Don’t be surprised when strangers talk to you in Canada! You will find that many

Don’t be surprised when strangers talk to you in Canada! You will find that many


Don’t be surprised when strangers talk to you in Canada! You will find that many Canadians will smile at you as they pass in the street, or say something to you like “Hi!” or “How’s it going?” Just reply with something similar. In the UK the reply would be “I’m fine”, but in Canada they say “I’m good”.
In company, when someone is offering you a second helping of food or more wine, if you don’t want any more, use the same expression— “I’m good”. In this case, it means “No, thank you. I’ve had enough”. Most Canadians don"t press you to eat more than you want.
In restaurant, your plate will be cleared away almost immediately you have finished eating. When you go into a shop or store, the shop assistant asks you how you are or if they can help you, it is their way of being friendly and making conversation with the customers.
Canadians eat early and go home early. When you are invited to a Canadian’s home, you may be asked to arrive at 5:30 pm or 6 pm. But guests in Europe don’t expect to arrive until 7:30 pm or 8 pm. Remember to take off your shoes and leave them inside the door without being asked. It’s not a religious custom, but it’s practical. In winter, there can be a lot of snow and dirt on your shoes, once you are in the warm house it melts and falls off, making a mess. Canadians tend to have light colored carpets or hardwood floors.
If you’re invited for dinner, it will be a full sit- down meal. Meat is usually barbecued in the freezing cold of winter. Do take something with you, like a bottle of wine. Arrive on time and don’t stay over 10 pm.
1. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
“I’m good” can mean you do not need more food in Canada.
In Canada, you will meet strangers in the street saying “Hi” to you.
In a Canadian restaurant, the plates will stay at the table until you leave.
Canadians usually say “I’m good” to answer the greeting of “How’s it going?”
2. If you are invited for dinner in your Canadian friend’s home, ________.
you will have a full sit-down meal
you don’t have to bring any gift for the host
you are expected to arrive at 7:30 or 8 pm
you don’t have to take off your shoes when you enter the room
3. When a Canadian shop assistant says “How are you?” to you, it suggests that _______.
they hope to make friends with you
they want to ask you for help
they are very friendly to customers
they are your good friends
4. What can we learn from the passage?
Canadians like dark colored carpets.
In Canada, meat will not be barbecued even in the cold winter.
You will always be asked to eat more food than you want in Canada.
It is usually rude to stay over 10 pm in your Canadian friend’s home.
5.What would be the best title for this passage?
Some customs in Canada
Dinner party rules in Canada
Studying in Canada
Doing business in Canada




People who are outdoors in cold weather should avoid actions like suddenly lifting a heavy basket full of snow. Even walking through heavy, wet snow can strain a person’s heart.
Many people aren’t conditioned to the physical stress of outdoor activities and don’t know the dangers of being outdoors in cold weather. Those who like winter sports can suffer accidental hypothermia if they don’t make certain preparations.
Hypothermia means the body temperature has fallen below normal. It occurs when your body can’t produce enough energy to keep the internal (内部的) body temperature warm enough. It can kill you. Heart failure causes most deaths in hypothermia.
Children, the elderly and those with heart disease are at special risk. As people age, their ability to keep a normal internal body temperature often decreases. Elderly people can suffer hypothermia without knowing they’re in danger because they can’t notice the cold conditions as quickly as the young.
Besides cold temperatures, high winds, snow and rain can also steal body heat. Wind is especially dangerous because it removes the layer of heated air from around your body. At 30 degrees Fahrenheit in a 20-mile-per-hour wind, the cooling effect is equal to calm air at four degrees. Similarly dampness (湿气) causes the body to lose heat faster than it would at the same temperature in drier conditions.
To keep warm, wear more clothes. This traps air between layers. Also, wear a hat or head scarf. Much of your body’s heat can be lost through your head. Keep your hands and feet warm, too, as they tend to lose heat rapidly.
Don’t drink alcohol before going outdoors or when outside. Alcohol makes you feel warm at first because blood vessels in the skin expand. But heat is then drawn away from the body’s important organs.
1. The underlined word “strain” in Paragraph 1 means ________.
A. injure     B. warm      C. control    D. burn
2. What is implied in the passage about hypothermia?
It means the body temperature falls rapidly.
Most heart attacks are caused by it.
It is not as scary as people think.
It can threaten a person’s life.
3. Based on the passage, one of the reasons why the elderly are at special risk of suffering from hypothermia is that _______.
they like exercising outside in cold mornings
they can’t notice cold conditions if they are not told
their body temperature is generally lower than young people’s
their ability to keep a normal internal body temperature is not so good
4.What is Paragraph 5 mainly about?
What causes the body to lose heat faster.
The advantages of drier conditions.
What else can steal body heat.
Dangers of high winds.
5. Which of the following is NOT a result of drinking alcohol before going outdoors?
Feeling warm at first
The body’s heat is taken away
Blood vessels in the skin expand
The risk of hypothermia is reduced

