完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分。)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给出的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。After listening to ev

完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分。)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给出的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。After listening to ev

After listening to everyone’s concerns and problems, Professor Smith looked over at the hostess (主持人) and asked her if she could get a paper and pen for everyone in the room. She    36   a minute later, and brought some paper and pens.
“Do me a    37  ,” Professor Smith asked. “We’re going to try something and I    38   your cooperation. On the small piece of paper please    39   the 3 biggest problems you are facing in your personal life right now. Don’t write your name on it. We’ll keep it    40  .”
The group found the experiment    41  , not knowing what was to follow.
After everyone wrote down their problems, Professor Smith asked everyone to    42   their paper and put it in a small basket that was in the front of the room. There were    43   expressions throughout the room,    44   again, everyone cooperated, wanting to know what would    45   next.
Professor Smith shook the basket and then he    46   around the room and asked each person to    47   a paper from the basket. After he had done that, he sat back down and looked around the room.
“Friends,   48   the paper and read to yourself the problems that you    49  ,” Professor Smith said.
Then, Professor Smith    50   at the woman sitting on his left and asked, “Lisa, would you like to    51   your problems that you wrote down with those that you chose from the basket?”
“No,” Lisa said.
Next, Professor Smith asked the man sitting next to Lisa the    52   question. “Would you like to exchange the problems you wrote down with those that you chose from the basket?”
   53   the reply was “No.”
Professor Smith went around the whole room. Everyone had a    54   to answer.
Surprisingly, the answers were all the same — no, no, no, no…. Some people said that “I can settle my own problems, but I can’t    55   what I chose out of the basket”. Some people said “Wow — these make my problems look like nothing.”
A.put outB.wash awayC.write downD.speak out
A.struggle withB.show offC.throw awayD.deal with


小题1:B 小题1:A 小题1:D 小题1:C 小题1:A  
小题1:B 小题1:D 小题1:C小题1: A小题1: B  
小题1:C 小题1:D 小题1:A 小题1:B 小题1:C  
小题1:D 小题1:A 小题1:B 小题1:C 小题1:D

Ed Viesturs grew up in Rockford, Illinois, where the tallest thing on the ground was the water tower. But on Thursday, Viesturs became the only American to climb to the top of the world’s 14 highest mountains.
His last hike was up Mount Annapurna, in Asia’s snowcapped Himalayas. At 26,545 feet, its top is the 10th highest in the world. It is the mountain that inspired him to start climbing.
“It seems to be the most difficult, the most dangerous,” said Viesturs. “There’s no simple way to climb it. There are threatening avalanches (雪崩) and ice falls that protect the mountain.”
In high school, Viesturs read French climber Maurice Herzog’s story of climbing the icy Annapurna. Herzog’s story was of frostbite (冻伤) and difficulty and near-death experiences. Viesturs was hooked right away.
Viesturs got his start on Washington’s Mount Rainier in 1977, guiding hikes in the summer. Fifteen years ago, he set out to walk up to the world’s highest tops. Finally, he’s done.
The pioneering climber talks about mountains as if they were living creatures that should be treated with respect. “You have to use all of your senses, all of your abilities to see if the mountain will let you climb it,” said Viesturs. “If we have the patience and the respect, and if we’re here at the right time, under the right conditions, they allow us to go up, and allow us to come down.”
What’s next for a man who can’t stop climbing? “I’m going to hold my wife and kids and enjoy the summer,” says Viesturs. But for a man who has climbed the world’s 14 tallest mountains, he will probably soon start another adventure.
小题1:The author used Viestures’ words in Paragraph 6 to support an opinion that       .
A.mountain climbing is a dangerous sport
B.mountains should be regarded as living creatures
C.mountain climbing needs more skills than physical energy
D.those who like mountain climbing won’t stop climbing
小题2:The underlined word “hooked” in Paragraph 4 can be replaced by ________.
A.frightened B.discouraged C.interested D.upset
小题3: What’s the next probable plan of Viestures?
A.Stopping climbing and staying with his family.
B.Climbing to the top of the world’s 14 tallest mountains again.
C.Writing down the experiences about his adventure.
D.Climbing another one of the highest mountains.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Every day Shairley tries to make at least one person she knows happy. For years she has become addicted to this and she can’t pass a day without making someone happy.
This started when she was 11 years old. That year, she wanted to travel to see her best friend. After she saved all the money needed, she packed her bags and went to the airport. By the time she got to pay for her ticket,she realised that her purse had been stolen.
She went to the restroom and cried. While she was in the restroom stall and totally at a loss what to do, someone knocked on the door. “Leave me alone” was the sentence she said over and over again after hearing the repeated knocking. After a long time, she opened the door and went out only to find an envelope at her feet. She opened the envelope and found a letter. It said,
“Dear child, you locked yourself inside and avoided facing the people who were outside and you might miss this letter. Reading it now means that after all you decided to face the outside world again. Never lock yourself in for any reason ! Never lose hope ! Never forget to trust yourself. Be a reason for other people’s smiles, sow hope in their hearts and you will gain your happiness in your own heart.”
She folded the letter to put it in the envelope only to discover that inside were a window seat ticket and double the money she needed. So she traveled and told the story to everyone she met. She said.“ From that day on ,I took it as my task, half for me and half for someone’s happiness.”
小题1:Shirley found that her money had been stolen         .
A.when she was heading for the airport
B.when she was buying a ticket
C.after she packed her bags
D.when she went to the restroom
小题2:Why didn’t Shirley open the door of the stall when she heard the knocking?
A.Because she was disappointed and at a loss.
B.Because she was afraid of the person outside.
C.Because she wanted to keep calm by being alone.
D.Because she was crying and didn’t hear the knocking.
小题3:What did Shireley learn from the letter?
A.A letter is powerful enough to make one smile.
B.Face the outside world and never lose hope.
C.She should always notice who is outside her door.
D.She should try to make herself happy first and then others.
小题4:We can learn that after reading the letter, Shirley was         

