二. 完形填空(30分)I will never forget one thing, mainly because I learned the meaning

二. 完形填空(30分)I will never forget one thing, mainly because I learned the meaning


二. 完形填空(30分)
I will never forget one thing, mainly because I learned the meaning of kindness then.
A few years ago, I went running on a 16  day. It was my favorite activity because the 17   were so clean when it rained. 18  , I saw an old man with  19  clothes picking cans out of a rubbish bin. When I ran past him, I didn’t know 20   I should give him my umbrella. As I was thinking, I was still  21   . But I finally decided to give him my umbrella, as I knew he needed the umbrella much more than I needed it,   22   I ran back, gave him the umbrella and said, “You  23   this more than I do.” To my  24  , he took it with a big smile on his face and repeated, “Thank you! Thank you! God bless you.” I hadn’t expected he would  25  it so much. I walked away feeling  26  . I turned back one last minute and  27  him still smiling. “It was just an umbrella,” I thought, not  28  that it was the  29  that made him happy. He might feel that he wasn’t  30  in the world.
A few weeks later, when I was running on the same street on a bright sunny day, I  31  the same man who was in the same clothes sitting down resting. The only  32  was my umbrella right beside him, looking like he  33  it. It was very clean and neatly placed. At that moment, I realized it didn’t  34  that I couldn’t give him a house or a job. I only did what I was able to and it made a whole lot of  35  seem to go away.
16. A. snowy      B. sunny    C. cloudy       D. rainy
17. A. parks         B. paths      C. streets       D. gyms
18. A. Hopefully   B. Unfortunately   C. Surprisingly  D. Suddenly
19. A. nice           B. wet        C. funny     D. clean
20. A. whether        B. when             C. why         D. how
21. A. smiling   B. looking          C. running        D. walking
22. A. for            B. when             C. since         D. so
23. A. care      B. need          C. enjoy        D. like
24. A. excitement  B. disappointment  C. joy           D. surprise
25. A. favor        B. love         C. appreciate   D. admire
26. A. high           B. good         C. scared     D. amused
27. A. saw            B. heard              C. imagined        D. sensed
28. A. expecting  B. watching        C. realizing   D. feeling
29. A. trust        B. confidence      C. respect        D. kindness
30. A. small       B. alone         C. bothered        D. useless
31. A. cared about B. called on     C. passed by        D.looked after
32. A. achievement B. sign         C. choice          D. difference
33. A. valued B. remembered      C. honored    D. washed
34.A change       B. occur         C. hurt         D. matter
35.A.sadness      B. suffering       C. rudeness     D. feeling

16---35   DCDBA   CDBDC   BACDB   CDADB 


There are lots of attractions in St.Petersburg.If you’re short of time to visit all of them,or if you just want to make sure to hit the highlights(最精彩的部分),the following are the top must- see sights in St.Petersburg.
1.The Hermitage Museum
The Hermitage Museum is one of the most important sights to see for any visitor to St.Petersburg.There you can see lots of different paintings painted by the old masters.Prepare to come face to face with many of the western classical artists.
2.Kizhi Island
Kizhi Island is an open-air museum of wooden buildings from the Karelia region of Russia. These impressive structures are made without any nails(钉子).Can you imagine how the wood fits together? Come and see for yourself!
Peterhof is as beautiful as it is fun.You’ll be charged for admission(门票),but if you go to Peterhof when the fountains(喷泉) are working—during the day in summer—the admison will be worth it.
4.Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood
Love it or hate it,Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood in St.Petersburg is a real must-see sight.This beautiful building will truly surprise you,and the paintings inside the church will make you say“Wow!”
5.The Bronze Horseman Statue
The so-called Bronze Horseman is a part of Russian culture and is a symbol of St. Petersburg.Made famous by Alexander Pushkin,this statue of Peter the Great sitting on his horse truly shows Peter the Great’s influence on the Russian idea of greatness.
1.If you are interested in paintings,you’d better go to _________.
A.The Hermitage Museum and Kizhi Island
B.The Bronze Horseman Statue and Kizhi Island
C.Kizhi Island and Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood
D.The Hermitage Museum and Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood
2.What can we learn about Kizhi Island?
A.Kizhi Island is an indoor museum.
B.Visitors can find nails in the structures there.
C.The buildings on Kizhi Island are made of wood.
D.The wooden buildings are connected with wires.
3.We can learn from the text that        .
