When do people decide whether or not they want to become friends? During their f

When do people decide whether or not they want to become friends? During their f


When do people decide whether or not they want to become friends? During their first four minutes together, according to a book by Dr. Leonard Zunin. "Every time you meet someone in a social situation, give him your undivided attention for four minutes. A lot of people"s whole lives would change if they did just that."
When we are introduced to new people, we should try to appear friendly and self-confident. In general, he says, "People like people who like themselves." On the other hand, we should not make the other person think we are too sure of ourselves.
Hearing such advice, one might say, "But I"m not a friendly, self-confident person. That"s not my nature. It would be dishonest for me to act that way." In reply, Dr. Zunin would claim that a little practice can help us feel comfortable about changing our social habits. We can become accustomed to any changes we choose to make in our personality. "It"s like getting used to a new car. It may be unfamiliar at first, but it goes much better than the old one."
But isn"t it dishonest to give the appearance of friendly self-confidence when we don"t actually feel that way? Perhaps, but according to Dr. Zunin, "total honesty" is not always good for social relationships, especially during the first few minutes of contact. There is a time for everything, and a certain amount of play-acting may be best for the first few minutes of contact with a stranger. That is not the time to complain about one"s health or to mention faults one finds in other people. It is not the time to tell the whole truth about one"s opinions and impressions.
The author also declares that interpersonal relations should be taught as a required course in every school, along with reading, writing, and mathematics. In his opinion, success in life depends mainly on how we get along with other people. That is at least as important as how much we know.
69. When first introduced to new people, we should________.
A. be friendly and sure of ourselves regardless of the other people"s feeling
B. always tell the whole truth even if it hurts
C. appear friendly and self-confident at least for the first few minutes
D. mention faults we find in the other people
70. According to the author"s advice, interpersonal relations________.
A. should be set as a required course in schools
B. are more important than other courses in school
C. are less important than reading, writing and mathematics
D. is the only key to one"s success in life
71. The underlined word "play-acting" in the fourth paragraph means________.
A. being totally honest        B. being a little dishonest
C. acting out what one feels          D. acting in a play
72. The best title for the passage could be________.
A. The Key to Success        B. Best Ways to Make Friends
C. Personal Relations           D. The First Four Minutes


I"ve cheated in school when I thought that I could get away with it. I"m not proud of it and I don"t usually feel very good about myself afterward, but sometimes it"s the only way possible to survive in a pressure cooker. My parents are really set on my getting good grades. They study my report card the same way they examine the newspaper"s stock market page. And they make me feel that I"ve got to live up to their expectations.
But often it"s like each teacher acts as if his is the only subject we have. They think nothing of piling on our homework or giving surprise quizzes. Sometimes we have to take two or three tests in different subjects on the same day. I"d like to see a lot of adults I know preparing for that.
When the pressure becomes too high, some kids may resort to(诉诸于) cheating. If you have three or four subjects to study for, you"re not going to be able to devote enough time to each subject in order to be well prepared for each class. Besides, it may be the only way left to live up to your parents" expectations and compete with the top students in the class.
Everybody knows that if you cheat, it"s important not to get caught. Few things can cause more of chaos. Once, my elder brother got caught cheating on a math final. My parents acted as though he"d committed a federal crime. The assistant principal called them to school, but although the incident caused several conferences, I don"t think that anybody ever really understood what my brother was going through. We"re just supposed to perform outstandingly as well as always act honestly, but how many adults can actually live up to the standards they set for us?
My father has gotten countless traffic tickets for parking in no parking zones or for not coming to a full stop at stop signs.And you"re always hearing about people who don"t file their income tax honestly.How about all the corruption in government?Successful adults often accept dishonesty in order to achieve their business goals.Are kids the only ones who are supposed to be perfect?
Most of my friends have cheated on tests in school at one time or another. The kids who never cheat are usually either afraid of getting caught or just don"t know how to do it safely. Nobody wants to cheat. But if it"s a choice of being honest or of getting a grade, most kids will try for the A. That may sound wrong, but we didn"t make the rules, we"re just trying to get by.
