完型填空。     Mr. Glen is a millionaire. Five years ago, after returning from abroad

完型填空。     Mr. Glen is a millionaire. Five years ago, after returning from abroad

完型填空。     Mr. Glen is a millionaire. Five years ago, after returning from abroad to his motherland, he    1    up his small company. Speaking of success, Glen often tells us a story about his    2   expensive "school" fees. He always owes his success to it.
     At that time, Glen, who already got a Ph. Degree, decided to return to the homeland, starting a
company. Before    3  , he bought a Rolex watch with the    4   made through years of work after school
and the scholarships. At the airport he had to accept the routine customs check. The watch on his wrist
was also demanded to be    5   down for inspection. Glen knew that carrying the    6   goods out had to
pay the tax. And he worried about paying    7   for his watch. So when he was checked, he told a lie that
his watch was a worthless    8  . When he was    9   of his "smarts", immediately,   10   the presence of
Glen, the officers hit the watch, which    11   nearly ¥100,000, into pieces at hearing Glen"s words. Glen was amazed.    12   he understood why, he was taken to the office to be    13   strictly. For many times of entryexit    14   he knew that only those people in the "blacklist" would "enjoy" this special treatment. The
officers looked out every thing carefully in the box, and warned him    15   time of entry and exit he must
accept the check and if    16   reusing and carrying fake and shoddy (劣质的) goods, he would be
charged according to law! Suddenly, his face turned red, and he had nothing in mind after   17   the plane
for long.
     After returning to the homeland, he often told the story to his family, and his employees, too. He said
that this made a deep    18   on him, because an additional high "school" fee that he had ever paid made
him realize the value of    19 , which he would    20   as the secret of his success forever.(     )1. A. set        
(     )2. A. good      
(     )3. A. staying    
(     )4. A. books      
(     )5. A. put        
(     )6. A. ordinary    
(     )7. A. one        
(     )8. A. present    
(     )9. A. afraid      
(     )10. A. in          
(     )11. A. paid      
(     )12. A. Before    
(     )13. A. appreciated  
(     )14. A. conditions  
(     )15. A. no matter what
(     )16. A. came out  
(     )17. A. landing    
(     )18. A. expression  
(     )19. A. honesty      
(     )20. A. remember      B. came          
B. bad          
B. leaving      
B. things        
B. looked        
B. common        
B. it            
B. trade        
B. proud        
B. on            
B. spent        
B. After        
B. beaten        
B. experiences  
B. no matter how
B. found out    
B. flying        
B. idea          
B. lies          
B. learn         C. went        
C. extra        
C. living      
C. saving      
C. taken      
C. specific      
C. them        
C. toy          
C. well        
C. before      
C. took        
C. If          
C. spoken        
C. experiments  
C. no matter when
C. sent out    
C. catching    
C. thought      
C. goods      
C. revise       D. called        
D. few          
D. coming        
D. pounds        
D. lied          
D. many          
D. these        
D. fake          
D. hard          
D. after        
D. cost          
D. Though        
D. examined      
D. chances      
D. no matter why
D. set out      
D. boarding      
D. impression    
D. things        
D. read          
1-5 ACBCC  6-10 CBDBA  11-15 DADBA  16-20 BDDAA
阅读理解。     Once upon a time, two brothers who lived on neighboring farms fell into conflict (冲突). It was the first serious one between them in 40 years of farming peacefully side by side. In the end, they fell apart.
     One morning, a man with a carpenter"s toolbox came for some work. The elder brother said, "I just
have a job for you. Look at the farm across the creek (河沟). My younger brother lives there. It was he
who used his bulldozer (推土机) to dig the creek last week to spite (刁难) me. So I want you to build me a fence, an 8 foot high fence, in order not to see his place any more." The carpenter smiled and said, "I
see. I"ll try to do a job that satisfies you." Then the elder brother went downtown.
