第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)下面是一篇关于2006年美国逝去的五位特别人物的情况报道。请阅读下列关于他们的相关信息,并按照要求把这五个人

第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)下面是一篇关于2006年美国逝去的五位特别人物的情况报道。请阅读下列关于他们的相关信息,并按照要求把这五个人


第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
Marian Anderson was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the early 1990s. She began singing in church. Soon, her rich deep voice became widely known in the area. Marian Anderson received many honors and awards during her life. She received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in nineteen sixty—three. Marian Anderson died at the age of ninety—six. Experts say she is remembered not only for the quality of her voice, but also because of the way she carried out her right to be heard.
Movie director Robert Altman died in November 2006, in Los Angeles, California. He was eighty—one years old. During his fifty-year career, he made some of the most influential movies of modern times.
Ann Richards died in September 2006 at the age of seventy-three. At her funeral service, leaders from around the country gathered to celebrate her life. Former President Bill Clinton spoke at the service. He said Ann Richards helped create a world where young girls could be scientists, engineers and police officers. He said she was a great woman with a big heart and big dreams.
Journalist R.W. Apple died in October 2006 at the age of seventy—one. Earlier this month his friends and family gathered in Washington, D.C. for a large memorial service. Famous writers, politicians, and cooks told about his warm personality, sharp intelligence, and extraordinary energy. After the service, guests enjoyed fine foods provided by some of the best cooks in the area.
William Styron died in November 2006 at the age of eighty—one. His stories are filled with rich language and complex moral questions. Many of his books try to understand the evil actions of people. Later in life William Styron suffered from severe depression. After recovering, he wrote honestly and bravely about his experience in “Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness.” He received great praise for educating people about the difficulties of mental illness.
Ruth Brown was born in Portsmouth, Virginia in 1928 and died in October 2004. Brown recorded many rhythm and blues hits in the 1950s. She also fought for musicians rights. In 1988, Atlantic Records agreed to pay her and thirty-five other musicians the money they owed them for using their songs for twenty years.
56.As a young woman, she worked as a teacher and raised four children. She and her husband were very involved in local politics. Then one day, she decided to run for officer herself—and she won. She served first as country commissioner, then as Texas state treasurer. In nineteen ninety she was elected governor. She fought for equal rights, environmental protection and laws to restrict guns. She created a government in which women, Hispanics, and African-Americans played important roles.
57. “MASH”, was released in nineteen seventy. It tells about a group of American medical workers in a temporary military hospital in Korea during the Korean War in the 1950s. It questions the rules of the military establishment in a way that was sharply funny and intelligent; “Nashville” came out in nineteen seventy—five. It provides a complex look at changes in the country music industry. Many of his thirty—three films were nominated for Academy Awards, including “The Player” and “Gosford Park”
58.She learned to traditional music at her Christian religious center. But she liked the popular jazz and rock music of the time even more. She left home at a young age to build a career in music. Soon, she became known as “the girl with the tear in her voice” because of her emotional way of singing. Her popular songs helped build the Atlantic Records company and she continued performing for the rest of her life until she died recently at the age of seventy six.
59.He is known as Johnny, wrote about many subjects, from politics and war to food and drink. During his forty—three years writing for the New York Times newspaper, he enjoyed a rich and eventful career. He was the paper’s chief reporter in cities like London, Moscow, Lagos and Nairobi. He covered events such as the Vietnam War, the Iranian revolution and the Gulf War. He reported on ten presidential elections. And, his opinions on fine foods, travel and the world’s best restaurants were very influential.
60.He wrote “Lie Down in Darkness” published in nineteen fifty—one when he was only twenty-five. It is about a troubled young woman who kills herself. It established him as a great new voice in American literature; he also wrote “The Confessions of Nat Turner” in nineteen sixty-eight which told about a nineteenth century slave revolt in the southern state of Virginia; and “Sophie’s Choice ” won the American Book Award in nineteen eighty. It is a tragic story about a woman and her children who are sent to a Nazi death camp in Poland during World War Two.



Harry, Tony, Collins, Jesse和Jack 几位同学欲提高学习成绩,故针对自己的情况上网找寻适合自己学习方法与资料。
A.Study Skills Self-help Information - Virginia Tech - Articles and self-assessment tests covering scheduling and time management, memory techniques, note-taking, reading, and setting up a good studying environment.
