完形填空。     One afternoon I went to an art museum and I was looking forward to a q

完形填空。     One afternoon I went to an art museum and I was looking forward to a q

题型:0107 期中题难度:来源:
完形填空。     One afternoon I went to an art museum and I was looking forward to a quiet view of the masterpiece
(名作). A young couple looking at the paintings ahead of me talked   1   between themselves. I watched
them a moment and   2   she was doing all the talking.
     I admired his patience for   3   up with he talktiveness. Annoyed (恼怒) by her noise. I moved on.
     I   4   with them several times as I moved through the different rooms of art.   5   I heard her continouse
talking, I moved   6   quickly. I was at the counter of the gift shop when I   7   the couple going to the exit.
Before they left, the man took out a walking stick and then tapped his   8   into the coatroom to get his wife"s
     "He"s a(n)   9   man," the clerk at the counter said. "Most of us would  10  if we blinded at such a young
age. During his recovery, he said his wife wouldn"t change. So, as before, he and his wife come in  11  there
is a new art show."
     "But  12  does he get out of the art?" I asked. "He can"t see."
     "Can"t see! You"re  13 . He sees a lot. More than you or I do." The clerk said. "His wife  14  each painting
so he can see it in his  15 ."
     I  16  something about patience, courage and love that day. I saw the  17  of a young wife describing
paintings to a person without  18  and the courage of a husband who would not allow  19  to change his life.
And I saw the love  20  by two people as I watched this couple walk away hand in hand.
(     )1. A. continously
(     )2. A. heard      
(     )3. A. keeping    
(     )4. A. met        
(     )5. A. As though  
(     )6. A. on         
(     )7. A. watched    
(     )8. A. way        
(     )9. A. patient    
(     )10. A. give in    
(     )11. A. whenever   
(     )12. A. when       
(     )13. A. right      
(     )14. A. paints     
(     )15. A. eyes       
(     )16. A. learned    
(     )17. A. kindness   
(     )18. A. stop       
(     )19. A. blindness  
(     )20. A. shown      
B. carefully  
B. suggested  
B. staying    
B. quarrelled 
B. Now        
B. away       
B. considered    
B. road       
B. unlucky    
B. give up    
B. wherever   
B. if         
B. wrong      
B. buys       
B. ears       
B. found      
B. word       
B. sight      
B. ability    
B. valued     
C. sadly       
C. decided     
C. coming      
C. watched     
C. Each time   
C. in          
C. realized    
C. door        
C. brave          
C. give away   
C. however     
C. whether     
C. foolish     
C. admires     
C. head        
C. judged      
C. courage     
C. hearing     
C. care        
C. shared    
D. happily      
D. insisted     
D. putting      
D. hated        
D. Ever since   
D. out          
D. noticed      
D. direction    
D. clever       
D. give back                  
D. whoever      
D. what         
D. careless     
D. describes    
D. mouth        
D. considered   
D. patience     
D. mind         
D. carelessness 
D. received     
1-5 ACDAC   6-10 BDACB   11-15 ADBDC   16-20 ADBAC
    Last autumn I spent a week at a big hotel in London. It was one of those modern hotels   1   every room
is the same size   2   has the same furniture looking just like   3   other room.
    My room was 311. One   4  , I got back to the   5   after a dinner with some friends. When I opened the
door to my room I saw a(n)   6   scene. A man was pointing a handgun   7   a woman sitting in a chair, and
the woman was saying in a terrible voice: "Please don"t shoot me!" I turned round, ran down the stairs-I
daren"t wait for the   8   -and found a waiter in the hall. "Quick," I cried, "someone is being   9   in my room."
Controlling his surprise he came back with me,  10  when we opened the door of 311, the room was  11 .
The waiter looked at me  12  and said: "I think, sir, you  13  go to bed," and left. I was  14  puzzled to say
anything, and thinking that I must have had too much to  15 , I followed his  16 . The next morning, I asked
about the matter, and the  17  was simple, I had gone to Room 411, where a famous  18  and his wife had
been practising a scene from their new  19 . When I told them that it was I who had rushed into their room,
they laughed and gave me a  20  to see the play for the opening night.
