You finish a workout and feel great. Then you get up the next morning and your e

You finish a workout and feel great. Then you get up the next morning and your e


You finish a workout and feel great. Then you get up the next morning and your exercised muscles feel sore. You find it hard to lift your arms and brush your teeth, or bend down to pick up a book. What has happened?
Scientists call this soreness 24 to 48 hours after your exercise “delayed onset (延迟发作) of muscle soreness”, or DOMS. It is caused by microscopic damage to muscle fibers, which releases chemicals. The chemicals irritate (刺激) nerve fibers and cause pain.
Muscle soreness is a good sign. It means that you have challenged your muscles and are getting stronger. Everyone experiences it, even the best athletes. But it can be avoided by using the right exercise methods. Here are some tips:
* Warm up before you work out. This is helpful to avoid muscle soreness, but more importantly to avoid injury. It starts circulation to the muscles and warms the muscles and tendons, getting them ready for exercise.
* Stretch after your workout. After exercising, make sure you stretch your muscles for 15 to 20 seconds before they cool down. They will be warm and elastic (弹性的) so they will stretch well.
* Don’t do too much too soon. Whether it’s jogging, running, whatever workout routine you are starting, just do half of the exercise volume the first week to introduce your muscles to the exercises.
If you are already feeling muscles soreness, here are some ways to help relieve it.
* Get a massage (按摩). Lightly massage the sore muscle and gradually increase the depth of the massage. It might be painful in the beginning but it will gradually ease the muscle soreness.
* Take a hot bath. Nothing beats a long soak in a hot bath for muscle soreness. The heat will increase circulation and provide a soothing (舒缓) effect.
* Flush your muscles. Run hot (as hot as you can bear) water over the sore muscles for two minutes and then immediately switch to cold water for 30 seconds. Repeat this process five times. This has the effect of opening and closing your blood vessels (血管). It will flush the acid (酸物质) from them and ease the soreness.
* Exercise gently. Go for a slow walk and breathe deeply. This helps reduce muscle soreness by increasing blood flow to the sore muscles.
72. What is the purpose of this article?
A. To tell readers to exercise more for fitness.
B. To warn readers of the side effects of exercise.
C. To give readers advice on how to avoid and relieve muscle soreness.
D. To introduce good forms of exercise.
73. The article suggests that before exercise we should ______.
A. stretch our muscles                   B. have a massage
C. have a hot shower                   D. warm up our muscles
74. From this article we can conclude that muscle soreness is caused by ______.
A. damaged muscle fibers               B. damaged nerve fibers
C. a bad circulation to the muscles        D. exercise injuries
75. Judging from the article, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Only beginners get muscle soreness.
B. Muscle soreness means you have physical problems and should stop exercising.
C. Muscle soreness is a good sign because it means that the muscles are getting stronger.
D. Muscle soreness can be relieved by increasing the amount of exercise.



A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer"s showroom, and knowing his father could well  41  it, he told him that was all he wanted.
As Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited signs  42  his father had bought the car. Finally, on the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his private   43  . His father told him how   44   he was to have such a fine son, and told him how much he loved him. He   45   his son a beautiful wrapped gift box. Curious, but   46   disappointed, the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible, with the young man"s   47   embossed (压印浮凸)in gold.
Angrily, he   48   his voice to his father and said, "With all your money you give me a Bible(圣经)?" He then stormed out of the house,   49  the Bible.
Many years  50   and the young man was very   51  in business. He had a beautiful home and a wonderful family, but realizing his father was very   52  , he thought perhaps he should go to see him. He had not seen him since that graduation day.   53  he could make the arrangements, he received a telegram telling him his father had   54  , and willed all of his possessions to his  55  . He needed to come home immediately and take care of things.
When he arrived at his father"s house, sudden sadness and   56   filled his heart. He began to search through his father"s important papers and saw the   57   new Bible, just as he had left it years ago.
With   58  , he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. As he was reading, a car key dropped from the back of the Bible. It had a tag with the dealer"s name, the   59  dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the date of his graduation, and the word "PAID IN FULL".
How many times do we miss blessings   60   they are not packaged as we expected? What may appear as bad fortune may in fact be the door that is just waiting to be opened.
41. A. buy                    B. afford                      C. make                      D. pay
42. A. that                    B. which                    C. what                      D. where
43. A. house                 B. office                    C. study                   D. car
44. A. proud                 B. hopeful                 C. eager                    D. anxious
45. A. showed           B. handed                C. brought                    D. provided
46. A. anyway               B. somewhat                 C. somehow             D. somewhere
47. A. number               B. hand                   C. hair                      D. name
48. A. risen                   B. rose                      C. arose                   D. raised
49. A. leaving               B. left                          C. leave                        D. to leave
50. A. past                B. passed                  C. went                    D. flied
51. A. satisfied                    B. busy                    C. successful                D. lucky
52. A. old                            B. selfish                      C. mean                       D. lonely
53. A. After             B. When                   C. Before                        D. Since
54. A. passed by            B. passed away          C. passed down             D. passed out
55. A. daughter      B. son                          C. grandson                  D. wife
56. A. regret                 B. anger                   C. disappointment         D. annoyance
57. A. even                   B. also                         C. still                    D. yet
58. A. smiles                 B. tears                     C. hearts                   D. glasses
59. A. same                  B. different                   C. familiar                    D. similar
60. A. before            B. if                             C. though                        D. because
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

