Robert Capa is a name that has for many years been associated with war photograp

Robert Capa is a name that has for many years been associated with war photograp

Robert Capa is a name that has for many years been associated with war photography.
Born in Hungary in 1913,Capa was forced to leave his native country after his involvement in anti-government protests.Capa had originally wanted to become a writer,but after his arrival in Berlin he first found work as a photographer.He later left Germany and moved to France and it was here that he changed his name to Robert Capa,mainly because he thought it would sound more American.
In 1936,after the breakout of the Spanish Civil War,Capa went to Spain and it was here that he built his reputation as a war photographer.It was here too in 1936 that he took one of his most famous pictures,The Death of a Loyalist Soldier.One of Capa’s most famous quotes was“If your pictures aren’t good enough,you’re not close enough.”And he took his attitude of getting close to the action to an extreme.His photograph,The Death of a Loyalist Soldier is a prime example of this as Capa captures the very moment the soldier falls.However,many have questioned the reality of this photograph,claiming that it was staged.
When World War II broke out,Capa was in New York,but he was soon back in Europe covering the War for Life magazine.Some of his most famous work was created on 6th June 1944.Capa,armed only with two cameras,took more than one hundred photographs in the first hour of the Normandy landing(诺曼底登陆),but a mistake in the darkroom during the drying of the film destroyed all but eight frames.It was the images from these frames,however,that inspired the visual style of Steven Spielberg’s Oscar winning movie Saving Private Ryan.
小题1:Capa originally wanted to be ____________.
A.a journalistB.a American D.a photographer
小题2:Why did Capa change his name?
A.To hide his identity.
B.Because he had been involved in protests.
C.To sound more American.
D.Because he had to leave Hungary.
小题3:Capa went to Spain to ________________.
A.fight in the civil his reputation
C.have a holiday D.take photographs
小题4:Capa’s famous picture Death of a Loyalist Soldier _______________.
A.was taken by someone elseB.was definitely real
C.wasn’t even taken in Spain D.cannot be proven real or staged
小题5:A mistake meant that ______________.
A.most of Capa’s images of the Normandy landing were destroyed
B.Capa lost both of his two cameras
C.Capa’s images inspired an Oscar winning movie
D.only one hundred of Capa’s photographs were published


小题1:细节理解题。从第二段Capa had originally wanted to become a writer,but after his arrival in Berlin he first found work as a photographer.可知他原想当一名作家。故B正确。
小题2:细节理解题。从第二段it was here that he changed his name to Robert Capa,mainly because he thought it would sound more American.可知他改名的原因。故C正确。
小题3:细节理解题。根据文章第三段In 1936,after the breakout of the Spanish Civil War,Capa went to Spain and it was here that he built his reputation as a war photographer.可知他去西班牙是为了拍照片。故D正确。
小题4:细节理解题。根据文章第三段However,many have questioned the reality of this photograph,claiming that it was staged.可以得出答案。故D正确。
小题5:细节判断题。根据文章最后一段Some of his most famous work was created on 6th June 1944.Capa,armed only with two cameras,took more than one hundred photographs in the first hour of the Normandy landing(诺曼底登陆),but a mistake in the darkroom during the drying of the film destroyed all but eight frames.可以得出答案。故A正确。
A man was bitterly envious of his neighbour.He spent long hours in prayer,wanting to be      to his neighbour in every aspect of life.
One night,God appeared before him in a dream and said,“I am pleased with your    .Ask for a gift.     your neighbour will get the same gift in double amount.”
He was glad but sad that his enemy would get a greater gift.He requested,“God,     the sight in one of my eyes.”
With his single eye,he peeped at his neighbour but was        to see his neighbour"s sight was not lost! Confused,he        to God,“Why don’t you keep your word?”
God said,“Son,I always keep my word.      is not a gift,but a curse.You have the gift of sight in only one eye now,as asked by you.But your neighbour has sight in both of his eyes.I        the gift.”
He suddenly        from his dream and was sure that it was a message from God.Englightened by the dream,he went to his neighbour and begged his pardon for thinking and acting       him.They embraced each other and were good friends thereafter.
A.clevererB.previousC.stronger D.superior
A.prayerB.envyC.sorrow D.pity
A.OtherwieeB.ButC.Therefore D.Besides
A.finishB.cutC.move D.destroy
A.delightedB.terrifiedC.surprised D.worried
A.blamedB.complained C.yelled D.hurried
A.BlindnessB.EnvyC.Disability D.Promise
A.relievedB.awardedC.kept D.doubled
A.awokeB.burstC.cried D.frightened
A.towardsB.forC.against D.on

