完形填空     A large cat arrived at a farm where many mice lived.None of them dared

完形填空     A large cat arrived at a farm where many mice lived.None of them dared

完形填空     A large cat arrived at a farm where many mice lived.None of them dared go outside for fear of
being   1   by the cat.
     The mice decided to hold a   2   to find a way of stopping themselves from being in_3_.One day,
when the cat was out, mice of all ages   4   into the meeting room.
     "Let"s build a big trap, "one mouse  5  .When this idea was  6  , another said, "What about
poisoning (毒死) her?"But  7   knew where to buy the poison.One young mouse, whose mother had
become the cat"s food,   8   said, "Let"s cut her teeth, so she can do no more harm."But the meeting
did not accept his  9  .
     At last, one mouse,   10   than the rest, jumped onto a table.Waving a bell, he called for  11  , "Be
quiet!We"ll tie this bell to the cat"s tail, so we"ll always know   12   she is!We"ll have  13    to escape,
and the slower and weaker mice will hear her coming and be able to  14  !" Hearing the words, everyone
got  15   and they congratulated him on his good idea.
     "We"ll tie it so tightly (紧紧地) that it will never  16  !"
     "She"ll never be able to walk 17   again!Why, the other day, she suddenly appeared right in front
of me!Just imagine..."
     However, the wise mouse said, "We must  18    who is going to tie it on her tail." There was not a
sound in the room.Nobody was  19   enough to put the plan into action.The meeting ended without any
decision being made.
     It"s often very  20   to have bright ideas, but putting them into practice is a more difficult matter.
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(     )1. A. trained    
(     )2. A. party      
(     )3. A. return      
(     )4. A. rushed      
(     )5. A. questioned  
(     )6. A. supported  
(     )7. A. everybody  
(     )8. A. angrily    
(     )9. A. present    
(     )10. A. younger    
(     )11. A. pleasure  
(     )12. A. where      
(     )13. A. experience
(     )14. A. shout      
(     )15. A. worried    
(     )16. A. drop off  
(     )17. A. gladly    
(     )18. A. believe    
(     )19. A. honest    
(     )20. A. easy      
B. taught      
B. test        
B. danger      
B. swam        
B. explained  
B. discussed  
B. nobody      
B. happily    
B. reason      
B. longer      
B. silence    
B. what        
B. power      
B. watch      
B. excited    
B. turn up    
B. quickly    
B. learn      
B. brave      
B. difficult  
C. caught      
C. game        
C. fact        
C. flew        
C. suggested  
C. accepted    
C. somebody    
C. carefully  
C. idea        
C. stronger    
C. help        
C. how        
C. time        
C. stay        
C. surprised  
C. get up      
C. quietly    
C. imagine    
C. rich        
C. strange    
D. invited      
D. meeting      
D. need        
D. stepped      
D. answered    
D. refused      
D. anybody      
D. slowly      
D. excuse      
D. wiser        
D. information  
D. who          
D. space        
D. hide        
D. tired        
D. put off      
D. directly    
D. decide      
D. old          
D. important    
1-5: CDBAC  6-10: DBACD  11-15: BACDB  16-20: ACDBA
     Sitting in the play area of the doctor"s office, my children, Paul, four, and Bailey, three, built a Lego
tower while we waited to be called for Paul"s examination.
     "Good job, you guys, "I said, trying not to sound too tired.My husband was away on business, and
it was difficult being alone with the kids.At times I felt like I was living in the jungle (丛林) rather than
the suburbs.
     "Don"t put the Lego in your mouth, Bailey, " I said.Paul grabbed (抓取) it from him."That"s not nice,
Paul, " I said.He gave back the Lego.I looked around the waiting room.A woman was eating something,
a couple were talking, and an old gentleman in a blue jacket was reading a magazine.I wished I could sit
quietly for a while.I wanted to be able to take a rest, or go shopping alone.At once, I was ashamed of
myself.What kind of mother was I?"God, " I thought, "help me to be the very best mom I can be."
     The nurse came into the waiting room to get us.Just at that moment, the old gentleman in the waiting
room put down his magazine and came up to me.With a smile on his face, he said, "Your children are
most certainly lucky to have such a wonderful mother.""Thank you, "I replied in a low voice and watched
him walk back to his seat.We followed the nurse into the examination room.While she weighed Paul, I
told her how that man had made my day.
     Motherhood is still a jungle sometimes, but now when I feel tired I remember the encouraging words
of the old gentleman.
1. The writer went to the doctor"s office because________.
A. one of her children liked to play there
B. her son Paul needed an examination
C. she was tired and needed to see her doctor
D. she wanted to have all her children examined
2. From Paragraph 2, we know the writer felt that looking after her children alone was________.
A. unfair B. happy  
C. hard  D. interesting
3. The writer criticized Paul when he________.
A. put the Lego into Bailey"s mouth
B. took away the toy from Bailey
C. made trouble in the waiting room
D. didn"t follow her advice
4. In the old gentleman"s opinion, the writer________.
A. lived a very hard life
B. was a very good mother