     At sunset when the farmer returned, the carpenter had just finished his job. The farmer"s eyes opened
wide! To his surprise, there was no fence there at all! Instead, there was a bridge stretching from one side of the creek to the other! A fine piece of work! He saw his younger brother coming to him with the hands outstretching. The brothers stood at each end of the bridge, and then they met in the middle, taking each
other"s hands. They turned to see the carpenter lift his toolbox on his shoulder. "No, wait! Stay a few days. I"ve a lot of other work for you," said the elder brother. "I"d love to stay on," the carpenter said, "but I have so many more bridges to build."1. What was the life like for the two brothers before the conflict?A. They lived a poor life.
B. They lived in peace.
C. They never spoke to each other.
D. They lived on the same farm.2. It can be learned that the carpenter was _____.A. unwilling to obey the farmer
B. fond of building bridges
C. unable to build a fence
D. willing to help others3. The best title for this passage is _____.A. A Fine Piece of Work
B. A Carpenter
C. A Conflict Between Two Brothers
D. Two Brothers4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. The elder brother used his bulldozer to dig a creek.
B. The elder brother helped the carpenter build the bridge.
C. The brothers were both satisfied with the carpenter"s work.
D. The carpenter planned to build an 8foothigh fence as asked to.
题型:月考题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。     Brownie and Spotty were neighbor dogs who loved each other and they played together so often
that they had worn a  1   through the grass of the field between their houses.
     One evening,Brownie"s family  2  that Brownie hadn"t returned home. They went looking for him
with no  3 . Brownie didn"t show up the next day,and,despite their  4 to find him,by the next week
he was still missing  5   ,Spotty showed up at Brownie"s house alone,  6  and constantly annoying
Brownie"s human family. Busy with their own lives,they just  7   the nervous little neighbor dog.
     Finally,one morning Spotty refused to  8  "no" for an answer. Ted,Brownie"s  9  ,was steadily
upset by the angry,stubborn little dog. Spotty followed Ted about.  barking insistently,then  10  toward
a nearby empty lot and back,as if to say,"Follow me! It"s  11  !"
     Eventually,Ted followed the mad Spotty  12  the empty lot as Spotty  13  to race back and bark
encouragingly. Finally,the little dog led the man to a deserted spot a half mile from the house. There Ted
found his beloved Brownie alive,one of his hind legs crushed in a steel leghold trap. Shocked,Ted now
wished he"d taken Spotty"s earlier  14  seriously. Then Ted noticed something quite remarkable.
     Spotty had done more than  15 led Brownie"s human owner to his trapped friend. In a circle around
the injured dog,Ted found some dog food and the remains of every meal Spotty had been fed that week!
Spotty had been  16  Brownie regularly,in a single minded pursuit to keep his friend alive by sacrificing his
own  17  . Spotty had evidently stayed with Brownie to protect him from predators(捕食者),stayed with
him at night to keep him warm and gently rub him with the nose to keep his  18  up.
     Brownie"s leg was treated and he  19  . For many years after that,the two families watched the  20  
friends playing happily and chasing each other down that well worn path between their houses.
题型:山东省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
题型:山东省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
题型:山东省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
(     ) 1. A. way    
(     ) 2. A. realized  
(     ) 3. A. success  
(     ) 4. A. time    
(     ) 5. A. Unluckily
(     ) 6. A. biting    
(     ) 7. A. ignored  
(     ) 8. A. say    
(     ) 9. A. friend    
(     )10. A. walking  
(     )11. A. certain  
(     )12. A. through  
(     )13. A. paused    
(     )14. A. warnings  
(     )15. A. simply    
(     )16. A. caring    
(     )17. A. time    
(     )18. A. heart    
(     )19. A. returned  
(     )20. A. sensitive
B. path    
B. sensed    
B. reason    
B. hardship  
B. Curiously
B. barking  
B. refused  
B. give    
B. neighbor  
B. rushing  
B. safe    
B. over    
B. continued
B. hopes    
B. smoothly  
B. looking  
B. life    
B. spirits  
B. rescued  
B. faithful  
C. line
C. noticed
C. purpose
C. energy
C. Frequently
C. running
C. drove   
C. take
C. fellow
C. heading
C. urgent
C. onto
C. began   
C. appeals
C. eagerly
C. visiting
C. duty    
C. mind   
C. recovered  
C. honest
D. mark      
D. saw      
D. use      
D. efforts  
D. Amazingly
D. waiting  
D. noted    
D. tell      
D. owner    
D. starting  
D. helpful  
D. across    
D. braked    
D. needs    
D. gradually
D. watthing  
D. comfort  
D. feelings  
D. cured    
D. careful  
     There"s a story told about an elderly lady in Arkansas. The state voted to increase welfare payments
to the poor. Hoping for a tear-jerker story,a television interviewer went into the back hills where many
welfare recipients(接受者)lived.
