完形填空。     My 8-year-old son, Kevin, has made friends with some boys in the neigh

完形填空。     My 8-year-old son, Kevin, has made friends with some boys in the neigh

完形填空。     My 8-year-old son, Kevin, has made friends with some boys in the neighborhood. He has been  1  with them after school. My wife,Qugen, and I are _2_ he has other kids to be with and we have_3_ and encouraged him to play with his friends. We also want Kevin to learn _4_,so we have asked him to tell us   5 _  he"s going and to come home at a specified time.
     The    6   started when Kevin didn"t come home on time. On one occasion,I asked Kevin to be back at 6 pm. By 6:30,I needed to go    7   him. I found him at a friend"s house,and he looked _8_ that he couldn"t continue playing. After we came home,I sat Kevin down for a talk about the  9  of keeping his word. I told him I was not worried about him arriving a few _10_ late,but after half an hour,I"m going to be  11  . He told me he understood.
     The next day,I came home from work at about 6:30 p.m. and Qugen asked me to go and get Kevin  _12_ she said he should be back home at 6. I walked to his friend"s house and a look of _13_ appeared on Kevin"s face when he came to the door.
     At   14  ,Qugen and I spoke to Kevin about why he didn"t come home on time again. He said he just wanted to _15_ playing. This was   16   ,so Qugen and I decided to ground (罚不准出门) him for a week. This   17   no playing with his friends.
     For the next week,whenever his friends came to ask for Kevin,we let him _18_ to them that he was grounded. We felt this would help him be responsible for his  19  .
     As a   20  , I believe one of the most important things we can teach our kids is self-responsibility and that actions have consequences.
(     )1. A. studying    
(     )2. A. glad        
(     )3. A. made        
(     )4. A. amusements  
(     )5. A. when        
(     )6. A. changes    
(     )7. A. looking for
(     )8. A. angry      
(     )9. A. quality    
(     )10. A. hours      
(     )11. A. satisfied  
(     )12. A. if        
(     )13. A. guilt      
(     )14. A. home      
(     )15. A. finish    
(     )16. A. impossible
(     )17. A. meant      
(     )18. A. reply      
(     )19. A. decisions  
(     )20. A. teacher    
B. playing        
B. lucky          
B. allowed        
B. communication  
B. why            
B. conflicts      
B. picking up    
B. nervous        
B. importance    
B. minutes        
B. shocked        
B. unless        
B. disappointment
B. school        
B. keep          
B. impolite      
B. suggested      
B. apologize      
B. words          
B. parent        
C. chatting      
C. worried      
C. trained      
C. honesty      
C. where        
C. worries      
C. waiting for  
C. disappointed  
C. stories      
C. days          
C. surprised    
C. because      
C. excitement    
C. work          
C. learn        
C. unacceptable  
C. showed        
C. tell          
C. actions      
C. writer        
D. quarreling            
D. sure                  
D. forced                
D. responsibility        
D. whenever              
D. problems              
D. calling up            
D. ashamed              
D. ways                  
D. times                
D. concerned            
D. so                    
D. hatred                
D. office                
D. stop                  
D. unbelievable          
D. implied              
D. explain              
D. friends              
D. professor                                
1-5: BABDC  6-10: DACBB  46-50DCAAB 11-15: CADCB
     "What"s it like to have a gap between your teeth?" a girl asked me one day.
     Nobody had ever   1   before. My hand unconsciously rose to cover my mouth. But, as she looked at
me, sincerely waiting for   2  , I realized she was not trying to be rude. "I never think about it," I truthfully
replied. She nodded and turned away. I was left wondering if people   3   me and saw only happy teeth.
     Later that day at home, I began to   4   my teeth again. I felt upset. I thought my life would be somehow better if my teeth were not happy. How I wanted the perfect teeth that everyone else seemed to have!
     Of course, Mom   5   everything. She has lived her entire life with happy teeth, and tried to convince me
that there was nothing to   6  . When I refused to listen, she told me I could get the surgery to close the gap
if it was that important. "Let"s be   7  , though," she said. "If everyone got surgeries to become pretty,
everyone would be exactly the same. There is beauty in differences."
    Her   8   made me consider my teeth seriously. the thought of losing my gap was more terrible than the
reality that people were going to notice it. I realized how important it was to me. It is part of my   9  .
     Nowadays many people do ridiculous things to realize their dream of "perfection." The   10   is that no
one is perfect. When all potential for ugliness is removed, so is all of the potential for   11  .
So if that girl ever asked about my teeth   12  , I would truthfully answer, "You know? It"s really cute."
题型:湖南省高考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:湖南省高考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:湖南省高考真题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. faced  
(     )2. A. an offer
(     )3. A. heard of
(     )4. A. consider  
(     )5. A. admitted  
(     )6. A. worry about
(     )7. A. friendly
(     )8. A. words  
(     )9. A. ability
(     )10. A. possibility
(     )11. A. courage
(     )12. A. once  
B. guessed
B. an answer
B. thought of
B. brush
B. noticed
B. put off
B. lovely
B. jokes
B. decision
B. purpose
B. wisdom  
B. again
C. asked
C. a suggestion
C. talked about
C. cover
C. controlled
C. give up
C. honest
C. dreams  
C. goal  
C. truth
C. kindness
C. too  
D. imagined    
D. a result    
D. looked at    
D. appreciate  
D. changed      
D. wipe out    
D. helpful      
D. acts        
D. identity    
D. choice      
D. beauty      
D. instead      
     What makes a gift special? Is it the price you see on the gift receipt? Or is it the look on the recipient"s
face when they receive it that determines the true value? What gift is worth the most?