A.visitors can visit Peterhof free of charge
B.The Hermitage Museum has lots of modern western arts
C.the fountains in Peterhof can be seen by visitors all year round
D.The Bronze Horseman Statue is a symbol of St.Petersburg
4.The author wrote the text to_________.
A.attract tourists to visit St.Petersburg
B.show the wonderful history of Russia
C.persuade artists to go to St.Petersburg
D.introduce the famous buildings of Russia
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On some level, I always knew that I wanted to be a doctor-at least from the age of eight or ten years old, anyway.
Although my father wasn’t a doctor, he made his own brand of “house calls”. I followed him as he brought a plate of my mother’s home cooking to an elderly man named Frank on all major holidays and when Frank was sick. As far as I know, their only connection was that Frank was an occasional customer at Dad’s small gas station. Frank’s home was a two-room house on the rough side of town with an old front porch (门廊) where you could fall if you weren’t careful. Frank had no relatives and as far as I could tell, no other visitors either. Through his attitude and by caring, my father was teaching me to be a doctor, although neither of us knew it at the time.
When I was 13, my father developed lung cancer. He brought home a diagram the doctor had drawn showing where his cancer was and told me that he was going to die. He asked me to take care of my mother when he was gone. I was an only child. He said he loved me on the night when he died.
When you’re 13 and your father dies, you have some choices to make. You can use the situation as an excuse for letting your actions and graded go down, or you can honor his memory and try to do something positive with yourself. I focused my energy on my schoolwork and my goal of becoming a doctor.
1. What’s the father’s “own brand of ‘house calls’”?
A. his treatment for frank’s serious illness.
B. his care for Frank.
C. his attitude towards the author.
D. his wish that his kid would be a doctor.
2. The author began to want to be a doctor when_________
A. father helped frank regularly   
B. Father developed lung cancer
C. father asked him/her to take care of Mother   
D. father died
3. what was the influence of Father’s death on the author?
A. The author began to think seriously about his/her career.
B. The author was too sorrowful to carry through his /her study.
C. The author used the situation as an excuse for quitting school.
D. The author made great effort at his/her goal of becoming a doctor.
4. The best title for the text would be_________.
A. What Made Father Respectable
B. What Led Me to Be a Doctor
C. How to Help Strangers    
D. How to Deal with Death
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Reading Comprehension
Section B
Directions:Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
  Are organically grown foods the best food choices?The advantages claimed for such foods over conventionally (传统地) grown and marketed food products are now being debated. Supporters of organic foods—a term whose meaning varies greatly—frequently announce that such products are safer and more nutritious than others.
  The growing interest of consumers in the safety and nutritional quality of the typical North American diet is a welcome development. However, much of this interest has been sparked by sweeping claims that the food supply is unsafe or inadequate in meeting nutritional needs.  Although most of these claims are not supported by scientific evidence, the flood of written material advancing such claims makes it difficult for the general public to separate fact from fiction. As a result, claims that eating a diet consisting entirely of organically grown foods prevents or cures disease or provides other benefits to health have become widely publicized.
  Almost daily the public is besieged by claims for “no-aging” diets, new vitamins and other wonder foods. There are numerous unproved reports that natural vitamins are superior to synthetic ones, that fertilized eggs are nutritionally superior to unfertilized eggs, that untreated grains are better than fumigated grains and the like.
  One thing that most organically grown food products seem to have in common is that they cost more than conventionally grown foods. But in many cases consumers are misled if they believe organic foods can maintain health and provide better nutritional quality than conventionally grown foods. So there is real cause for concern if consumers,particularly those with limited incomes, distrust the regular food supply and buy only expensive organic foods instead.
1.The “welcome development” mentioned in paragraph 2 is an increase in ______.
  A. attention to food safety and nutrition among north Americans
  B. the nutritional quality of the typical North American diet
  C. the amount of healthy food grown in North America
  D. the number of consumers in North America
2. The author implies that there is cause for concern if consumers buy organic foods instead of conventionally grown foods because ______.
  A. organic foods can be more expensive but are often not better than conventionally grown foods
  B. many organic foods are actually less nutritious than similar conventionally grown foods
  C. conventionally grown foods are more readily available than organic foods
  D. too many farmers will stop using conventional methods to grow food crops
3.What is the author’s attitude toward the claims made by advocates of health foods?
  A. Enthusiastic.  B. Favorable.  C. Neutral.  D. Distrustful.
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Section C
Direction:Read the following text and choose the most suitable summary from A—F for each paragraph. There is one extra summary which you do not need.
