Talking behind someone’s back is considered to be rude and mean. Such a conversa

Talking behind someone’s back is considered to be rude and mean. Such a conversa

Talking behind someone’s back is considered to be rude and mean. Such a conversation can cover all kinds of criticism, from their looks to their work and personality.
The other day at lunch I was with a group of colleagues, and we were talking about our boss. She is the new headmaster of our middle school.
We talked about how kind she is to us. She handwrites notes to wish us happy holidays or to thank us for jobs well done. She checks on us when she knows we’re facing difficulties outside school with our health or with our families. We talked about the good role model that she is for the young women in our school and the fair but firm way she treats students and parents.
I thought about this after lunch. Sometimes we have the good fortune to be part of another kind of “talking behind someone’s back”. And too often when we say something good about someone behind their backs, they never know about it! That night, I sent her an email to report the conversation. She replied by saying how much she appreciated hearing about this, and how it made a bright spot in a tough week of testing.
Watch for your next opportunity to be the reporter! Make sure you tell them about the nice things said behind their backs! Because how will they know unless we tell them?
小题1:What do you conclude from the text the writer might be?
A.A studentB.A teacherC.A parentD.A boss
小题2:What is the text mainly about?
A.Conversations about othersB.Rude and mean talking
C.Kinds of conversationsD.Talking behind someone’s back
小题3:The author strongly agrees on _________.
A.Don’t talk behind others’ back
B.Talking behind others’ back is rude
C.Do tell the person about the nice things said behind his back
D.There is no one who never talks behind someone’s back



小题1:B 推理题。根据文章第二段   The other day at lunch I was with a group of colleagues, and we were talking about our boss. She is the new headmaster of our middle school.可知他是学校的新的校长,也是我的老板,说明我的学校里的老师,故B正确。
小题2:D 主旨大意题。根据文章主题段第一段Talking behind someone’s back is considered to be rude and mean. Such a conversation can cover all kinds of criticism, from their looks to their work and personality.说明本文是关于背后议论别人的话题,故D正确。
小题3:C 细节题。根据文章最后一段1,2行  Watch for your next opportunity to be the reporter! Make sure you tell them about the nice things said behind their backs!说明C正确。
Henry found work in a bookstore after he finished middle school. He wouldn’t do anything but wanted to get rich. Mr. King thought he was too lazy and was going to send him away. Henry was afraid and had to work hard.
It was a cold morning. It was snowing and there was thin ice on the streets. Few people went to buy the books and the young man had nothing to do. He hated to read, so he watched the traffic. Suddenly he saw a bag fall off a truck and it landed by the other side of the street.
“It must be full of expensive things,” Henry said to himself. “I have to get it, or others will take it away. ”
He went out of the shop and ran across the street. A driver saw him and began to whistle (鸣笛), but he didn’t hear it and went on running. The man drove aside, hit a big tree and was hurt in the accident. Two weeks later Henry was taken to court (法庭). A judge asked if he heard the whistle when he was running across the street. He said that something was wrong with his ears and he could hear nothing.
“But you’ve heard me this time.” said the judge.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Now I can hear with one ear.”
“Cover the ear with your hand and listen to me with your deaf (聋的)one. Well, can you hear me? ”
“No, I can’t, Sir.”
小题1:What was Mr. King?
A.a driverB.a doctor
C.a policemanD.a shopkeeper
小题2:Why did Mr. King want to send Henry away?
A.Because Henry was too lazy.
B.Because Henry hoped to be rich.
C.Because Henry finished middle school.
D.Because Henry sold few books.
小题3:What did a driver do when he saw Henry run across the street?
A.He drove aside and hit a big tree.
B.He began to whistle to him.
C.He went out of the bookstore.
D.He shouted at him.
小题4:Why did Henry say that he was deaf?
A.He wanted to have a joke with the judge.
B.He wanted to get the judge’s help
C.He wanted to find another piece of work
D.He didn’t want to pay for the accident.

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It’s Saturday morning. Tony’s sitting at the kitchen table,  36  with a piece of bread. He’s not even   37 . Is he ill? No, but he does have a   38  .He has nothing to do becau se the Internet is down. When he   39  up this morning, Tony was feeling   40  . He jumped out of bed full of plans for the   41  ahead. It would be a weekend like any other---a great weekend. But that was before he turned on his   42  and found he was   43  to go online. Having no Internet changes everything.
Every weekend, Tony  44  goes online to email friends, reads the   45  to keep up with what’s happening in the world and   46  a few online chess games with his cousin Helen to finish the weekend off. The perfect weekend---online!
Just as Tony is wondering how he can possibly have a normal weekend   47  the Internet, his mum walks into the   48 . “Cheer up, Tony. Don’t   49  the Internet any more, OK?” Tony makes no   50  but sighs (叹气).“Go and play chess with Helen!” Tony’s mum­  51  .
“Oh, yes! Helen   52  just around the corner. We can meet and play chess face   53  face for a change. Maybe this weekend won’t be so bad,” Tony   54  , as he walks to the phone. There is    55   without the Internet after all.
小题7: D.web
A.guesses B.takesC.playsD.makes
小题14: aboutC.think aboutD.look about

