Every year, on the International Volunteers Day, the world thinks highly of the

Every year, on the International Volunteers Day, the world thinks highly of the


Every year, on the International Volunteers Day, the world thinks highly of the work of millions of people who give their time to help others. The work they are doing is important. As Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations said“…each contribution—no matter how small—can help make a difference.” Lu Hao and Meng Yu are just two examples of the 13.5 million young Chinese Volunteers who want to make a contribution to society.
Lu Hao is a middle school student, who joined the “1 helps 1” scheme1 of the Youth Volunteer Community Development Project last year. Every Tuesday and Friday he visits an elderly gentleman who lives alone. “Mr. Zhao is weak and cannot do much for himself, so I help with shopping, do jobs in the house, or read the newspaper to him. With his help, Mr. Zhao’s health has improved, and he feels more energetic. Lu Hao has also found their relationship beneficial2. In the past history was his weakest subject, but it is one which greatly interests Mr. Zhao and they often discuss it. Mr. Zhao has encourages Lu Hao to study history lessons harder and his grades have improved a great deal.
Meng Yu is studying for her master’s degree in Canada. She has a busy timetable, but still finds time for voluntary activities during the weekends. “Last month I took part in an event to help starving children in some of the least developed countries. Twenty-two of us went without food for 30 hours! It was a challenge. We wanted to improve awareness3 of hunger because every day children are dying of starvation. It was a great success. The local newspaper and TV reported it and we received many money.” Meng Yu and her classmates organized this activity to raise money for a good cause, and in the process she formed strong friendships.
Lu Hao and Meng Yu are helping to make other people’s lives better, and they also make great friends, gain new skills and increase their chances of getting the job of their dreams. Would you like to make a difference by becoming a volunteer?
小题1:According to the text, what is the reason why young people choose to do voluntary work?
小题2:Lu Hao has chosen to volunteer on two evenings every week . How has Meng Yu chosen to give her time? Why has she made a different choice?
小题3:What benefits has his voluntary work brought Lu Hao?
小题4:What benefits did MengYu’s voluntary work bring the starving children?

小题1:Young people choose to do voluntary work because they want to make a contribution to society. They want to make a difference and help to make other people’s lives better.
小题2: Meng Yu volunteers for an event at weekends. Lu Hao is a middle school student still in full-time education so he can make a regular promise after school. Meng Yu is busy with her masters’ course during the week and only has free time at weekends.
小题3:In the past history was his weakest subject, but with the help of Mr. Zhao, he studied history lessons harder and his grades have improved a great deal.
小题4:Local newspaper and TV reported it Meng Yu and her classmates received many money, so the starving children got some money to buy food.

