语法填空。     阅读下面的短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的 要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。      Thomas

语法填空。     阅读下面的短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的 要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。      Thomas

     阅读下面的短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的 要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或
使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。      Thomas and Inger, who live in Sweden, are the happiest couple in the world. Two years ago, they were
sailing on a boat a few kilometres 1_____ the beach. Thomas asked Inger to marry him and he gave her the 
2_____ (nice) gold ring he could afford to buy. While putting the ring on Inger"s finger Thomas lost his
balance, slipped over and sent the ring flying into the sea. 3_____ (see) the ring drop into the water, they
were sure it was lost forever.
     That 4_____ (last) until week, when Mr. Carlsson came to visit them. Several days earlier Mr Carlsson,
who is the 5_____ (own) of a fish shop, was getting a fresh load of fish 6_____ (sell) at his shop. When he
was cutting open one of the fish he discovered it contained 7_____ beautiful gold ring. Inside the ring he read
the words "To Inger, All my love, Thomas" and was curious to know 8_____ it came from. Mr. Carlsson
visited all the jewelers in town until he found the person 9_____ had made the ring. After leaming the address
of the rightful owner, Mr. Carlsson was able to return the ring.
     Meanwhile Thomas had bought Inger a replacement ring. Inger now loves both her wedding rings 10_____
thinks the one the fish ate is the better one.
1. off/from  2. nicest  3. Having seen/Seeing  4. lasted  5. owner
6. sold  7. a  8. where  9. who  10. but
完形填空。     The following Monday Steve arrived at school on time, and he waited for Miss White to enter the classroom.
She   1  , all smiles! God, she was beautiful! He yearned (渴望) for her smile to   2   on him. It did not.
     Miss White, immediately, gave a quiz on the weekend homework. Steve   3   the test, and was the first to
hand in his paper. With a look of   4  , Miss White took his paper. Obviously puzzled, she began to look it over.
Steve walked back to his   5  , his heart pounding within his chest. As he sat down, he couldn"t resist (忍住)
another look at the   6   woman.
     Miss White"s face was in total   7  ! She glanced up at Steve, then down, then up; Suddenly, her face broke
into a complete   8  . The smartest boy in the seventh grade had just passed his first   9  !
     From that moment  10  was the same for Steve. Life at home remained the same, but life still  11 . He
discovered that not only could he  12 , but he was good at it! He discovered that he could understand and get 
 13 , and that he could translate the things he learned into his own life. Steve began to excel (优秀)! And he
continued this  14  throughout his school life.
     After high-school Steve enlisted (参加) in the Navy, and he had a(n)  15  military career. During that time,
he met the love of his life, he  16  a family, and he graduated from college Magna Cum Laude. During his Naval
career, he  17  many young people, who without him, might not have believed in themselves. Steve began a
second  18  after the Navy, and he continues to inspire others, as an adjunct (助手) professor in a nearby college. 
     Miss White left a great legacy (遗产). She  19  one boy who has changed many lives. I know, because I am
the love of his life.
     You see, it"s  20 , really. A change took place within the heart of one boy, all because of one teacher, who
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. walked in       
(     )2. A. rely            
(     )3. A. looked through  
(     )4. A. unbelief       
(     )5. A. room            
(     )6. A. lovely         
(     )7. A. happiness       
(     )8. A. laughter       
(     )9. A. paper           
(     )10. A. everything      
(     )11. A. changed          
(     )12. A. learn        
(     )13. A. information       
(     )14. A. subject       
(     )15. A. easy           
(     )16. A. left           
(     )17. A. inspired       
(     )18. A. school         
(     )19. A. loved            
(     )20. A. simple        
B. passed by      
B. turn        
B. glanced through 
B. joy          
B. blackboard      
B. strict       
B. shock         
B. cries           
B. test         
B. everybody        
B. passed       
B. write          
B. skills       
B. course          
B. hard               
B. raised  
B. taught        
B. service        
B. saved         
B. important   
C. looked out     
C. mind            
C. hurried through  
C. surprise          
C. paper          
C. maths                  
C. anger        
C. smile                
C. seat          
C. nobody           
C. improved         
C. listen              
C. knowledge        
C. test           
C. long              
C. support             
C. helped          
C. career          
C. treated     
C. difficult
D. moved out        
D. try         
D. went through   
D. sadness          
D. desk         
D. young            
D. disappointment              
D. amazement        
D. class         
D. nothing         
D. stayed            
D. speak      
D. grades             
D. speed      
D. successful        
D. met           
D. liked         
D. life            
D. hated    
D. necessary     
     One stormy night, many years ago, an elderly man and his wife entered the lobby (休息室) of a small hotel
in Philadelphia. Trying to get out of the   1  , the couple approached the front desk hoping to get some   2   for
the night.
     "Could you possibly give us a room here?" the husband asked.