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(     )1. A. which      
(     )2. A. and        
(     )3. A. all        
(     )4. A. time        
(     )5. A. building    
(     )6. A. exciting    
(     )7. A. on           
(     )8. A. waiter      
(     )9. A. beaten      
(     )10. A. though      
(     )11. A. empty      
(     )12. A. nervously  
(     )13. A. must        
(     )14. A. much        
(     )15. A. wonder at  
(     )16. A. words      
(     )17. A. explanation 
(     )18. A. actor      
(     )19. A. film        
(     )20. A. prize      
B. where      
B. so        
B. either    
B. afternoon  
B. room      
B. surprising 
B. to        
B. police    
B. killed    
B. so         
B. noisy      
B. strangely 
B. would rather     
B. so        
B. drink      
B. instructions
B. excuse    
B. player    
B. novel      
B. present    
C. for        
C. or         
C. some       
C. night      
C. hall       
C. inspiring     
C. at        
C. manager    
C. acted      
C. thus      
C. dirty     
C. sadly      
C. may        
C. too        
C. eat        
C. order      
C. saying    
C. dancer    
C. story      
C. ticket    
D. as                    
D. but              
D. every                 
D. moment              
D. hotel                
D. interesting       
D. against             
D. lift                
D. practised             
D. but                   
D. crowded         
D. excitedly            
D. had better          
D. rather               
D. worry about             
D. advice               
D. cause                
D. artist             
D. play                   
D. note       
    A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a box by his feet. He held up a sign which read, "I am blind,
please help." There were only a few coins in the box. The boy felt sad.
    A man walked by. He took a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the box.Then he took the
sign, turned it around and wrote some words. He put the sign back so that everyone who walked by would
see the new words.
    Soon the box was full. A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy. That afternoon the man who
had changed the sign came to see how things were. The boy recognized his footsteps and asked, "Were you
the one who changed my sign this morning? What did you write?"
    That man said, "I only wrote the truth. I said what you said but in a different way." What he had written
was, "today is a beautiful day and I can not see it." Do you think the first sign and the second sign were
saying the same thing? Of course both signs told people they were so lucky that they were not blind.
    Great men say, "In the journey of life, if you want to travel without fear, you must have the ticket of a
good conscience (良心)."
    It"s a beautiful thing to see a people smiling!And it"s even more beautiful to know that you are the reason
of a person"s smiling!
1. When did the man pass by and change the blind boy"s sign?
[     ]
A.In the morning.
B.At noon.
C.In the afternoon.
D.At night.
2. Why did the second sign have a better effect?
[     ]
A.It told the truth in a straight way.
B.It told the passing people a lie.
C.It told people to buy some tickets for the boy.
D.It told people to feel lucky for not being blind.
3. What do the first three paragraphs tell us?
[     ]
A.No pains, no gains.
B.Different ways, different results.
C.The early bird cathches the worm.
D.When the cat"s away, the mice will play.
4. According to the last paragraph, the most beautiful thing is _____.
[     ]
A.to know the reason of a person"s smiling
B.to see a person smiling.
C.to be the reason of a person"s smiling.
D.to be a person smiling.
     I was waiting for the bus to take me down from the Janiculum Hill into the city of Roma when I turned
and saw black smoke rising into the sky. It seemed to be coming from my studio, a small, cabin-like study
built up against the ancient Roman wall. I"d arrived there three weeks before with my most important thing:
the first draft (手稿) of my new novel. 
    The smoke? I thought of the electric coil (电热棒) I"d been using to heat water for the endless cups of tea
I need to fuel my writing. What if I had started heating water and forgotten about it? I supposed the coil had
turned over from the cup and started a fire that would not only destroy the studio but also the pages of work
I had spent years on and I could never rewrite. 
    I hurried back, but soon saw that the smoke came from the old leaves and branches in the neighbor"s
garden. I felt relieved (轻松的). But since I was now so close, I went into my study to have a look anyway.
