Ⅱ. 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节:短文填词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,根据以下提示:1)汉语提示,2)首字母提示,3)语境提示,在

Ⅱ. 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节:短文填词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,根据以下提示:1)汉语提示,2)首字母提示,3)语境提示,在


Ⅱ. 写作(共两节,满分35分)
Once an American and a Frenchman decided to cross the
sea _____ France and England in balloon in 1784. When they flew                        81. ________
high over the w     , they suddenly discovered a hole in the                                82. ________
balloon. What was_____ (更糟糕), the hole became bigger and bigger.                  83. ________
The air keeping the balloon_____ was escaping quickly and the                              84. ________
balloon was coming down. _____ (看到) this, the two men threw                          85. ________
a      their equipment away to make the balloon lighter. It started                             86. ________
to r     higher again. But soon it again was too close to the water.                       87. ________
Finally, the men had _____ choice but to throw away most of                          88. ________
their clothes to s      themselves. The crowd was very surprised                         89. ________
to see this when the balloon_____(降落)in front of them.                                     90. ________

81.between   82.water   83.worse   84.up   85.seeing   86.all   87.rise    88.no   89.save     90.landed  


It was very fine when I got up early last Sunday morning. 
So I         (决定) to go for a walk and take some                                                 81. ________
p      in the beautiful country. After breakfast, I carried                                           82. ________
my camera with me and set off. E      went smoothly.                                      83. ________
I enjoyed my trip so much that I didn’t        (意识到)                                           84. ________
The w     had turned bad. I began to run but it was                                                  85. ________
too        . I was caught in the rain and was wet through.                                 86. ________
I kept on running until I        to a bus stop. I stood there                                87. ________
(等待) a long time for the bus, shivering with cold.                               88. ________
Shortly a        I got home, I had a high fever,                                                89. ________
made me stay in bed for a whole week!                                                   90. ________
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阅读下面短文,根据以下要求:1)汉语提示; 2)首字母提示; 3)语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词,并将该词完整地写在短文下面相对应的横线上。所填单词要求意义准确、拼写正确
Helen Keller was a great writer and ___1____(教育家)  in the world,
whose most famous work is The Story of My Life. When she was young, Helen was a very special girl, who couldn’t s____2____, read, or write, because she couldn’t ____3____ or hear. Because of those severe _____4_______(限制) on her communication, her temper was often unbearable.
It was her teacher Anne Sullivan who completely ___5_____ her life.
She herself had also e____6_______ problems, so she related to Helen’s
difficulties. Anne’s first goal was to change Helen’s ____7____(引起麻烦的) behaviors, which gave her valuable preparations to learn language.
Helen learned words by t__8____ objects. It was the word “water” that
she completely understood for the first time. From then on, she learned
many basic words. Later on , she was e____9____to learn  more
__10_____(复杂的)words which need the thinking process.
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第四部分 写作(共四节,满分35分)
It hurts to love someone and not be loved in      .                    86.__________
But what is more       (痛苦)is to love someone and never find     8 7. __________
the courage to let that person know       you feel.                    88. __________
A sad thing in life is when you meet someone      means           89. __________
a lot to you,only to find out in the end that it was
never meant to be and you just have to let g   . The best kind            90. __________
of friend is the kind you can sit under a tree  w    ,                 91. __________
never say a word,and then walk away,    (感觉)like it was the best  92. __________
conversation you"ve ever      . It"s true that we don"t know what we"ve     93. __________
got until we  l    it, but it"s also true that we don"t know what we"ve     94 __________
been      (想念)until it arrives.                                95 __________
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Dr.Carl wight is an expert on the_________(环境)。He       76___________
speaks to our r__________,“It is clear that in the next 77___________
few years the Earth’s c________ is going to change.I’m 78__________
afraid tht this probably means that many kinds          
of animals,such as the South China tiger,are going 
to ______(消失)soon.Changes in climate are                79__________
going to certainly _________(影响) people’s lives too.  80__________
Because of g_______ warming,the sea has already          81__________
destroyed parts of Britain.It is o_______that this       82__________
_________(破坏) will become more dangerous in            83___________
the future.We have to take i_________action,or          84___________
I_________(担心)that life on Earth will get worse.”    85___________
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31.I"m afaid I won"t be able to attend the meeting at 3:00 pm next Monday.I____________________(已经坐飞机到) New York long before then.(fly)
32. They found themselves on the back of the monster,_______________(这结果却是) a blue whale.(which)
33.____________________(我多么地感谢)for my teacher"s priceless advice!(owe)
34.The judge ordered that___________________(他还我钱) within five days after the trial.(pay)
35.____________________(坐在一张椅子上),he was completely lost in a magazine.(seat)
36.Please__________________(保持房子的原样)now,because I like it this way and I will buy it tomorrow.(leave,as)
37.____________________(虽然你所说的话给我留下深刻印象),it fades next to what you have done in the struggle against SARS. ( as)
38.He spoke with me with ___________________(眼睛盯着另一位女孩)。(fix)
39.The new bridge is___________________(是老桥的5倍长) (length)
40.The students still can"t understand what he said. He______________________ (可能没有表达清楚他的话) (get)
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