     The clerk, a   3   man with a winning smile, looked at the couple and   4  , "All of our rooms are taken,   5  
 I can"t send a nice couple like you out into the rain at one o"clock in the morning. Would you perhaps be   6   
to sleep in my room? It"s not   7   a suite (套房), but it will be good enough to make you folks   8   for the night."
When the couple   9  , the young man pressed on. "Don"t worry about me; I"ll  10  just fine," the clerk said. So
the couple  11 .
     As he  12  his bill the next morning, the elderly man said to the clerk, "You are the kind of manager who
should be  13  of the best hotel in the United States. Maybe someday I"ll build one for you." The clerk looked at
them and smiled. The three of them had a good  14 . As they drove away, the elderly couple agreed the helpful
clerk was indeed exceptional (例外的), as finding people who are both friendly and helpful isn"t easy.
     The clerk had almost forgotten the incident  15  he received a letter from the old man. It  16  that stormy
night and enclosed (附上) a round-trip  17  to New York, asking the young man to pay them a  18 . The old
man met him in New York, and led him to the comer of Fifth Avenue and 34th Street. He then  19  a great new
building there, a palace of reddish stone, with turrets (塔楼) and watchtowers thrusting up to the sky. "That",
said the old man, "is the hotel I have just built for you to  20 ."
     You never know whose heart you may be touching!
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. night     
(     )2. A. food      
(     )3. A. tall      
(     )4. A. explained 
(     )5. A. and       
(     )6. A. willing   
(     )7. A. possibly  
(     )8. A. ready     
(     )9. A. agreed    
(     )10. A. make out  
(     )11. A. left      
(     )12. A. saw       
(     )13. A. owner     
(     )14. A. laugh     
(     )15. A. after     
(     )16. A. reminded  
(     )17. A. sight     
(     )18. A. visit     
(     )19. A. pointed to
(     )20. A. stay      
B. tiredness   
B. clothes     
B. friendly    
B. demanded    
B. so          
B. anxious     
B. likely      
B. happy       
B. refused     
B. make up     
B. paid        
B. received    
B. boss        
B. time        
B. until       
B. recalled    
B. business    
B. bill        
B. looked up to    
B. manage      
C. rain        
C. water       
C. handsome    
C. suggested   
C. but         
C. eager       
C. exactly     
C. tired       
C. wondered    
C. pick up     
C. stayed      
C. checked     
C. clerk       
C. meal        
C. when        
C. reported    
C. ticket      
C. night       
C. walked up to   
C. visit       
D. hotel         
D. shelter       
D. young         
D. insisted      
D. unless        
D. kind        
D. almost        
D. comfortable         
D. doubted      
D. bring in      
D. came         
D. paid          
D. guest         
D. day          
D. while        
D. regretted    
D. picture       
D. meal          
D. pointed out   
D. serve       
     David Brown and Anne are two patients in the Adult Day Care program at Merey Hospital. David Brown is
seventy-two years old. He"s friendly and likes to talk. He lives with his wife in the city. But David is becoming
forgetful. His wife says, "He"ll heat up some soup, then forget to tum off the gas." She is sixty-one and still
works. She is worried about leaving her husband alone by himself.
     Anne is eighty and lives with her daughter, who is sixty. Her daughter says that she needs a rest, "Mom
follows me everywhere. She follows me from room to room when I am cleaning. She sits down next to me
when I am reading the newspaper. I need a rest and she does, too."
     And so, several times a week, David"s and Anne"s families take them to the Adult Day Care Centre. Many
hospitals have this program. Patients come to the centre for a full or half day, from one to five days a week.
All the patients live with their families and most are old people.
     In the centre, patients learn many things, such as dancing and painting. Many patients like to cook their
meals every day. Several men and women enjoy playing games. All the patients enjoy talking, singing and being
with one another.
     Mrs. Carol Johnson is the director of the Centre. She says, "We are offering both the patients and their
families a service of great value. Patients have the chance to get out of their houses. Husbands, wives or grown
children can work or have a rest. Most important of all, families are able to stay together."
1. Why does David Brown become a patient of the Adult Day Care Centre?
A. He is seventy-two years old.
B. He is lonely at home.
C. He is becoming forgetful.
D. He is seriously ill.
2. What happens to Anne" family?
A. Her daughter is too old to look after her.
B. Anne cleans all the rooms every day.
C. Her daughter doesn"t want Anne to live with her.
D. Her daughter is very tired because Anne always follows her.
3. Many patients prefer to stay in the Adult Day Care Centre because _____.
A. they are free to do anything they like
B. the centre can help husbands and wives to live peacefully together
C. they can live by themselves
D. it makes the whole family enjoy themselves
4. The best title of the passage should be _____.
A. How to Spend the Rest Years
B. The Adult Day Care Program
C. A Valuable Place
D. Happy Families at the Adult Day Care Centre
     Michael is the kind of guy you love to hate. He is always in a good   1   and always has something   2   to
     If an employee was having a bad day, Michael was there telling the   3   how to look on the positive (积极
的) side of the situation. Seeing this style really made me   4  , so one day I went up to Michael and asked him,
"I don"t   5  . You can"t be positive all the time. How do you do it?"
