第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡


第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
Recently, I flew to Las Vegas to attend a meeting. As we were about to arrive, the pilot announced with apology that there would be a slight 36 before setting down. High desert winds had  37  the airport to close all but one runway. He said that we would be   38   the city for a few minutes waiting to   39 . We were also told to remain in our seats meanwhile with our seat belts fastened 40   there might be a few bumps.We11,that few minutes turned into about four—five minutes,including a ride that would make a roller coaster       by comparison.
The movement was so fierce that several passengers felt  42  and had to use airsickness bags(呕吐袋). As you might guess,that’s not good thing to have happen in a(n)  43  space because it only  44   to increase the discomfort of the situation.
About twenty minutes into the adventure,the entire airplane became very  45   There was now a sense of anxiety and fear that could be  46  noticed.Every passenger simply held on for dear life …except one. A  47   was having a good time! With each bump of the  48  !he would let out a giggle(咯咯的笑)of delight As I observed this,I  49  that he didn’t know he was supposed to be afraid and worried about his 50  He neither thought about the past nor about the future Those are what we grown—ups have learned from  51  .He was  52  the ride because had not yet been taught to fear it. Having understood this,I took a deep breath and  53   back into my seat,pretending I was  54  on a roller coaster. I smiled for the rest of the flight. I even 55 to giggle once or twice ,much to the chagrin(随恼)of the man sitting next to me holding the airsicknessbag.
36.A.mistake    B.delay C.change      D.wind
37.A.forced      B.warned     C.swept       D.reminded
38.A.watching  B.visiting     C.circling     D.crossing
39.A.arrive       B.enter C.stop   D.land
40.A.if      B.though      C.because     D.while
41.A.light  B.pale   C.easy  D.quick
42.A.sick   B.nervous    C.angry       D.afraid
43.A.empty      B.narrow     C.secret       D.open
44.A.happens    B.continues  C.fails  D.serves
45.A.quiet B.hot    C.dirty  D.crowded
46.A.partly       B.gradually  C.shortly      D.clearly
47.A.pilot  B.baby  C.guard       D.man
48.A.seats  B.passengers C.flight D.airplane
49.A.realized    B.hoped       C.agreed      D.insisted
50.A.health       B.safety       C.joy    D.future
51.A.teachers    B.books       C.experience       D.practice
52.A.learning    B.taking       C.missing     D.enjoying
53.A.sat    B.lay    C.went  D.rode
54.A.nearly      B.finally      C.really       D.suddenly
55.A.attempted B.managed   C.wanted     D.decided

36—40:BACDC  41—45:BABDA  46—50:DBDAB  51—55:CDACB

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36---55各题后的 A B C D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Childish Voice
When I was a young child, my parents often told me that it was time to teach a man everything. I didn’t understand and wondered why   36  had such a big influence   37  a person. I thought I could grow up quickly to find it out as an adult.But now,   38   I come to knock at the door of adulthood, I feel   39 to express my own  40   on this saying. I know that I’m just a high school student with very   41  experiences. There are still many things   42  me in the future, yet I would like to express myself in a childish voice.
I once read this sentence: “To make this world a happy place to live, you’d better   43  yourself and your heart , instead of the whole world.” I was shocked. It made me think about life   44  . There are so many things around us that    45   our will. We can’t force life    46   our wishes. The earth won’t stop turning no matter whether we   47  it or not. What we can do is just to make ourselves  48  the world. I think we should learn to accept   49  life gives us, no matter whether it’s the spring sunlight or the winter snowfall, and try to be happy.
Deeply moved by the pop song Grandmother (by Jay Chou), I always try to  50  every pleasant thing in my life, but now I see I don’t catch most of the pleasant moments. It is more   51  that they slip by and leave you feeling   52  . I realize that I’m not just living   53  myself and that there are the others around me I should think of .They all pay attention to my growing up, even if it’s just a little progress.
Everyone has his or her own attitude towards life, be it positive or   54  .It doesn’t matter, I think. There is one   55  that should be obeyed—and that’s to make this world better.
A.manB.time C.thingD.parent
A.beliefsB.opinionsC.confidences D.expressions
A.a fewB.littleC.fewD.a little
A.waiting forB.sticking with C.dealing withD.doing with
A.go withB.go along C.go aheadD.go against
A.being followed B.to be followedC.following D.to follow
A.fit inB.suitC.beatD.match
A.regretful B.awfulC.successfulD.terrible