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The family had just moved.The young woman was feeling a little        .It was Mother"s Day—and 800 miles separated her from her parents.
She had called them that morning,and her mother had        how colorful their backyard was        spring had arrived.Later,she told her husband how she        those lilacs(丁香)in her parents’yard.“I know where we can find some,”he said.“Get the        and come on.”So off they went.
Some time later,they stopped at a hill and there were lilacs all round.The young woman rushed up to the nearest        and buried her face in the flowers.Carefully,she       some.Finally,they returned to their car for the        home.The woman sat smiling,surrounded by her        
When they were near home,she shouted“stop”,got off quickly and        to a nearby nursing home.She went to the end of the porch(门廊),where a(n)        patient was sitting in her wheelchair,and put the flowers into her lap.The two        ,bursting into laughter now and then.Later the young woman turned and ran back to her        .As the car pulled away,the woman in the wheelchair        with a smile,and held the lilacs        .
“Mom,”the kids asked,“        did you give her our flowers?”“It is Mother"s Day,and she seems so        while I have all of you.And anyone would be        by flowers.”
This satisfied the kids,but not the husband.The next day he        some young lilacs around their yard.   
I was the husband.Now,every May,our yard is full of lilacs.Every Mother’s Day our kids        purple lilacs.And every year I remember that smile of the lonely old woman.
A.movedB.worriedC.angry D.depressed
A.1earnedB.imaginedC.mentioned D.realized
小题3: if D.even if
A.missedB.grewC.watered D.showed
A.carsB.kidsC.clothes D.1ilacs.
A.bushB.hillC.yard D.door
A.boughtB.pickedC.set D.raised
A.breakB.holidayC.trip D.dinner
小题9: D.honor
A.respondedB.pointedC.drove D.hurried
A.1ovingB.elderlyC.serious D.sensitive
A.hesitatedB.waitedC.sat D.chatted
A.familyB.motherC.path D.home
A.noddedB.wavedC.1eft D.continued
A.sadlyB.politelyC.quickly D.tightly
A.quietB.confusedC.alone D.patient
A.arrangedB.driedC.planted D.hid

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I break off a piece of candy and take pleasure in its sweet outside and the bitter, dark chocolate inside, thinking of my own life. Being raised by a single parent was a bitter-sweet     , which gave me motivation and ambition.
There were several years that have left an extremely bitter taste in my mouth .The first few months after my mother’s remarriage were sweet: baseball games, family trips to the mall, dinners and movies together. Then things     . Baseball became too expensive, and trips to the mall were     by days Emily and I spent lonely in our rooms under our stepfather’s     . Moreover, screaming matches between him and our mother always     dinner. We spent five years living in a family that had     a war field. Emily and I almost grew used to this situation. Then one evening, after another argument had     , we were left homeless . And later a friend of my mother let us stay with her. Instead of focusing on our economic problem, my mother     pushed me to struggle for success. She wanted me to lead a     life. She worked long hours every night to pay her bills.     , she would find time to read and play with Emily and me. Mom taught me the     of perseverance (坚持不懈) and education.
And now, writing this essay with my favorite candy close at hand, I realize my family and I are at the best points of our lives. I haven’t let the trying times stop me from making     , both academically and personally. I know that a bitter environment can provide good learning experiences, and that success, even more than candy, is the sweetest treat of all.
A.behaviorB.adventure C.activityD.experience
A.continued B.changedC.ruined D.disappeared
A.concerned B.associatedC.provided D.replaced
A.sympathyB.offers C.orders D.efforts
A.turned into B.turned upC.turned downD.turned on
A.brokeB.causedC.erupted D.delayed
A.mistakenlyB.obviouslyC.selflessly D.unwillingly
A.importantB.difficult C.dangerous D.comfortable
A.Instead B.OtherwiseC.Meanwhile D.Therefore
A.value B.cost C.priceD.theme
A.mistakes B.appointmentsC.arrangements D.achievements