77. What is the best title of this passage?
A. No one wants to cheat      B. Everyone likes to cheat                  
C. No one can survive a cheat      D. Everyone can fight a cheat
78. The author owes children"s cheat to the following EXCEPT________.
A. parents  B. teachers         C. children         D. examinations
79. In the fifth paragraph, the author mainly wants to say________.
A. his father always cheats in his life
B. kids are always supposed to be perfect
C. all the adults can not live up to the standards they set for children
D. children shouldn"t learn from successful adults
80. Which of the following is true according to this passage?
A. The author thinks it is children"s right to cheat in school.
B. Most of the author"s friends like cheating on tests in school.
C. The author shows a positive attitude towards a surprise quiz in school.
D. The author thinks it wrong to cheat in school.
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There once was a king in a faraway country. One day, he decided to ___16__ a prize to the artist who would paint the best picture of __17___. So many artists __18___.The king looked at all the pictures. __19___ there were only two he really liked, and he had to __20__ between them.
One picture was of a __21___ lake. The lake was a perfect mirror with peaceful huge mountains all around it. Above was a __22___ sky with light white clouds. All who __23__ this picture thought that it was a perfect picture of peace.
The other picture had __24___, too. But these were not flat at all. Above was an __25___ sky, from which rain fell heavily and in which lightning played __26___. Down the side of the mountain was a waterfall with loud sound. This did not look __27__ at all.
But when the king looked __28__, he saw behind the waterfall a tiny bush ___29__ in a crack in the rock. In the bush a mother bird had __30__ her nest. There, with the current of angry water, the mother bird was __31__ her hungry children in the nest, taking no attention to its __32___ surroundings — in perfect peace.
Which picture do you think __33__ the prize? The king chose the second picture. Do you know why?
“Because,” said the king. “Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no__34__, trouble or hard work. Peace means although you are surrounded by noisy things you __35__ keep calm in the heart. That is the real meaning of peace.”
16. A. take               B. offer           C. send            D. leave
17. A. peace            B. silence          C. beauty   D. honesty
18. A. managed  B. tried          C. succeeded       D. went
19. A. And             B. Or      C. Yet            D. But
20. A. like      B. choose          C. give            D. need
21. A. calm     B. noisy           C. beautiful D. dirty
22. A. black            B. blue            C. gray            D. dark
23. A. painted          B. liked           C. saw         D. had
24. A. sky              B. mountains      C. peace             D. clouds
25. A. gentle    B. angry          C. calm    D. sunny
26. A. happily            B. gently          C. slowly          D. wildly
27. A. beautiful  B. noisy          C. happy            D. peaceful
28. A. closely           B. strictly         C. quickly         D. seriously
29. A. planting         B. growing        C. rising          D. coming
30. A. created           B. built           C. left       D. lain
31. A. beating          B. touching        C. feeding         D. speaking
32. A. silent            B. beautiful       C. noisy    D. faraway
33. A. got        B. lost            C. won            D. received
34. A. silence          B. noise           C. shock           D. joy
35. A. still            B. again           C. even             D. just
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Before he became president, Abraham Lincoln spent twenty years as an unsuccessful Illinois lawyer —at least, in financial fields. Legends (传奇) are often untrue, but Lincoln was the real thing. During his years as a lawyer, there were hundreds of examples of his kindness and honesty.
For example, Lincoln didn’t like to charge the poor who were as poor as he was. Once an old man gave him twenty-five dollars, but Lincoln sent him back ten, saying he was being too generous. He often persuaded the people who came to his office to settle their issues (问题) out of court, thereby saving them a lot of money and earning nothing himself.
He and his partner once prevented a mentally ill girl from being cheated off her land. The case took fifteen minutes, and the girl’s brother was completely satisfied. When his partner came to divide up their fee, Lincoln criticized him and said, "The money comes out of the pocket of a poor, mentally ill girl. I would rather starve than cheat her in this manner. You return half the money at least, or I won’t take a cent of it as my share."
Kindness and honesty make you feel good about yourself and create trust in others. It’s not very fashionable these days to talk about the benefits of kindness and honesty, but the benefits are there and are valuable. He often said, "When I do good, I feel good, and when I do bad, I feel bad. That’s my belief."
