


Dear schoolmates,
In order to get high school students to attaching importance to the environment and improve our sense to protect the environment, and China Daily is planning to hold an interestingly knowledge contest. A contest starts on October 14th and end on 31st. Remember, you can take the contest in China Daily newspaper, that is very  popular among high school student. The answer sheet must cut from the newspaper and sent to China Daily after the deadline.
Please pay more attention to the related information of the contest and take an active part in them on time.
Students" Union

小题8:must 后面加be

小题1:attaching改为attach 考查动词不定式。句意:为了提高引起学生对环保的注意力,get sb to do 让某人做某事.
小题2: 第二行and去掉   考查句子结构。根据句意,中国日报计划一场知识竞赛,这是主句,故去掉and.
小题3:interestingly改为interesting  an interesting knowledge contest,一场知识竞赛,有趣的,用来修饰contest,
小题4:第三行A改为The     考查冠词。 上文已经提到过这场比赛,第二次提到用the.
小题5:end后面加S           考查动词的时态。and连接starts 与ends并列的。
小题6: 第四行that改为which 考查非限制性定语从句 which引导非限制性定语从句,that没有这个功能。
小题7: student后面加S      考查名词复数。句意:在高中生中很受欢迎,应用复数形式。
小题8: must 后面加be       考查被动语态。句意:答案被裁剪下来。
小题9:after改为before         考查连词。句意:答案被裁剪下来寄到中国日报,在截止日期之前。
小题10:最后一句话中them改为it 考查代词。句意:请注意相关信息,积极参与。It代指这个活动。
Generally speaking, the family, not the school, plays the       role in educating children for life.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
A. Get started!
B. Forget your failures.
C. Find and use your positive voice.
D. Think about how far you have come.
E. Spend time with people who inspire you.
F. Accept failure as a positive learning experience.
Realizing your dreams is not a matter of possibility; it"s a matter of motivating yourself to focus on the right things. You know you should be doing something, but sometimes you just don"t feel like doing anything. This discouraging situation can last a long time if you don"t head it off and take action. Here are some daily motivation tricks that might work for you.
This is by far the most important tip in this article, because in the end, all of the other tips in the world won"t make as much of a difference as this simple and timeless instruction: Sit down and get a move on! Do you feel the push-back of laziness? Reading more about motivation won"t help. Reviewing your to-do lists won"t help. Only doing actually helps get everything going. So stop thinking about how hard the task is going to be or how long it"s going to take you. Not starting is failing. Tell yourself, "As soon as I get going, I"ll feel more motivated." And you"ll realize it"s not nearly as hard as you thought it would be.
Be aware of your self-talk and stay confident. You have the choice to replace negative self-talk with a more encouraging and friendly voice. A voice that will consider your aim as not just a possibility, but a probability; A voice that does not look at the possibility of success before taking action, but rather uses self-belief as its driving force; A voice that all things are possible to those who commit to their dream.
Tell yourself over and over again that you can do it. See what effect it has. Persist with this kind of possibility and eventually you"ll feel better about whatever it is you want to get done, and you"ll even start to fool yourself into believing it"s true.
There is no better way to recharge yourself for improvement than spending time with someone who motivates you. They are smart and can always encourage you to be better. Study their qualities. Study their habits. Surround yourself with them, talk to them, learn from them; they are already living and producing results at a level you admire and expect to. Compare stories, successes and failures. Let their inner light guide you.
You have made so much progress, you just don’t realize it. Open your eyes and give yourself credit for all that you have done. Think about it. Write down your past successes. Consider using a journal to keep track of them. You’ll probably be pleasantly surprised when you review your results. It’s a great motivator to see how much you have improved and how far you have come. Be happy with your progress and move on.
Do not judge unsuccessful attempts and mistakes as an indication of your future potential, but as part of the growth process. Something does not have to end well for it to have been one of the most valuable experiences of a lifetime. When times get tough, take a deep breath, and know that most great things come when you least expect it. Being defeated is a temporary condition; giving up is what makes it permanent. And most people that gave up didn’t realize how close they were to success. Push through!
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
As a famous saying goes, time is money, which shows the important of time. Time is valuable but limited. When time is gone, they will never come back.
How a pity it is that many of us make poor use of time. We spend much time play games and chatting online. We don’t realize wasting time are equal to a waste of our life. As the result, we will regret having achieved little one day. However, we should get rid the habit of wasting time. Do not put off that what can be done today until tomorrow. Laziness will not only brought us failure, but also lead us to poverty.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Do you know that over ten million American kids go to camp every summer? 小题1: Back then, before the air conditioner was invented, hot city summers were uncomfortable and even unhealthy for children, so escaping to the country for a few weeks became a popular trend.
Today, kids have different reasons for making camp a part of their lives, such as:
To meet new people
Camp might give you a chance to be with people from different states, or even different countries. It’s a great way to make new friends and learn about different places and cultures. Michiko, 13, put it like this: “I loved camp. I met this girl name Manny who lives in New York (I live in New Jersey) and she is cool.  小题2: We taught each other words. We liked to swim in the pool a lot.”
To challenge yourself
 小题3: Fresh challenges — like trying new sports, learning new crafts and games, or pushing yourself to achieve something — can be very rewarding. Take it from Arabella, 13, who told us: “ I went to summer camp and I passed my swimming test! I can hardly swim, so it was a big accomplishment (成就). 小题4: 
To appreciate nature
There’s a great big natural world out there, and going to camp helps you learn how beautiful and important it really is. 小题5: Getting out into the woods or mountains can give you a better understanding of how the web of life works.
A.Not all the things that kids do at camp are easy.
B.She speaks Spanish and I speak Japanese.
C.I felt great afterwards.
D.It’s also a great way to learn about teamwork and tolerance(包容).
E. Summer camp has been a U.S. tradition for over 150 years.
F. When you get right down to it, going to camp is all about having a good time.
G. Without trees, soil, water, and wildlife, the Earth couldn’t survive.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Waitress: Hi. This is your order, sir. What else can I do for you? 
Customer: No, thank you.    小题1:   the way, are you new here? I often come to this cafe. But I haven’t seen you here    小题2:  
Waitress: Yes. It’s been three days   小题3:   I started this part-time job. I"m still a student now.
Customer: Do you mind if I ask you why you    小题4:  (take)the part-time job here?
Waitress: Of course not. You know, there are many foreign   小题5:   (customer) like you here. And I think it"s very good for me to improve my oral English. 
Customer: Oh, are you a student of English? Or do you just study English only for interest"s sake? 
Waitress: No, I"m not a student of English.    小题6:   I do like English. You know I"m going to be a volunteer in the next Olympics    小题7:   I want to be helpful with the language. So I try my    小题8:   (good) to improve my English and get myself well   小题9: (prepare) ahead of time.
Customer: Very nice. I guess you’ll make    小题10: . Thank you for your time.
Waitress: Thank you, sir.
Customer: My pleasure.
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