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My husband and son took a New York-to-Milwaukee flight that was supposed to leave Friday at 11:29 am. The flight boarded after 4 pm and didn’t leave the gate until 4:40, and half an hour later the pilot announced it would be another hour until takeoff. At that point a Jewish family, worried about violating the Sabbath (安息日), asked to get off. Going back to the gate cost the plane its place in line for takeoff, and the flight was eventually cancelled. Was the airline right to grant that request?
M. W, Norwalk, CONN.
Situations like that can bring out the worst in people. But despite the increasing resentment(怨恨) of a plane full of people, the pilot tried to do the right thing. He went out of his way to satisfy one family’s urgent need. He should not have done so.
Passengers bought tickets in the belief that the airline’s primary goal was to get them to their destination as close to the schedule as possible. Once they got on the plane and the doors are locked, it’s not correct to announce that the rules have changed and that a personal (as opposed to medical) emergency —no matter how urgent — might take precedence(优先).
That would be just as true if turning back to the gate had merely cost a few minutes rather than doomed the flight entirely, since on a plane, even a slight delay can spread outward, from the people in the cabin to those meeting them to the passengers waiting to board the plane for the next leg of its journey and so on. It would also be true if the personal emergency were not religious — if someone suddenly realized she’d made a professional mistake that might cost her millions, and she had to race back to the office to fix it.
If a religious practice does nothing to harm others, then airlines should make a reasonable effort to accommodate it. Though that family has every right to observe the Sabbath, it has no right to enlist an airplane full of captive bystanders to help them do so. By boarding a flight on a Friday afternoon, the family knowingly risked running into trouble. The risk was theirs alone to bear.
小题1:M. W. wrote the letter to ask whether ______.
A.Any religious passenger has the right to ask the pilot to take off
B.The airline has the right to cancel the flight without any reason
C.A flight should meet any passenger’s need despite others’ benefit
D.A plane which has left the gate should give up taking off
小题2:What do we know from the reply letter?
A.The pilot did the right thing in spite of the fierce resentment.
B.The plane should turn back if anyone aboard is seriously ill.
C.Anybody who has boarded has no chance to get off the plane.
D.Any flight shouldn’t change its schedule no matter what has happened.
小题3:What does the underlined part in Paragraph 4 mean?
A.Turning back to the gate usually takes a plane quite a long time.
B.Nobody should take precedence to require the plane to turn back to the gate.
C.Even if it had taken a few minutes it was not right to turn back to the gate.
D.It was OK if turning back to the gate hadn’t caused the flight to be cancelled.
小题4:The author of the reply letter thinks that _________.
A.It’s right for the plane to turn back to the gate to save a passenger’s treasure
B.The Jewish family should give up observing the Sabbath after boarding
C.The biggest problem of turning back is to bring trouble to the pilot
D.The Jewish family had better avoid boarding on Friday afternoon

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There were two lovers. The man was 41  cowardly(胆小的) that he always let the girlfriend try first everything   42  they would do. His girlfriend was not so  43  with that.
Once they went out to sea. After returning , their boat was  44  by the storm. Luckily, the girlfriend held a  45  to save their lives. The girlfriend asked her boyfriend, "Do you  46 ?" The boyfriend  took out a fruit knife and said, "Yes, but if any shark comes I can  47  it with this." His girlfriend only shook her head with a cold smile.
Soon a great number of people on a  48  found them. Suddenly a group of sharks appeared. His girlfriend  49  , “Let"s swim hard together and we"ll be all right.”
But her boyfriend suddenly pushed the girl into the sea, held the wood and shouted to the ship by himself, "Let me try  50  this time!"
51  ,his girlfriend looked at her boyfriend. The sharks were drawing near, but they were not interested in the girl and swam  52 to the boy. When he was torn and bitten fiercely by the sharks, the boyfriend 53  shouted to his girlfriend, “ I love you!”
The girl was saved. All the people on the deck(甲板) were standing in silence. The captain sat beside the girl and said, "Miss, he is the  54 man I have  55  seen. Let"s pray(祈祷) for him."
"No! He is a  56  , "said the girl coldly.
"How could you say like this? I have just been watching you 57  the telescope(望远镜). I saw clearly he  58  his wrist(手腕) with the knife after pushing you away. The sharks are very sensitive to the 59 .  If he hadn"t done this to  60  time. I"m afraid you would never appear on this ship…"
A.go withC.fight about
A.burst outB.cried outC.gave upD.came up

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In high school, George Lucas didn’t do much work because he spent all his time dreaming about racing cars.
Just a few days before graduation, George was driving home from the library in his Fiat; he prepared for a left turn by looking in the minor. But as he started the turn, he heard the sound of another car, a blowing horn(喇叭), and the speeding Chevy hit the driver side of his car. The little Fiat turned over four or five times before it was stopped by a big tree. Luckily, George did not die in the accident, but his recovery was slow and he needed months of physical treatment. He would never be able to race ears now.
The accident really changed George’s life. He decided there must be some reason he survived, and made up his mind to get his act together and make something out of his life. He decided to go to university and developed an interest in reading and writing. He got on quite well in his studies. He didn’t quite forget about racing cars. At that time instead of driving race cars, he began filming them.
You may have seen one or all of George Lucas’s most famous films from the Star Wars series or the Indiana Jones trilogy. Not only has George produced movies, but also he has helped invent and develop new technologies to modernize the movie industry.
Today, Lucas, who earns as much as $3.0 billion, is one of the American film industry’s most successful directors and producers.
小题1:What was George Lueas’s life like in high school?
A.He was the best race ear driver.
B.He did very well in his school subjects.
C.He didn’t spend much time on his studies.
D.He was one of the worst students in school.
小题2:We can learn from this passage that __________.
A.George’s Fiat was not seriously damaged
B.the Chevy driver didn’t break the traffic law
C.George was seriously injured in the accident
D.the Chevy driver wasn’t injured in the accident
小题3:The greatness of George Lucas mainly lies in his __________.
A.earning a great deal of money
B.directing several famous movies
C.making movies about racing cars
D.making the film industry more modern

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