A rich man was camping(露营) alone on a hill. One day it began to rain and the rai

A rich man was camping(露营) alone on a hill. One day it began to rain and the rai

A rich man was camping(露营) alone on a hill. One day it began to rain and the rain made the tent(帐篷)wet. At last he 16 make his way home. As he passed(经过)17 beautiful house he  wanted to look  18  rest. A lady walked past him with her 19 holding up(举起) high. Following her were her two beautiful daughters. They stopped and stared at(瞪着)him  20.
“Who are you? We don’t like tramps(流浪汉) going  21 our home .”one of them shouted.
“Go away at once. ”cried the other.
“But I’m not a  22 . ”said the man, “All I want is food and stay for the night.”
“How  23 you come here? Go away at once!”they  24 , “We don’t like your feet around our house. Go, go!”
The man moved on and reached a  25 house. On entering (进入) it he saw a  26 preparing supper. Though the light was  27 and the furniture(家具) was old , it made him feel warm and comfortable(舒服).
“Can I have some  28 and rest for the night? he asked.
“Of course,  29 , ”said the woman, giving a little chair for him. “We are going to  30 our supper. Come and  31 us.”
The food was not  32 but they shared(分享) it with the stranger(陌生人). That night they let him sleep on their bed 33 they themselves used the stable. Early the next morning, the man said good-bye to them. Their  34 left him a memory(记忆) full of thanks.
When he reached home he  35 ordered(命令) a lovely house to be built for the poor but kind family in the woods.
A.had to B.must C.shouldD.would
A.an B.aC. the D./
小题3:.A.at             B after           C.for               D.in
A.curiously (好奇地)B.eagerly (渴望地)C.surprisinglyD.angrily
小题6:Afor              B.over              C.to                    D.at
小题14:.A friend          B.tramp(流浪汉)   C. thief(小偷)       D.stranger(陌生人)
小题16:.A.join            B.help              C love             D.enjoy
小题17:A. sweet           B enough            C.short            D.delicious
小题18:.A.and         B.while             C.then              D if


小题1:. A    

Mr. King lived with six hundred wild(野生)animals on the Greek Island of Kyklos. Ever since he left school, he had traveled all over the word collecting animals for his own zoo. He hoped to collect(收集) two examples of every kind of animal on his island(岛屿). But he was afraid that people would find him someday.
He wrote books about his travels and about his animals that he collected. The money from the books helped to pay for all the food that these animals ate.
One day, when Mr. King was out looking for drinking water, he found oil(石油). He needed money for his travels and for his zoo, and a little oil would buy enough water for what he needed all his life, but he knew that if he told anyone else about it, it would be the end of his zoo and his life’s work. So he decided not to tell anyone else about what he had found, because oil and water couldn’t mix.
小题1:.  . Mr. King traveled all over the world for collecting ______.
小题2:.  . Mr. King was afraid that people would find him someday because ________.
A.he hadn’t got enough money for themB.that would be the end of his zoo
C.he hadn’t got enough water and oilD.they would buy his animals
小题3:.  . Mr. King wrote books to _______.
A.tell people about his storyB.tell people how to find oil
C.get enough money for his animalsD.make money for his travels
小题4:.  . In the passage, “oil and water couldn’t mix” means that “_________”.
A.Mr. King needed not only water but also oil
B.oil and water were rather difficult to be mixed together
C.Mr. King’s animals only needed water, not oil
D.if he told the others he found oil, his life’s work would be stopped

