第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。I was ten when I f

第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。I was ten when I f


I was ten when I first sat with my grandmother behind the cashier(收银台) in her general store. ______71_______ I quickly learned the importance of treating customers politely and saying “thank you.”
At first I was paid in candy. ________72______ I worked every day after school, and during the summer and no weekends and holidays from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. My father helped me set up a bank account. ________73________
By the time I was 12, my grandmother thought I had done such a good job that she promoted me to selling cosmetics(化妆品). I developed the ability to look customers directly in the eye. Even though I was just a kid, women would ask me such things as “What color do you think I should wear?” I took a real interest in their questions and was able to translate what they wanted into makeup(化妆) ideas. ________74________
The job taught me a valuable lesson: to be a successful salesperson, you didn’t need to be a rocket scientist—you needed to be a great listener. ________75________ Except they are no longer women purchasing cosmetics from me; instead, they are kids who tell me which toys they would like to see designed and developed.
A.Later I received 50 cents an hour.
B.Before long, she let me sit there by myself.
C.I ended up selling a record amount of cosmetics.
D.Today I still carry that lesson with me: I listen to customers.
E.My grandma’s trust taught me how to handle responsibility.
F.Soon I found myself looking more beautiful than ever before.
G.Watching my money grow was more rewarding than anything I could have bought.

71---75   BAGCD  


LOS ANGELES--- Two lost hikers who survived three nights in mountains thanks to supplies at a campsite of another hiker who disappeared last year described their suffering, saying they had “the real special thank” for the man who is probably dead.
The couple, Allen, 24, and Brandon Day, 28, were in Southern California for an important conference. They got lost on Saturday west of Palm Springs after wandering off a trail during what was supposed to be a day hike.
Prepared only for a brief hike, they wore light jackets and tennis shoes and had no food, spare clothing or mobile phone. With night closing in, they took shelter in a small cave and spent the night sleepless, freezing and hungry.
On Monday, they discovered a campsite in a dead valley. There was a sleeping mat, a backpack, a disposable razor(一次性剃刀), a spoon and tennis shoes. Day and Allen were delighted, thinking someone there could help them find the way out. But later they realized the place was deserted.
They found identification showing the camper was Donovan, 60, a retired social worker from Virginia. They learned later in his diary that he was an experienced hiker and he disappeared on May 2, 2005, in icy weather.
They found articles in his backpack: a warm sweater for Allen, dry socks for Day and matches. They lit a small signal fire to attract a helicopter crew in the distance, but the crew did not see them.
On Tuesday morning, Day created “a really big smoke signal” that finally attracted a helicopter crew. They were examined at a hospital and had only bruises(擦伤).
“We feel great. We’re thankful. We feel like we’ve been given a second chance,” said Day, who expressed that they wouldn’t give up hiking even after this experience.
1. The passage most probably appears in ________.
A. an advertisement             B. a newspaper    C. a travel guidebook        D. a travel journal
2. Why did Allen and Day go to Southern California?
A. To go for a short hiking in mountains.    B. To search for the hiker missing a year ago.
C. To attend an important conference.      D. To enjoy the scenery of Palm Springs.
3. Which of the things the couple found helped them the most?
A. Tennis shoes.      B. A sleeping mat.        C. a warm sweater.     D. Matches.
4. Which of the following statements is TURE?
A. The couple realized the campsite was deserted the moment they found it.
B. The couple at first thought the person in the camp could help them out.
C. It was the icy weather that led to Donovan’s disappearance and death.
D. This experience would prevent the couple hiking again in future.
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Another person’s enthusiasm was what set me moving toward the success I have achieved.That person was my stepmother.
I was nine years old when she enterd our home in rural Virginia. My father__36__me to her with these words:“I would like you to meet the fellow who is___37  for being the worst boy in this county and will probably start throwing rocks at you no ___38  than tomorrow morning.”
My stepmother walked over to me, ___39  my head slightly upward,and looked me right in the eye.Then she looked at my father and replied,“You are ___40  .This is not the worst boy at all, ___41   the smartest one who hasn’t yet found an outlet(释放的途径)for his enthusiasm.”
That statement began a(n) ___42   between us.No one had ever called me smart,My family and neighbors had built me up in my ___43   as a bad boy . My stepmother changed all that.
She changed many things.She ___44   my father to go to a dental school,from which he graduated with honors.She moved our family into the county srat,where my father’s career could be more ___45   and my brother and I could be better___46   .
When I turned fourteen,she bought me a secondhand___47   and told me that she believed that I could become a writer.I knew her ernthusiasm,I___48
it had alreadly improved our lives.I accepted her ___49  and began to write for local newspapers.I was doing the same kind of___50   that great day I went to interview Andrew Carnegie and received the task which became my life’s work later.I wasn’t the ___51   beneficiary (受益者).My father became the ___52   man in town.My brother and stepbrthers became a physician,a dentist,a lawyer,and a college president.
What power __53  has!When that power is released to support the certainty of one’s purpose and is ___54  strengthened by faith,it becomes an irresistible(不可抗拒的)force which poverty and temporary defeat can never ___55   .