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21 – 40 各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C, 和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。
It was so cold that I couldn’t feel my legs. There was going to be a racing contest that night so I was 21 my horse, Skippy, up. I was simply running laps(跑道的圈) around the ring. The  22  cold air had been blowing past me, freezing my limbs, but every second I  23  it. You could hear the faint  24  of the people up at the clubhouse eating their dinner. My parents were also there, not knowing that my little sister had slowly wandered her way down to the ring. It was  25  because there was no moon or stars. Nobody else was in the ring at the time. I was really enjoying the 26  and I was able to  27  what Skippy was doing. As I took my last lap it  28 . Everything rapidly slowed down as I saw my little sister step  29   the ring. I saw true fear on her face because she knew she wouldn’t be  30  to move out of the way fast enough. She knew that she was going to get hit.
She tried to  31  but nothing came out of her fear-dried throat. When my horse got to her, he was still in a full out run.  32 , miraculously(奇迹般地), he slid so hard on his back feet that he  33 . It really made the  34  seem absolutely unreal. I thought that maybe I was  35 . I had  36  in my mind that I wasn’t seeing what was happening. I knew I had hit my sister. There was no way I could have  37  her. My horse was rising straight up and while he was in the air I couldn’t breathe. It’s like I forgot  38 . As all of this happened I watched my sister’s face transform (变形) through many different  39 : terror, confusion, curiosity, and then a sort of relief. Then she was laughing.
As I held my sister into my arms, Skippy stood right behind me knowing that I actually owed him my life  40  he saved my sister’s.
21.A. picking                B. warming                  C. catching                   D. setting
22.A. bitterly                B. hardly                      C. gently                      D. perfectly
23.A. challenged                  B. witnessed                 C. enjoyed                    D. hated
24.A. ceremony                   B. tradition                   C. victory                            D. laughter
25.A. windy                        B. bright                      C. dark                         D. cloudy
26.A. quiet                          B. quality                            C. impression                D. significance
27.A. rely on                   B. focus on                   C. insist on                   D. put on
28.A. let out                 B. held on                    C. participated in               D. took place
29.A. close to               B. out of                      C. into                         D. towards
30.A. able                 B. frightened          C. content                     D. proud
31.A. evaluate               B. worry                      C. scream                            D. escape
32.A. Accidentally         B. Normally                 C. Generally                 D. Somehow
33.A. sped up               B. rose up                        C. broke down                     D. wore out
34.A. moment               B. contest                            C. comment                  D. technique
35.A. advancing                   B. breathing                  C. concluding               D. dreaming
36.A. that                            B. none                        C. neither                            D. it
37.A. hit                      B. recognized                C. missed                            D. acknowledged
38.A. how                           B. what                        C. when                       D. why
39.A. actions                B. emotions                  C. attitudes                   D. thoughts
40.A. if                               B. because                    C. as if                         D. so that
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Ⅰ   语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)
As the plane circled over the airport, everyone guessed that  1    was wrong .The plane was moving unsteadily(不稳定地)through the  2    , and the passengers were suddenly thrown forward. At that moment ,the air hostess(空中小姐) appeared. She looked very pale, but was quite  3      . Speaking quickly but almost in a whisper she told everyone that the pilot was badly ill and asked if any of the passengers knew anything about machines or at  4    knew how to drive a car. After a moment’s  5    , a man got up and followed the hostess into the pilot’s room.  6  the pilot aside, the man took his seat and listened carefully to the orders  7  were being sent by radio from the airport  8    . The plane was now dangerously  9    to the ground, but it soon began to   10    .
The man had to circle the airport several times in order to become familiar with the controls. But the danger had not yet passed. The terrible moment came when he had to  11    . Following orders, the man controlled the plane towards the airfield. It shook greatly  12     it touched the ground and then moved rapidly  13    the field, but after a long   14    it stopped safely. Outside, a lot of people, who had been watching anxiously, ran forward to  15    the “pilot ”on an excellent landing .
1. A. nothing               B. what                    C. something                D. the plane
2. A. airport            B. heaven                            C. air                           D. cloud
3. A. natural            B. calm                    C. worried                    D. excited
4. A. most               B. last                      C. first                         D. least
5. A. thought               B. quiet                    C. darkness                   D. hesitation
6. A. Moved            B. Sending               C. Moving                    D. Being put
7. A. they               B. that                      C. these                        D. this
8. A. down              B. below                  C. there                        D. nearby
9. A. up                  B. over                     C. close                        D. downstairs
10. A. fly                        B. go down               C. stop                        D. climb
11. A. land                B. drive                    C. rise                          D. set
12. A. as                B. before                      C. after                        D. until
13. A. above             B. onto                     C. around                            D. across
14. A. fly                        B. forward                C. run                          D. drive
15. A. congratulate        B. praise                   C. thank                       D. reward
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从31~50各题所给的四个选项(A、B 、C 、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。
I am a teacher. Last Monday, at the beginning of class, I  31  asked my students how their weekend had been. A boy said that his weekend had not been so good. The boy then asked me       32  I always seemed to be so cheerful.
His question  33  me of something I’d read somewhere before, “Every morning when you  34  up, you have a  35  about how you want to face life that day.” I smiled and said to myself, “I choose to be cheerful.”
“Let me give you a(n)  36  ,” I said. “In addition to teaching here, I also teach in another college, 17 miles down the freeway from where I live. A few weeks ago, I  37   those 17 miles to the school. I only had to  38   another quarter mile to reach the school, but then my car  39 . I tried to start it again, but the engine wouldn’t start. So I took my  40  and walked to school.”
“As soon as I got there, I called AAA and arranged for a tow truck(拖车)to meet me at my car  41  class. The headmaster asked me what had happened. ‘This is my  42  day,’ I replied cheerfully. ‘Your car is broken and today is your lucky day?’ she was  43  . ‘What do you mean?’ ‘I live 17 miles from here,’ I replied. ‘My car could have broken down  44   along the freeway, but it didn"t.  45 , it broke down in the perfect place: off the freeway and  46   walking distance from here. I’m still able to teach my class, and able to arrange for a tow truck to meet me.’ The headmaster’s eyes were  47   open and then she smiled.”
I  48  the faces in my class. Although it was the early hour, no one seemed to be  49 . My story had  50  them, or maybe it wasn’t the story at all.
31.A.anxiously  B.angrily     C.sadly D.cheerfully
32.A.why  B.how  C.that   D.whether
33.A.warned     B.told   C.reminded  D.thought
34.A.raise  B.keep  C.wash D.get
35.A.problem   B.choice      C.right  D.chance
36.A.example   B.answer      C.story D.explanation
37.A.walked     B.ran    C.drove       D.flew
38.A.stay   B.repair       C.run    D.cover
39.A.burst B.died  C.started      D.hit
40.A.friends     B.books       C.ways D.students
41.A.after        B.during      C.before      D.in
42.A.terrible     B.great C.lucky D.special
43.A.surprised  B.puzzled     C.shocked    D.amazed
44.A.somewhere      B.everywhere      C.nowhere   D.anywhere
45.A.Instead     B.Also  C.Then D.Therefore
46.A.at     B.within      C.beyond     D.off
47.A.hardly      B.almost      C.wide  D.quite
48.A.watched    B.saw   C.made D.scanned
49.A.awake      B.asleep       C.alone D.cheerful
50.A.controlled B.defeated    C.touched    D.educated
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

