It happened at a weekend in the 1970’s. Mum gave me two tickets for a film, tell

It happened at a weekend in the 1970’s. Mum gave me two tickets for a film, tell

It happened at a weekend in the 1970’s. Mum gave me two tickets for a film, telling me she was too busy to go together with me with the__小题1:__(end)housework. She told me to keep the money if I could sell the extra ticket. I was very happy. At that time, a ticket cost only 20fen.But to me, a little girl of twelve,20fen seemed quite a lot. I reached the cinema __小题2:__(hurry).Holding the ticket in my hand, I began to look for a buyer. Just then a handsome young man,__ 小题3:__noticed me and the ticket, came towards me with a big smile, “You"ve got__小题4:__estra ticket" ""yes," I nodded" That"s great .Say how much?""20fen"
"Oh,"he thought for a while and then took out a ten-yuan note__小题5:__his wallet.
"I"m terribly sorry,__ 小题6:__I"ve only got this note." Seeing I was confused ,he added, "Then how about waiting for a while__小题7:_I have changed it in the cinema’s store?
"Without much thinking, I agreed .Then we went to the cinema  together. He walked very fast. I could hardly keep up with__小题8:__.Soon he disappeared in the Men"s .I stood there __小题9:__(puzzle).Suddenly I realized the handsome young fellow__小题10:__(cheat) me.
Before long I found that he"d sold the ticket to a little boy. He earned 20 fen, but lost his honor!

小题10:had cheated

小题1:考查根据上下文语境中名词转换为形容词的能力。endless无尽的,没完没了的,endless housework没完没了的家务活
小题3:考查根据上下文语境和句型结构准确使用关系代词的能力。Who 引导非限制性定语从句,指人。
小题6:考查正确使用转折连词的能力。常用句型:I’m sorry but ...,用以委婉地提出一个使对方不快的事.
小题8:考查根据上下文语境准确使用人称代词的能力。keep up with跟上,赶上,我几乎跟不上他。With后接宾语,使用宾格。

This book has information about practically anything and everything! If you have questions, it has a lot of answers. Packed with hundreds of facts, and all of the information you need to keep boredom away and handle schoolwork with ease.

It’s Khachaturian’s first day at Hills Village Middle School, and it’s shaping up to be the worst year ever. He tries to break every rule in his school’s Code of Conduct. Chewing gum in class – 5,000 points! Running in the hallway – 10,000 points! Pulling the fire alarm – 50,000 points!

This book by author James Patterson issued in 2013 for kids tells us that Georgia Khachaturian plans to be good at Hills Village Middle School in all the places her troublemaking brother failed. She’s even promised that she’ll quickly become one of the most popular girls in school.

Homework, heartache – middle school has no shortage of danger. The author of Worst – Case Scenario offers a survival guide for those who are facing or just about to face this big time in school and life. The handbook is packed with funny but useful tips for the trickiest situations in school.

Jamie wants to be the world’s greatest standup comedian – even if he doesn’t have a lot to laugh about these days. He’s living with his aunt and her evil son Steve. But he doesn’t let his situation get him down. He practices the craft of stand – up every day.