C. didn"t love her children enough
D. was lucky to have so lovely children
5. What can we learn from the passage?
A. The writer often went shopping alone.
B. The writer"s husband was always on business.
C. The writer doesn"t know how to be a good mother.
D. The writer was greatly encouraged by the old gentleman"s words.
     "How was school, Ben?" I asked my grandson after he began kindergarten (幼儿园) this year."The
work is too long...and there"s not enough time to play, " he replied.
     I couldn"t help but remember Ben"s own mother, my daughter, Jane, and her reaction (反应) to the
first day of school.Julie was also disappointed with the first day of school and so was her little sister."I
want to go "sool"and you not let me!" my threeyearold daughter announced angrily after her big sister got
on the big yellow school bus.
     When Julie returned home that afternoon I asked her the same question that I asked Ben, "How was
school, Julie?" Julie replied, "I didn"t learn to read today."
     This year as the school bus went by my house, my mind went back to those school days again.I could
almost smell the chalk dust in the air.I also wonder what the children these days manage to get chosen to
do in order to get out of school for a few moments since there are no erasers to clean.It was fun to be
"chosen" for eraser cleaning duty.This was a task finished by going outside and beating erasers together
while sneezing and coughing.No_wonder_so_many_babies_now_have_allergies_(过敏症), it"s_simply_
     On the first day of school, the expectation was so great that I would ready long before it was time to
leave for school.We didn"t miss having backpacks because we had cigar boxes.We carried our small
supplies inside a cigar box from one of the local stores.We saved the cigar boxes and used them from
year to year until they fell apart.
     The first day of school was exciting.It was a new beginning.The doors of knowledge had been opened.The first day of school is an event in our lives that most of us remember.It"s a big step for a small child
toward leaving babyhood behind and so "there isn"t enough time to play".
     No matter how old we get, nor how much we learn, it still seems like "The work is too long...and
there"s not enough time to play."
1. Why did Jane become angry according to the passage?
A. Because she didn"t learn to read on the first day of school.
B. Because there was too much work for her to do at school.
C. Because she had no time to play at school.
D. Because she wasn"t allowed to go to school.
2. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 suggests that________.
A. the author was thinking of her school days jokingly
B. the author warned students against the harm of chalk dust
C. the author suffered from an allergy because of chalk dust
D. the author doubted whether her lungs had chalk dust
3. When the author went to school, she________.
A. usually carried a backpack full of books
B. used to fill a cigar box with small things
C. wasn"t happy and expected nothing
D. often had a cigar box instead of a backpack
4. In the opinion of the author, the first day of school is________.
A. a day when a child is the happiest
B. a day when a child does much work
C. the beginning of great learning
D. the end of childhood full of toys
5. Which of the following may the author agree with?
A. Children have too much homework to do now.
B. Teachers should make their classes interesting on the first day of school.
C. School days haven"t changed over years.
D. People never have enough time to play once they start school.
     A couple of weeks ago,my friend offered to sell some of our things for us.I thought it
was a good opportunity to__1__my 7yearold son’s room and__2__  some toys that were
no longer suitable for him to play with.We__3__that all the money we got from selling the
toys would be his money.
     The night before the__4__,we loaded up the truck with toys and a little bike that was
too__5__for him.In the yard he__6__the bike for the last time and then happily put it onto
the truck.This little bike had at least two previous  owners as far as we__7__.I wasn’t in the
best__8__and was certainly not new,but the tires were__9__good.
     We put a price of $10 on it,but it didn’t sell.So,after the sale was__10__,my friend
put it on the sidewalk with a sign that__11__  “FREE BIKE”.Within five minutes her
doorbell rang.A little boy was__12__there.In poor English he asked whether the bike was
__13__free.She said yes and that he could have it for__14__.He smiled,got on the bike
and rode away.
     Later that evening when I told my son how much money he  had made at the sale,he was
very__15_,shouting happily.He asked about a few of his things,wondering__16__they  
had been sold.When he asked about the bike,I told him about the little boy and that made
him__17__.He was much happier than when I told him how much he had__18__.He was so
happy to__19__that someone else would make  good__20__of that little bike!
(     )1.A.clean
(     )2.A.look for
(     )3.A.refused
(     )4.A.trip
(     )5.A.weak
(     )6.A.rode
(     )7.A.doubted
(     )8.A.time
(     )9.A.also
(     )10.A.ahead
(     )11.A.said
(     )12.A.jumping
(     )13.A.barely
(     )14.A.something
(     )15.A.calm
(     )16.A.when
(     )17.A.smile
(     )18.A.enjoyed
(     )19.A.hear
(     )20.A.interest