A. Promotion by the press and media.
B. Foreign influences into British cuisine.
C. The variety of British cuisine.
D. The effect of history and climate.
E. Traditional meals for different times of the day.
F. International awards to British cuisine.
1 ______
They say a country’s cuisine(烹饪) is a reflection of its culture and national character. Therefore, the UK has always been a diverse country, since every region has its own traditional foods. For example, traditional Scottish cuisine is famous for its robust character: haggis, Aberdeen Angus beef, shortbread and whisky. Wales is well known for its lamb and leeks. Ireland is synonymous with Guinness, Irish whiskey and Irish stew.
2 ______
There are of course dishes common to the whole UK as well. Everyone (except vegetarians) likes a full English breakfast in the morning, followed by a Sunday roast for lunch, perhaps followed by fish and chips or a pork pie for dinner. For dessert, there are dozens of famous British cheeses to choose from.
3 ______
British cuisine has had a better international reputation for the last decade or so. Why is that?One reason is definitely that the wide range of ethnic groups in the UK has given British cuisine new ingredients, flavours, combinations and techniques. Curry, which is originally an Asian dish, is now officially the most popular food in the UK, whereas sandwiches used to be the most popular. With significant numbers of Polish people coming to the UK recently, Polish food shops can be found in almost every British city. Most cities have a Chinese quarter as well.
4 ______
Another reason for the improvement, however, is the large number of cookery programmes on British television. British people are more educated about food than they ever before. British chefs like Gordon Ramsay and Marco Pierre White are internationally famous and even have television shows in the USA.
5 ______
So what are the results?In 2009, British restaurants received more Michelin stars than in any other previous year. The Michelin Guide (first established in France) sets the international standard for restaurant cuisine. With so much good food to eat, perhaps it is not surprising the UK now has an obesity problem.
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Section D
Directions:Read the following passage and answer the questions. Write the answers on the answer sheet.
In 1817 one of the most well-known hauntings in American history took place in the small town of Adams, Tennessee. Known as the Bell Witch, the strange activity that caused fear in the small farming community has remained unexplained for nearly 200 years. Like many stories, certain details of who or what the Bell Witch was vary from version to version. The prevailing account is that it was the ghost of a woman named Kate Batts, a mean old neighbour of John Bell. Batts believed Bell cheated her in a land purchase and on her deathbed she swore that she would haunt John Bell and his family.
News of the Bell Witch spread quickly. When word of the haunting reached Nashville, one of its most citizens, General Andrew Jackson, decided to gather a group of friends and go to Adams to investigate. The future president wanted to come face to face with the phenomenon and either expose it as a trick or send the spirit away. According to one account, Jackson and his men were traveling over a smooth section of road when suddenly the wagon stopped. The men pushed and pushed, but the wagon could not be moved. The wheels were even removed and inspected. The came the sound of a voice from the bushes saying, “I will see you tonight.” The astonished men could not find the source of the voice. The horses then unexpectedly started walking on their own and the wagon moved along again. Jackson indeed encountered the witch that night and left early the next morning, claiming he would rather fight the British than the Bell Witch!
The haunting of the Bell house continued for several years, ending with ghost’s final act of revenge. On the morning of December 19, he failed to awake at his regular time. When the family noticed he was sleeping unnaturally, they attempted to rouse him. They discovered Bell couldn’t be completely awakened. John’s son went to the medicine cupboard to get his father’s medicine and noticed it was gone but a strange small bottle was in its place. No one claimed to have replaced the medicine with the bottle. John Bell died on December 20 and “Kate” was quiet until after the funeral.
A few explanations of the Bell Witch phenomena have been offered over the years. One is that the haunting was a trick created by Richard Powell, the schoolteacher of Betsy Bell and Joshua Gardner, the boy with whom Betsy was in love. It seemed Powell was deeply in love with Betsy and would do anything to destroy her relationship with Gardner. Through a variety of tricks, and with the help of several friends, it is believed that Powell created all of the ghostly effects to scare Gardner away. In fact, Gardner eventually did break up with Betsy and left area and Powell did come out winner. In the end, he married Betsy Bell.
81.John Well’s mean old neighbor haunted them because ______.
82.On Jackson’s way to investigate the ghost, the ghost ______ and later, Jackson encountered the witch and left early the next morning.
83.How did the haunting eventually end?
84.What was one explanation for the haunting given in the reading?
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