Chilean rescued miner Edison Pena ran the New York City Marathon on November 7th

Chilean rescued miner Edison Pena ran the New York City Marathon on November 7th

Chilean rescued miner Edison Pena ran the New York City Marathon on November 7th , less than a month after he was rescued from a collapsed (坍塌的) mine that trapped him and the other 32 miners for 69 days. Pena ran 10 km daily through the mine’s tunnels (巷道) to beat the anxiety, wearing cut-down boots until rescuers sent him a pair of sports shoes through a narrow hole that served as the miners’ “lifeline” to the surface.
“When I ran in the darkness, I was running for life,” Pena told a news conference in New York. “I was running to show that I wasn’t just waiting around. I also wanted God to see that I really wanted to live.” The miners were discovered alive on August 22---17 days after the mine collapsed, but it took many more days for rescuers to dig a hole big enough to bring them out.
The New York Road Runners, which organizes the marathon, had invited Edison Pena to the event after hearing his story. They thought he could ride in the lead vehicle or hold the finish line tape, but Pena said last week he did not want to watch, he wanted to run. “I was very eager to take on this big challenge,” he said. “I wanted to show the world I could run.” He hoped to run the 26.2-mile race in about six hours. “I have a knee injury, but I am eager to cross the finish line,” he said.    
An Elvis Presley fan who asked rescuers to send the singer’s music down into the mine, Pena broke into song at the news conference with the Presley hit Return to Sender.
On the morning of November 7th, Pena, known as “the runner” by fellow miners trapped with him, set out to cover the course along with thousands of other runners and completed the race in five hours and 40 minutes.
小题1:When trapped underground, Pena ran a long way every day to _______.
A.find a way to get outB.dig a lifeline to the ground
C.keep himself from coldnessD.get rid of his uneasy feelings
小题2: According to the passage, Pena _______.
A.was not expected to run the marathon at first
B.failed to achieve the goal he had set for the marathon
C.wore sports shoes while working underground
D.was asked to sing a Presley’s song at a news conference
小题3: During the rescue of the Chilean trapped miners, the digging of the escape hole lasted about _________.
A.17 daysB.22 daysC.52 daysD.69 days
小题4:Pena can be best described as _________. B.strong-willedC.hard-working D.warm-hearted



Civil Affairs and Public Security Departments have been urged to take comprehensive steps to help children who are begging on the nation"s streets and are often abused. Premier Wen Jiabao said during his online chat with netizens, China Daily reported.
Wen said he has paid close attention to the ongoing micro blog campaign that calls on concerned netizens to post photos of children begging on the streets in the hope that police will rescue them and return them to their families. There are many reasons why children turn to begging, including poverty and family problems. Joint efforts will help end the problem.
His remarks were welcomed by Yu Jianrong, a professor from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, who starts the online campaign to crack down on child begging.
The All-China Women"s Federation (ACWF) also released a statement encouraging people to contact the police if they find any suspect who abuses, or forces juveniles to beg on the streets. People can either call 110 and or dial 12338 and connect with a hotline set up by the ACWF. The statement was reported by Xinhua News Agency.
The micro blog campaign has gained support from charities, and other social institutions since it was launched in January. One Foundation, a Shenzhen-based charity, set up a fund on Feb 19 for a database for sharing information about missing children So far, One Foundation has raised 720,000 yuan ($109,500). Meanwhile, Shanghai Time Plastic Surgery Hospital has offered free plastic surgery to Ren Fangfang, an 8-year-old girl who suffered physical abuse at the hands of a man who used her to beg for him.
Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Premier Wen Jiabao chatted with Yu Jianrong online.
B.One Foundation has set up a hotline for missing children.
C.ACWF promised to offer Ren Fangfang free plastic surgery.
D.Poverty and family problems contribute to child begging
Which of the following directly take part in the campaign to help child beggars?
A.Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and China Daily
B.The All-China Women"s Federation and Xinhua News Agency
C.One Foundation and Shanghai Time Plastic Surgery Hospital
D.Civil Affairs and Public Security Departments and China Daily
What’s the main purpose of the online blog campaign started by Yu Jianrong?
A.To draw the top leader’s attention to the child beggars.
B.To call for comprehensive steps from the government.
C.To gain support from charities and other social institutions.
D.To post photos of child beggars and help them go back home.
. Which word can best replace the underlined part “crack down” in Para 3?

