根据对话内容,从对话的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项L:  ____1____. S: I want to borrow a book

根据对话内容,从对话的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项L:  ____1____. S: I want to borrow a book

L:  ____1____.
S: I want to borrow a book, can you recommend(介绍) an interesting one?
L:  ____2____.
S:  I like story and travel books.
L:   Have you read “Song of Youth”?
S:  Oh, yes, I have. I want a book written by Mark Twain.
L:  ____3____.
S:  “ The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”?
L:  All right. I’ll get it for you.
S:  ____4____
L:  You may keep it for two weeks.
S:  ____5____.
L:  You may come and renew them.
S:  Thank you for your kind help.
L:  You are welcome. Good-bye!
S:  Good-bye!
What shall I do if I can’t finish it on time.
Good morning! What can I do for you?
What’s the title of the book?
What do you want?
Of course, I can. But tell me first what kind of books you like to read
How long may I borrow the book?
Thanks a lot. How long may I keep the book?


小题1:从答语看:I want to borrow a book,是问要我为你做什么?选 B
小题2:从问句:can you recommend(介绍) an interesting one?可知是回答:当然可以,选E
小题3:从答语看:“ The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”?是问书名是什么?选C
小题4:从答语看:You may keep it for two weeks.是问可以借多长时间。选G
小题5:从答语看You may come and renew them.是问要是没看完怎么办。选A
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
W: Bobby, turn that TV off and set the table. Dinner is almost ready.
M: OK. I’ll be right down…
W:   1  Your father’s plane was delayed, so he won’t be home until after 10:00.
M: Aw, man! Why does he always have to travel so much?   2 
W: I know. Your sister and I feel the same way, but this is the way it has to be right now.
M:   3 
W: That’s because I work from home.   4  Your father is gone a lot, but he also makes good money.
M: Why doesn’t he work from home?
W:   5  If he stayed at home, how would he ever sell anything?
A.Yes. Father works too hard.
B.But you never travel for your job.
C.Dear, we’ll have to wait for your father.
D.I feel like I never get to see him anymore.
E. I guess I’m lucky, but there are disadvantages, too.
F. Honey, there are only going to be three of us tonight.
G. Well, working in sales means you have to be on the road a lot.
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A. Beijing Highlights
Luxury : 4 Days       $269 Up
Standard : 4 Days      $249 Up
Super Deluxe : 4 Days   $519 Up
Budget : 5 Days        $189 Up
Beijing boasting a history of over a thousand years is rich in cultural relics. Our four-day itinerary will take you to the most popular sites around the city. You will see the magnificent Great Wall; sacred Tiananmmen Square; majestic Forbidden City as well as the verdant gardens of the Summer Palace.

B. Beijing Hutong Tour
Luxury & Standard : 5 Days  $299 Up
Super Deluxe : 5 Days      $669 Up
Budget : 6 Days           $239 Up
Beijing, one of the six ancient capital cities of China still has a rich history, and a diverse and colorful culture. Take a special rickshaw ride through an old Hutong neighborhood to experience the different life styles of Beijing residents. A visit to the Lama Temple will expose you to the local people’s religious beliefs.

C. Short Beijing Travel
Luxury & Standard : 3 Days   $159 Up
Are you annoyed by your tight time schedule but interested in visiting Beijing? Here we provide an elaborately(精心地) designed 3-day Beijing tour itinerary taking you to explore the highlights of Beijing. Hence, you can make full use of your time to visit the most aspects of Beijing.

D. Beijing Group Tour
Luxury : 5 Days    $279 Up
Explore the highlights of Beijing on a tight budget, why not join our Beijing group tour with only 6-18 people to each group, you will not only make new friends from different countries but also experience all of the comfort and flexibility at a lower price.

E. Beijing Essence Tour
Luxury : 2 Days    $75 Up
To guide you to catch all the highlight sites of Beijing in short time schedule, we carefully design these two 2-day refined Beijing tours. Take the tour and make full use of your precious time to see as much as possible of Beijing.