B.Academic Tips - Helping students manage time, take better notes, study more effectively, improve memory, take tests and handle the stresses of senior life.
C.Neuromod - Online Memory Improvement Course - It is possible to improve one"s memory performance in specific areas by applying memory techniques. This site explain a number of systems ranging from simple to sophisticated. The training steps are clearly laid out and in most cases online training software is provided.
D.Studying Revising Exams - One-page summary of studying, examination, and writing techniques. A collection of articles about good study habits with how-to suggestions.
E. Learning Skills - University of Victoria - Copyrighted e-books with tips on organizing notes, reading, time and study management, exam preparation and writing, writing assignments, and study strategies.
F. Study Guides  - Collection of academic study guides. Topics include classroom and study preparations; studying, writing and reading skills; math and science skills; evaluating and using web content; and preparing for tests. Authored, maintained, and revised by Joe Landsberger.
56. Tony wants to better himself by means of taking notes, time management and so on.  He also  feels like solving the problem of heavy pressure in study.
57. Harry wants to improve himself through the ways of time management, memory skills etc., especially he can check himself in time and can find himself better learning surroundings..
58. Jesse will find some suggestions on how to make notes and how to do his writing homework.
59. Collins focuses on his future exams, so he would like to get some instructions for his science study and use some materials on the Net.
60. Jack hopes to train himself systematically to keep what he learns in mind a longer time.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

IV. 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
首先, 请阅读下列的应用文:
Here are some advertisements about English language training from newspapers.
A. English Training Centre attached to Zhongshan University
*Common English Course for primary school teachers during winter or summer vacations 3 weeks (500yuan); 4 weeks (700yuan).
*Special course for those who are to take an examination for his/her promotion at lowest cost 800 yuan, 6 periods a day for a month.
*English teachers training course: listening, speaking, reading and writing, 1 month at the cost 1500 yuan.
Tel: 020- 36968848 (for further information)
B. Modern Language School
* Special courses in English for business, travel, banking, hotel management and office skills.
* Small classes (12 - 16 students) on Sat. & Sun. from 2:00 - 5:00 pm.
* Native English teachers from Canada and USA.
* Language lab and computers supplied.
* 3 - month course: 1,050 yuan; 6 - month course: 1,850 yuan.
Write or phone: Modern Language School, 675 Park Road, 100056
Tel: 67353019
C. The 21st Century English Training Centre
* We specialise in effective teaching at all levels.
* We offer morning or afternoon classes, both of which last three months and a half at a cost of 800 yuan.
* Entrance exams: June 1 and Dec. 1.
* Only 15- minute walk from city centre.
Call 67801642 for more information.
D. The International House of English
* Three/Six- month English courses for students of all levels at very low cost: 60 yuan for 12 hours afternoon classes on Wed., Sat. & Sun.
* A four- month evening programme for developing speaking skills (same cost as day classes).
* Well- trained Chinese and foreign teachers experienced in teaching English as a second/foreign language.
* Free sightseeing and social activities.
* Very close to the Central Park. For further information call 67432308
E. The New Oriental English School
*Special English course for strengthening reading comprehension at all levels. Three - week course cost: $400. Whole day classes.
*2 - month course for GRE preparation classes at low cost: $2,000
*2- week course for revising TOEFL grammar items at a cost $500
*Experienced teachers from some famous universities nearby
*1- year full- time classes for both TOEFL & GRE to any level at the cost $10,000
*Receiving students from all walks and also other provinces
Tel: 0755- 28896698 (for further information)
F. Global English Centre
* General English in all four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
* 3- month (700 yuan) , 6- month (1,200 yuan) and one- year (2,000 yuan) courses.
* Choice of morning or evening classes, 3 hours per day, Mon.--Fri.
* Experienced college English teachers.
* Close to city centre and bus stops. Tel:67605272
Add:105 Zhongshan Road, 100082
请阅读以下求学者的信息, 然后匹配求学者和他/她拟要要参加学习的学校:
56. Wang Hua works in Dong Feng Truck Factory from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm every day. She wants to improve her reading.
