读下面一篇文章,根据文中信息完成所给表格,每空不超过三个单词。People in the United States honor their parents w

读下面一篇文章,根据文中信息完成所给表格,每空不超过三个单词。People in the United States honor their parents w

People in the United States honor their parents with two special days: Mother’s Day, on the second Sunday in May, and Father’s Day, on the third Sunday in June. These days are set aside to show love and respect for parents. They raise their children and educate them to be responsible citizens. They give love and care. These two days offer a chance to think about the changing roles of mothers and fathers. More mothers now work outside the home. More fathers must help with child-care.
These two special days are celebrated in many different ways. On Mother’s Day people wear carnations. A. red one stands for a living mother. A. white one shows that the mother is dead. Many people attend religious services(宗教仪式)to honor parents. It is also a day when people whose parents are dead visit their graves. On these days, families get together at home and in restaurants. They often have outdoor BBQs for Father’s Day. These are days of fun and good feelings and memories.
Another tradition is to give cards and gifts. Children make them in school. Many people make their own presents. These are valued more than the ones bought in stores. It is not the value of the gift that is important, but it is “the thought that counts”. Greeting card stores, florists, candy makers, bakeries, telephones companies and other stores do a lot of business during these holidays.
Types/ categories
●Mother’s Day
to show love and respect for parents.
Common points
offer a chance to think about4.           
● wearing carnations on Mother’s Day.
●6.           to honor parents.
●8.            at home and in restaurant.
Giving cards and gifts to parents.


小题1:Two special days  
小题2:Father’s Day    
小题4: the changing roles
小题5: (Different )ways       
小题6:  attending religious services 
小题7:visiting parents’ graves
小题8: (families) getting together  
小题9:having outdoor BBQs     
小题10: Another tradition

小题1:Two special days  主旨大意题,根据文章第一行honor their parents with two special days可知本文是关于母亲节和父亲节。
小题2:Father’s Day    上下文对照。上一行讲述的是母亲节,那么这一行讲述的是父亲节。
小题3: Purpose    归纳总结题。根据文章第三行These days are set aside to show love and respect for parents.说明这两个节日的目的就是向父母表现我们的爱。
小题4: the changing roles 原词再现。根据文章5,6行They give love and care. These two days offer a chance to think about the changing roles。
小题5:(Different )ways     归纳总结。右边一列都是庆祝的不同的方式。
小题6:attending religious services 原词再现。根据第一段倒数第四行ttend religious services
小题7:visiting parents’ graves  原词再现。根据第一段倒数第三行whose parents are dead visit their graves.
小题8:(families) getting together  词形转换。根据第一段倒数第二行families get together at home and in restaurants。
小题9: having outdoor BBQs   词性转换。根据第一段最后2行They often have outdoor BBQs for Father’s Day.
小题10: Another tradition  原词再现。根据最后一段第一行Another tradition。
What is a dream?
For centuries, people have wondered about the strange places that they seem to visit in their sleep.   1 However, they have been valued as necessary to a person"s health and happiness.
Historically people thought dreams contained messages from God. It was only in the twentieth century that people started to study dreams scientifically believing that they tell about a person"s character. 2  He believed that dreams allow a person to express fantasies or fears, which would be socially unacceptable in real life.
The second theory to become popular was Carl Jung"s compensation theory. Jung, a former student of Freud, said that the purpose of a dream is not to hide something, but rather to communicate it to the dreamer.  3 Thus, people who think too highly of themselves may  dream about falling; those who think too little of themselves dream of being heroes.
Using more recent research, William Domhoff from the University of California found that  dreaming is a mental skill that needs time to develop in humans. , 4  Until they reach age  five, they can not express very well what their dreams are about. Once people become adults,  there is little or no change in their dreams. The dreams of men and women differ. For instance,
The characters that appear in the dreams of men are often  other men, and often involve physical aggression.
The meaning of dreams continues to be difficult to understand.  5  If you dream that a loved one is going to die, do not panic. The dream may have meaning, but it does not mean that your loved one is going to die.
A.Dreams make up for what is lacking in waking life.
B.However, people should not take their dreams as reality.
C.They have been considered as meaningless nighttime journeys.
D.It gives scientists chances to better understand human mind.
E.Children do not dream as much as adults.
F.They think their mind is trying to tell them something.
G.First, there was Sigmund Freud’s theory.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
下  文  共  有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删 除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。
注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者,从 第11处  起 不 计 分 。
I’m a senior student and I’m now in the need of your help although I can’t stand the great pressure.Every day I have to have lesson at school for nine hours and take at least three to four hours doing my homework at home. Our teenagers are eager to play and enjoy ourselves, but we hardly have any time to do that we want. Besides, we don’t even have enough sleep.  There seem to have three cases about the overload: the pressure of examinations, too many homework and high expectations from the parents. We often warned that if we don’t do our best we won’t have the chance to go university. The pressure often makes me awake at night.
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小题1:At the same time we are taking measures to _____________ our natural resources.
小题2:The factory pours a lot of waste into the river and now the _______water is not fit to drink.
小题3:They two have been _____________ about the problem for about half an hour, but neither is willing to give in.
小题4:Some local families will provide ___________ for the exchange students.
小题5:The hurricane was really _______________.Many people were scared.
小题6:Considering there are many people in developing countries still don’t have enough to eat and no place to live in, many countries agree to work togehter to reduce ______________.
小题7:Honey, take your coat with you. Last night it snowed heavily and it might be ______________ cold today.
小题8:Do you know who ____________________ the computer?
小题9:The Japanese hold the view that the types of blood are related to people’s characters, so they take them ________.
小题10:With many forests __________ , animals have lost a lot of inhabitants. 
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根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为 多余选项。
Does a Dog Help a Teen with Low Self-esteem?

