.Some people can stay up all night and still get work done the next day. I’m not

.Some people can stay up all night and still get work done the next day. I’m not

Some people can stay up all night and still get work done the next day. I’m not one of them. After a night without enough sleep, I feel sleepy. I have trouble remembering things. And all I want to do is to go back to bed and sleep.
How do you feel after you’ve stayed up late to finish schoolwork? Or the day after a slumber(睡眠) party? Scientists now say that your answers to these questions may depend on your genes, which tell our bodies and brains what to do. People have about 40,000 genes, and each gene can have different forms.
A new research suggests that a gene called period3 affects how well you function without sleep. The discovery adds to older evidence that period3 helps determine whether you like to stay up late or get up early.
The period3 gene comes in two forms: short and long. Everyone has two copies of the gene. So, you may have two longs, two shorts, or one of each. Your particular combination depends on what your parents passed on to you.
Scientists studied 24 people who had to stay awake for 40 hours straight. Then they took tests that measured how well they could remember lists of numbers.
Results showed that the people with the short form of period3 performed much better than those with the long form did. In both groups, people performed worst in the early morning. After the first round of experiments, participants were finally allowed to sleep. People in the group that performed well on the tests took about 18 minutes to nod off(瞌睡).
People with long period3 gene fell asleep in just 8 minutes. They also spent more time on deep sleep. That suggests that people with the long form of the gene need more and deeper sleep to keep their brains working in top form.
I think I must have the long form period3. What about you?
68. The purpose of the writer in the first paragraph is to ____________.
A. attract readers to the topic of the passage
B. show his /her poor memory for things
C. show his /her envy of those energetic people
D. prove his/her need for sleep
69. Whether you can stay up or not depends on___________.
A. the size of your brain         B. the kind of genes you have
C. your health                 D. your will
70. The aim of the research is to _______.
A. find a new gene called period3   B. find out how genes affect a person’s need for sleep
C. test how long you can stay awake   D. measure how good your memory is