You can communicate that power to anyone who needs it.This is probably the greatest work you can do with your enthusiasm.
36.A.rushed          B.sent          C.carried       D.introduced
37.A.distinguished      B.favored       C.mistaken      D.rewarded
38. A.sooner          B.later         C.longer        D.earlier
39. A.dragged         B.shook        C.raised        D.bent
40. A.perfect          B.right         C.wrong        D.impolite
41. A.but             B.so           C.and          D.or
42. A.ageement        B.friendship     C.gap           D.relationship
43. A.opinion         B.image        C.espectation      D.mind
44. A.begged          B.persuaded     C.ordered        D.invited
45. A.successful       B.meaningful     C.helpful        D.useful
46. A.treared         B.entertained     C.educated       D.respected
47. A.cemera         B.radio         C.bicycle        D.typewriter
48. A.considered      B.suspected      C.ignored       D.appreciated
49. A.belief          B.request        C.criticism       D.description
50. A.teahing         B.writing        C.studying      D.reading
51. A.next           B.same          C.only         D.real
52. A.cleverest       B.wealthiest      C.strongest      D.bealthiest
53. A.ebthusiasm      B.sympathy       C.fortune       D.confidence
54. A.deliberately      B.happily        C.traditionally     D.constantly
55. A.win           B.match          C.reach         D.doubt
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It is reported that conservation groups in North America have been arguing about the benefits and dangers of wolves. Some groups believe wolves should be killed. Other people believe wolves
Must be protected so that they will not disappear from the wilderndss(荒野)
For Killing Wolves
In Alaska,the wolf almost disappeared a few years ago,because hunters were killing hundreds
0f them forsport .However.1aws were established to protect the wolves from sportsmen and people who catch the animals for their fur.So the woIf population has greatly increased. Now there are so many wolves that they are destroying their own food supply.
A wolf naturally eats animals in the deer family. People in the wilderness also hunt deer for
food.Many of the animals have been destroyed by the very cold winters recently and by changes in the wilderness plant life.When the deer can’t find enough food,they die.
If the wolves continue to kill large numbers of deer,their prey(猎物)will disappear some
day.And the wolves will.too.So we must change the cycle of life in the wilderness to balance the
ecology.If we killed more wolves,we would save them and their prey from dying out.We’d also
save some farm animals.
In another northern state,wolves attack cows and chickens for food.Farmers want the
government to send biologists to study the problem.They believe it necessary to kill wolves in some areas and to protect them in places where there is a small woIf population.
Against Killing Wolves
If you had lived long ago,you would have heard many different stories about the dangerous
wolf.According to most stories,hungry wolves often kill people for food.Even today,the stories of the“big bad woIf""will not disappear.
But the fact is wolves are afraid of people.and they seldom travel in areas where there is a
human smell.When wolves eat other animals,they usually kill the very young.or the sick and
injured .The strongest survive .No kind of animal would have survived through the centuries if the
weak members had lived.And has always been a law of nature
Although some people say it is good sense to kill wolves,we say it is nonsense!Researchers
have found wolves and their prey living in balance.The wolves keep the deer population from
becoming too large,and that keeps a balance in the wilderness plant life.
The real problem is that the areas where wolves can live are being used bv people.Even if
wilderness land is not used directly for human needs.the wolves can’t always find enough food .So they travel to the nearest source,which is often a farm.Then there is danger.The“big bad wolf”has arrived! And everyone knows what happens next.
1.According to the passage,some people in North America favor killing wolves for all the following reasons EXCET that_____________.
A.there are too many wolves                  B.they kill large numbers deer
C.they attack cows and chickens for food        D.they destroy the wilderness plant life
2.Some people are against killing wolves because____________.
A.wolves help to keep the ecological balance in the wildemess
B.there is too small a wolf population in the wilderness
C.there are too many deer in the wilderness
D.wolves are afraid of people and never attack people
3.According to those against killing wolves,when wolves eat other animals,____________.
A.they never eat strong and healthy ones
B.they always go against the law of nature
C.they might help this kind of animals survive in nature
D.they disturb the ecological balance in the wilderness
4.The last sentence“And everyone knows what happens next”implies that in such cases____________.
A.farm animals will be in danger and have to be shipped away
B.woIves will kill people and people will in turn kill them
C.wolves wilI find enough food sources on famls
D.people will leave the areas where wolves can live
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For more than twenty years scientists have been seeking to understand the mystery of the‘‘sixth sense"of direction.By trying out ideas and solving problems one by one,they are now getting closer to one answer.
One funny idea is that animals might have a built-in compass(指南针).
Our earth itself is a big magnet(磁体).So a little magnetic needle that swings freely lines
itself with the big earth magnet to point north and south.When people discovered that idea about athousand years ago and invented the compass,it allowed sailors to navigate (航海)on oceanvoyages, even under
cloudy skies.
Actuallly the idea of the living compass came just from observing animals in nature.
Many birds migrate twice a year between their summer homes and winter homes.Some of them fly for thousands of kilometers and mostly at night.Experiments have shown that some birds can recognize star patterns.But they can keep on course even under cloudy skies.How can they do that?
