I knew I could sing but I had to prove it. I don’t care what life gives me; I’ll

I knew I could sing but I had to prove it. I don’t care what life gives me; I’ll

I knew I could sing but I had to prove it. I don’t care what life gives me; I’ll     it. It was my ninth time     in front of a music executive to try to get a record deal. The first eight interviews had     cold refusals.
When I found out the     was at 6 a.m., I went a little crazy, for I had to get up very early in order to get to the audition (试唱) room on time. This     audition was at the office of Sony Music’s president, John Grady.      to sing songs for a man behind a desk, I was     . It’s very hard to let someone     whether you’re worthy of a commercial career in 10 minutes. But, in this business, it was something I had to do.
I grew up in a rural area.     farming, there wasn’t much of a local economy. If one wanted new horizons, he had to learn a(n)     that could take him out of there. That’s how I     my singing. I took up singing at an early age. When I was 15, I made money from singing. That was a huge     for me.
It was in the middle of my singing that John Grady didn’t appear     at all. About halfway through, I saw him write something down. From where I stood, I could     see him write the letter "n’,      by the letter "o’. I guessed he didn’t     me.
As we said good-bye, Grady gave me a     . Though my hands were     , I found the     to read the note. It didn’t say, "No." It said, "Now." Just then, I knew that my     of becoming a professional musician was starting to come true.
A.handleB.operateC.encounter D.recall
A.resulted from B.ended withC.turned down D.made up
A.appointment B.informationC.reply D.competition
A.particular B.simpleC.regretful D.amusing
A.PermittingB.FailingC.Welcoming D.Waiting
A.finish B.judgeC.solve D.persuade
A.Apart fromB.Free fromC.Absent fromD.Far from
A.experienceB.profession C.skill D.trick
A.viewed B.questionedC.required D.practiced
A.progressB.processC.stop D.step
A.interestedB.embarrassedC.amazed D.puzzled
A.angrily B.clearlyC.straightlyD.hardly
A.proved B.supportedC.hidden D.followed
A.appreciateB.understandC.trust D.refuse
A.record B.note C.chance D.promise
A.waving B.removingC.shakingD.Moving



小题1:考查动词辨析:A. handle处理,B. operate操作,经营,C. encounter 偶遇,邂逅,D. recall回想,从前面的句子:I don’t care what life gives me;可知我不在乎生活给我什么,我会处理它们,选A
小题2:考查动词辨析:A. recognizing认出,识别,B. accessing评价,评估,C. appearing似乎,D. Approaching靠近,这是我第九次站在音乐主管前面试图得到一个录音的机会。选C
小题3:考查动词短语辨析:A. resulted from源于,B. ended with以…结束,C. turned down拒绝,D. made up组成,化妆,合好,前面八次都是以冷淡的拒绝结束,选B
小题4:考查名词辨析:A. appointment约会,任命,B. information信息,C. reply回答,D. competition竞争,当我知道约会是6点,我要发疯了,选A
小题5:考查形容词辨析:A. particular 特别的,B. simple简单的,C. regretful 后悔的,D. amusing令人高兴的,这次特殊的试唱是在索尼总裁的办公室。选A
小题6:考查动词辨析:A. Permitting允许,B. Failing失败,C. Welcoming欢迎,D. Waiting等待,等待为桌子后面的这个人唱歌,我很紧张,选D
小题7:考查形容词辨析:A. excited令人兴奋的,B. nervous紧张的,C. hopeful有希望的,D. helpless无助的,从下文的:It’s very hard to let someone  38  whether you’re worthy of a commercial career in 10 minutes.可知作者很紧张,选B
小题8:考查动词辨析:A. finish完成,B. judge判断,C. solve解决,D. persuade说服,你很难在10分钟内让一个人判断你是否值得这个职业,选B
小题9:考查短语辨析:A. Apart from除了,B. Free from免于,摆脱,C. Absent from缺席,D. Far from远非,我正在农村长大,除了农业,没有什么当地的经济。选A