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Ellen Parker was worried about her health. She could not walk very quickly and it was difficult for her to climb stairs(爬楼梯). She was soon out of breath.(气喘吁吁)
“I think I had better go to the doctor, ” she thought.
She went to the doctor and told him her problem.
“I’m not at all surprised, ”he said. “It’s obvious (明显的)what your problem is.”
He examined her and then gave her some advice.“If you don’t do what I say, Mrs. Parker,” he said. “You will have a heart attack(心脏病). It could kill you.”
Ellen was very worried as she left the doctor’s. She knew that she had to take his advice but that would not be easy and it would take time.
The next day she went shopping. The first shop she went into was a butcher’s shop(肉店).
“I’d like ten pounds of steak (大块肉片), please,” she said.
“Certainly, madam,” the butcher(屠夫) answered and went into the cold room and found a large piece of steak. He brought the huge piece of meat back into the shop and placed it on the scale(秤).
“That’s just ten pounds,” he said.
“That’s big enough,” Mrs. Parker said.
The butcher worked out(计算) the price.
“At $ 4.99 a pound that will be $ 49.90, please. Would you like me to cut it into small pieces for you?”
“Oh, I don’t want to buy the meat,” Mrs. Parker said.
“If you don’t want to buy it,” the butcher said angrily, “Why did you ask me to get it for you?”
“My doctor told me that I am overweight (超重的)and have to lose ten pounds. I wanted to see what ten pounds of flesh looked liked.”
小题1:. Why did Ellen Parker visit the doctor?
A.She had a heart attack.B.She had a problem with her health.
C.She was unhappy about her weight.D.She could not sleep well.
小题2:. Why did she ask for ten pounds of steak?
A.she wanted to buy some for dinner.B.She wanted to lose weight
C.Her doctor had told her to eat steak.
D.She wanted to see what ten pounds of meat looked like.
小题3:.. What was her real problem?
A.She ate too much steak.B.She weighed too much.
C.The doctor didn’t know.D.She could not walk very quickly.
小题4:. What did the doctor think might happen to Ellen?
A.she might put more on weight. B.She might stop eating too much.
C.She might have a heart attack.D.She might go to another doctor.

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One day a teacher asked her students to list the names of the other students in the class on two sheets of paper,leaving a space between each name.
Then she told them to think of the 36  thing they could say about each of their  37 and write it down.
It took the remainder of the class period to finish their  38 ,and as the students left the room,each one handed in the papers.
That Saturday the teacher wrote down the name of each student on a 39 sheet of paper,and  40  what everyone else had said about that  41 
On Monday she gave each student his or her list.Before long,the entire class was 42 .“Really?”
she heard whispers.“I  43  knew I meant anything to anyone!” and “I didn’t know 44  liked me so much!” were most of the  45 .
That group of students   46on. Several years later, one of the students, Mark, was killed in Vietnam and the teacher attended the funeral of that special student.
The church was 47  his friends.After the funeral,Mark’s parents met the teacher.“We want to  48 you something,” Mark’s father said,taking a wallet out of his pocket.“They 49  this on Mark when he was killed.We thought you might  50  it.
Opening the wallet,he  51  removed two  52  pieces of notebook paper that had been folded and unfolded many times.
The teacher knew without looking  53  the papers were the ones on which she had listed all the good things each of Mark’s classmates had  54  about him.
“Thank you so much for doing that,” Mark’s mother said.” As you can see, Mark  55  it.”
A.worstB.most unforgettableC.most commonD.nicest
小题12:.A.packed with   B.frightening to   C prepared for  D.built by