36. From the passage, we can know that Lincoln ____.
A. charged poor people nothing
B. was very rich when he was a lawyer
C. did not like money
D. helped the poor as much as possible
37. What do we learn from the third paragraph?
A. The girl’s problem was very difficult to settle.
B. He criticized his partner for accepting too much money.
C. The girl’s brother was very generous.
D. Lincoln’s partner got at least half the money from the girl’s case.
38. What can we infer from the passage?
A. Lincoln got a lot of money from those who came to him.
B. The legends of famous people are always untrue.
C. Lincoln believed that kindness and honesty were valuable.
D. It is popular to talk about the benefits of honesty.
39. Which is the best title for the passage?
A. Don’t Believe Legends
B. Abraham Lincoln’s Belief
C. The Value of Kindness
D. The Legend of Lincoln Is True
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The story of printing is a long and complex one. Before the invention of printing, the spread of knowledge depended either on word of mouth or handwriting. Both took time and errors happened easily. 2000 years ago in the Western Han Dynasty, stone-tablet rubbing(拓印) was common for spreading Confucianism or Buddhism. This led in the Sui Dynasty (581-618) to the use of carving writing or pictures on a wooden board, which became known as block printing(木版印刷).
The first book with an exact date of printing appeared in China in 868. In the Tang Dynasty (618-907), this technology was gradually introduced to Korea, Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines.
Block printing reached its golden age during the Song dynasty (960-1279) as the government encouraged the publication of large numbers of books. Yet block printing had its drawbacks. All the boards became useless after the printing was done and a single mistake in carving could ruin a whole block. In the Song Dynasty, a man named Bi Sheng carved individual characters on pieces of fine clay(粘土). Then he hardened the clay by a slow baking process, resulting in pieces of movable type.
Movable type printing has a very important position in the history of printing, for all later printing methods such as wooden type, copper type and lead type printing all developed on the basis of movable clay types. During the 13-14th centuries, This technology spread to Korea, Japan, Vietnam and Europe. Later, German Johann Gutenberg invented movable type made of metal in the 15th century.
48. The main idea of this passage is about ____.
A.    the advantages of China’s printing
B.    the history of movable type writing
C.    the development of China’s printing
D.    the spread of China’s printing
49. The underlined word in the third paragraph probably means____.
A. features     B. benefits    C. disadvantages   D. styles
50. According to the passage, which of the following is right in order of time?
① lead type printing  ② copper type printing  ③movable clay type printing  ④ wooden type printing  ⑤block printing    ⑥ stone-tablet rubbing
A. ①⑥③④  B. ⑥⑤③④  C. ④⑥③①   D. ⑥④②⑤
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Situated in the South West of England, between Exeter and Plymouth, Torquay is one of the most popular holiday resorts(度假胜地)in Britain. It provides sophisticated(精致)entertainment, sports of every kind and cultural facilities, all set in a position of outstanding natural beauty. Visitors can choose between luxury hotels by the sea, with private suites(套房),swimming pools and saunas, and comfortable but less expensive guest houses. There are camping sites, too, and hundreds of houses displaying“B & B”signs.
As well as a number of small quiet bays, which are ideal for beach barbecues away from the crowds, Torquay has large sandy beaches where you can buy refreshments(饮料)and hire deck chairs, boats and even beach huts. There are large areas of grassland overlooking the sea, and miles of winding cliff paths for walkers who just want to enjoy the scenery and what is often said to be the healthiest air in the country. For the sportsmen and women there are opportunities not only for golf, tennis, squash and bowls, but also for water-skiing, hang-gliding and deep-sea fishing.
After a day in the open air, there’s lots to do in the evenings, too. There are plenty of discos, the occasional opera or ballet, and summer variety shows in the seafront theatres. For the children, there is a beautiful model village with a complicated railway layout which is remarkably realistic-especially when the lights are all on at night.
Of course, there’s no need to spend your whole holidays in Torquay. Only a short drive away is Dartmoor National Park, where you can walk for miles through dramatic, unspoiled countryside, or picnic by beautiful rivers and streams. Or, nearer to home, you can sail across Tor Bay to the lovely old fishing village of Brixham.
Torquay seems to have something for everyone. But don’t take my word for it-come and see for yourself.
41.Which of the following best explains what “B & B” means on the signs?
A.Bed and breakfast           B.Breakfast and bath
C.Beach and barbecue     D.Beautiful and British
42.According to the text Torquay might be described as     .
A.comfortable and expensive       B.crowed and lively
C.remote and beautiful                 D.fresh and healthy
43.What is special about the model village?
A.It opens at night.
B.It has something for the children
C.It’s in the open air.
D.It has a real railway system.
44.What is the purpose of writing this text?
A.To introduce the geography of Torquay to students.
B.To make some places known to visitors.
C.To show the beauty of resorts.
D.To attract more tourists.
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