

参考词汇:快速公交系统BRT 高架桥overpass
Dear Editor,
I’m writing to tell you about the road construction which is taking place in our city.
Yours truly,
Li Hua
I’m writing to tell you about the road construction which is taking place in our city. Recently the local government has decided to broaden some narrow roads to build BRT, which has caused a heated discussion among the local people.
Some agree that we should carry out the construction project because it can solve some traffic problems and make our life convenient and comfortable. Besides, it helps promote the economy and improve people’s living environment as well as the image of Huizhou as a modern tourist city in the northeast of Guangdong province.
But others believe that the construction work may cause air pollution and traffic jams may appear now and then. What’s worse, the people who are against the construction think that the noise produced by the work will disturb people’s peaceful life.
I’m writing to talk about the construction project which is going on in our city.
Recently the local government has decided to broaden some narrow roads to build BRT, which has caused a heated discussion among the local people. Some agree that we should carry out this construction project because they can not only solve some traffic problems which is becoming worse and worse, but also help to make our life convenient and comfortable. Besides, they think that it helps promote the economy and improve people’s living environment as well as the image of Huizhou as a modern tourist city.
But others are against it, saying that they the project may cause air pollution. They also believe the noise produced by the project will disturb people’s peaceful life. Personally, I think the construction project will certainly do a lot of good to the city and the people. If we focus our attention on the environment, all of us will lead a better life in the future.
这是一篇要点作文,是一封书信,要点已经给出,和其它作文不一样的是,要学生写五句话这就需要学生有很强的概括能力,用精确的语言对要点进行归纳。不能繁琐,还要求句子结构准确,信息内容完整,这时我们可以尽量使用复杂句,这样一句话里还有的信息量可以很大,如it helps promote the economy and improve people’s living environment as well as the image of Huizhou as a modern tourist city in the northeast of Guangdong province.还有可以加入一些关联词,使篇章结构连贯。
What my mother does drives me crazy. She calls me at 10:30 pm every night to make sure I’ve arrived home safely. If I accidentally miss her call, she will keep calling all my friends and roommates until she "tracks me down".
As a 20-year-old lady in Beijing, sometimes I have to ask my friends to be quiet so that I can pick up my mother’s phone call, telling her a white lie that I’m already at home.
Recently I ran into a matchmaking meeting, which is held in a park and specifically designed for single white – collar workers in Beijing. The interesting part is that all of the attendees are single people’s parents, eager to look for a life partner for their children.
One mother told me that her 33-year-old son is busy with his career and has zero time to find a suitable girl for himself. So she goes to the matchmaking every week, trying to find her son a perfect bride.
She guaranteed that her future daughter-in-law doesn’t need to worry about anything for she has prepared an apartment and a car for them, and if they can’t find a kindergarten near the apartment she has bought, she will buy them another one. Looking at hundreds of middle – aged parents standing in the cold outdoors in a freezing winter trying to build their children a perfect future, I suddenly understand my mother more.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
注意:1. 文章必须包括表格中的全部内容,可适当增加细节;
2. 建议可面向学生或教师提出,但至少写三条;
3. 文章开头已给出,不计入总词数,只需接着写;
4. 词数:100词左右。
参考词汇:合适的suitable 材料material
Recently, our school has done a survey of students’ English reading situation, but the results are no pleasing.                                                     
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
I once met a middle-aged stranger who said his money had been stolen at the railway station,so he had no money to go home. He begged for help from passers-by,but they all pretended not to have heard what he was saying and went by quickly. Then he stopped me and wanted me to give him the help. At first I could not accept that because I didn"t think he was telling the truth. But when I saw tears in his eyes,I began to believe that he might be in the real trouble,so,just immediately I gave him all the money I had. When he took the money, his face turned red. Before he left,he expressed his great thanks and also said he would give back my money when he reached home.
When I came back to school and told my classmates about my story,they held different opinions. Some of them thought that I did a good deed to have given a hand to the person in trouble,while others said that I was cheated. Some even laughed at me and called me a fool who could not judge things in the right way. Now,I am really confused!
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
假如你是某英语报社“烦恼和我说”栏目的编辑Linda,收到中学生David 的来信。请你阅读这封信后,给他回信。词数:120左右。
Dear Ms Linda,
Though living in a wealthy family, I don’t feel as happy as other boys because I’m forbidden to do what I want to ,such as surfing the Internet, playing with my friends, buying what I want , and so on. My parents ask me to study all day. I feel they are too hard on me . I often feel upset as I have no freedom. What shall I do ? I will greatly appreciate it if you could give me some advice.
回信应包括以下两个要点: 1。简述自己的类似的经历;
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
随着经济的快速发展,城市中的高楼越建越多,道路越修越宽,但树木却越来越少,垃圾处处可见。为了拥有更美好的生活环境,你发出了“美化城市”的号召。你以Make Our City Green and Clean 为题写一篇英文作文。
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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