At 3:30 a.m. Pearl Carlson was shaken awake by a forceful pull. King, the family dog, was trying to pull her out of bed.Then she smelled smoke and heard the sound of fire from her parent"s room. Pearl"s screams awaked her mother, Fern and father, Howard, who had recently been in hospital for lung disease. Helping Howard to a first-floor window, Fern told him to climb out, then ran to her daughter.
Still inside, King appeared at Pearl"s window, making squeaking (短促尖叫) sounds. When running toward Pearl"s bedroom, Fern realized her husband hadn"t yet escaped. She made her way back through the smoke and flames, following King"s sound to where Howard lay semiconscious (半昏迷) on the floor. Fern helped him get outside. King came out only after both were safe.
As day dawned, the Carlsons saw that King"s paws were badly burned, and his entire body was burned too. His chain collar had gotten so hot that it burned his throat, making it impossible for him to bark (叫) normally. Only after the seven-year-old dog refused food did they find pieces of wood in his mouth and realize that King, who slept outside, had bitten through a wood door to warn his family.
1. Who was King in this story?
A. The family sore                               B. The family daughter.
C. The family dog.                               D. The master.                              
2. According to the story, the first one who was completely out of danger could be          . 
A. Howard                   B. Fern                 C. Pearl and Fern                 D. Pearl
3. After reading this story, we"ve learnt that the following statements could be reasonable except               .
A. the dog made a big hole in the door
B. the dog awoke mother first
C. the dog was the last one to escape from the burning room
D. the dog was badly burned , hurt and not able to eat
4. From this story it can be inferred that              .
A. Pearl loves her parents very much
B. Howard is the best man of the family
C. the woman loves her children more deeply than her husband
D. the dog is man"s best friend
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