68---70   ABB  

There is an English saying, "  71  ". Until recently, few people took the saying seriously. Now, however, doctors have begun to look into laughter and the effects it had on human body.   72  .
Tests were carried out to study the effects of laughter on the body. People watched funny films while doctors checked their hearts, blood pressure, breathing and muscles. It was found that laughter has similar effects to physical exercise.   73   it also works several groups of muscles in the face, the stomach, and even the feet. If laughter exercises the body, it must be beneficial.
Other tests have shown that laughter appears to be able to reduce the effect of pain on the body. In one experiment doctors produced pain in groups of students who listened to different radio programs. The group that tolerated(忍耐) the pain for the longest time was the group which listened to a funny program.    74  
75   They have found that even if their patients do not really feel like laughing, making them smile is enough to produce beneficial effects similar to those caused by laughter.
A.Laughter can make one’s life longer.
B.As a result of these discoveries, some doctors in the United States now hold laughter clinics, in which they help to improve their patients’ condition by encouraging them to laugh.
C.The reason why laughter can reduce pain seems to be that it helps to produce a kind of chemicals in the brain which diminish both stress and pain.
D.Laughter is the best medicine
E. They have found that laughter really can improve people"s health
F. It increases blood pressure, the heart beating and breathing;
G. Although laughter can help cure the disease, doctors still can not put this theory into clinic practice.
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Commercial (商业广告) business is profitable (有利可图的),and most radio and TV stations depend on the income.  The prices for radio and TV commercials are different according to the popularity (声望) of the station and the time they give. Take WGY, a rock music station in Albary, New York, for instance, they ask $100 for a one-minute commercial from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m., the morning driving time. This is a time when people are driving on their way to work and they like to turn on their car-radios.
During other hours of the day the cost varies (变化) from $25 to $60 for one minute. TV commercials are much more expensive. During a good national or international football game or baseball game, the price for a one-minute TV commercial may reach as high as $100,000. On local TV station, prices of commercials are different according to the different programmes and the time of showing. At 7 p.m., when the TV stations are showing their most popular programmes, the price for a commercial for 30 seconds is $800.
49. This passage mainly tells that ________.
A. WGY, a rock music station earns much money by broadcasting commercials
B. the prices for commercials are different according to the different programmes
C. TV commercials are much more expensive than radio ones
D. commercial business can help most radio and TV stations earn a lot of money
50. The prices for radio and TV stations depend mainly on _______.
A. different radio and TV stations
B. different time the commercials are given
C. the most popular programmes
D. all of the above
51. How much does WGY, a rock music station ask for a half minute commercial at 9 a.m.?
A. $25                          B. $50                          C. $60                          D. $100
52. When a commercial is shown at 7 a.m. on the local TV station for one minute, it will cost ________.
A. eight hundred dollars                                     B. eighty hundred dollars
C. sixteen hundred dollars                                  D. sixty hundred dollars
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A tour of the Wuyi Mountains in the northwest of Fujian Province is well worth your time. This place has clear rivers, beautiful forests on hills and peaceful villages. The UN honored much of Wuyi in 1999. Since then, more and more tourists have visited it and some have used air travel to get there. But you will be glad to know that it is still a special quiet place to see. Yunufeng, or Jade Lady Peak, is as beautiful as ever. Jiuquxi, a river in the shape of a snake in the southwestern part of the Wuyi Mountains, is still green and clear as it travels nearly ten kilometers to the flats (平地) below. On the river you can see many high hills or stop to climb a rock staircase to the top of Tianyoufeng. From there you might stand in a light warm rain as you look out over the beautiful valleys (山谷) below. Clouds come and go among the mountains and into the valleys. Birds sing cheerfully in the forest, perhaps calling out names from long ago. In another part of the river you can take a boat down a whitewater but be sure to wear a T-shirt and shorts as you will get wet! If you need to wear glasses, tie them to your head. Don’t change your mind about going down the river! Be brave! Some guides will help you on the boat and take care of you on the river. You can watch the green water become white as it begins to move more rapidly. You will probably feel both excited and nervous, but enjoy the ride! When your journey is finished, don’t forget to go to the village nearby and try the famous Wuyi rock tea. Then you can have a rest and think about the trip.
53. The Wuyi Mountains lies __________ of China.
A. in the northwest                                            B. in the southwest
C. in the southeast                                             D. in the northeast
54. On the top of Tianyoufeng tourists can ____________.
A. fly fog between the mountains and into valleys
B. hear birds calling out names from long ago
C. get wet all over because of heavy rain
D. enjoy the beauty of a dream world
55. How can you describe the boat ride down a whitewater?
A. Dangerous              B. Adventurous            C. Not worth trying           D.Too frightening
56. From the passage we can conclude that ___________.
A. the Wuyi Mountains is well worth visiting
B. only one way leads to the top of Tianyoufeng
C. the glasses must be tied to your head on Jiuquxi
D. the Wuyi rock tea is tried only after the trip
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Liu Qian, a magician from Taiwan, cast his spell(魔法)over an audience of thousands on the CCTV Spring Festival Show. Die-hard fans are still trying to work out the secrets behind many of the tricks he performed.  
But Liu, 32, when asked, laughed off the idea that there might be an “answer” to his magic. “The most fascinating thing is the puzzling process. People enjoy how magicians make the impossible come true,” said Liu.
Few people today believe in the possibility of real magic. They also often fail to consider magicians’ devotion to their art. It can take a magician years’ of practice to perfect a trick before he performs it on stage.
Part of Liu’s star appeal is his astonishing skill. However, when he began in the industry, he was all embarrassingly clumsy. “I could practice thousands of times for one single act. It wasn’t much fun,” he said.
No magician’s supernatural powers on stage extend to their life off stage. Liu says his life was no easier or funnier because he was a magician.
He developed an interest in magic at a young age, but didn’t consider making a living out of it until he graduated from university. He had studied Japanese and found himself unable to find a job. “My parents never considered being a magician as a proper job. To begin with, I had little confidence I would be doing this in the long term,” he said.
Yet Liu felt a powerful calling to become a magician. “For many people, magic somehow means a miracle, which is something we all secretly wish for no matter how hard-bitten we become,” he said.
Liu may be right. A popular modern dream is of the fairy godmother, who waves her magic wand(魔杖) and makes our dreams come true. But according to Liu, we all have the power to create magic in our lives. As Liu puts it: it’s not the magic that makes it work;it’s the way we work that makes it magic.
56. According to the passage, we can tell that __________.
A. being a famous magician, Liu Qian leads a comfortable life
B. it is a hard job for magicians to perform magic tricks well
C. Liu Qian’s parents supported his wish to be a magician
D. Liu Qian showed great talents for magic tricks when he first took it up
57. Talking of whether there’s real magic, Liu Qian believes _________.
A. there is no real magic and what counts in our life is the way we work
B. if we secretly wish for something, magic will turn out to be a miracle
C. the puzzling process of performing magic tricks is the answer to magic
D. there exists a fairy godmother waving her magic wand to make our dreams come true
58. Which of the following is similar to the underlined sentence in meaning?
A. All roads lead to Rome.       B. A miss is as good as a mile.
C. Every dog has his day.        D. No pains, no gains.
59. What is the best title for the passage?
A. Magic Power by Liu Qian       B. The Magic Skill
C. A Popular Magician---Liu Qian   D. How to Be a Successful Magician
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Some American schools paid teachers more if their students improved on
tests. Now there is a growing movement to pay the students --- in some cases, even just for coming to class.
Students at one school in New Mexico can earn up to three hundred dollars a year for good attendance. A program in New York City pays up to five hundred dollars for good attendance and high test scores.  
In Baltimore, Maryland, high scores on state graduation tests can be worth more than one hundred dollars. And a New Jersey school system plans to pay students fifty dollars a week to attend after-school tutoring programs. Schools that pay students can be found in over one-fourth of the fifty states. Other state schools reward students with food or other things.
Robert Schaefer is public education director for the National Center for Fair and Open Testing, an activist group. He says paying may improve performance in the short term, but students develop false expectations for the future. He sees a lack of long-term planning in these programs because of pressure on schools to raise test scores.
Public schools need to show improvement under the education reform law. Low-performing schools may lose their federal money; teachers and administrators may lose their jobs. Often these schools are in poor neighborhoods where getting students to go to school can be a continual problem.
Critics say paying students sends a message that money is the only valuable reward. But some students say it makes school more exciting. And some teachers have reported getting more requests for extra help.
60. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Some American schools pay teachers more for improving students’ scores.
B. Some American schools pay students for good attendance and high test scores.
C. Public schools need to improve their teaching management.
D. Some American schools pay teachers for after-school tutoring programs.
61. In _________ of the fifty states, schools pay the students.  
A. less than one half           B. less than ten
C. more than ten              D. more than one half
62. We can learn from the text that _________.
A. all the people are in favor of the movement to pay the students.
B. not all the people think the movement to pay the students is good
C. in New York City students can get food for high test scores.
D. teachers can’t lose their jobs in some schools in American poor neighborhoods
63.The text is probably taken from_________.
A. education report          B. health report   
C. information report         D. science news   
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