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Recently I was invited to a friend’s house for supper—and had a meal I have never had before.
All the friends invited were a little  36 . It’s not that Ben is unsociable, or a bad cook, but it’s just that he never 37 more than he has to. So how come he was inviting us round for a meal? Had he bought something 38  for his friends? He greeted us at the door and showed us into his dining room where a 39 table was waiting for us. “Nothing but the 40  for my friends! ” said Ben. We all sat down and looked 41 at each other—what was he  42 ?
Ben returned with four bowls of hot soup. “It’s a 43 of carrots, potatoes and tomatoes, ”said Ben. The next 44 was also a little strange 45 we didn’t quite know what it was again. “It’s just another mixture of vegetables. ”
As we ate we chatted and finally the 46 turned back to what we were eating. “Was there a recipe(菜谱) for this, ”asked Marina, “or did you 47 it up? ”Ben put his fork down. “What I cooked 48 what I could find. ”Marina was surprised. “But you can find anything in supermarkets these days. ”“But there’s 49 choice in what you can find 50 supermarkets, ” he replied.
 51 that we had all finished the food, Ben decided to tell the truth. He had read recently that supermarkets usually 52 away 5 percent of their food every day. So Ben decided to look inside his local supermarket bins. There he found food that was slightly out of 53 , boxes of thrown-away vegetables and fruit.
So Ben had 54  provided a decent meal for his friends, and made us aware of the fact that there are many poor people who need the food, but the amount of food thrown away is enough to  55 millions of people.
36.A. excited      B. disappointed  C. surprised   D. delighted
37.A. takes        B. spends       C. uses       D. does
38.A. cheap        B. special       C. practical    D. usual
39.A. new         B. separate      C. booked     D. laid
40.A. freshest      B. most         C. best        D. least
41.A. nervously     B. carefully      C. sadly      D. happily
42.A. in for         B. up to        C. away from   D. out of
43.A. mixture       B. liquid         C. matter      D. dish
44.A. course      B. food            C. soup       D. salad
45.A. in that      B. on condition that  C. in case that   D. so that
46.A. dinner      B. idea            C. food        D. subject
47.A. pick        B. look            C. make       D. take
48.A. referred     B. depended on     C. lay in       D. resulted from
49.A. less         B. more           C. some       D. any
50.A. within       B. beyond         C. inside      D. outside
51.A. Feeling      B. Seeing          C. Realizing   D. Thinking
52.A. store        B. move           C. throw      D. hide
53.A. order        B. place           C. season     D. date
54.A. successfully   B. possibly        C. hardly    D. hopefully
55.A. enrich        B. please          C. affect     D. feed
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Strange coincidences(巧合)happened to the deaths of John F.Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln.For example,Kennedy was elected President in 1960 while Lincoln became President in 1860.Both were murdered from behind,on a Friday,and in the presence of their wives.The two men were exactly one hundred years apart and so were their murderers,Lee Harvery Oswald and John Wilkes Booth.Perhaps the strangest coincidence is that Kennedy’s secretary,whose name was Lincoln,advised him not to go to Dallas where he was shot later.Lincoln’s secretary,whose name was Kennedy,suggested him not going to the Ford Theatre,where he met his death.
56.The coincidence of the two presidents’ death were           .
A.very mysterious                       B.just the same 
C.rather different                         D.quite special
57.Where was his wife when Kennedy was murdered?
A.Maybe she was in a church.
B.She was at home because the secretary had advised her not to go with her husband.
C.She was somewhere we don’t know.
D.She was with his husband.
58.Which of the following is NOT true?
A.The two murderers were one hundred years apart.
B.The two murderers fired their guns behind the two presidents.
C.The two presidents were shot in a theatre.
D.Both secretaries told the two presidents not to go where they were killed,but both failed.
59.What’s the passage mainly about?
A.Two strange presidents.
B.Strange coincidences between Kennedy’s and Lincoln’s deaths.
C.Both Kenney and Lincoln didn’t die in a natural way
D.Both Kennedy and Lincoln died on Friday.
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Marilyn Monroe was certainly one of the most famous actresses of the twentieth century.She was known as the “Blonde Bombshell” and the “Sex Goddess of the Silver Screen”.However,surprisingly,this famous actress never won any major acting awards throughout her 15year career in the movies.Critics(评论家) may not have thought highly of her acting ability,but the huge number of her fans flocking to see her movies propelled(推进) her to fame and fortune.
Being a teenager,she found a job in a parachute packing factory during World War Ⅱ.A picture of young Ms Mortenson in a magazine led her into modelling.Hoping to move from modelling into acting,the young woman began trying out for acting jobs with several movie studios in Hollywood.She finally got a oneyear contract(合同)with Twentieth Century-Fox.However,Ms Monroe’s career as an actress did not start well.She was given small parts in several films which did not do very well at the box office,and the studio decided to drop her contract.With no money and no work,the actress agreed to let a photographer take pictures without any clothes on for a calendar,for which she was paid $50.
In 1951,with the help of a friend,Ms Monroe got a sevenyear contract with the same studio again.The studio began putting the actress in movies playing a “dumb blonde”and Ms Monroe became a hit.After playing “dumb blonde” in six more movies,she got her first lead role in the movie Niagara in 1953,which did well in box office.She proved that she could sing and dance in her own sexy way in movies like Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and How to Marry a Millionaire.She also showed that she could perform as a comic actress.
While her movie career went on well,her private life was not quite a successful.She had got married for three times,but all her marriage didn’t last long.Probably due to her addiction to alcohol and sleeping pills,she was difficult to work with and was fired.Two months later,she was found dead from an overdose.
63.How long did she stay in the field of the movie?
A.5 years.       B.15 years.  C.10 years      D.20 years.
64.What did Ms Monroe do before she became an actress?
A.She made a calendar.     B.She worked in a factory.
C.She designed clothes.     D.All of the above.
65..In which movie did Ms Monroe have her first staring role?
A.Niagara.                  B.How to Marry a Millionaire.
C.Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.   D.Some Like It Hot.
66.We can infer from the passage that .
A.what she was after were fame and fortune
B.what she liked most were alcohol and sleeping pills
C.she couldn’t get on well with others
D.she didn’t feel happy in spite of her fame and fortune
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John lived all alone because his wife had died. He had worked hard as a tailor all his life, but misfortune had left him penniless. He had 16   sons, but they only had time to  17   and eat dinner with their father once a week.
18   the old man grew weaker and weaker, and his sons came by to see him less and less. He often worried  19   would become of him, until at last he thought of a plan.
The next morning he went to see his friend, the carpenter, and asked him to make a large 20. Then the locksmith, and asked him for an old  21  . Finally the glassblower for all the broken pieces of glass he  22  . The old man took the chest home, filled it to the 33   with broken glass, locked up tight and put it beneath his  24  .
“What’s in this chest?” his sons asked, looking under the table.
“Oh, nothing,” the old man replied, “just some things I’ve been  25  .” They kicked it and heard a rattling inside. “It must be full of all the gold he’s saved over the years,” they 26   to one another.
So they talked it over and realized they needed to  27   the treasure. They decided to  28    living with the old man, and  29   they could look after him, too. So the first week the youngest moved in, the second week the middle and the third week the eldest. This 30   for some time.