     The old woman he chose to interview lived in a one-room shack(棚屋):cold in winter;hot in
summer. Her bed was a few rough planks(厚板)nailed together,with a pine-needle mattress. A couple
thin blankets,and a fireplace,did little to protect her from the cold.
     Her furniture,a table and two chairs,were fashioned from the same rough wood as her bed. Some
shelves held a few cans of food from the general store. a three mile walk down the road. Several jars
of preserves and a few squash(南瓜类蔬菜)completed her larder(食品室).
     She had no fridge or freezer. The fireplace provided heat for cooking. With no phone or television
her only connection with the outside world was an old radio that pulled in two or three local stations on
a good day.
     The old woman had one convenience, running water. A crystal clear stream. flowed a short distance
behind her home.
     A small garden near her back door provided fresh vegetables during the summer,and some squash
and turnips for the winter. A tidy flower garden brightened the front of her house.
     The television crew arrived and set up their big expensive cameras. Their mobile station.  broadcast
pictures of the woman and the place she called home.
     Eventually the interviewer asked the old woman,"If the government gave you $200 more each month,
what would you do with it?"
     Without hesitation the woman replied,"I"d give it to the poor. "
1. How did the woman get water?
A. From the tap.    
B. From a stream.
C. From a spring.
D. From a well behind her house.
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the old lady"s living conditions?
A. Her furniture was very fashionable though simple.
B. Her fireplace couldn"t keep her warm enough in winter.
C. She could get in touch with outside world by radio easily.
D. She couldn"t get fresh food without fridge or freezer.
3. What do we know about the woman?
A. She must he content with her life.
B. She knows nothing about the outside world.
C. She is living a lonely and miserable life.
D. She must be better-off than many others in the area.
4. Which of the following word can best describe the woman?
A. Generous.    
B. Ignorant.      
C. Out of mind.    
D. Noble-minded.
5. It can be inferred from the passage that         .
A. the interviewer got a story beyond his expectation
B. the interviewer was very disappointed with the woman
C. the woman became famous because of the interview
D. the interview became a turning. point in the woman"s life
     The day my boyfriend fell to his death,it started to snow,just like any November day,just like the
bottom hadn"t fallen out of my world when he freefell off the roof. His body. when I found it,was lightly
covered with snow. It snowed almost every day for the next four months,while I sat on the couch and
watched it pile up. One morning,I shuffled downstairs and was surprised to see a snowplow clearing
my driveway and the bent back of a woman shoveling(铲)my walk. I dropped to my knees,crawled
through the living room. and back upstairs so those good people would not see me. I was embarrassed.
My first thought was, how would I ever repay them? I didn"t have the strength to brush my hair let alone
shovel someone"s walk.
     Before Jon"s death,I took pride in the fact that I rarely asked for help or favors. I defined myself by
my competence and independence. So who was I if I was no longer capable and busy?How could I
respect myself if all I did was sit on the couch every day and watch the snow fall?
     Learning how to receive the love and support that came my way wash"t easy. Friends cooked for
me and 1 cried because I eouldn"t even help them set the table. "I"m not usually this lazy," I wept. Finally,
my friend Kathy sat down with me and said,"Mary,cooking for you is not a chore. I love you and I want
to do it. It makes me feel good to be able to do something for you. "
     Over and over,I heard similar emotions from the people who supported me during those dark days.