57. Li Xiang wants to take an examination to see how well she has mastered English before starting the course.
58. Wei Wei, a secretary of a big firm, wants to improve her spoken English.
59. Zhou Lan wants to go to the US to continue her study for Master Degree.
60. Fang Fang wants to apply for the title of engineer.
求学者                        办学单位
56. Wang Hua              A. English Training Centre attached to Zhongshan University
57. Li Xiang               B. Modern Language School
58. Wei Wei               C. The 21st Century English Training Centre
59. Zhou Lan               D. The International House of English
60. FangFang               E. The New Oriental English School
F. Global English Centre
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

A:  Zheng Ming, 30 years old, comes from Hunan Province and would like to find a girlfriend who is about 20---28 years old, unmarried, with a degree of secondary school. He is 170 centimeters tall and works as an IT technician in Shenzhen.
B:  Li Zhaoxin, 33 years old, comes from Guangzhou. He is a civil servant, divorced, with a bachelor’s degree. He owns a house in the downtown. He is looking for a companion who is also living in Guangzhou, 23---33 years old, unmarried, with a degree of secondary school. The girl should be at least 156 centimeters tall.
C:  Thomas Lee, comes from Sydney, Australia. He is 48 years old, 168 centimeters tall, unmarried. He owns a Doctor’s degree and is now working as an architect in Shenzhen, a house assigned by the company. He hopes to find companion who is about 28---38 years old, without any ill habits. It doesn’t matter if she was divorced.
D:  Wang Zhi, 27 years old, comes from Chongqing, Sichuan Province. He is a doctor with a Master’s degree, who is now working in Shenzhen People’s Hospital. He is 175 centimeters tall and looking for a girlfriend between 21---26 years old, unmarried. She should be at least 160 centimeters tall, a music lover and has a college degree, who is supposed to be working in Shenzhen, too.
E:  Chen Sheng, who is now 66 years old, retired, has a house of his own in Shenzhen. He lost his wife three years ago, who was killed in a car accident. He would like to find a companion who is about 50---60 years old, spouse (配偶) lost, and is supposed to be considerate.
F:  Huang Zhong, 24 years old, is serving in the army in Guangxi Province. He is 171 centimeters tall, unmarried, with a bachelor’s degree. He likes playing basketball and football in his spare time. He is hoping to find a girlfriend working in Guangdong Province, 155---170 centimeters tall, unmarried, and with a degree of high school.
56. Sun Mei, 23, is a clerk in a bank, who is an amateur in table tennis. She would like a male friend who is a soldier and not shorter than 170 centimeters. It will be appropriate if he is a sports fan just as she is.
57. Tang Xiaoli, 29, 160 centimeters tall, unmarried, has just come to Guangdong Province and took up a job as an accountant (会计). After graduating from high school, she decided to continue learning for a higher degree while working. She hopes to find a companion who has a house of his own and at least got a bachelor’s degree.
58. Liu Fenghua, 56, a retired teacher from high school. She devoted all herself to teaching while she was at school and earned a high respect from the students that she had taught before. She is now helping taking care of her grandson, whose parents want her to find a spouse after their father’s death of a heart attack 4 years ago.
59. Xie Qun, 24, works as a secretary in a lawyer’s office in Shenzhen. She is 161 centimeters tall and just graduated from college a year ago. She loves listening to all kinds of music, especially classical music.
60. Zhang Ying, 35 years old, married once, is a kindergarten teacher. She is very caring and loves children very much. Besides, she enjoys learning languages in her free time, such as English and French. After divorce, she is willing to find a companion who has no housing problems and devoted to family.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Madrid Post House
A popular base for visitors to Edinburgh, this fine hotel stands next to the zoological gardens within easy reach of many famous sights, shops and entertainments of one of Europe’s most elegant capitals.
B.Royal Rose Hotel
This impressive hotel, well-known for its good Spanish cooking, is an ideal choice for a relaxing family holiday.Set in 100 acres of private grounds, the Cally, a former stately home, has something for everyone including its own fishing lake, outdoor heated swimming pool, green lawn, tennis court, children’s playground and sauna baths.
C.Golden Castle Hotel
There can be few better places for a refreshing holiday than this picturesque hotel set in its own 120 acres of beautiful countryside by a charming lake.Boating and fishing are both available here.