    The electric coil was red, and the water I"d meant to use for tea before I left had all boiled out of the cup
that had already turned over and the red-hot coil had toppled (倾斜) onto the desk and was burning the wood.
My pages that might have burnt in a second were only inches away. 
    Drawn by the smoke, I"d come back just in time. "Thank God" I said. Of course, thank my luck.
1. The author was leaving for ______.
[     ]
A. the Janiculum Hill
B. his cabin-like study
C. the ancient Roman wall
D. the city of Rome
2. We can infer (推断) from the passage that the author ______.
[     ]
A. drank tea to work well
B. stayed there for months
C. often forgot what he had done
D. wrote a number of books
3. In fact, the smoke the author saw was rising from the ______.
[     ]
A. author"s studio
B. neighbor"s garden
C. author"s apartment
D. author"s kitchen
4. The author was worried about that ______.
[     ]
A. the electric coil couldn"t work
B. his valuable things would be burnt
C. the fire would burn down the neighbor"s house
D. his first draft would be burnt.
     After twenty years of shaving himself every morning, a man in a small Southern town thought he had
enough. He told his wife that he wanted to let the barber shave him every day. He put on his hat and coat
and went to the barber shop.
    The barber"s wife Grace was working that day, so she performed the task. Grace shaved him and said,
"That will be $20." The man was surprised, but he paid the bill and went to work.
    The next morning, the man looked in the mirror and his face was as smooth as it had been when he left
the barber shop the day before. "Not bad," he thought. "At least I don"t need to get a shave every day."
    The next morning, the man"s face was still smooth! Two weeks later, the man was still unable to find
any trace of whiskers on his face. It was more than he could take and he was frightened, so he returned
to the barber shop.
     "I thought $20 was too high for a shave, but now I think $20 is too little," he told the barber"s wife.
"You must have done a good job. It"s been two weeks and my whiskers still haven"t started growing back."
The expression on her face didn"t even change, and she said, "You were shaved by Grace. Once shaved,
always shaved."
1. It is implied in the first sentence of the passage that ______.
[     ]
A. the man lived a very poor life
B. the man liked shaving himself
C. the man finally got bored of shaving himself
D. the man decided not to shave again
2. We learn that at first the man thought $20 for a shave was ______.
[     ]
A. too little
B. too much
C. proper
D. impossible
3. What can we learn from the passage?
[     ]
A. Everybody in the town knows Grace.
B. Nobody wants to be shaved by Grace in the town.
C. The man"s whiskers grew back at last.
D. The man was scared by the resulted two weeks later.
     A mother, surnamed Wang, wondered why her daughter"s junior middle school had not held a parents"
meeting over the course of two terms, so she phoned the school. The teacher told her the school had been
meeting with parents every month.
     Faced with her mother"s discovery, the daughter, Ping Ping, a 13-year-old Grade-One middle school
student, admitted (承认) that she had hired the aunt of a classmate to play the role of her mother. She paid
the woman 50 yuan per meeting.
     Wang was very angry and slapped her daughter in the face.
     However, the girl appeared not to feel guilty (内疚) and stood her ground.
     "It is not my fault. Your bad behavior and dress style made me lose face," she said.
     Ping Ping complained that as far back as primary school, her mother had attended the parents" meeting
in the same black and white suit and acted as what the daughter described.
     When teachers invited parents to say a few words at the meeting, Wang often spoke with a very strong
local dialect (方言) while the other parents spoke fluent Mandarin and made brief speeches.
     Fearing that her mother would become a laughing stock (笑柄), Ping Ping decided to prevent her from
coming to parents" meeting.
     She hired her classmate"s aunt to attend the parents" meeting in her mother"s place.
     Mrs. Zhang, a psychologist, said it was common for young people to feel that other people"s parents
were more attractive and educated than their own. The incident helps make people realize misunderstanding
can occur between parents and young children when they do not talk to one another. 
     "Teachers should help students understand the hardships parents face and organize more group activities
for parents and children," Zhang said. 
    "Parents also need to communicate with their children regularly and try to behave themselves to become
role models.