A dog is known as man’s best friend for good reason. Loyal and affectionate ,a dog companion can enrich its owner’s life in many ways, 1_____ Many teenagers suffer from periods of low self-esteem (自尊)as they try to navigate the wavy waters of adolescence and deal with all of its associated highs and lows.
A teenager who lacks self-esteem may feel isolated from his peers and unable to tell his parents about personal issues. The company of a dog can be a huge comfort and ease feelings of loneliness and awkwardness. A dog offers genuine unconditional love. 2_____
All dogs need exercise,so taking his clog for a walk is the perfect opportunity for a teenager to get outdoors and benefit from fresh air and physical activity. Exercise allows people to take control of their bodies,which is often the first step toward regaining control of other aspects of their life,says mental health specialist Dr. Alan Cohen. 3    Exercise releases chemicals called endorphins (内排肽)into the brain? which create positive responses in the body ,including improved self­esteem.
Dogs can help teenagers be more sociable and make new friends, suggests HELPGUIDE. 4_____ A dog is a great ice-breaker ,avoiding awkward social situations and putting the teenager at ease with people he meets. The more confident the teen becomes when out and about with his clog ,the more his self-esteem will improve.
5_____ If a teenager is suffering from depression or developing dangerous habits such as alcohol and drug abuse ,more extreme action may be required. In these cases ,professional help should be sought and all treatment plans considered. Parents who suspect that their teen’s low self­esteem is a sign of a far more serious problem should ask a suitably qualified health professional for advice.
A.In some cases, having a dog will not help with a teenager’s low self-esteem.
B.It simply accepts its owner for who he is and doesn’t judge, question or criticize.
C.Pets offer an unconditional love that can be very helpful to people with depression.
D.You don’t have to worry about hurting your pet’s feelings or getting advice you don’t want.
E. In particular, someone with low self-esteem may find a pet dog to be extremely beneficial.
F. A teen may meet his peers while walking his dog in the park or taking part in a dog training class.
G. Many forms of exercise besides walking can be enjoyed with a dog, such as cycling, jogging and throwing a ball.
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The leaves were once again falling; autumn was once again with us. This morning I had received a phone call from a friend inviting me to a small party at her home, 小题1:I was delighted and happy to accept.
As soon as I 小题2:(step) into my friend’s garden, my eyes were 小题3:(instant) attracted by the chrysanthemums which were in full bloom. The 小题4:(fragrant) from these flowers filled the air and reminded 小题5:immediately of my parent’s garden in the past. I felt a lump (哽咽) 小题6: my throat as the sorrows went through my mind; my tears gathered and flowed down my face. The chrysanthemums made me think of my mother who 小题7:(pass) away only last autumn. I looked up to the sky because I knew she was now living in Zion, in the seventh heaven.
My mind floated back in memory. My mother had been a very hard-working 小题8:_ diligent woman with strong Chinese traditional virtues. We were a family of nine people — a large 小题9:with my parents, grandpa and grandma and us five children, three sons, two daughters. I was the youngest daughter born in小题10:1960s.
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