D.New Barcelona Hotel
A unique feature of the hotel is its fine collection of antique(古董)furniture, china and glass.This friendly comfortable hotel, a favorite meeting place for the townspeople, is an excellent base for getting to know the famous Spanish city---- Barcelona.
E.Real Star Hotel
The hotel had a fascinating beginning ---- it was built in 1808.This homely hotel has been extended to make it a really comfortable base for exploring the valley nearby and the attractive country not far away.
F.North Hill Hotel
This fine hotel is close to the city theatre and museums.The hotel has its own open-air swimming pool and saunas.Madrid, well-known for its art festivals, is only some 24 miles away.
Jackson, Anna及两个孩子,David, Bob一家,Black 夫妇都想寻找一家宾馆。请阅读他们的信息,然后匹配他们所要找的宾馆。
_____ 56. Jackson wants to do several all-day hikes in the mountains during the spring.He is fond of a place with traditional decorations and superb(极好的)views.
______57.Anna and her two children aged six and ten will spend July in Europe.The children are interested in animals and plants and the mother enjoys fashion.
______58.David is a handicapped(残疾的)teacher who must use a wheelchair but drives his own car.He enjoys concerts, museum, fine architecture and swimming.He will spend the first two weeks of October in Spain.
______59.Bob, Alice and their one-year-old daughter want to be in a quiet place during August.They enjoy good food, and like to take long walks(the baby rides in a back-pack)
______ 60.Mr. Black and Mrs. Black, aged 65 and 68, love mountain scenery and still take easy walks by the lakeside when they can.They hope to enjoy fresh air and some relaxing activities.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

A. Part-time café assistant: This role consists of 2—3 shifts a week. Must have bartender and waiting experience. Fluent English required. Our café seats 12 and we are open for breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea, 7 days a week. We are also open for private dinners so some extra evening work is available.
B. We require an experienced and responsible driver over 25 years old with a full clean UK driving license to deliver goods in and around London. Applicants must have a full permit for working in UK. Working hours 7 a.m. ~3 p.m., Mon~Sat. Pay will be £250 per week. Please call Robin on 07932 818257 daily until 5p.m..
C. A school in South-East London (Bromley) is seeking a maths teacher. They require someone with sound knowledge of the UK Curriculum and a strength in classroom management. You must have a Maths Teaching Qualification.
D. Fun person required (20 yrs and over) who enjoys children and playing but can also be strict when required --- for a live-out nurse position looking after 3 boys aged 4, 7 and 9. Full time 7:30~6:15. Job includes housework, boys’ laundry and general ironing. £270~£300 depending on experience. South Woodford, E18.
E. We are looking for qualified English teachers to fill daytime vacancies. The hours range from 15 to 30 per week. If you are an English native speaker, with teaching experience, live in West London, and can start immediately, please send us your CV now!
F. A private ambulance company in Yorkshire requires a minibus / ambulance driver. Either full time (08:30 to 17:00 Mon to Fri) or on a part-time basis. A full driving license is needed. Some medical background or a first aid certificate would be an advantage. Please email lee@procare999.co.uk.
56. Lucia Granderson. Lucia was born in New Ireland and has just arrived in London to unite with her husband. She used to be a high school teacher in her home country and wants to find a job in England.
57. Terence Nagata. Terence is a university student who will complete a double-major Maths / CS soon. He loves children and has obtained a certificate in maths teaching.
58. Jeremy Lillian. Jeremy doesn’t have a permanent job but he is helping his aunt who has a clinic in the suburb. Jeremy sends his aunt to work in her car every day. He desires a part-time job so as to earn more.
59. Norma Smith. Norma was just graduated from a medical college and was seeking a job such as a nurse or something alike. She lives in London with her parents at present.
60. Ella Brown. Ella is studying in a university majoring in the language of English and she would like to find a job to gain more experience of life. She once worked in a cafeteria in the campus.
应聘者                                 应聘职位
56. Lucia Granderson                    A. Part-time café assistant
57. Terence Nagata                      B. An experienced and responsible driver
58. Jeremy Lillian                       C. A maths teacher
59. Norman                            D. A live-out nurse position
60. Ella Brown                         E. Qualified English teachers
F. A minibus / ambulance driver
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