Peter and Paul had a permission from their parents to camp in a field close to their farm. But, being adventurous boys, they know it would be more 36   to camp in the woods that lay beyond the river. Excitedly, the boys  37  with their tent and food.
Carrying their heavy 38  , the two brothers walked along the riverbank, hardly noticing the distance or the sun beating down. . They were eager to reach their 39  before lunchtime. As they entered the cool, shadowy woods, they began to search for a suitable camping spot. Peter wanted to 40  close to the river at the edge of the woods, 41  Paul, who was older, insisted that they camp further away. 42  Peter followed his brother deeper into the 43 . “This really is a wonderful setting!” said Paul in excitement. They 44 the tent , and settled down to eat the sandwiches they had made, then decided to find their way 45  to the river to catch some fish.
“Are you sure that this is the right 46  ?” whispered Peter shakily. “I’m sure we passed that hollow tree just a while ago. ” Paul walked 47  silently. “Look, there it is again. We’re lost, aren’t we?” complained Peter. Paul had to admit that he didn’t know where they were. 48  , they were a long distance from where they were 49 to be. They were not even 50  of where they had set up their camp. They set in 51 for a few minutes until Peter had a bright idea. “Why don’t we look for clues(线索) the way trackers 52 in the movies? We weren’t careful about how we walked, so I’m sure we would have left 53 some broken tree branches and leaves. ”
Carefully, the boys 54 the marks that they had left, until finally they found their campsite. Hurriedly, they packed their belongings and set off 55 the direction of the river.
What would their parents think of their adventure?
36. A. surprising         B. exciting          C. annoying       D. frightening
37. A. went round         B. went back         C. went away      D. went though
38. A. load               B. torn              C. food           D. storage
39. A. grassland          B. destination       C. field          D. river
40. A. live               B. lie               C. wait           D. stay
41. A. but                B. and               C. or             D. so
42. A. Unconsciously      B. Unfortunately     C. Unwillingly    D. Uninterestingly
43. A. woods              B. farm              C. setting        D. camp
44. A. put off            B. put on            C. put down       D. put up
45. A. forward            B. near              C.  back         D. further
46. A. place              B. mark              C. way            D. time
47. A. alone              B. about             C. in             D. on
48. A. After all         B. At last          C. Above all     D. At first
49. A. discovered         B. encouraged        C. persuaded      D. supposed
50. A. afraid             B. sure              C. informed       D. reminded
51. A. enjoyment          B. satisfaction      C. disappointment D. imagination
52. A. appear             B. do                C. work           D. behave
53. A. behind             B. out               C. aside          D. amount
54. A. fetched            B. watched           C. followed       D. collected
55. A. for           B. to                C. at                D. in
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K="Karen          " S=Selina
K: You’re late again.
S: Sorry, but there was a traffic (76) j          .
K: It’s to ways the same excuse. Try to think of something better next time.
S: But I’m telling the truth! There was an (77) a         in the cross-harbor tunnel. I don’t think buy one. It is hurt but it (78) t          the police over an hour to clear it. Anyway, how are you? You look a bit tired.
K: Well, actually, I’ve been (79) q           with my grandmother again. I feel sad because it isgo (80) w            , she blames me, even though it’s not my fault.
S: What did your grandma say?
K: her favorite expression is “Young people are not as well behaved as they (81) u         to be,” She always complains that I don’t show her enough (82) r          .
S: Well, try and understand her. She can’t do all the things she did (83) w        she was young. It must be very frustrating. Just think, one day we’ll be old…
K; You’re right. I should be more (84) u        . I think I’ll buy her a present and apologize.
S: Right. Now you are feeling a bit better, it’s your turn to help me. Could you give me a hand with my maths homework?
K: Maths again! Okay, girl can we find somewhere to (85) e           first? I’m starving!
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Four people in England back in 1953, stared at Photo 51,It wasn’t much—a picture showing a black X. But three of these people won the Nobel Prize for figuring out what the photo really showed –the shape of DNA The discovery brought fame and fortune to scientists James Watson, Francis Crick, and Maurice Wilkins. The fourth, the one who actually made the picture, was left out.
Her name was Rosalind Franklin.”She should have been up there,” says historian Mary Bowden.” If her photos hadn’t been there, the others couldn’t have come up with the structure.” One reason Franklin was missing was that she had died of cancer four years before the Nobel decision. But now scholars doubt that Franklin was not only robbed of her life by disease but robbed of credit by her competitors
At Cambridge University in the 1950s, Watson and Click tried to make models by cutting up shapes of DNA’s parts and then putting them together. In the meantime, at King’s College in London, Franklin and Wilkins shone X-rays at the molecule(分子). The rays produced patterns reflection the shape.
But Wilkins and Franklin’s relationship was a lot rockier than the celebrated teamwork of Watson and Crick, Wilkins thought Franklin was hired to be his assistant .But the college actually employed her to take over the DNA project.
What she did was produce X-ray pictures that told Watson and Crick that one of their early models was inside out. And she was not shy about saying so. That angered Watson, who attacked her in return, “Mere inspection suggested that she would not easily bend. Clearly she had to to go or be put in her place.”
As Franklin’s competitors, Wilkins, Watson  and Crick had much to gain by cutting her out of the little group of researchers, says historian Pnina Abir-Am. In 1962 at the Nobel Prize awarding ceremony, Wilkins thanked 13 colleagues by name before he mentioned Franklin, Watson wrote his book laughing at her. Crick wrote in 1974 that  “Franklin was only two steps away  from the solution.”
No, Franklin was the solution. “She contributed more than any other player to solving the structure of  DNA . She must be considered a co-discoverer,” Abir-Am says. This was backed up by Aaron Klug, who worked with Franklin and later won a Nobel Prize himself. Once described as the  “Dark Lady of DNA”, Franklin is finally coming into the light.
小题1:What is the text mainly about?
A. The disagreements among DNA researchers.
B. The unfair treatment of Franklin.
C. The process of discovering DNA.
D. The race between two teams of scientists.
小题2:Watson was angry with Franklin because she     .
A.took the lead in the competitionB.kept her results from him
C.proved some of his findings wrongD.shared her data with other scientists
小题3:Why is Franklin described as  “Dark Lady of DNA”?
A. She developed pictures in dark labs.
B. She discovered the  black X-the shape of DNA.
C. Her name was forgotten after her death.
D. Her contribution was unknown to the public.
小题4:What is the writer’s attitude toward Wilkins, Watson and Crick?
A.Disapproving.B.Respectful.C. Admiring.D.Doubtful.

