In a recent announcement, Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(

In a recent announcement, Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(


In a recent announcement, Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT)said that they have joined forces to offer free online courses in an effort to attract millions of online learners worldwide.
Beginning this fall, a number of courses developed by teachers at both universities will be offered online through a new $60 million program, known as edX. “Anyone with an Internet connection anywhere in the world can use our online courses,” Harvard President Drew Faust said during a meeting to announce the plan.
MIT has offered a program called OpenCourseWare for ten years that makes materials from more than 2,000 classes free online. It has been used by more than 100 million people. In December, the school announced it also would begin offering a special certificate, known as MITx, for people who complete certain online courses. Harvard has long offered courses to a wider population through a similar program.
The MITx will serve as the foundation for the new learning platform.
MIT President Susan Hockfield said more than 120,000 people signed up for the first MITx course. She said Harvard and MIT hope other universities will join them in offering courses on the open-source edX platform.
Fasten your seatbelts,” Hockfield said.
Other universities, including Stanford, Yale and Carnegie-Mellon, have been experimenting with teaching to a global population online.
The Harvard-MIT program will be monitored by a not-for-profit(非盈利的)organization based in Cambridge, to be owned equally by the two universities. Both MIT and Harvard have provided $30 million to start the program. They also plan to use the edX platform to research how students learn and which teaching methods and tools are most successful.
小题1:According to this text, edX is _______.
A.a part of the free MIT OpenCourseWare
B.a free computer program by MIT and Harvard
C.a Harvard-MIT platform of free online courses
D.a free program online for universities worldwide
小题2:What is said about online education in the text?
A.Universities have been trying online courses.
B.About 2,000 online courses have been offered.
C.Over 100 million people have finished courses online.
D.Stanford and Yale together have courses similar to edX.
小题3:The underlined part in the text probably means “        ”.
A.Get ready for the difficulties
B.Get ready for this educational change
C.Get prepared to complete the online courses
D.Get prepared to make materials for the edX courses
小题4:What can be said about MITx according to the text?
A.It is first offered as part of the edX learning program.
B.It is another free MIT-Harvard online learning program.
C.It is a standard to recognize online learners’ achievement.
D.It is a new kind of free online course of Harvard and MIT.


小题1:细节理解题。根据第一段话说Harvard和MIT联手向全球免费提供网上课程及第二段话“a number of courses developed by teachers at both universities will be offered online through a new $60 million program, known as edX”可知edX是这两所大学联手打造的一个网上免费授课的平台。故答案选C。
小题2:细节判断题。B项应是2,000 classes;C项,应是100多万人使用,而不是完成了课程;D项文中没有谈到它们的课程是否相似。根据倒数第二段话“Other universities, including Stanford, Yale and Carnegie-Mellon, have been experimenting with teaching to a global population online”可知答案选A。
小题4:细节理解题。根据第三段“In December, the school announced it also would begin offering a special certificate, known as MITx, for people who complete certain online courses”可知MITx是承认修完课程的证书。故答案选C。
Kenya is losing an average of 100 of its 2,000 lions each year because of growing human settlements, increasing farming, climate change and diseases, according to the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS).
“Lions have a special place in Kenyans’ life,” said Paul Udoto, a spokesman for the organization.  “Other than being the symbol of national strength, they are among the Big Five, a main attraction for visitors to Kenya.”
There were 2,749 lions in Kenya in 2002 and their population dropped to 2,280 by 2004 and to about 2,000 today, according to KWS figures.
“The fall of the lion population is worrying and every effort needs to be made to make sure that Kenya either protects its population of 2,000 lions at present or increases the numbers to an ecologically (生态上地) acceptable level,” said Mr. Udoto.
“There is no doubt that the numbers are in free fall. I’d be surprised if they even last as long as 20 years,” said Laurence Frank, project director of Living With Lions, a Kenya-based animal protection organization. “When I first came here 30 years ago, I would always hear lions roaring across the land at night and see their tracks in the morning. Now that is very rare.”
“The reason is simple. As the numbers of people grow and the numbers of cows increase, they take up much of the lion’s space. Alongside that there are other ways, including poisoning, to kill lions.”
Animal lovers are making a new strategy to save the animals. Part of the measures will include tracking lions fitted with radio collars (无线电项圈) in the Amboseli area in southern Kenya, close to the border with Tanzania.
Wildlife officials in Tanzania face similar challenges in protecting their lions, but there is far less human encroachment(侵犯) on the animals’ homeland there than in Kenya.
小题1:The lion population is falling in Kenya for the following reasons EXCEPT __________.
A.climate changeB.too many visitorsC.diseaseD.human activities
小题2:In Paragraph 2, Paul Udoto wants to show __________.
A.the importance of lions in Kenya
B.the tourist attractions in Kenya
C.Kenyan’s special lifestyle
D.Kenya’s national symbol
小题3:We know from Laurence Frank’s words that __________.
A.lions are losing their attraction for visitors to Kenya
B.the lion population will be controlled from now on
C.lions will disappear within twenty years in Kenya if not protected
D.more cows are needed to feed lions in Kenya
小题4: What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Kenya is losing its Big Five.
B.Kenyan wildlife is in danger.
C.Lions face extinction in Kenya.
D.Lions’ place in Kenyans’ life is falling.
小题5:What will the following passage most probably talk about?
A.Lions’ past living condition in Kenya.
B.Ways of improving lions’ condition.
C.Radio collars tracing lions.
D.Lions’ present living condition in Tanzania