A common bird that does not migrate but is great at finding its way home is the homing pigeon.Not all pigeons can find their way home.Those that can are very good at it,and they have been widely studied.
One interesting experiment was to attach little magnets to the birds’ heads to block their
magnetic sense—just as a loud radio can keep you from hearing a call to dinner.On sunny days, that did not fool the pigeons.Evidently they can use the sun to tell which way they are going.But on cloudy days,the pigeons with magnets could not find their way.It was as if the magnets had blocked their magnetic sense.
Similar experiments with the same kind of results were done with honeybees.These insects also seem to have a special sense ot direction.
In spite of the experiments,the idea of an animal compass seemed pretty extraordinary.How
would an animal get the magnetic stuff for a compass.
An answer came from an unexpected source.A scientist was studying bacteria that live in the
mud of ponds and marshes.He found accidentally little rod-like bacteria that all swam together in
one direction—north.
Further study showed that each little bacterium had a chain of dense particles inside,which
proved magnetic.The bacteria had made themselves into little magnets that could line up with the
earth’s magnet.
The big news was that a living thing,even a simple bacterium,can make magnetite.That led
to a search to see whether animals might have it.. By using a special instrument called magnetometer,scientists were able to find magnetite in bees and birds,and even in fish.In each
animal,except for the bee.the magnetic stuff was always in or closer to the brain.
Thus.the idea of a built—in animal compass began to seem reasonable.
The Magnetic Sense — The Living Compass
Passage outline
Supporting details
The existence of the earth magnet and the invention of the navigating compass
◇Our earth is a big magnet and a little freely (71)   ▲ 
magnetic needle lines itself with the earth magnet to point north and south.
◇(72)   ▲   on the idea above, the navigating compass was invented.
The possibility of birds’ built-in compasses
◇ One piece of evidence is the (73)   ▲    of many birds between their summer homes and winter homes.
◇ Birds can recognize star patterns on clear nights and keep on course (74)   ▲     under cloudy skies 
The  (75)   ▲     on pigeons’ and bees’ built-in compasses
◇Little magnets were tied to the pigeons’ heads to (76)   ▲     their magnetic sense.
◇The pigeons’ magnetic sense seemed to be affected on (77)   ▲    days.
◇Similar things with the same results were done with bees.
The  (78)   ▲     of the magnetic stuff for the animal compass
◇Little rod-like bacteria were found by chance to swim together in the direction of (79)   ▲    .
◇Some animals had a chain of dense magnetic particles in or close to the (80)   ▲     inside their bodies.
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Robert Moody, 52, is an experienced police officer. Much of his work involves dealing with  16  an gang (团伙)problems in the schools of his community. Knowing that many kids often  17   trouble, he decided to do something about it. So in 1991 he began to invite small groups of kids to go fishing with him on his day   18    .
Those fun trips had a(n) 19  impact. A chance encounter in 2000 proved that. One day,  20  working security at a school basketball game, Moody noticed two young guys   21   .He sensed trouble between them.  22   one of them headed toward Moody and gave him a hug.”I 23   you. You took me    24   when I was  in fifth grade. That was one of the  25   days of my life .”
Deeply touched by the boy’s word, Moody decided to create a foundation(基金会)that  26  teenagers to the basics of fishing in camping programs. “As a policeman, I saw  27  there was violence, drugs were always behind it. They have a damaging  28  on the kids,” says Moody.
By turning kids on to fishing, he  29  to present an alternative way of life, “When you’re sitting there waiting for a  30 ,”he says, “you can’t help but talk to each other, and such  31  can be pretty deep.”
“Talking about drugs helped prepare me for the peer(同龄人)pressures in high school,” says Michelle, 17 who  32  the first program. “And I was able to help my little brother  33  drugs.”
Moody faces 34 in three years, when he hopes to run the foundation full-time.”I’m living a happy life and I have a responsibility to my  35 to give back,” Moody says.”If I teach a kid to fish today, he can teach his brother to fish tomorrow.”
16. A. drinking       B.drug        C.security          D.smoking
17. A. ran into       B.got over     C.left behind       D.looked into
18. A.ahead       B.away         C.off             D.out
19. A.immediate    B.damaging     C.limited         D.lasting
20. A.once        B.while         C.since           D.until
21. A.quarreling    B.complaining   C.talking          D.cheering
22. A.Slowly      B.Suddenly     C.Finally          D.Secretly
23. A.understand    B.hear         C. see              D.remember
24. A.fishing      B.sailing        C.boating         D. swimming.
25. A.quietest     B.longest        C.best            D.busiest
26. A.connects     B.introduces     C.reduces         D.commits
27. A.where       B.unless        C.as              D.whether
28. A.impression   B.burden        C.decision         D.impact
29. A.asked       B.intended      C.pretended         D.agreed
30. A.solution      B.change      C.bite              D.surprise
31. A.concerns     B.interests      C.conversations      D.emotions
32. A. participated in   B. worked out    C. approved of        D. made up
33. A. misuse         B. avoid         C. tolerate           D. test
34. A. unemployment  B. challenge      C. competition        D. retirement
35. A. team          B. school        C. family            D. community
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