词汇运用1. Who is most likely ________(受益于) the policy?2. Generally speaking,childre

词汇运用1. Who is most likely ________(受益于) the policy?2. Generally speaking,childre

词汇运用1. Who is most likely ________(受益于) the policy?
2. Generally speaking,children are easier ________(适应新环境).
3. I ________(对他烦透了) because he kept asking me questions.
4. India ________(1947年脱离英国获得独立).
5. He is a man ________(大智大勇).
6. Before Christmas when the shop is busy,he ________(雇了个店员).
7. She is looking in the mirror,________(自我欣赏).
8. I enjoy a ________(非常壮观的日落).
9. The headmaster ________(让人感到平易近人).
10. The disease ________(使他残疾了).
1. to benefit from   2. to adapt to the new environment  3. was annoyed with him
4. gained independence from Britain in 1947   5.of great courage and high intelligence
6. employed an assistant   7. admiring herself  8.most remarkable sunset
9. is easy of access to the students/is accessible to the students  10.disabled him
词汇运用1. We express ourselves ________(用词语).
2. In the team,young people ________(占多数).
3. The company can only supply ________(我们所需的百分之二十).
4. Oil doesn"t ________(和水混合).
5. We"ll try our best to achieve ________(种族的) harmony.
6. He ________(已经申请了这份工作).
7. He is devoted to studying ________(社会主义) principles.
8.Many accidents ________(发生在家里).
9. ________(研究表明) that men find it easier to give up smoking than women.
10. Her anxiety ________(大家都看得出).
11. We ________(租了一辆汽车去旅行).
题型:广东省同步题难度:| 查看答案
词汇运用。1.Beauty is ________(抽象的) but a tree is not.
2.He read through the book and ________(作了摘录) its contents.
3.She has lost ________(信任) her husband.
4.He was caught in an accident,________(因此) he was late for the meeting.
5.My ________(目标是提高) my spoken English.
6.He found this painting ________(没有大价值) in helping you understand the history
of art.
7.I have had the furniture ________(估价) and it ________(估价为) ¥2,600.
8.All eyes ________(注视) Liu Xiang in the stadium.
9.He ________(说服我买) that dictionary.
10.The newly discovered Greek sculpture is now ________(在展出).
11.China is one of the ________(文明国家).
12.He found a ________(固定的工作) four years after he graduated from college.
13.We"ve got to be ________(现实的) because we can"t really afford another holiday.
题型:广东省同步题难度:| 查看答案
词汇运用1. You don"t need to ________(打扮) just to go the pubjeans and a Tshirt will do.
2. We may never discover what ________(发生) that night.
3. A service was held ________(纪念) those who had died in the earthquake.
4. She was ________(盼望) seeing the grandchildren again.
5. I felt ________(好像) I"d been lying in the sun for hours.
6. What time will we have to ________(动身) for the station tomorrow?
7. She ________(出现) at my house late one night.
8. He promised to help and he ________(实现诺言).
9. How long can you ________(屏住呼吸) in water?
10. Your hair and eyes ________ me ________ your mother.(使想起)
11. I never thought that they were ________(开玩笑) me. I was very disappointed.
12. On Sundays children often ________(玩得高兴) each other. They are very happy.
13. After the heavy rain the machines were kept running ________(日夜) to pump water.
题型:广东省同步题难度:| 查看答案
词汇运用.1.I"m sorry,but I didn"t mean to ________(使你心烦).
2.Ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to ________(使你朋友平静下来).
3.Rescuers ________(关心) the safety of the men trapped in the fire.
4.We are surprised at ________(他对法律的忽视).
5.Any student caught ________(作弊) in the exam will be punished.
6.The kids________(疯狂) when the film star appeared.
7.We ________(共有) the same interest and she ________(分担) my troubles as well.
8.The war brings so much ________(痛苦) that people are eager for peace.
9.Having done something wrong,he ________(不敢) go home.
10.The heavy snow prevented all the ________(与……的联系) the outside world.
题型:广东省同步题难度:| 查看答案
词汇运用1. Her cheerful spirits ________(感染了) the whole class.
2. As a young boy he showed great interest in ________(科学) and did many ________(科学的)
experiments in his spare time,which would make him a great ________(科学家) in time.
3. After a long discussion,they ________(得出结论) that the man was lying.
4. Today I have some important things ________(处理).
5. The baby was left ________(毫无遮蔽的) to the wind and rain.
6. We are ready to ________(承担责任) for what happened.
7. The teacher ________(宣布) that we would have a few days off and there would be ________(通知) for the exact time.
8. I ________(接到指令) to wait here until the lecturer arrives.
9. Does smoking ________(对……起作用;贡献) lung cancer?
10. Our idea to set up a music club in the neighbourhood meet many ________(拒绝).
题型:广东省同步题难度:| 查看答案


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