小题10:考查名词辨析:A. experience经历,经验,B. profession专业,C. skill 技能,D. trick技巧,如果一个人有新的视野,他需要学习新的技能将他带出来,选C
小题11:考查动词辨析:A. viewed观看,B. questioned询问,C. required要求,D. practiced练习,这就是我看待唱歌的方式,选A
小题12:考查名词辨析: A. progress进步,B. process过程,C. stop 停止,D. step踱步,步骤,我15岁的时候,通过唱歌挣了钱,这对我是一大步。选D
小题13:考查形容词辨析:A. interested感兴趣的,B. embarrassed尴尬的,C. amazed惊讶的,D. puzzled困惑的,在我唱歌的中间,John Grady似乎不感兴趣,选A
小题14:考查副词辨析: A. angrily生气地,B. clearly清楚地,C. straightly径直地,D. hardly几乎不,从我站的地方,我可以清楚的看见他写的字母“n”,选B
小题15:考查动词辨析: A. proved证明,B. supported支持,C. hidden躲藏,D. followed跟踪,跟随,接下来写了“o”,选D
小题16:考查动词辨析:A. appreciate欣赏,B. understand理解,C. trust信任,D. refuse拒绝,我猜想他不欣赏我,选A
小题17:考查名词辨析:A. record记录,B. note注意,便条,C. chance机会,D. promise答应,从下文的:I found the  49  to read the note. It didn’t say, "No."可知我们再见的时候,Grady给了我一个便条。选B
小题18:考查动词辨析: A. waving挥手,B. removing清楚, C. shaking摇晃,颤抖,D. Moving移动,虽然我的手在颤抖,选C
小题19:考查名词辨析:A. courage勇气,B. patience练习,C. imagination想象,D. determination决心,我找到勇气读这个便条。选A
小题20:考查名词辨析: A. plan计划,B. dream梦想,C. preference偏爱,D. tendency趋势,我知道我成为专业歌手的梦想要实现了。选B
It is really a happy thing to look back on the days I spent with Jennie. We met in night school. After Jennie and I had completed the required courses, we started teaching in the same school. For a time we were just casual friends, but one day, when I was telling Jennie about my problem son, we discovered we were kindred (同类的) spirits. "He’s a difficult little character," I explained. Jennie looked thoughtful. "Maybe you’re only seeing him with your eyes." She was silent for a moment and then added softly, "It is only with the heart that one sees rightly." I stared at her. "You’re quoting (引用) that! It’s from The Little Prince, Saint-Exupery’s book for children, one of my favorites. You know it, too?" Jennie nodded. "I love it. I’ve read it so often. I’ve practically memorized it."
Now, when I think of Jennie, I recall that book because Jennie —more than anyone I know —possessed the gift of seeing with the heart.
From that moment of a treasured book shared, our friendship grew steadily. It wasn’t that I didn’t have an excellent relationship with my husband and son, but my mother had died shortly after my marriage, and I had neither sisters nor daughters. I realize, now, how I needed someone to share those little, seemingly unimportant things that add so much to life —things that must be shared to be fully appreciated.
And it was Jennie who helped me with my fourth-grade problem child. One day I was at my wit’s end. "What he needs is a good beating!" I exploded.
"He’s probably had plenty of those," Jennie said. "Maybe he just needs sincere praise for anything he does right, and a hug or two each day." I followed this suggestion, and eventually, because of Jennie, I discovered a lovable little boy.
Looking back, I have to admit that she taught me so much. The days I spent with her has become one of my happiest memories.
小题1:What does the underlined part mean in the fourth paragraph?
A.I was unsure of how to treat my son.
B.I decided to give up my job.
C.I faced financial difficulties.
D.I was very disappointed with myself.
小题2:How did the author and Jennie’s friendship grow?
A.They both were interested in children’s education.
B.They both liked a novel, The Little Prince.
C.They often chatted together about their families.
D.They both worked in the same school.