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Angry survivors demanded answers on Sunday after a terrible stampede(踩踏)at “Love Parade 2010”, a music festival in Germany, killed 19 people and left hundreds hurt.
The German Chancellor Angela Merkel expressed her shock over Saturday’s tragedy in the western city of Duisburg. “This was a very sad day,” Merkel said. “We must do everything we can to ensure that something like this never happens again.”
Witnesses said that people pushed into the narrow tunnel, the only entrance to the Love Parade festival, from both sides until it was dangerously overcrowded. The panic began as festival-goers began to lose consciousness as they were crushed against the walls and each other. The dead included eight foreigners, from Australia, Italy, the Netherlands, China, Bosnia and Spain. More than 340 people were injured.
After the panic, a lot of emergency vehicles, including helicopters, could be seen parked on the highway leading to helicopters, could be seen parked on the highway leading to the festival site, carrying away the injured people. The festival itself, however, went on. Police were afraid that ending the music altogether could cause further unrest among the crowd.
“The event was a real mess,” Patrick Guenter, a 22-year-old baker, said.  “Although the festival was full, they kept letting people in.” he added. “It seems the organizers didn’t plan the route. The road was very narrow, and no one knew what was going on.” Said Taggart Bowen-Gaddy,20,an American from Philadelphia.
Officials said 4,000 police officers and 1,000 security guards provided security for the event, which attracted up to 1.4 million people. The authorities had only given organizers permission for 250,000 people to attend.
“I warned one year ago that Duisburg was not a suitable place for the Love Parade. The city is too small and narrow for such events. It is a pity that…” German police union chief Rainer Wendt told the Bild.
The chief organizer, Rainer Schaller, said the popular event would never be held again, “out of respect for the victims and their families”.
First held in Berlin in 1989 just months before the fall of the Wall, the Love Parade is one of the biggest music festivals in Europe. It left Berlin from 2007 onwards after disagreements with the city authorities over security and has been held in several other German cities in recent years.
小题1:How did the German Chancellor Angela Merkel feel about the tragedy?
A.Very disappointed.B.Angry and surprised.
C.Very puzzled.D.Touched.
小题2:According to Patrick Gunter and Taggart Bowen-Gaddy, ________.
A.the event was well-organized
B.the performance was wonderful
C.Duisburg was suitable for the Love Parade
D.the organization was very bad
小题3:We can infer that __________.
A.Rainer Wendt’s warning went unnoticed
B.Rainer Wendt was a chief organizer of Love Parade 2010
C.Rainer Wendt is a music lover
D.Duisburg is a famous holiday destination
小题4:We can learn from the passage that ________.
A.the Love Parade has been canceled forever
B.the Love Parade is a very popular sport event
C.the festival was ended shortly after the panic
D.the Love Parade has a history of over 30 years

