翻译句子.1. His expenses exceeded his income.
翻译句子. |
1. His expenses exceeded his income. |
1.他入不敷出。 答案不唯一。 |
翻译句子. |
1. How many countries will be participating in the Olympic Games? 2. He has been an active participant in the discussion. |
翻译句子. |
1. This plant is distributed throughout China. 2. The springs have a wide distribution in Ji"nan. |
翻译句子 |
1. We will have to operate on his eyes. 2. They operate three factories and a huge warehouse. 3. What skills are needed to operate this machine? 4. Solar panels can only operate in sunlight. |
翻译句子,注意 up to在句中 的含义 |
1. The temperature went up to 35°C. 2. Up to now she"s been very quiet. 3. I don"t feel up to going to work today. |
根据汉语意思完成句子 |
1.他向慈善事业捐款数千英镑。 He thousands of pounds charity. 2.所有献的血都要接受艾滋病病毒和其他传染病检查。 All ________is tested for HIV and other infections. 3.他捐献了100万元。 He _______ _______ a million. |