小题3:We learn from the text that __________.
A.the author has the gift of seeing with the heart
B.the author had no friends before meeting Jennie
C.the author had lost her mother before her marriage
D.the author seldom praised her son in the past
小题4:How does the author feel about her family?
A.No one listened to her seemingly unimportant things.
B.She didn’t get along well with her husband and son.
C.She once seldom spoke to her mother.
D.She felt quite lonely in her family.
小题5:The text is mainly about _________.
A.how to educate children properly
B.the fact that we should see nature differently
C.the influence of friendship in life
D.how friendship begins and develops

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
My first full-time job after high school was selling vacation packages via the telephone for a well-known company. One day, I was put through to a man who sounded a bit out of breath. I started with my normal pitch (音高), expecting to hear the normal reply —"I don’t want any."
Instead, he spoke in a faint, weak voice and told me how he wished to take a vacation I was offering, but he couldn’t because he was dying of illness. He explained how he was lacking in oxygen then, and it took almost all his energy to answer the call. He asked if I smoked, which I did, and begged me to stop. He told me smoking was what was killing him. He told me to spend every day with my loved ones, and tell them how much I love them. At this point, I couldn’t control myself. We ended the call, but I held on my phone to prevent another call coming in so I could collect myself.
I wrote down his name and address, and sent him a card appreciating his advice and praying for him and his family. Shortly after, I received a letter from Frank, along with a picture of him and his wife. We continued to write back and forth over the next few months, and became very fond of each other. He was old enough to be my grandfather, and in many ways, I felt as if he was.
About a year later I received a letter from his wife. When I started to read, tears came to my eyes. She told me how Frank’s battle with the disease had finally come to an end, and he passed away shortly before the Christmas. She wanted to thank me for the letters to Frank, and explained how Frank touched many lives over the years. At his funeral, to show just that, they read the 1st letter I had written to Frank to show how he affected a 19-year-old he’d never met.
小题1: The author was then probably working for ______.
A.a travel agencyB.a cigarette company
C.an e-shopping storeD.a vacation school
小题2:The underlined part "collect myself" in the second paragraph probably means "_______".
A.gather togetherB.comfort myself
C.relax myselfD.calm down
小题3: What can we infer from the text?
A.Frank was in hospital while answering the phone.
B.Frank is actually the author’s grandfather.
C.There was something wrong with Frank’s lung.
D.The author asked Frank to travel and he took his advice.
小题4: We can learn from the text that the author ________.
A.took down Frank’s name and address to visit him in person
B.was warmly welcomed by her customers when she called them
C.didn’t stop smoking even though Frank asked him to
D.kept in touch with Frank through letters until he died
小题5:At Frank’s funeral the author’s 1st letter to Frank was read in order to ____.
A.encourage people to fight against disease and live bravely
B.indicate that Frank touched many people’s hearts
C.show the good relationship between Frank and the author
D.praise Frank and give thanks to the author

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
An 80-year-old man was sitting on the sofa in his house along with his 45-year-old highly educated son.
Suddenly a crow(乌鸦)perched on the tree near their window.
The father asked his son, “What is this? ”
The son replied, “It is a crow.”
After a few minutes, the father asked his son the 2nd time, “What is this?”
The son said, “Father, I have just now told you It’s a crow’. ”
After a little while, the old father again asked his son the 3rd time, “What is this? ”  
“It’s a crow, a crow, a crow.” said the son loudly.
A little after, the father again asked his son the 4th time, “What is this?”
This time the son shouted at his father, “Why do you keep asking me the same question again and again? ‘IT IS A CROW’. Are you not able to understand this?”
A little later the father went to his room and came back with an old diary, which he had kept since his son was born. On opening a page, he asked his son to read that page. When the son read it, the following words were written in the diary:
“Today my little son aged three was sitting with me on the sofa when a crow was sitting on the window. My son asked me 23 times what it was, and I replied to him all 23 times that it was a crow. I hugged him lovingly each time he asked me the same question again and again for 23 times. I did not at all feel annoyed; I rather felt affection for my innocent child. ”
小题1: In what tone did the son say to his Father “It’s a crow, a crow, a crow. ”?
