St James’s Palace has announced that while Miss Middleton will wear a wedding ri

St James’s Palace has announced that while Miss Middleton will wear a wedding ri

St James’s Palace has announced that while Miss Middleton will wear a wedding ring.Prince William has chosen not to.
Rings are typically exchanged by couples during their wedding to represent commitment (承诺)to each other.Does it matter if husbands don’t wear a wedding ring?
Prince William’s father wears one, his grandfather doesn’t and their decisions weren’t seen as strange.But reactions to Prince William’s decision show that wedding rings for husbands are now the norm.One young man, who spoke to the BBC, thinks William is setting a bad example, saying: "I think it’s disgraceful (不光彩的).It’s a tradition.You have to wear a ring really.And for someone of the royal family to do that, it’s not right."
Broadly speaking, modem husbands tend to wear their wedding rings as a symbol of loyalty and faithfulness.So not wearing one can seem unusual or even dishonest to some, although men haven’t always worn them.
The wearing of wedding rings has been the done thing for centuries among wives but only became common practice among husbands during World War II.Men fighting overseas usually wore them as a reminder of wives and families back home.
Wearing rings is a safety issue(问题) for men in certain manual jobs.But how does William explain his decision? A royal officer has said he "isn’t one for jewelry".
小题1:According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.There is going to be a royal exhibition of jewelry.
B.Wearing rings among husbands and wives is tradition at all times.
C.All the male members of British royalty don’t wear wedding rings.
D.Wearing rings is a safety guarantee for some manual jobs.
小题2:What is the author’s attitude towards Prince William’s decision?
小题3:By saying "he isn’t one for jewelry", the royal officers meant that _____.
A.Prince William is a person who doesn’t like wearing jewelry.
B.Prince William isn’t a person who is crazy about collecting jewelry.
C.Prince William considers jewelry penniless.
D.Prince William doesn’t wear a wedding ring for safety.
小题4:What would be the best title for this passage?
A.To Wear Wedding Rings or Not
B.Complaint about British Royal Disgraceful Behavior]
C.The History of Wearing Wedding Rings
D.No Ring for Wills


小题1:根据a wedding ring 结婚戒指,可知选项A描述错误;根据第四段描述男人们戴戒指是从二战开始兴起的一个惯例,故选项B描述错误;根据Wearing rings is a safety issue(问题) for men in certain manual jobs.可知在某种行业戴戒指是不允许的,故D描述错误,只能选C。
小题1:根据Broadly speaking, modem husbands tend to wear their wedding rings as a symbol of loyalty and faithfulness.So not wearing one can seem unusual or even dishonest to some, although men haven’t always worn them.
“Can I see my baby?” asked the happy new mother. The bundle was placed in her arms and when she moved the fold of cloth to look upon his tiny face, she gasped—the baby had been born without ears. Time, however, proved that the baby’s hearing was perfect except his appearance.
One day when he rushed home from school and threw himself into his mother’s arms,he cried out bitterly,“A boy, a big boy…called me-a f—…freak”She sighed, knowing that his life was to be endless of heartbreaks.
He grew up,handsome for his misfortune.A favorite with his fellow students, he might have been class president, but for that.He developed a gift for literature and music.
The boy’s father had a talk with the family doctor.Could nothing be done? “I believe we could graft on a pair of outer ears,if they could be donated,”the doctor decided.So the search began for a person who would make such a sacrifice for a young man.Two years went by.Then, “You’re going to the hospital,son.Mother and I have someone who will donate the ears you need.But it’s a secret,” said the father.
The operation was a brilliant success.His talents blossomed into genius.School and college became a series of successes.Later he married and entered the diplomatic service.“But I must know!” he urged his father.“Who gave so much for me? I could never do enough for him.”
“I do not believe you could,” said the father,“but the agreement was that you are not to know…not yet.”The years kept the secret, but the day did come …one of the darkest days that ever passed through a son.He stood with his father over his mother’s casket(棺材).Slowly and tenderly,the father stretched forth a hand and raised the thick,reddish-brown hair to let out the secret.
When the mother unfolded the cloth and looked upon the tiny face we know that the mother________.
A.suddenly decided to make a sacrifice for the baby
B.kept the baby’s situation unknown to others
C.felt shocked and disappointed to see her new baby
D.complained of her bad luck and regretted having a disabled child
Give the closest meaning to the underlined word “freak” in Paragraph 2.
A.Slow–acting person.B.Ugly–looking child.
C.Badly–behaved student. D.Strangely–shaped creature.
At last, we may infer from the passage that_________.
A.The agreement was between the donator and the family
B.Finally the boy came to know the donator was a stranger
C.The mother may never let her hair be cut to keep her ears from being seen
D.The mother donated her ears to her son after she died
What moral lesson can we draw from this reading?
A.Real love lies in what is done unknown rather than what is done known.
B.It is up to parents to help their children heart and soul.
C.True beauty lies only in the heart not in appearance.
D.It is a virtue for young generations to learn to be grateful.