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Like most Oregonians, Stephanie McRae was used to driving in bad weather. Although rain still beat the window of her car, the worst of the day’s storm seemed to have passed as she drove her 11-year-old daughter, Maggie, home from a church at 8:30 p.m. Two little children sat into their car seats in back.
When crossing over Fawcett Creek (小河), McRae found the road just ahead had been washed away. The storm had turned Fawcett Creek into a 100-feet-wide river. Water began to go into the car and the four of them had to climb onto the car’s roof. The car was floating about and was being swept toward the Tillamook River only a few miles ahead. Suddenly it stopped when hitting a logjam (浮木阻塞).The water swept over them, rising higher and higher. Stephanie screamed into the rainy night, almost crying.
“Mom, I have to go and get help,” her 11-year-old daughter Maggie cried.
Stephanie realized if she went by herself, Maggie couldn’t hold on to the other two babies. But Maggie was still recovering from foot surgery. How could she manage? Finally she shouted, “I’m proud of you. Be careful!”
As Maggie McRae struggled to reach the shore, she was all wet. The sixth grader started running to the nearest house. Inside, the neighbors immediately called 911 and were told that firefighters were making their way toward another trapped car. Maggie joined the neighbors, and helped the rescue team point out where her mother was. The firefighters saved McRae and her children by using a 35-foot-long ladder.
When Stephanie reached land in safety, Maggie raced into her mother’s arms. “She hugged me for five minutes,” Maggie remembers. Maggie accepted an award for her heroism, but she’s happier to get back to her sports team and her family. 
小题1:What can we infer from the passage?
A.Without the logjam, McRae’s car would have been swept into the Tillamook River.
B.The rain became heavier when McRae drove home.
C.McRae’s car was the only vehicle that was blocked in the Fawcett Creek that night.
D.Most of the time the weather in Oregon is quite good.
小题2:Stephanie McRae’s screaming on the car’s roof suggested that she felt ______.
小题3:According to the passage, we can infer that Maggie ______.
A.was strong enough to hold the two children in the water
B.tried to swim to the bank in order to get help
C.stopped her sports activities due to her foot injury
D.rescued her family using a ladder
小题4:Which of the following is in the correct order of events?
①Firefighters rescued McRae and her children from the river.
②Firefighters were sent to the broken road.
③The neighbors Maggie found called 911.
④The rescue team had got informed of the trouble at Fawcett Creek.
⑤Another trapped car was found in the river by the firefighters.
小题5:What is the passage mainly about?
A.A heavy storm that damaged a road and killed lots of drivers.
B.A brave young girl who helped save her family from flood.
C.Firefighters who rescued a family late at night from flood.
D.Great neighbors who saved people swept away into a river.

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When growing up, I hadn"t the slightest curiosity about the authors of books I read; it  was the _     that was important. My mother, and sometimes my father. read _     to us every  night.   I could hardly wait       I could read and write my own books. But in the first grade,
I would sit with a group of      while the teacher turned over large sheets of paper.        had been written in crayon and seemed to have something to do with       in one corner-a cat or dog or a tree in autumn. One by one the other children read aloud those black       while I sat unhappy. One day I decided that perhaps      was just making stories up. So the next time when the teacher      to the words, I eagerly _     a story about a dog attacking a cat         a tree in autumn. The teacher looked sad and-shook her _      , and I knew that I still had not discovered the magic secret.
By the time I         fifth grade, "writing books" was still my favorite hobby. I rushed home from school each day to write down       had been forming in my head. At sixteen my  first story was       in a church magazine. In college, where I was studying to be a psychologist, was able to pay my       by writing stories. When I got my bachelor"s degree, I decided to write more than anything else, so I began writing       . I have since published books for both children and       _ . I"m not happy unless I spend some time writing. Usually I write about six hours each day. I spend three months to a year on a children"s book.         how well I know the       before I begin. A neovel for adults takes a year or two. When my work is going well. I wake early in the mornings, hoping it is time to get up.
A. set upB.told upC.made upD. put up
A.beneathB.overC. aboveD.inside
A.rewarded B.publishedC.recalledD.received
小题17: time
A.figuring outB.carrying onC.depending onD.bringing out

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