31. -- If you don’t bring a birthday present to Lucy, you may    .-- Thank you f

31. -- If you don’t bring a birthday present to Lucy, you may    .-- Thank you f


31. -- If you don’t bring a birthday present to Lucy, you may    .
-- Thank you for reminding me. Surely I’ll buy her one this evening.
A.leave her aloneB.let her downC.hold her backD.cheer her up



8._________Shen Xue and Zhao Honbo________a gold medal in Canada in the Winter’s Olympic Games is really a pride for all Chinese people.
A.What; carried outB.That; carried offC.How; carried onD.Why; carried off

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16. The story that follows _____ two famous characters of the Rocky Mountain gold rush days.

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25. ------ You know what? Wang Wei wants to be another Yao Ming and play in NBA.
------ Are you kidding? He will never _____ a super star.
A. change      B. make       C. turn      D. Get
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Children’s curiosity may _____________ many useful inventions.
A.lead toB.take placeC.gather inD.bring away

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He ______ on the bed_____ to his parents that blackbirds had_____ their eggs on Mars.
A. lay; lying; lied                      B. lied; lied; lied 
C. laid; laid; laid                        D lying; lied; laid
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