toys they had taken out.
A.put offB.put upC.put downD.put away

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To lose weight, Mr White______ hiking as a regular form of exercise after he retired.
A.caught onB.took upC.set outD.made for

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— I was surprised to see wild flowers in Alaska.
— Many people think there is nothing there _______ ice and snow.
A.but forB.rather thanC.apart fromD.regardless of

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
A. The Definition of Creativity
B. The Value of Creative Thinking
C. The Disadvantage of School Education
D. The Importance of Giving Children Choices
E. Creativity not Being Something Born With
F. Effective Ways to Develop Students’ Creativity
The Case for Creativity — Encouraging Children to Think
Creativity is the key to a brighter future, say education and business experts. Here is how schools and parents can encourage this vital skill in children.
If Dick Drew had listened to his boss in 1925, we might not have a product that we now think of as practically essential: masking tape. Drew worked for the company, known as 3M. At work he developed a sticky-side substance strong enough to hold things together. But his boss told him not to pursue the idea. Finally, using his own time, Drew perfected the tape, which now is used everywhere by many people. And his former company learned from its mistake: Now 3M encourages people to spend 15 percent of their work time just thinking and developing new ideas. Experts say if we teach our children to think creatively, they will be better able to function in tomorrow’s society.
Creativity is not a natural ability, nor is it necessarily a characteristic of high intelligence. Just because a person is highly intelligent does not mean that he uses it creatively. Creativity is the matter of using the resources one has to produce original ideas that are good for something.
Unfortunately, schools have not tended to promote creativity. With strong emphasis on test scores and the development of reading, writing and mathematical skills, many educators sacrifice creativity for correct answers. The result is that children can give back information but can’t recognize ways to apply it to new situations. They may know their multiplication tables, for example, but they are unable to apply them to story problems.
In some schools, however, educators are recognizing the problem and are trying their best to encourage creativity in their students. Some teachers are combining the basics with activities where the students must use their imagination. For example, instead of simply asking WHEN Columbus discovered the New World, teachers might ask students to think about what would have happened if his trip had taken him to New York first instead of to the Caribbean area. With that question, students would have to use what they know about Columbus, what they know about New York, and what they know about the Caribbean. Teachers feel that even if the answers seem silly, it’s OK, that sometimes being silly is an essential step toward creativity.
From the earliest age, children should be allowed to make decisions and understand their consequences. Even if it’s choosing between two food items for lunch, decision-making helps thinking skills. As children grow older, parents should let their children decide how to use their time or spend their money but not automatically help them too much if they make the wrong decision. This may be confusing for the child, but that is all right. This is because one of the most important traits of creative people is a very strong motivation to make order out of confusion.
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