F. Beijing One-Day Tours - 17 options here for you!
Luxury : 1 Day   $29 Up
Beijing is such a large city with numerous places of interest to visit.
One-day package tours offered here are all made up of the essence of Beijing. You can choose any of your preferred according to your interest.
小题1:Dick is a newcomer to Beijing where he is going to stay for 5 days. Since he has to attend a very important conference on the third day, he has very limited time to spare. But he wishes to spend two days visiting a few of the scenic spots in Beijing so that he could have some basic idea of what Beijing is like.
小题2:Coming from Los Angeles, as an exchange student, John is eager to know about Beijing which he believes is a great city with a lot of things to explore. So he plans to go around on Sundays. Since he is not familiar with the city, he decides to join one of the local tour agencies. But he prefers things to be different every week.
小题3:Mary is a mother with a 9-year-old daughter. She wants to travel around Beijing this summer holiday with her daughter. She would like her daughter to make some friends while opening her eyes during the trip.
小题4:Li Xue has a very long holiday this year. She wants to go on a guided tour round the most popular sites of Beijing. She does not believe in those so called “cheap and good” offer, so she does not care much about money. So long as the tour is comfortable and enjoyable, she will not hesitate to join in.
小题5:Professor Zhou is interested more in culture and the way of life of the local people than simply taking a city sightseeing tour. Instead of going to museums and popular sites, he likes to explore how the local people lived in the old times.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
阅读下面短文,根据所读内容在文后小题的空格里填上适当的单词或短语。 注意:每空不超过3个单词。
Colors can affect our feelings. Generally, they can be divided into four kinds. They are calm colors, warm colors, energetic colors and strong colors.
Calm colors  Some colors make us feel calm and peaceful. Blue is one of those colors. Blue can also represent sadness, so you may say “I’m feeling blue” when you are feeling sad. White is another calm color. It makes you feel calm and peaceful.
Warm colors  Some colors can give you a happy and satisfied feeling. Colors like orange or yellow belong to these. Orange represent joy. It can bring you success and cheer you up when you’re feeling sad. Yellow is the color of the sun and wisdom, too.
Energetic colors  When you feel tired or weak, you should wear energetic colors, such as green. Green can give you energy as it is the color of nature and stand for new life and growth.
Strong colors   Anyone who needs physical or mental strength should wear red clothes. Red is the color of heat and represent power and strong feelings.
Colors and feelings
小题1:__________of colors
calm colors
Calm and peaceful
warm colors
energetic colors
strong colors

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
A. Responding to emotions.
B. Emotions and memory.
C. Emotions and your brain.
D. What emotions are.
E. How good it feels to be understood!
F. How we can be happy.
Everyone feels happiness, surprise, fear, sadness and anger at some time—these are the basic emotions. It’s normal to have these feelings sometimes! There are over 600 words in English to describe them and we use the muscles(肌肉) in our faces to express them.
  Emotions enable us to react to situations—for example, anger will set your heart racing, and feeling happy will make you smile. One of the key areas of your brain that deals with showing, recognizing, and controlling the body’s reaction to emotions is known as the limbic system (中枢边缘系统).
 When remembering an emotional event, you recall not only what happened, but also how you felt. Both sorts of memory can be caused by something you heard, saw and even smelt, at the time. Scientists think that you store early emotional memories, even if you can’t remember what actually happened.
Taking the time to recognize, understand, and express how we feel is the right thing to do. When we are able to express our emotions properly, we think hand act in a better way. We have better relationships with our parents, family and friends. We understand ourselves, and others understand us. And it feels so good!
  The way we feel affects our thoughts and actions, and it is impossible to separate our feelings from the things we think and do! Therefore, it is important to be aware of our feeling and to respond to them in the right way. Feelings like anger and fear are not our enemies! We should not keep them deep inside. Instead, we should understand them and direct them in the proper way.
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