On December 8, Xinhua News Agency published a list of news keywords that it believes sum up the year 2009.
The phrase “low-carbon life” had been heard in China before 2009, but in 2009, it has become popular among young Chinese who are concerned about the environment. It comes as world leaders are talking about fighting global warming in Copenhagen, Denmark. Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, are the main cause of global warming, which leads to extreme weather and other conditions.
Living a low carbon life means trying to cut carbon dioxide emissions(排放) in one’s daily life. For example, burning less coal and oil, which produce CO2. It means walking, biking or taking buses, rather than using a private car.
“A(H1N1) flu” is also on Xinhua’s list. Since April, 2009 the virus has made over 100,000 people ill on the Chinese mainland and 325 people had died of it as of December 9. But as US magazine Newsweek pointed out recently, the best evidence suggests it is no more dangerous than a bad seasonal flu.
The year 2009 saw the growing impact of the Internet on society, with the word “duomaomao”, meaning hide-and-seek, becoming a hit on the web. On February 12, Li Qiaoming died of brain injuries several days after being detained(拘留) by police in Jinning county, Yunnan Province. Police said it was an accident sustained(遭受)while he was playing hide-and-seek with his fellow prisoners. Netizens cast doubt on this explanation and called for an investigation. It turned out that Li had been beaten to death by other prisoners.
Another phrase connected with the Internet on the list is “Net Addiction Camps”. Many parents send children obsessed(沉迷) with the web to “Net Addiction Camps” for treatment. But some camps use physical punishment or electrical shocks. In 2009, some young people died as a result of the extreme methods, which led to a nationwide discussion. In November, the Ministry of Health banned the use of physical punishment to keep children off the net and dropped the term “net addiction(网瘾)”. It did not say that excessive(过度的) net use is a mental illness either.
66. The purpose of the passage is to ___________.
A. call on the public to live a low-carbon life
B. show the great effect of the Internet
C. introduce some news keywords of the year 2009
D. warn people not to be addicted to the Internet
67. The underlined word “Netizens” in the fifth paragraph refer to_________.
A. Li’s fellow prisoners
B. Li’s friends and relatives
C. the local people
D. people actively involved in online communities
68. What can be inferred from the incident of “duomaomao”?
A. Hide-and-seek is a dangerous game.
B. Li was beaten to death by other prisoners.
C. Police did a great job in the investigation (调查).
D. It was the influence of the Internet that led to the truth.
69. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. The phrase “low-carbon life” had been popular among young people before 2009.
B. Global warming mainly results from greenhouse gases.
C. A (H1N1) flu is more dangerous than a bad seasonal flu.
D. Li Qiaoming died of an accident while playing hide-and-seek with his fellow prisoners.
70. Which of the following doesn’t mean a low-carbon life ?
A. Using a private car.
B. Using efficient light bulbs.
C. Walking, biking or taking buses.
D. Turning your air-conditioner one degree higher.
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第Ⅱ卷 (共50分)
第三部分:写作 (共三节,满分50分)
第一节: 短文填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
A survey of young people from 16 to 24 has found that 75% of them feel they couldn"t live 1. ________ the Internet.
  The report, 2.___________ (publish) by online charity YouthNet, also found that four out of five young people used the web to look 3. ___________ advice.
  About one third added that they felt no need to talk to a person face to face about their problems 4. ___________of the resources available online.
  Despite many examples of Internet security breaches (安全漏洞), 76% of the survey group thought the Internet was a safe place as 5. ____________as they know what they"re doing.
  "Probably the middle-aged 6. _________ (be) the most vulnerable(易受伤的)," said Open University psychologist Graham Jones.
  "I think children, teenagers and people under their mid-20s have 7. _________(grow)up with technology and they understand it deeply," he said.
  Mr. Jones thinks it is the parents 8. __________ need to become more sophisticated.
  "One of the biggest problems for children is not that they are vulnerable 9.________ that their parents don"t know what they"re doing," he said.
  "It"s important that parents have full 10.___________ (understand) of the Internet and its risks--younger people need parental direction," he said.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

