假设你是John, 你的笔友李华口语不好,他来信请你谈谈你的意见。你给他写一封回信。提出以下看法和建议:1. 在课堂上要积极发言,多争取说英语的机会。如果说错,

假设你是John, 你的笔友李华口语不好,他来信请你谈谈你的意见。你给他写一封回信。提出以下看法和建议:1. 在课堂上要积极发言,多争取说英语的机会。如果说错,

假设你是John, 你的笔友李华口语不好,他来信请你谈谈你的意见。你给他写一封回信。提出以下看法和建议:
1. 在课堂上要积极发言,多争取说英语的机会。如果说错,老师会帮助你纠正错误。
2. 在课内课外尽可能多地说英语,熟能生巧。
3. 找一个喜欢说英语的同学共同实践,相互帮助。
4. 不要失去信心,不要怕说错,不要怕别人讥笑。
5. 只要坚持下去,一定能提高英语口语水平。
注意:1. 词数:120-150.
Dear Li Hua,
Thank you for your letter. _________________________________________
Yours sincerely,

Dear Li Hua,
Thank you for your letter. I’m sorry to know that you have some trouble with your spoken English.
Here is some of my advice on improving your spoken English:
First of all, in class you must be active. Get every chance to speak. If you make any mistake, your teacher and your classmates will help you. Try to speak English in and after class as much as possible. As you know, practice makes perfect.
Why not find someone with whom you can practise speaking English? Thus you can help each other.
Don’t lose heart in your spoken English, and don’t be afraid of making any mistake or being laughed at. As long as you keep on speaking English, you are sure to improve your spoken English.
Yours sincerely,

大多数人都希望受到别人欢迎,但并非都能做到。请根据下表问卷调查结果,写一篇题为How to be popular的英文短文。
45%的人认为: 1. 改善外表,穿着得体,精神状态好     2. 经常微笑,待人友善
55%的人认为: 1. 培养对他人的体贴   2. 当个好听众   3. 不说别人的坏话
你自己的观点 (至少两点)
注意:1. 短文须包括所有要点,可适度发挥。
2. 开头已为你写好,但不计人总词数。
3. 词数:120左右。
How to be popular
Many people desire to be popular with others but not everyone can achieve this goal. What is the secret to popularity?
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Encouragement from a friend plays a very important role in motivating you to solve the problems you are facing.It helps you fight the difficulties and get out of an unfavorable situation you are stuck in.
Encouragements can serve as a ray of hope during difficult times.          
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
下面是某中外合资企业刊登在昨天的China Daily上的一则广告:
Office secretary(办公秘书), with experience in bookkeeping, typewriting, public relations, operating PC (personal computer).  Address,  age,  health condition.
Write to A518, Charlie Office.
Dear Sir,
Zhang Ling
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Everyone has an experience they would rather forget. Some are embarrassing, some are moving, and some teach us a lesson. Here is a story of mine.
Last Sunday I went fishing. After setting up my fishing rod(钓鱼竿) with bait(鱼饵), I sat down on the bank of the lake. But two hours later, I didn’t catch any fish. I got very angry and began to pack up my stuff, preparing to go back home.
Just then, I saw an old man sitting near me. To my surprise, his basket was full of fish, so I went over to him, wanting to know why. “Excuse me, but how long have you sat here?” I asked. “About four hours,” he answered. “Four hours?” I could not believe my ears. “Yes. It’s very important to be patient,” the old man said. “Don’t consider fishing a tiring sport. Just enjoy it.” Suddenly, I understand what he said. I must learn to be patient. Then I sat there and waited for fish patiently. I felt a fish touch the bait, but I didn’t move and waited for the right moment to reel it in(卷收钓鱼线). At last, I caught it. This made me very happy. In the following six hours, I caught over 10 fish.
On my way home, I thought what had happened on the bank. I gradually realized that the secret of success was patience.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
当前不少文学作品被改编成电影。有人选择看电影,有人则喜欢读原著。请你以“Film or book, which do you prefer?”为题,按照下列要点写一篇英语短文:
1、 看电影:省时、有趣、易懂
2、 读原著:细节更多、语言优美
3、 我的看法及理由:
参考词汇: original work 或 book in the original (原著)
Film or book, which do you prefer?
Some of us think that it is better to see the film than to read the book in the original. ______________________________________________________________________________
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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