In this book, Khachaturian is accepted to art school and imagines a math – and – history – free fun zone. Wrong! It’s more competitive, and to score high in class, he needs to turn his boring life into the inspiration. But then he has to decide if he’s ready to turn his world upside down.
小题1:This is a fantastic read full of funny stories of Khachaturian’s first day at school, I could actually put some faces on the characters in this book. My daughter is reading it now and laughing and talking about it to her friends for his silly things against regulation.
小题2:This book is popular with children, because it is full of stories to tell our kids how to be strong and realize his dream though in the worst situation. Jamie shares the secret of his troubled past instead of hiding behind his comedy act, which should be an example for youngster.
小题3:I like this read because it can teach kids how to face any unexpected dangers or happenings like taking charge of a too – busy homework schedule, dealing with a cold shoulder from a friend, avoiding cell phone disasters, and more. These tips are very useful.
小题4:Issued in 2013 for kids, this helpful book tells us readers a lot of information with facts of the heroine who is eager to be better than her brother, a troublemaker, in all fields at school. She also would like to be a well – received student in school as soon as possible.
小题5:I am  interested in this wonderful book because it shows our kids how to deal with competitive life in art school and how to get a very good mark in school when they enter a brand new grade. Also it tells them how to turn their dull school life into a lively one.
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This year a new TV reality show hosted by Zhejiang Satellite TV turned out to be an unexpected success in China. Within a few hours of its first live broadcast on July 13, "the Voice of China" managed to catch the viewers" attention and hearts.
"The Voice of China", China"s adaptation of a Dutch reality talent show, sees its hopeful contestants going through a blind audition, with four famous judges picking their teams of singers who will then go on to compete for a concert.
The four famous judges , Chinese celebrities, such as famous musician Liu Huan, who sang the Beijing Olympics theme "You and Me" with Sarah Brightman and pop singer Na Ying, mainland singer Yang Kun and Taiwan singer and songwriter Harlem Yu also work as the show"s coaches.
The     小题1:    of China
  小题2: for first show
On July 13
Liu Huan
Na Ying
Yang Kun
         Harlem Yu
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Improve your memory, improve your life
Mark began to introduce the guest speaker to the audience, but then he paused in horror. ____小题1:_____
Barbara hid her jewelry when she went on vacation. When she came back, she couldn’t remember where she’d put it.
____小题2:______. Most people have. But memory can be developed.
First, relax. If you’re overanxious about remembering something, you’ll forget it. ____小题3:____.Take a deep breath and tell yourself that you have all the time in the world to remember.
Second, avoid being negative. If you keep telling yourself that your memory is bad, your mind will come to believe it and you won’t remember things. When you forget something, don’t say, “ Gee, I need to have my brain rewired(重装电线).”
To improve your memory, you’ll need to take an active role. Like your body, your memory can be strengthened through exercise. ___小题4:______ For example, if you’re learning a language, try to actively remember irregular verbs.
You may also want to make associations, or links, between what you’re trying to remember and things you already know. For example, if you need to catch a plane at 2:00pm, you can imagine a plane in your mind and notice that it has two wings. ___小题5:_______.  
Don’t worry.
He had forgotten her name.
Perhaps you’ve had experiences like these.
Look for opportunities to exercise your memory.
Jokes like this will have a negative effect on your memory.
You are now ten times more likely to remember the take-off time.
Relaxing will help improve your awareness and ability to concentrate.
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True friends are rare to come by these days. Even if you believe you’ve connected with someone, how do you really know he is a true friend? And often you will find that someone who you thought you could trust may have let you down. There are ways you can know if a friendship is true and how you can hold onto that friend.
A true friend is someone who will be there for you no matter what happens. Through good times and bad times,they will stand by you. They will accept you for who you are without trying to change you,and they will be there to help you grow in new ways.
Trust is another important aspect. A true friend will keep your secrets. They will be honest and be someone you can depend on. They will listen and be someone you know you can talk things over with,even if they may not have advice to share with you.
Friendship is a two-way street though. To find true friends and keep them, you must in turn be the same as well. Be there for them in their hard times and share the good times with them. Be someone your friends can depend on as well and offer them the same things they give to you. A friendship will fall apart fast if only one person is giving and putting all the effort in. If you are the only one making an effort, be honest.
There will be barriers in the road but that is the test of true friendship. If it can survive those barriers,it will be stronger and better than ever. St Thomas Aquinas said, “There is nothing on this earth more prized than friendship" and it holds true.
How to find a true friend?
The writer’s 小题1:____ on friends nowadays
■True friends小题2:___ come by nowadays.
■Those who you regarded as your friends may make you 小题3:___.
Characteristics of true friendship
■A true friend will 小题4:___ you whatever happens.
■A true friend will keep your secrets and be a good 小题5:__.
Ways to小题6:friendship
■Stay with your friends when they are in小题7:_.
■Be someone who your friends can 小题8:___.
■ 小题9:___ is the key to keep a friendship if you are the only one making efforts.
■True friendship can stand up to various小题10:__ and grow stronger and better.

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小题1:When I found out that my train would be three hours late, I changed my idea and would take a bus _____(代替).
小题2:I was about to rush out of the train station ______ a
小题3:well-dressed old man took me ____ the arm, "Young
小题4:lady," said the gentleman, "Shouldn"t you f____ out
小题5:the bus schedule before you rush out to c   (赶上)the
小题6:bus ". I stared at him with my mouth o    . How did  he
小题7:read my m______? Before I could say a word, he added, 
小题8: "You see, my train is ______(也) running late. The same idea
小题9:came to me. But I think a good conversation can help ____
小题10:the time. B_____ you know it, your train will be there." 
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