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阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
In my second year of high school, the class was to run the mile. I will always  36    that day because due to the  37 from medical operation on my   38 , for two years I had not worn shorts. I was afraid of being laughed at. Yet that day, it didn’t   39  . I was ready   40 , heart and mind. I had   41  got to the starting line than I heard the loud   42 . “How ugly!” I blocked it out.
Then the coach shouted, “Ready. Go!” I jetted out of there like a  43  , faster than anyone else for the first 20 feet. I knew   44  about speed then, but it was OK because I was   45  to finish first. As I started the third lap (圈), only a few of my classmates were left on the track, and I began limping (跛行). By the time I hit the fourth lap, I was   46 . Then it hit me. I realized that nobody had   47 . Everyone had already finished,   48 . As I ran that last lap, I cried.  49  12 minutes 42 seconds after starting I crossed the finish line. I   50  to the ground and shed oceans.
Suddenly my coach ran up to me and picked me up, saying, “You did it. Manuel! Son, you FINISHED!” He looked at me   51  in the eyes, waving a piece of paper in his hand. It was my   52  for the day, which I had given to him before class. He read it   53  to everyone. It simply said, “I, Manuel, will finish the mile run tomorrow, come what may.”
My heart   54  with a smile on my face. My classmates cheered. It was then that I   55 winning isn’t always finishing first. Sometimes winning is just finishing.
小题6: more
A.given upB.given awayC.given outD.given in
A.recognizedB.told C.rememberedD.realized

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Shu Pulong has helped at least 1000 people bitten (咬) by snakes, “ It was seeing people with snake bites (伤口) that led me to this career,” he said.
In 1963, after his army service, Shu entered a medical school and later became a doctor of Chinese medicine. As part of his studies he had to work in the mountains. There he often heard of people who had their arms and legs cut off after a snake bite in order to save their lives.
“I was greatly upset by the story of an old farmer I met. It was a very hot afternoon. The old man was pulling grass in his fields when he felt a pain in his left hand. He at once realized he had been bitten by a poisonous snake. In no time he wrapped a cloth tightly around his arm to stop the poison spreading to his heart. Rushing home he shouted ‘bring me the knife!’ Minutes later the man lost his arm forever.”
“The sad story touched me so much that I decided to devote myself to helping people bitten by snakes,” Shu said.
小题1: The best headline (标题) for this newspaper article is      .
A.Astonishing MedicineB.Farmer Loses Arm
C.Dangerous BitesD.Snake Doctor
小题2:. The farmer lost his arm because      .
A.the cloth was wrapped too tightly
B.he cut it to save his life
C.Shu wasn’t there to help him
D.he was alone in the fields
小题3: Shu decided to devote himself to snake medicine because      .
A.he wanted to save people’s arms and legs
B.he had studied it at a medical school
C.he had seen snakes biting people
D.his army service had finished
小题4: Why did Shu go into the mountains?
A.He wanted to study snake bites.
B.He wanted to help the farmers.
C.He was being trained to be a doctor.
D.He was expected to serve in the army.

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  A well-known old man was being interviewed (采访) and asked if it was correct that he had just celebrated his ninety-nine birthday.
“That’s right.” said the old man. “Ninety-nine years old, and I haven’t an enemy in the world. They’re all dead.”
“Well, sir.” said the interviewer, “I hope very much to have the honour of interviewing you on your hundredth birthday.”
The old man looked at the young man closely, and said, “I can’t see why you shouldn’t. you look fit and healthy to me!”
小题1: The old man said he had not an enemy in the world, which shows that he was a very      .
A.friendly man—he never made any enemies
B.healthy man—he lived longer than all his enemies
C.lucky man—his enemies had all died
D.terrible man—he had got rid of all his enemies
小题2: When the interviewer said that he hoped very much to have the honor of interviewing the old man again the following year,      .
A.he was trying to make the old man happy
B.he wished he himself would live another year
C.he did not believe the old man would live to be one hundred
D.he did not believe he would interview the old man again
小题3: When the old man said, “I can’t see why you shouldn’t”, what he meant was      .
A.“You must try to live another year to interview me again next year”
B.“Of course you can see me again since you’re so fit and healthy”
C.“If I live to a hundred years, you should interview me again”
D.“Unless you live another year, you wouldn’t be able to interview me again”
小题4: What kind of man would you say the old man was?
A.He was silly.
B.He was unpleasant
C.He was very proud and sure of his health.
D.He was very impolite to young people.

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As a mother, I have been blessed. I have a nice, smart, good-looking son named Alan. About a month ago, there was an assembly (集会) about seat belt safety 36 at Alan’s high school. One of the presenters in this program, Kathy Hezlep, had 37 her son in a horrible car crash the year before.
When Kathy was 38 asked to speak at this assembly, she was reluctant (不情愿的). Her son’s 39 had been extremely hard on her. She often felt helpless and discouraged, and she wasn’t sure how she could 40 a difference by speaking to this group.
But at last she 41 to talk to the students in the school. Kathy spoke about how 42 it had been since the loss of her son. She spoke 43 from her heart and 44 son took her words straight into his heart.
One day, the worst nightmare came. The 45 told me my son had been driving down a curving road and lost 46 of the car. When I was taken to the scene of the 47 and saw the broken car, I felt physically 48 . I couldn’t 49 three kids had walked away from that car 50 .
When I got to the hospital, I talked to Alan about the accident. He told me that 51 of the kids had been 52 their seat belts when he started the car. But Kathy’s words about her terrible loss had 53 him so deeply that he 54 that everyone put on their shoulder and lap belts before he would leave. That is 55 had saved their lives.

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