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ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia – One of the world’s most famous fossils (化石) – the 3.2 million-year-old Lucy skeleton (骨骼) unearthed in Ethiopia in 1974 – will go on an exhibition tour abroad for the first time in the United States, officials said Tuesday.
Even the Ethiopian public has only seen Lucy twice. The Lucy on exhibition at the Ethiopian National Museum in the capital, Addis Ababa, is a replica while the real remains are usually locked in a secret storeroom. A team from the Museum of National Science in Houston, Texas, spent four years discussing with the Ethiopians for the U.S. tour, which will start in Houston next September.
“Ethiopia’s rich culture of both the past and today, is one of the best kept secrets in the world,” said Joel Bartsch, director of the Houston museum.
The six-year tour will also go to Washington, New York, Denver and Chicago. Officials said six other U.S. cities may be on the tour. But they said plans had not been worked out.
Travelling with Lucy will be 190 other fossils.
Lucy, her name taken from a Beatles song that played in a camp the night of her discovery, is part of the skeleton of what was once a 3-foot-tall ape-man (猿人).
小题1:The author writes this text mainly to ___ .
A.introduce a few U.S. museums
B.describe some research work
C.discuss the value of an ape-man a coming event
小题2:What does the words “a replica” in Paragraph 2 refer to?
A.A painting of the skeleton.
B.A photograph of Lucy
C.A copy of the skeleton.
D.A written record of Lucy.
小题3:How many cities has Lucy’s U.S. tour plan already included?
小题4:What was the skeleton named after?
A.An ape-man.B.A song.C.A singer.D.A camp.

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Casablanca, Sep. 24
A flood swept across the coastal plain about 100 miles southwest of here, killing hundreds of Moroccans in a market place yesterday morning.
Reports from the area said 218 bodies had been counted, and many of the people were missing.
The flood followed heavy rains, which filled the coastal plain and dry river beds and caused them to overflow. The flood, several feet high, hit the village of Khemis Nagua at midmorning yesterday as farmers from the surrounding area joined town people in an open market place. The roaring waters swept the villager’s living places, the market sheds (棚子),shoppers,cattle and farm tools for miles across the plain.
The flood was over almost as soon as it started, the reports said, as the water swept out to sea. Rescue workers quickly moved into the area from Safi, about 25 miles further south.
小题1:You can learn from the text that ________.
A.hundreds of people died in the flood
B.the flood lasted for several days
C.heavy rains followed the flood
D.the flood hit the village at midnight
小题2:The report mainly tells the public about__________.
A. how the flood swept the coastal plain
B. the flood in fall
C why the terrible flood took place
D. a rescue attempt
小题3:According to the text, which of the following maps may be correct?
( KN="Khemis" Nagua,   C=Casablanca    S= Safi)
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WASHINGTON——Chinese Vice-President Xi Jinping arrived at Andrews Air Force Base in Washington,February 13,2012.Vice-President Xi Jinping said he would explore important problems in an active and practical manner with his America hosts on Monday during his five-day official trip here after arriving at Andrews Air Force Base in the afternoon.
In a written statement given upon his arrival,Xi said as the international situation experiences complex and complete changes,China and the United States have more extensive common interests and shoulder more important common responsibilities on the present world stage.
The purpose of the current visit is to “carry out the important consensus reached by President Hu with President Obama during his visit to the United States in January last year and to advance the building of the China—US cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit”,said Xi.
According to Xi,bilateral(双边的)relations have moved forward in spite of some twists and turns during the past several decades.
“This has brought enormous benefits to our two countries and two peoples,and has had a positive, far-reaching impact on peace,stability and the prosperity of the Asia-Pacific region and the world at large”.
Xi said that“whether we can seize opportunities,tackle challenges and build a cooperative partnership at the new historical starting point matters to the future of our two countries and the world as a whole.”
Xi said he looks forward to engaging in extensive dialogue and exchanges with Americans from various sectors to enhance cooperation and strengthen friendship.
Xi is scheduled to meet US senior government officials,including Henry Kissinger,Brent Scowcroft,Zbigniew Brzezinski,Madeleine Albright and Henry Paulson this evening to listen to their advice on China-US ties.
Meetings between Xi and US Vice-President Biden and President Obama are scheduled on Tuesday.
小题1:The passage mainly tells us       .
A.Xi"s five-day official trip
B.China-US cooperative partnership
C.Xi is set to discuss important bilateral problems
D.China and the US have more common interests
小题2:It can be inferred from the second paragraph that     
A.the current world stage remains peaceful
B.China and US should build the cooperative partnership
C.Xi himself wrote a statement about his arrival
D.China and the US have the equal rights
小题3:The underlined word“consensus”in Paragraph 3 means     
A.agreementB.opinionC.partnership D.benefit
小题4:According to tile passage,bilateral relations between China and US have experienced       
A.enormous dialoguesB.extensive exchanges
C.rnany challenges D.various hardships
小题5:What is Xi"s attitude towards the visit?

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