  World top-ranked badminton player Lin Dan said last Friday that he was a better player than Taufik Hidayat in the year of 2006 despite losing the Asian Games single title to the Indonesian Olympic champion.
  “I have ranked No.1 in the world for two straight years and I think people can easily come to a conclusion on who is a better player for the whole year,” said Lin Dan, also known as Super Dan in the badminton world because of his marvelous performance in the sport.
  Hidayat beat Lin 21-15, 22-20 to give Indonesia its second gold medal in Doha on December 9, retaining his Asian Games singles title and avenging(报仇) two losses to the badminton world champion.
  Lin, 23, led China to the men’s team title after defeating Hidayat twice in three days, in the preliminary round and in the semifinals of the Asian Games.
  In their third meeting, Lin came up against a better-prepared Hidayat than he had encountered previously.
  Hidayat was cheered on by the noisy support from dancing and flag-waving Indonesian fans, who had converted the badminton arena into a national celebration even before the two players stepped on to the court.
  There’s been a lot of acrimony(言语的刻毒) between Hidayat and Lin, who this year won the single title in the world championships after former champion Hidayat crashed out in the quarterfinals.
  In Doha, Hidayat was quoted as calling Lin “arrogant” before the event began, but the two stars played down the rift.
  “It’s no problem, we’re close friends,” said Hidayat. “The media fabricated it.”
  Lin said last Friday in Beijing that he and Hidayat remain friends despite all the rumors.
  “There is no problem between Taufik and me although we don’t talk to each other very much;” said Lin. “Media tends to make up things in order to make their stories juicy.”
26. What does the underlined word “fabricated” mean?
A. made up             B. reported         C. discovered      D. found out
27. What is the relationship between the two players like?
A. They are only opponents.        
B. Lin looks down upon Hidayat.
C. They both think they are friends.
D. The media has worsened the relationship between them.
28. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A. Lin beat Hidayat in all the games of 2006.
B. Lin won the single title in the world championships in 2006.
C. Indonesian fans held a national celebration after the two players stepped ontothe court.
D. Hidayat beat Lin 21-15, 22-20 to give Indonesia its first gold medal in Doha on the ninth of December
29. This passage implies that____________________________.
A. Hidayat was in a better prepared condition than Lin in the Asian Games
B. Lin helped to win the men’s team title in the Asian Games of 2006
C. Both of them are the best badminton players in the world
D. Media tends to make up rumors
30. What is the best title for this passage?
A. Opponents Become Good Friends                  B. True Friendship
C. World Top-ranked Badminton Players            D. Who Is a Better Player?
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A small dog should be belly-up after eating a handful M&M’s, at least according to conventional wisdom. But watching “Moose”, a friend’s five-pound Chihuahua, race around a living room after his sweet snack makes one wonder: Is chocolate truly poisonous to dogs?
Dogs and humans have similar tastes. But unlike humans, our companions experience dangerous effects from eating chocolate — it can poison them and in some cases is fatal. Chocolate’s danger to dogs depends on its quality.
Chocolate is processed from the bitter seeds of the cocoa tree, which contain a family of compounds known as methylxanthines(一种衍生物). This class of substances includes caffeine and the related chemical theobromine(可可碱). Chocolate contains a significant amount of theobromine and smaller amounts of caffeine. These chemicals can cause a dog’s heart to race up to twice its normal rate, and some dogs may run around as if “they drank a gallon of espresso,” according to Hackett.
Dogs are capable of handling some chocolate, but it depends on the animal’s weight and the type of chocolate it eats. Unsweetened baking chocolate contains more than six times as much theobromine as milk chocolate, although amounts vary between cocoa beans as well as different brands of chocolate. Less than four ounces of milk chocolate is potentially fatal for Moose and other small dogs.
Around every confection-centered holiday — Valentine’s Day, Easter and Christmas — at least three or four dogs are hospitalized overnight in the animal medical center at Colorado State. But in 16 years, Hackett has seen just one dog die from chocolate poisoning, and he suspects it may have had an underlying disease that made it more exposed to chocolate’s heart-racing effect.
1. The underlined expression “belly-up” probably means______.
A. dead            B. poisonous                 C. running around  D. having a headache
2. All of the following are true EXCEPT______.
A. chocolate’s danger to dogs depends on its quantity and quality
B. people buy lots of chocolate around Valentine’s Day
C. an ounce of unsweetened baking chocolate is safe for Moose
D. there must be some theobromine or caffeine in espresso
3. What can we learn about Hackett?
A. He is an animal doctor.         B. He is a pet shop owner.
C. He is the owner of Moose       D. He is a doctor in a small hospital.
4. It can be inferred from the passage that Hackett believes that__________.
A. chocolate is truly deadly to dogs 
B. it’s OK to give chocolate to a big dog
C. pets are usually ignored around confection-centered holidays
D. a healthy dog probably could survive a chocolate poisoning
5. The passage is mainly about__________.
A. the poisoning of Moose   
B. the compounds of different chocolates
C. a handful M&M’s chocolate is poisonous
D. the relation between methylxanthines and chocolate poisoning
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