     Michael replied, "Each morning I   6   and say to myself Mike, you have two   7   today. You can choose
to be in a   8   mood or be in a bad mood. I   9   to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens, I can
choose to be a  10  or choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it."
     "Yeah, right. It isn"t that easy." I protested.
     "Yes it is," Michael said. "Life is all about choices. You thoose how you react  11  situations and how people
will affect your mood. You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. The bottom line is: It"s your choice  12  
you live life."
     Several years later, I heard Michael was involved in a serious  13 , falling off 60 feet from a communications
tower. After 18 hours of surgery, and weeks of iritensive  14 , Michael recovered. When I asked him what had 
 15  his mind as the accident took place.
     "The first thing that went through my mind was the well being of my soon-to-born daughter," Michael replied.
"Then, as I  16  on the ground, remembered I had two choices: I could choose to live or I could choose to  17 .
I chose to live."
     Michael lived, thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also  18  his amazing attitude.
     I learned from him  19  every day we have a choice to live fully.   20  is everything.
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(     )1. A. mood        
(     )2. A. active      
(     )3. A. trainee     
(     )4. A. moved       
(     )5. A. take it     
(     )6. A. make up     
(     )7. A. roads       
(     )8. A. good        
(     )9. A. decide      
(     )10. A. cook        
(     )11. A. by          
(     )12. A. what        
(     )13. A. thing       
(     )14. A. help        
(     )15. A. gone through         
(     )16. A. sat         
(     )17. A. move        
(     )18. A. so long as  
(     )19. A. what        
(     )20. A. Attitude    
B. sense                
B. positive             
B. interviewee       
B. interested        
B. hold it           
B. take up               
B. choices            
B. pretty        
B. choose               
B. receiver           
B. against                
B. that                  
B. incident   
B. care                 
B. broken through            
B. lay                      
B. leave     
B. in case of        
B. how             
B. Choice            
C. feeling        
C. reactive          
C. employee       
C. precious          
C. make it          
C. wake up          
C. ways             
C. nice             
C. feel              
C. victim        
C. with            
C. how            
C. accident          
C. rest             
C. looked through         
C. stood            
C. die              
C. instead of    
C. that               
C. Person       
D. emotion           
D. negative          
D. bee            
D. curious          
D. get it            
D. bring up           
D. methods          
D. smart            
D. require                
D. leader      
D. to              
D. which        
D. state               
D. holiday          
D. read through               
D. lied           
D. remove            
D. because of   
D. which               
D. World       
     A sense of humor is just one of the many things shared by Alfred and Anthony Melillo, 64-year-old twin
brothers from East Haven who made history in February 2002. On Christmas Eve, 1992, Anthony had a heart
transplant from a 21-year-old donor. Two days before Valentine"s Day in 2002, Alfred received a 19-year-ok
heart, marking the first time on record that twin adults each received heart transplants.
     "I"m 15 minutes older than him, but now I"m younger because of my heart and I"m not going to respect
him," Alfred said with a grin, pointing to his brother while talking to a roomful of reporters. who laughed
frequently at their jokes.
     While the twins knew that genetics might have played a role in their condition,they recognized that their
eating habits might have also contributed to their heart problems. "We"d put half a pound of butter on a steak. 
I overdid it on all the food that tasted good, so guess I deserved what I got for not dieting properly."
     The discussion moved to Anthony"s recovery. In the five years since his heart transplant, he had been on
an exercise program where he regularly rode a bicycle for five miles, swam each day, and walked a couple
of miles. He was still on medication, but not nearly as much as Alfred, who was just in the early stage of his
     "Right now I feel pretty young and I"m doing very well," Anthony said. "I feel like a new person."
     Alfred said his goal, of course, was to feel even better than his brother. But, he added, "I love my brother
very much. We"re very close and I"m sure we"ll do just fine."
1. This article is mainly about _____.
A. the danger of heart transplant surgery
B. becoming young by getting a new heart
C. the effect of" genetics on the heart
D. the twin brothers who received heart transplants
2. What did Alfred and Anthony have in common?
A. Lifespan. 
B. Career goals.
C. A sense of humor.
D. Love for bicycling.
3. What did Alfred and Anthony think caused their heart problems?

A. Exercise.
B. Diet.
C. Surgery.
D. Medicines.

4. Why did Alfred say, "I"m 15 minutes older than him, but now I"m younger because of my heart"? 
A. His heart transplant surgery was more successful than Anthony"s.
B. His recovery from the heart surgery was faster than Anthony"s.
C. His exercise program was better than Anthony"s.
D. His new heart was younger than Anthony"s.