B.go through
B money

C.show off

D.deal with

     Jenna, a popular girl from Westwood Middle School, had graduated first in her class and was ready
for new _1_ in high school.
     __2_,  high school was different. In the first week, Jenna went to tryouts(选拔赛) for cheerleaders
(拉拉队队员). She was competing against very talented girls, and she knew it would be __3_ for her to
be selected. Two hours later, the __4__ read a list of the girls for a second tryout. Her heart __5__ as
the list ended without her name. Feeling __6_,  she walked home carrying her schoolbag full of
     Arriving home, she started with math. She had always been a good math student, but now she was
__7__.She moved on to English and history, and was __8_ to find that she didn"t have any trouble with
those subjects. Feeling better, she decided not to __9_ math for the time being.
    The next day Jenna went to see Mrs Biden about being on the school  10  . Mrs Biden wasn"t as   11 
 as Jenna. "I"m sorry, but we haveenough   12   for the newspaper already. Come back next year and
we"ll talk then." Jenna smiled   13   and left. "Why is high school so   14  ?" she sighed.
Later in   15   class, Jenna devoted herself to figuring out the problems that had given her so much   16  .
By the end of class, she understood how to get them right. As she gathered her books, Jenna decided
she"d continue to try to   17   at her new school. She wasn"t sure if she"d succeed, but she knew she had
to  18  . High school was just as her mom had said: "You will feel like a small fish in a big pond   19   a
big fish in a small pond. The challenge is to become the    20   fish you can be."       
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(     )1. A. processes      
(     )2. A. Therefore      
(     )3. A. difficult      
(     )4. A. editor        
(     )5. A. jumped        
(     )6. A. strange        
(     )7. A. struggling    
(     )8. A. ashamed        
(     )9. A. put up        
(     )10. A. committee    
(     )11. A. enthusiastic  
(     )12. A. speakers      
(     )13. A. widely        
(     )14. A. similar      
(     )15. A. physics      
(     )16. A. pleasure      
(     )17. A. fit in        
(     )18. A. swim          
(     )19. A. in return for
(     )20. A. slimmest      
B. decisions      
B. However        
B. easy            
B. boss            
B. sank            
B. happy          
B. improving      
B. disappointed    
B. prepare for    
B. newspaper      
B. artistic        
B. readers        
B. weakly          
B. ordinary        
B. history        
B. hope            
B. look out        
B. try            
B. in case of      
B. smallest        
C. challenges    
C. Otherwise    
C. boring        
C. candidate    
C. stopped      
C. awful        
C. working      
C. shocked      
C. worry about  
C. radio        
C. sympathetic  
C. cheerleaders  
C. excitedly    
C. different    
C. English      
C. trouble      
C. stay up      
C. ask          
C. in terms of  
C. best          
D. exercises    
D. Besides      
D. interesting  
D. judge        
D. raced        
D. lonely      
D. complaining  
D. relieved    
D. give up      
D. team        
D. realistic    
D. writers      
D. brightly    
D. familiar    
D. math        
D. sorrow      
D. get around  
D. escape      
D. instead of  
D. gentlest    
     It was a Sunday and the heavy storm had lasted all night.The morning after the storm, though, was
beautiful:blue skies, warm air and a calm, inviting sea touching the shore gently.
     My father realised it was a good day for fishing and invited my sister and me to go with him.I was
only 14 and fishing had never been my thing, but I decided to go all the same.I"m_so_glad_I_did.
     On the road to the harbour we could see the terrible destruction on the coast, but the harbour itself
was in fairly good shape.After all, it was protected by the arms of a bay that had only one tiny channel
to the sea.As we got on board, we noticed two big humps(脊背) in the distance.
     On approaching them, we saw it was a mother whale with her baby.We couldn"t believe it-there
aren"t any whales along the coast here.The storm must have driven them across the ocean into the bay,
in which the still water was so badly polluted that nothing could survive.
     The little baby whale-actually as big as our boat-was obviously stuck and could not move.The mother
dived under the water and came up suddenly, making big whirlpools(漩涡) and waves."She"s trying to
help her baby, but on the wrong side, "my father said.At this point, my father moved our boat in a
semicircle to the other side and, heading the boat towards the baby whale, pushed it gently.With our
several gentle pushes the big hump turned over and disappeared under water.Then it swam up right
beside its mum.They struggled in their desperate attempts to escape but missed the exit and started
heading in the wrong direction.We hurried up to the whales and tried to lead them towards the bay
channel.Slowly, they let us lead them, sometimes rising from the water right beside us to breathe-and to
give us a trusting look with those huge eyes. Once they hit their first part of clean water flowing straight
from the sea, the mum gave us a wave with her tail and off they swam into the distance.
     In the excitement it had felt like only a few minutes, but we had been with those wonderful animals for
almost an hour and a half.That was the simple and lasting beauty of the day.Nearly four decades later, I
still look back fondly to that golden day at sea.
1. The author says "I"m so glad I did."(in Para. 2)because    .
A. he witnessed the whole process of fishing
B. he enjoyed the beauty of the calm sea
C. he experienced the rescue of the whales
D. he spent the weekend with his family
2. The harbour survived the storm owing to ________.
A. the shape of the harbour
B. the arms of the bay
C. the still water in the channel
D. the long coast line
3. The mother whale failed to help her baby because ________.
A. she had stayed in the polluted water for too long
B. the whirlpools she had made were not big enough
C. she had no other whales around to turn to for help
D. the waves pushed her baby in the wrong direction
4. What is the theme of the story?
A. Saving lives brings people a sense of happiness.
B. Fishing provides excitement for children.
C. It"s necessary to live in harmony with animals.
D. It"s vital to protect the environment.