A.impatientB.excited C.hurried D.surprised
小题2:Why did the Father ask the same question again and again?
A.Because he wanted to make his son angry.
B.Because he was too old to remember anything.
C.Because he couldn"t understand what his son said.
D.Because he wanted to see how patient his son would be.
小题3:How old was the old man when his son asked him 23 times “What is this”?
A.35 years old.B.38 years old.C.45 years old.D.80 years old.
小题4:What is the most suitable title for the passage?
A.A crow.B.Father"s love.C.An old dairy. D.An old man.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
The sun had gone behind a cloud. I was very tired and wanted nothing in the world so much as to be at home. At last I got to the gate of Hide Park. But this was worse than ever; there were buses there—high and terribly red cars, taxis and still more buses in an endless line. Everywhere there were people hurrying past or waiting to get into the buses, while I stood lost in the middle of them.
I was ready to cry. In despair, I crossed the street on to an “island”, where I found a policeman. I took my last bit of courage in both hands and said, “Please, sir, where is Addison Road?” He began to explain, but when he saw that I couldn’t understand he became helpless, too. “Are you French at school?” A few minutes later, he smiled and raised his hand. How wonderful! The traffic stopped. Even the red buses stood still and waited until I had crossed the road.
小题1:That        is the most probable reason why she was tired out.
A.it had been very hot by then
B.the writer had been standing lost for a long time
C.the writer had been completely lost
D.the writer had been wandering in the park for a long time
小题2:Because the writer was made so worn out,          .
A.she wanted nothing on earth but her home
B.she thought it perfect to stay at home
C.she would never leave her home at all
D.she didn"t get to the park on time.
小题3:In this passage “island” means           .
A.a piece of land surrounded by water
B.a raised place in a busy street where people may be safe from traffic
C.a safe place that can only be used by policemen
D.a safe place that nobody can use without permission
小题4:Why did the traffic stop? Because            .
A.all the drivers could understand French
B.perhaps a certain driver had broken the traffic rules
C.all the drivers knew the policeman very well
D.the policeman was directing the traffic
小题5:In which country do you think the story happened?
A.Switzerland.B.France.C.England.D.A certain non-English speaking country.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
When I was about 13, my father would take me on short outings on Saturdays.  On the way home, Dad         stopped at the Dairy Queen for lO-cent ice creams.  I couldn"t         it, but I could pray from the        we started heading home to that comer where we would either go straight for the ice cream or        and go home empty-handed. That corner         either mouth-watering excitement or      .On one special day, we were heading home, and again I was praying for the      sound of his offer ,It      ,”Would you like an ice cream today?” That sounds great, Dad!” But then he said,” How would you like to     today?”
Twenty cents! My mind reeled(震惊),I could afford it,I got a weekly allowance of 25cents ,plus some      for odd jobs. But     it wsa my  money ,ice cream wasn’t a good use of it ,In a fit of      ,I said ,”well ,in that case,I guess I’ll     ,”My father just said,” Okay, Son,”
But sa we headed home ,I realized how wrong I was and begged him to      .But he just said,” That’s okay ,we don’t really need one.” I felt       for my selfishness and ungratefully see. He didn’t mind, or   act disappointed.
I       that generosity(慷慨) goes two ways and gratefulness sometimes costs more than” thank  you”. On that day gratefulness would have cost 20 cents and it would have been the     ice cream I’d ever had.
I’ll tell you one more thing. We     another trip the next week. As we    the center. I said,” Dad, would you like an ice cream today? My treat.”
小题8:A.spoke        B,went        C.came           D.flew
A.keep upB.turn backC.stop byD.give in
A.awfulB.unsatisfied C.frightenedD.crazy
A.made outB.prepared forC.went onD.took up

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