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We arrived in Spain for the first time a few weeks ago.I decided to  21   a car because we had sold the one we had in England before  22   home.Yesterday the sales office rang us to say the car was  23 .I had tried out a model like it before,but as I was not yet  24   driving in this city,my wife did not want me to collect it  25   so we went together to   26   it.We paid for the car and  27   the papers.They told us that there was  28   petrol(汽油) to take us to a garage,where we could fill up.The  29   garage to the office was about 100 yards away and we got there  30  .But when I turned into the main road I suddenly saw a lot of cars racing  31  me.I got out of   32   as fast as I could by backing into the garage  33   and the man behind   34   me.
“It’s such a problem to   35   to drive on the right side,isn’t it?”my wife said.“Yes,if only I had had a few lessons for   36   ,”I replied.“You had better go   37   on the way home,”my wife said.“You’d be sorry if you had  38   on the first day,wouldn’t you?”While we were talking,the man behind got out of his car and said in good English,“Would you mind telling me  39   you are thinking of leaving?  40   are you going to sit in your car all day?”
21.A.borrow                 B.drive                         C.buy                           D.choose
22.A.leaving                 B.making                            C.returning                   D.getting
23.A.right                    B.ready                        C.fixed                         D.sold
24.A.sure of                                                    B.satisfied with
C.interested in                                                  D.used to
25.A.on my own           B.right away                 C.in a hurry                  D.on the way
26.A.receive                 B.bring                        C.order                        D.fetch
27.A.accepted               B.wrote                        C.signed                       D.copied
28.A.little                     B.enough                      C.much                        D.no
29.A.best                      B.nearest                      C.quickest                    D.cleanest
30.A.lately                   B.directly                            C.safely                        D.slowly
31.A.after                     B.with                          C.around                      D.towards
32.A.their way                     B.the garage                 C.their sight                  D.the car
33.A.at last                   B.once more                 C.as usual                     D.as well
34.A.caught                  B.cheered                     C.shouted at                  D.chatted with
35.A.prepare                 B.continue                    C.choose                      D.remember
36.A.discussion             B.adventure                  C.experiment                D.practice
37.A.carefully               B.smoothly                   C.quickly                            D.differently
38.A.an error                                                   B.a problem
C.an accident                                                   D.a headache
39.A.when                    B.why                          C.how                          D.what
40.A.For                      B.Or                                   C.But                           D.So
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Roberta appeared on the stage.She took a deep breath and began to   16  .Now she was Portia,a strong-willed   17   in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice.The theater was filled with people.She was speaking with a power she had never before experienced,the words flowing
   18   from her.
  19 .Roberta had never acted in her life before the audition(选拔试演).She  20   being in front of other people.She was very   21   at school.She had never thought she was good enough at anything to  22  much attention.She stayed mostly to herself,making  23  friends.She had excellent grades,   24   she always thought that something was missing.
Two weeks before the audition,Roberta’s mother had heard about it and   25   her to join in.
“I can’t think of anyone else better suited to   26   the part.Remember all the plays you used to act out for us?”
Roberta looked down.“I’m not interested.”
Her mother wouldn’t let the   27   drop.“You’re just a little scared(害怕).Everyone gets scared.You know you   28  do it.The trick is to look past the   29   to find the love of what you’re doing.”
So Roberta had made an appointment(预约)with the head of the Drama Club.She had read the play and found herself excited by the  30 of speaking such rich words.In secret she practiced Portia’s part,  31  the lines by repeating them over and over.It wasn’t hard;she  32   every minute of it.Every time she spoke the words,she had a new  33   of the lines,as if Shakespeare had written Portia on many levels.
On the day of the audition,she   34   two of Portia’s famous speeches for the auditors.When she had finished,the head of the Drama Club announced the   35   was hers.
16.A.sing                            B.dance                     C.speak                        D.report
17.A.member                B.actress                       C.player                       D.character
18.A.weakly                 B.rapidly                      C.smoothly                   D.slowly
19.A.At first                 B.In fact                       C.After all                    D.In all
20.A.hated                    B.enjoyed                     C.appreciated               D.regretted
21.A.honest                  B.shy                           C.polite                        D.patient
22.A.avoid                   B.focus                        C.pay                           D.attract
23.A.few                      B.a few                        C.several                      D.many
24.A.or                        B.so                             C.for                            D.but
25.A.forced                  B.requested                   C.encouraged                D.reminded
26.A.accept                  B.play                         C.offer                         D.learn
27.A.role                      B.matter                       C.interest                      D.grade
28.A.can                      B.must                         C.may                          D.should
29.A.anger                   B.pain                          C.sadness                      D.fear
30.A.purpose                B.way                          C.idea                          D.importance
31.A.memorizing                                             B.organizing
C.checking                                                      D.improving
32.A.disliked                B.loved                        C.expected                    D.bore
33.A.consideration                                           B.description
C.selection                                                       D.understanding
34.A.practiced                     B.planned                     C.performed                 D.delivered
35.A.part                      B.play                          C.speech                       D.position
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