     This Christmas I was debating what to give my father. My dad is a hard person to buy for because he
never wants anything. I pulled out my phone to read a text message from my mom saying that we were
leaving for Christmas shopping for him when I came across a message on my phone that I had locked.
The message was from my father. My eyes fell on a photo of a flower taken in Wyoming, and underneath
a poem by William Blake. The flower, a lone dandelion standing against the bright blue sky, inspired me. My dad had been reciting those words to me since I was a kid. That may even be the reason why I love
writing. I decided that those words would be my gift to my father.
     I called back. I told my mom to go without me and that I already created my gift. I sent the photo of
the cream-colored flower to my computer and typed the poem on top of it. As I was arranging the details another poem came to mind. The poem was written by Edgar Allan Poe; my dad recited it as much as he
did the other. I typed that out as well and searched online for a background to the words of it. The poem was focused around dreaming, and after searching I found the perfect picture. The image was painted with blues and greens and purples, twisting together to create the theme and wonder of a dream. As I watched both poems passing through the printer, the white paper coloring with words that shaped my childhood, I
felt that this was a gift that my father would truly appreciate.
     Christmas soon arrived. The minute I saw the look on my dad"s face as he unwrapped those swirling
black letters carefully placed in a cheap frame, I knew I had given the perfect gift.
1.  The idea for a special gift began to form when the author was _________.
A. doing shopping
B. having a debater
C. reading a message
D. leaving for Wyoming
2. The author"s inspiration for the gift came from _________.
A. a photo of a flower
B. a story about a kid
C. a call from the mother
D. a text about Christmas
3. The underlined word "it" in Paragraph 3 refers to a poem by _________.
A. the father
B. the author
C. William Blake
D. Edgar Allan Poe
4. The author made the gift by _________.
A. searching for the poems online
B. drawing the background by hand
C. painting the letters in three colors
D. matching the words with pictures
5. What is the main purpose of the passage? 
A. To show how to design images for gifts.
B. To suggest making gifts from one"s heart.
C. To explain how computers help create gifts.
D. To describe the gifts the author has received.
     A wise teacher once told me that every teenager needs to experience a not-so-fun first job from
working at a grocery store to the fast food industry.
     Now I still remember my first day at a fast food restaurant three years ago. I wanted to save up
money and buy my own car, so I applied everywhere I could that summer. The restaurant called me right
away and I thought to myself, this is going to be easy. Within four hours of my first shift (轮班), I had
angry customers who complained how slow I was. I watched in fear as a kid spilled his milk everywhere,
and I heard the words that no 16-year-old boy or anyone for that matter wants to hear:"Mike, there"s a
problem in the men"s bathroom and you might want gloves for this one." I realized right away that working at the restaurant was not going to be a picnic. The manager expected a clean environment and, particularly, fast service with a friendly smile.
     Over three years later I still work at that restaurant whenever I go home during vacations. I love my
co-workers there and all the customers know who I am. Every morning the same senior citizens come in
and get their morning coffees. They chat with us workers and joke around. Our smiles have just as much
to do with them making us a part of their everyday lives as the coffee does.
     From my first job at the restaurant, I learned teamwork and devotion. I also learned staying positive
no matter how rough things seem to get. I will forever carry the experience that I gained at the restaurant
with me as I go forward in my life.
1. Why did the author apply everywhere that summer? (No more than 12 words)  (2 marks)
2. What did the manager particularly expect the workers to do? (No more than 14 words)  (3 marks)
3. Why does the author still work at the restaurant during vacations? (No more than 13 words)  (2 marks)
4. What did the author learn from his first job? (No more than 13 words)  (3 marks)
     Big things were happening in my life the summer after I turned 13. In the middle of that summer , my
parents   1  my entire world and turned it upside down   2  they told me they were getting a divorce(离婚).
I couldn"t believe that our family was going to   3  . Though I always knew my parents weren"t very happy
and they often   4  , I still wanted my family to stay the same.
     My life changed completely   5    the divorce . My mother and I moved into a small apartment across
town ,   6    my father and brother , Bill , stayed in our house . I now became a   7  whenever I went to see my dad and Bill on the weekends . And immediately I had my soon-to-be stepfather , Dan , whom I showed no   8    in . I was depressed , especially after Dan and my mother married and I realized that there was
no   9  that things could change back to the way they were.
     Even though I  10   all Dan"s attempts to get to know me and wasn"t very   11    to him , he never gave
up on me.   12  , I began to trust him . I realized that we actually had some things in   13 , especially when
it came to movies and TV shows . We  14  a lot of time together hanging out watching TV. That gave us a
chance to talk and get to know each other.
