The pork price is expensive. I’ve got about half the amount I had at home and I’

The pork price is expensive. I’ve got about half the amount I had at home and I’

The pork price is expensive. I’ve got about half the amount I had at home and I’m paying      here. three times much three times
C.three times as muchD.much as three times


A + 谓语+倍数+the +n.(size/ height/ length……)+of  B
A + 谓语+倍数+as + abj. + as B
A + 谓语+倍数+adj. 比较级+than B
A + 谓语+倍数+what 从句
Easy Ways to Boost(改善)Your Mood
_______小题1:_______. Taking an extra moment for yourself will make your day brighter and give you a healthier outlook on life. Here are some simple ways you can bring a little happiness into your life right now:
1. Go for a walk.
Grab your dog, best friend, or your significant other and head out on a brisk(轻快的) walk. Just a little bit of exercise can boost your mood and give you a fresh perspective(态度) on problems that have been bothering you. Think walks are boring? ________小题2:_______. Take a trip to the mall, or even walk to get some frozen yogurt. Make it a fun trip and you’ll surely make it part of your routine.
After all, laughter is the best medicine. Pick up something that makes you laugh like a funny picture, book, magazine, or a DVD of your favorite comedy. _______小题4:______. Giving yourself time to laugh boosts feel-good endorphins(胺多酚).
3. _______小题5:________ .
Take a photo of yourself doing something you enjoy, like roller skating, skiing, swimming, playing an instrument, or being with friends and family.  Place the picture on your desk to remind yourself that you lead an amazing life and have lots to be happy about.
A.Model behavior
B.Try walking to a place that seems exciting to you
C.Ten minutes of relaxation can do wonders
D.Even the most optimistic people can use a mood boost every once in a while
E. Tell someone that you’re guaranteed to brighten their day
F. You could even plan a date night out to a comedy club
G. Buy something silly
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小题1:But for his help, we.                  the program in time.(finish)
小题2:With          he didn"t know what to do next.(arise)
小题3:              before we take the college entrance examination.(be)
小题4:He                   aloud in the study when he heard his father open the door.(pretend)
小题5:Having spent some time in the city, he had no trouble                       the History Museum. (find)
小题6:So           with my work that I haven"t had time for social activities.(occupy)
小题7:When we went shopping last week, Mary spent            as I did.(much)
小题8:Now that she is out of work, Lucy           to school, but she hasn"t decided yet.(consider)
小题9:Charlie Chaplin made the people laugh at a time            so they could feel more content with their lives.(depress)
小题10:It was more important to me to know how  people thought, because that gave me insight into the way                       .( work )
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Active listening is an essential skill in learning. It is when you listen carefully to make sure you understand and learn the information that is being conveyed.     小题1:  Here are some things which can help you to listen actively.
   小题2:   . Don’t just write everything down. Listen carefully and make sure you understand what the purpose of this lecture is. As you take down notes, keep the main point in mind and make sure you understand how these notes are related.
◆Listen for an organizational structure. Listen carefully to figure out how the ideas are organized and they will make more sense.
◆Pay attention to organizational cues (暗示).    小题3:   Pay close attention to the introduction, as it will probably show how you should organize your notes. If the lecture begins with, “Today I’m going to talk about three ethnic conflicts (种族冲突) in the Middle East,” then you have a good idea of what’s going to follow. Listen for “signpost” words to show a transition (过渡) from one point to the next, such as “next” and “finally” and numerical signposts like “first” or “third”.
◆Listen with your eyes.   小题4:   Watch the teacher and be aware of how he or she uses hand gestures, eye contact and other body language to convey points.
◆Remove distractions. Put away the campus newspaper, your cell phone and anything else that might be more interesting than the lecturer.
Learning to concentrate and listen actively is an endurance(耐力) skill.   小题5:  
A.Speakers communicate information through nonverbal communication.
B.Unfortunately, many students don’t know how to listen actively when they attend classes.
C.If your teacher indicates that something is important, mark it.
D.Make yourself do it, and it will get easier over time.
E. Listen carefully for words and phrases that reflect the organizational structure of the lecture.
F. Your teachers’ notes are probably organized into some kind of outline.
G. Listen for the main point and major sub-points.
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The first chocolate was eaten by Mayan and Aztec people in Central and South America hundreds of years ago. ___小题1:____ the cocoa bean was used to make a chocolate drink that the people enjoyed very much. Much later, the cocoa bean was brought across to Europe and people there also came to love the taste of chocolate.
__小题2:___ One of the items he sold was cocoa powder to make into drinks. In 1831, he opened a small factory to make cocoa powder from cocoa beans. John Cadbury believed that alcohol was an important cause of poverty and he wanted to encourage people to drink chocolate instead. A few years later a man called Joseph Fry invented a way to make chocolate bars, and so for the first time people had the chance to eat chocolate instead of only drinking it. At first, chocolate was a luxury and only the rich people could afford it. ___小题3:___
___小题4:___ Milk chocolate came later and this was made by adding milk of milk
powder to the chocolate. Cadbury’s introduced their first milk chocolate bar in 1879. Their most famous chocolate, Cadbury’s Milk Bar, was introduced in 1905. It has been a best seller in Britain and around the world for nearly 100 years.
The Cadbury factory is still in Birmingham and the chocolate produced there is eaten all over the world. 小题5:   
A.Later, as more and more chocolate bars were produced and sold, it became cheaper.
B.John Cadbury wanted people to drink chocolate instead of alcohol.
C.However, at first only plain chocolate was produced.
D.Every year, thousands of visitors visit the factory to see how chocolate is made.
E. In 1824, John Cadbury opened a small shop in Birmingham.
F. More and more chocolate was manufactured.
G. In those days, the people did not really eat chocolate;
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I think machine power is better than human power because we cannot survive without our daily used machines like bikes, coolers, computers, etc.
Started on  14-Apr-2008  By Smith
Yes, it’s very clear that machine power is better than man power. But machine power has its limitations (局限). It cannot survive without electricity and manhandling. If it doesn’t have these two then it is completely useless. So man should not completely depend on machines. One more point is that because of the use of machines man has become lazy. This laziness has brought in many problems like obesity, arthritis (关节炎) and other health problems. But I am not saying that man should completely turn from machine power to man power. He should have a balance of both. Even I can’t think of life without a car, a computer and a cooler.
Humans only created the machines. So, human power is greater than machine power. To do the things quickly we created the machines. But machines cannot think. That thinking power beats machine power.
But without humans there is no value of any machine. If someone wants to use his machine perfectly then one must have expert labor or man power.
Hi to all, my opinion is that human power is more powerful than machine power, because human beings created the machines. Human brain works more compared to machines.
I think human power is better than machine power because even if we travel on foot to near places the money will not be wasted and we can get exercise.
小题1:Who agrees with Smith generally?
A.Tommy. B.Tina. C.Sally. D.Johnson.
小题2:According to Johnson, man should ______.
A.keep a balance between human power and machine power
B.completely depend on machine power
C.turn from machine power to man power completely a life without a car, a computer or a cooler
小题3:Sally thinks that human power is better than machine power because ______.
A.machines are useless without electricity
B.machine power can make people become lazy
C.machines can’t think like human beings
D.human brain can do things quickly
小题4:Which of the following questions are the speakers talking about in the passage?
A.Will machine power defeat human power?
B.Which is better, human power or machine power?
C.What limitations does machine power have?
D.Will machines think in the future?

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