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One girl decided to study judo(柔道)although she had lost her left arm in a car accident.
The girl began lessons with an old Japanese judo instructor. The girl was doing well. So she couldn’t understand why, after three months of training, the instructor had taught her only one move.
“Instructor,” the girl finally said, “Shuldn’t I be learning more moves?”
“This is the only move you know, but this is the only move you’ll ever need to know,” the instructor replied.
Not quite understanding, but believing in her teacher, the girl kept training.
Several months later, the instructor took the girl to her first tournament. Surprising herself, the girl easily won her first two matches. The third match proved to be more difficult, but after some time, her opponent became impatient and charged. The girl skillfully used her one move to win the match. Still amazed by her success, the girl was now in the finals.
This time, her opponent was bigger, stronger and more experienced. For a while, the girl appeared to be overmatched. Concerned that the girl might get hurt, the referee called a time-out. She was about to stop the match when the instructor intervened(干预).
“No,” the instructor insisted, “Let her continue.”
Soon after the match restarted, her opponent made a serious mistake; she dropped her guard. Instantly, the girl used her move to pin her opponent. The girl had won the match and the tournament. She was the champion.
One the way home, the girl and her teacher reviewed every move in each and every match. Then the girl gathered the courage to ask what was really on her mind.
“Instructor, how did I win the tournament with only one move?”
“You won for two reasons,” the teacher answered. “First, you’ve almost mastered one of the most difficult throws in all of judo. Second, the only known defense for that move is for your opponent to grab your Left arm.”
The girl’s biggest weakness had become her biggest strength.
小题1:What can we learn about the girl?
A.She was disabled in an accident.B.She disliked judo training.
C.She learnt several moves.D.She won the first two matches hard.
小题2:The underlined word “overmatched” probably means         .
小题3:The girl won the championship because of          .
A.her braveryB.her skillsC.her tricksD.her strength
小题4:Which of the following is probably the best title of the story?
A.The Story of a Girl.B.A Disabled Girl.
C.Defense Matters.D.Weakness Becomes Strengh.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Gyber language is popular among Chinese netizens, who create English words to reflect novel phenomenon in society.
"Gelivable", combining pinyin of Chinese characters Geili (giving strength) with the English suffix for adjectives, literally means "giving power" or "cool". Similarly, "Hengelivable" means "very cool", and "ungelivable" means "dull, not cool at all". "Antizen" referred to the group of college graduates who, earning a meager salary and living in small rented apartments, are like the tiny and laborious ants.
David Tool, a professor with the Beijing International Studies University said it’s very interesting to combine Chinese with English to create new words. “English is no longer mysterious to the Chinese people. They can use the language in a flexible way according to their own experiences,” he said. Chinese words and expressions were created, as well, by netizens. One example was “Suan Ni Hen”. This three-charessions were created, as well, by netizens. One example was “Suan Ni Hen”. This three-character expression, which originally meant “you win” with the first character carrying the same pronunciation as garlic in Chinese, is used to satirize(讽刺)high garlic and food prices this winter.
Chinese people use the character “bei” before a verb to show a passive voice, and it is used by netizens to show the helplessness in front of false conclusions and fake media reports. For instance, “zisha” means “suicide” while “beizisha” means “be officially presumed to have committed suicide”, and xiaokang means “fairly comfortable life” while “beixiaokang” means “be said to be living a fairly comfortable life”.
Wu Zhongmin, a professor at the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, saw the phenomenon of word creation as a natural response of young people to social issues. “Cyber language is more vivid and it shortens people’s distances,” he said.
小题1:The passage mainly tells us that           .
A.cyber language is popular among all people
B.cyber language is of great fun
C.cyber language needs to be taught at coolege
D.cyber language in China is popular for it’s relation with society
小题2:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Ungeilivable means “dull, not cool at all”.
B.Antizens live in small rented apartments with small salaries.
C.Suan Ni Hen refers to the highest food prices ever.
D.Beixiaokang means “be said” to be living a comfortable life.
小题3:What can we infer from the phenomenon of word creation?
A.It’s getting more difficult to understand cyber language.
B.Young people are more likely to respond to nature.
C.Social phenomena are more easily reflected in cyber language.
D.The best way to create new cyber words is to combine Chinese and English.
小题4:Chinese netizens created English words by         .
A.combining pinyin of Chinese characters with the English suffix
B.using the character carrying the same pronunciaton
C.combining Chinese characters with the English
D.putting the character “bei” before an English word

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When a person is curious about something, it means he is interested in it and wishes to know something about it. There is   16  wrong with curiosity in itself. Whether it is good or bad   17  on what people are curious about.
Curiosity  18  can be foolish or wrong. Some people with nothing to do are  19  of curiosity about what their neighbors are doing. They have a strong wish to know what they are   20  home or taking outside, or why they have come home so 21 or late. To be interested in these things is silly because it is none of their 22  to know what their neighbors do or are doing. Such curiosity is not only foolish but also 23 . For most probably, it may lead to a small talk  24  often brings harm, loss of honor or disrespect to others, and thus  25 their feelings.
On the other hand, there is a  26 curiosity- the curiosity of wise men, who  27  at all the great things and try to find out all they  28 learn about them. Columbus could  29 have found America if he had not been 30 . James Walt would not have made the steam engine  31  his curiosity about the rising of the kettle lid. All the  32  in human history have been made as a  33  of curiosity, 34  the clever curiosity is never about unimportant things which have  35  or nothing to do with the happiness of the public.

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