     Better still , Dan showed an interest in me that I had never experienced from my own father. Dan was
always around when I needed   15  on school or friends . Once I began to warm up to Dan , the three of
us began spending a lot of time together . We often went out to eat and took short trips .   16  , I
discovered that I had the happy family that I had always wanted.
     I now realize my parents were   17    about getting the divorce . Their divorce was the best thing to
happen for all of us . My father also found happiness-he  18    and had another child , my half-sister ,
At 13, I learned an important   19  -change is not always the worst thing that can  20 , Sometimes , it is
just what we need the most.
题型:江西省月考题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. created    
(     )2. A. unless      
(     )3. A. break up    
(     )4. A. whispered  
(     )5. A. throughout  
(     )6. A. where      
(     )7. A. visitor    
(     )8. A. confidence  
(     )9. A. doubt      
(     )10. A. forgot    
(     )11. A. serious    
(     )12. A. Gradually  
(     )13. A. mind      
(     )14. A. spent      
(     )15. A. experience
(     )16. A. However    
(     )17. A. wrong      
(     )18. A. remarried  
(     )19. A. method    
(     )20. A. exist      
B. shook        
B. if          
B. hold up      
B. fought      
B. beyond      
B. although    
B. relative    
B. interest    
B. differenc    
B. supported    
B. nice        
B. Immediately  
B. trouble      
B. wasted      
B. information  
B. Besides      
B. confident    
B. returned    
B. truth        
B. remain      
C. entered      
C. when          
C. keep up      
C. talked        
C. before        
C. while        
C. neighbor      
C. fear          
C. point        
C. resisted(抵抗)
C. bad          
C. Usually      
C. common        
C. lost          
C. impression    
C. Finally      
C. guilty        
C. changed      
C. skill        
C. continue      
D. occupied(占据)  
D. until          
D. show up        
D. competed        
D. after          
D. that            
D. stranger        
D. anger          
D. way            
D. valued          
D. generous        
D. Regularly      
D. order          
D. saved          
D. advice          
D. Occasionally    
D. right          
D. left            
D. word            
D. happen          
     Once upon a time there was one storyteller who wanted to search for a real-life story.
     He reached a village and took a cottage for rent. After   1    in the village throughout the month, the
storyteller couldn"t find one.   2  , he decided to stop his search.
     The next day, while sitting in the cottage, he suddenly heard a voice - a woman was   3    someone.
The voice was coming from the big   4    behind his cottage.
     It sounded like the woman was abusing her   5  . The storyteller didn"t like it,   6    he was happy to
finally get his story.   7    the conversations each day, he added them to his story. Though he couldn"t  8  
 the characters of his story, he started   9    the mother-in-law, as she seemed to be a bad woman.
     Before he finished his  10 , the storyteller wanted to see the   11  once, so he climbed the wall.
     There he saw the mother-in-law sitting in a   12  . It seemed that she was disabled.
     He saw the old lady trying to  13    a food item on the table near her wheelchair. But because of her 
  14  , she couldn"t reach it and the daughter-in-law looked like she was enjoying the old lady"s   15   
     Suddenly the old lady fell from the wheelchair and started   16    her daughter-in-law. The storyteller
went back and  17   changed the ending of the story and was surprised at how   18    it was compared to
what he once thought it would be.
     Truly he found both a real-life story and a real-life   19  : Never judge a situation unless you know all
the aspects well. Sometimes you can"t imagine your   20    from the reality.
题型:江西省期中题难度:| 查看答案


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(     )1. A. running        
(     )2. A. Disappointed    
(     )3. A. looking at      
(     )4. A. loudspeaker    
(     )5. A. father-in-law  
(     )6. A. and            
(     )7. A. Writing        
(     )8. A. imagine        
(     )9. A. hating          
(     )10. A. conversation  
(     )11. A. hostess        
(     )12. A. wheelchair    
(     )13. A. eat            
(     )14. A. hand          
(     )15. A. foolishness    
(     )16. A. abusing        
(     )17. A. hardly        
(     )18. A. different      
(     )19. A. fault          
(     )20. A. confidence    
B. recognizing  
B. Frightened    
B. pointing at  
B. wall          
B. mother-in-law
B. but          
B. Telling      
B. forget        
B. liking        
B. story        
B. results      
B. cottage      
B. get          
B. arm          
B. happiness    
B. doubting      
B. gradually    
B. familiar      
B. lesson        
B. mistake      
C. judging        
C. Bored          
C. shouting at    
C. village        
C. son-in-law    
C. so            
C. Listening to  
C. find          
C. appreciating  
C. adventure      
C. evidence      
C. yard          
C. put            
C. condition      
C. carelessness  
C. laughing at    
C. quickly        
C. obvious        
C. trick          
C. knowledge      
D. wandering          
D. Worried            
D. staring at        
D. tree              
D. daughter-in-law    
D. then              
D. Making up          
D. see                
D. missing            
D. scene              
D. characters        
D. bed                
D. hold              
D. shortcoming        
D. helplessness      
D. deciding on        
D. frequently        
D. violent            
D. motto              
D. distance