One very wise man told me,"You are not doing nothing. Being fully open to your sorrow may be the
hardest work you will ever do. "
     I am not the person I once wfls,but in many ways I have changed for the better. The fabric of my life
is now woven with gratitude and humility. I have been surprised to. learn that there is incredible freedom
that comes from facing one"s worst fear and walking away whole. I believe there is strength in surrender.
1. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A. The writer"s boyfriend died when he fell off the roof he was repairing.
B. The writer had been busy with her life before.
C. The writer recovered from her sorrow quickly with his friend"s help.
D. The day her boyfriend died,it was snowing heavily.
2. We can describe the writer before her boyfriend died as the following except      .
A. hard-working      
B. independent      
C. smart        
D. capable
3. The underlined word"shuffled"in Paragraph 1 probably means      .
A. stepped steadily      
B. dragged slowly
C. walked swiftly        
D. slipped sadly
4. We can infer from the passage that      .
A. the writer found her boy friend immediately he fell off the roof
B. the writer became more strong-willed after Jon"s death
C. all the people around the writer were friendly and supported her
D. before Jon"s death,the writer never asked others for help
5. The writer wrote the passage to      .
A. share her sad story with us
B. express her guilty conscience to the people who helped her
C. show her gratitude to the people who love and support her
D. tell us the changes she has made because of her boyfriend"s death
     I just returned from a twoweek tour of Europe. On my teacher"s salary, I could_1_afford to travel
there with Western tours, _2_I decided to go travelling with a Chinese tour. Besides the affordability,
the truth is that I am a_3_traveller. Making all the reservations and connections is a nightmare for me,
so I am_4_to sacrifice autonomy(自主权)_5_security.
     This does, however, _6_that one should always follow its leader. In most aspects of my life, I am
extremely_7_. No one carries my purse and parcels. I have gone bravely into wildly different life
changes, _8_when it comes to_9_,  show me a flag and I"ll follow it.
     The group leaders were a bit nervous at first. But I promised them that my not speaking Chinese was
not a problem. I"d just go 10   they pointed. There was one little  11   however. I wouldn"t be eating
Chinese food with them. I would find an eatery(小餐馆) nearby and enjoy local cuisine. It worked out
     Since I was single, I usually  12   a room with another woman. On my first trip, to Egypt, I couldn"t
have been  13  . They paired me up with Shelley, who  14   fluent English and we adored each other
almost instantly. The second time, my potential roommate took one look at me and said she"d rather
sleep with her friends on a rollaway in   15   room. I was  16   at first, but then realised I"d have a room
to myself, so why got upset?
     Travelling in a group meant that the first day we were all 17  ,  but we got familiar  18  each other on
the bus and   19   each other"s faces quickly in a crowd. We got  20  comfortable with each other and
soon a family atmosphere developed.
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(     )1. A. never        
(     )2. A. and          
(     )3. A. good          
(     )4. A. fine          
(     )5. A. in            
(     )6. A. promise      
(     )7. A. dependent    
(     )8. A. but          
(     )9. A. play          
(     )10. A. where        
(     )11. A. issue        
(     )12. A. gave        
(     )13. A. disappointed
(     )14. A. talked      
(     )15. A. their        
(     )16. A. happy        
(     )17. A. strangers    
(     )18. A.by          
(     )19. A. looked for  
(     )20. A. frequently  
B. always        
B. because      
B. nervous      
B. ready        
B. with          
B. attract      
B. independent  
B. and          
B. rest          
B. once          
B. question      
B. lived        
B. disappointing
B. spoke        
B. our          
B. interested    
B. familiar      
B. in            
B. found        
B. much          
C. closely    
C. so        
C. ambitious  
C. possible  
C. for        
C. recommend  
C. helpful    
C. then      
C. travel    
C. how        
C. thing      
C. shared    
C. lucky      
C. said      
C. her        
C. upset      
C. friends    
C. among      
C. found out  
C. less      
D. only            
D. since            
D. kind            
D. never            
D. by              
D. require          
D. helpless        
D. so              
D. sleep            
D. when            
D. problem          
D. divided          
D. luckier          
D. told            
D. my              
D. angry            
D. families        
D. with            
D. searched        
D. increasingly