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When he was driving home one evening on a country road,he saw an old lady,stranded(抛锚的)on the side of the road.He stopped in front of her car and got out.Even with the smile on his face,she was worried.He looked poor and hungry.He knew how she felt.He said,“I am here to help you,madam.Why
don’t you wait in the car where it’s warm? By the way, my name is Joe.”
She had a flat tire.Joe crawled under the car,changed the tire.But he got dirty and his hands hurt.She could not thank him enough and asked him how much she owed him.He told her that if she really wanted to pay him back,the next time she saw someone who needed help,she could give that person the  assistance they needed,and Joe added,“And think of me.”
She drove off.A few miles down the road the lady saw a small restaurant.She went in.The waitress had a sweet smile,and was nearly eight months pregnant(***的).The old lady wondered how someone like her who seemed poor could be so kind to a stranger.Then she remembered Joe.After the lady finished her meal,the waitress went to get her change from a hundred—dollar bill.But she stepped right out the door.
When the waitress came back,she noticed something written on a napkin,“I am helping you because someone once helped me.If you really want to pay me back,here’s what you do---Do not let the chain of love end with you.”
That night when she got home,she was thinking about the money and what the lady had written.She and her husband needed money with the baby due(预期的)next month.She knew how worried her husband was,and as he lay sleeping next to her,she whispered,“Everything’s going to be all right.I love you,Joe.”
小题1:..When Joe stopped to help the lady,she          
A.became excitedB.was afraid to be hurt
C.refused his offerD.thanked him
小题2:..At the restaurant, the lady          
A.received good serviceB.had an expensive meal
C.told the waitress Joe’s storyD.met another poor guest
小题3:..Why did the lady leave the restaurant without getting her change?
A.She forgot it.B.She wanted to help Joe
C.She wanted to tip the waitress.
D.She wanted to give the waitress some help
小题4:..Which of the following statements is true?
A.Joe’s boss fired him.B.Joe worked as a driver.
C.Joe’s wife was a waitress.D.Joe had an unhappy marriage.

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William H. Gates is chairperson and chief software architect of Microsoft Corporation.the  worldwide  leader in software  services  and  internet technologies for personal and business computing.
Bill Gates was born on October 28.1 955 in a family having rich business,political and community service background.His great—grandfather was a state legislator(立法者)and a mayor,his grandfather was vice president of national bank and his father was a lawyer.
Bill strongly believes in hard work. He believes that if you are intelligent and know how to apply your intelligence,you can achieve anything.From childhood Bill was ambitious, intelligent and competitive.These qualities helped him to attain top position in the profession he chose.1n school,he had an excellent record in mathematics and science.Bill’s parents came to know their son’s  intelligence and decided to send him to a private school,known for its good academic environment.It was a very important decision in Bill Gates’ life where he was first introduced to a computer.Bill Gates and his friends were very much interested in computer and formed “programmer’s Group” in late l968.
Later,Bill Gates and his close friend Allen started a new company of their own,Traf-O-Data.They developed a small computer to measure traffic flow.From this project they earned around$20,000.In 1973.he left home for Harvard University.He did well over there,but he couldn’t find it interesting.He spent many long nights in front of the school’s computer and the next day asleep in class.
Within a year.Bill Gates dropped out from Harvard.Then he formed Microsoft.Microsoft’s vision is“ A computer on every desk and Microsoft software on every computer”.His belief in high intelligence and hard work has put him where he is today.He does not believe in mere(纯粹的)luck,but just hard work and competitiveness.
Bill Gates is not a greedy person.In fact,he is quite a giving person when it comes to computers,internet and any kind of funding.Several years ago, he visited Chicago’s Einstein Elementary School and announced grants benefiting Chicago’s schools and museums where he donated(捐款)a total of $1 1 0,000,a bunch of computers,and provided internet connectivity to a number of schools.Secondly,Bill Gates donated 38 million dollars for the building of a computer institute at Stanford University.Gates has decided to give away 95%of all his earnings when he retires.
小题1:.How old was Bill Gates when he retired from Microsoft in late June of 2008?
小题2:.What does Bill Gates believe are most important in achieving success?
A.Intelligence and luck.B.Hard work and intelligence.
C.Money and interest.D.Good education and ambition.
小题3:.What is the most important turning point in Bill Gates’ life?
A.He left home for Harvard University.
B.He dropped out from Harvard University.
C.He and his friend Allen started a new company.
D.He was sent to a private school where he first studied computer.
小题4:.What kind of person can we say about Bill Gates?
A.Wealthy,greedy and successful.
B.Ambitious,Intelligent and selfish.
C.Intelligent.successful and generous.
D.Lazy,intelligent and competitive.

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