    At last the old father died. The sons gave him a very  31   funeral, for they knew there was a  32  sitting beneath the kitchen table. When the 33   was over, they hunted through the house until they found the key, and unlocked the chest. To their astonishment, they found nothing but broken glass. But they didn’t give up, and the eldest son turned over the chest to make sure if there was something valuable 34   among the broken glass. On the bottom he found an inscription  35  : Honor Your Father And Mother.16. A.four       B.two   C.three D.five
17. A.stand by  B.pass by     C.go by       D.stop by
18. A.Gradually      B.Clearly     C.Fortunately      D.Hurriedly
19. A.what      B.that  D.which
20. A.shelf       B.table  C.cupboard  D.chest
21. A.chest      B.lock  C.cover D.saying
22. A.made      B.broke       C.bought      D.had
23.  B.bottom       D.inside
24. A.bed table    D.yard
25. A.making   B.keeping    C.saving      D.using
26. A.whispered      B.reported    C.shouted     D.pointed
27. A.find B.own  C.know D.guard
28. A.take chances   B.take turns  C.take measures   D.take actions
29. A.on the way the way       C.that way the way
30. A.went on  B.kept on     C.moved on D.put on
31. A.sad        B.deep   D.nice
32. A.old man  B.fortune     C.guest D.lock
33. A.service    B.celebration       C.meal  D.crying
34. A.mixed     B.painted     C.hidden      D.grown
35. A.writing   B.reading     C.telling      D.speaking
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