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1. TODAY, Friday, November 12
JAZZ with the Mike Thomas Jazz Band at The Derby Arms.  Upper Richmond Road West, Sheen.
DISCO Satin Sounds Disco. Free at The Lord Napier, Mort lake High St., from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tel: 652 - 1158.
2. SATURDAY, November 13
JAZZ Lysis at The Bulls Head, Barnes. Admission 60p.
MUSICAL HALL at The Star and Garter, Lower Richmond Road, Putney, provided by the Aba Daba Music Hall company. Good food and entertainment fair price. Tel: 789 – 6749 .
FAMILY night out? Join the sing-along at The Black Horse. Sheen Road, Richmond.
JAZZ The John Bennett Big Band at The Bull’s Head, Barnes. Admission 80p.
THE DERBY ARMS, Upper Richmond Road West, give you Joe on the electric accordion(手风琴). Tel: 789—4536
3. SUNDAY, November 14
DISCO Satin Sounds Disco, free at The Lord Napier, Mort Lake High Street, from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.
FOLK MUSIC at The Derby Arms. The Short Stuff and residents the Norman Chop Trio. Non-remembers 70p. Tel: 688-4626.
HEAVY MUSIC with Tony Simon at The Bull, Upper Richmond Road West, East Sheen.
THE DERBY ARMS, Upper Richmond Road West, give you Joe on the electric accordion.
Where and when can you hear the Norman Chop Trio?
A.At the Bull’s Head on Sunday.B.At the Derby Arms on Sunday.
C.At the Bull on Saturday.  D.At the Black Horse on Saturday.
Where and when can you hear the Mike Thomas Jazz Band?
A.At the Derby Arms on Friday.  B.At the Black Horse on Friday.
C.At the Star and Garter on Saturday.D.At the Derby Arms on Sunday.
You want to enjoy the electric accordion on Saturday. Which telephone number do you have to ring to find out what time it starts?
You want to spend the Saturday by joining the entertainment with your family. Where should you go?
A.Disco at The Lord Napier.
B.The sing-along at The Black Horse.
C.The electric accordion at The Derby Arms.
D.Jazz at The Bull"s Head.
You want to spend the  same day at two different places and don"t want to cross any street.Which or the following is your best choice?
A.The sing-along at the Black Horse and Jazz at The Bull"s Head.
B.The sing-along at The Black Horse and Folk Music at The Derby Arms.
C.Folk Music at The Derby Arms and Heavy Music with Tony Simon at The Bull.
D.Musical Hall at The Star & Garter and Disco at The Lord Napier.

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Sydney 2005-01-01 08:33 --- mother of two, Jillian Searle, had to choose between her children when she made a life-or-death decision.
Swept up by mountainous tsunami(海啸)waves at a Thai resort ( 旅游胜地), she couldn"t hold on to both her young sons and survive. Fighting to stay above the waters, she had to choose which one would have to take his chances in the swirling torrent ( 漩流 ).
“I knew I had to let go of one of them and I just thought I’d better let go of the one that"s the older,” she told Sky News Television in a report broadcast on Thursday. She said she was accompanied by the two boys, Lachie, 5, and two-year-old Blake, and their father, Brad, who had watched the drama helplessly from their first-floor hotel room, when the waves struck. “and I was screaming, trying to find him, and we thought he was dead,” she told reporters on arrival back in Australia.
Lachie was found alive about 2 hours later clinging (扳住) to a door and, looked uninjured as his mother spoke to reporters.
British surfer ( 冲浪运动员) Martin Markwell is also a lucky man. He had always dreamed of catching that perfect wave-- but when it finally came along, it was a nightmare (噩梦). He was on his surfboard when he was swept up by a tsunami wave.
“It was really terrible because I was surfing. I was really surfing on a wave I wasn"t supposed to be on.” he said. “As an experienced surfer, when I saw the wave come, I realized something was wrong, but I couldn"t escape because my surfboard was tied to my ankle(脚踝).”
His wife Vicki and son Jake looked on in horror from a hotel balcony (阳台) as he crashed towards the shore. Luckily, he stayed atop his board until he reached the hotel, jumped off and got to safety as the ocean rolled back to feed a much larger tsunami wave on its way. The family regrouped and ran to safety just minutes before a giant tsunami wave 10 meters high.
小题1: When the waves struck, the father Brad _______.
A.reported the disaster to Sky News Television
B.was watching a drama on TV in the hotel
C.tried to find his son lost in the waters
D.watched things going on, unable to do anything
小题2: The underlined word “him” in the third paragraph refers to _______. old manB.LachieC.BradD.Blake
小题3: It"s not true that Lachie and Martin _______.
A.were both accompanied by their family when the disaster happened
B.both survived from the high waves when tsunami struck
C.were both travelers from Europe on holiday in Thailand
D.were both alive owing to their proper judgment and determination
小题4:The best title of this news story would be_______.
A.Narrow escapeB.Disaster caused by tsunami
C.Exciting surfing experienceD.Struggle against tsunami

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The battle for the leadership of Britain’s Labour Party ended on September 25. Five candidates competed for the top job, but it turned out to be a tale of two brothers. Victory went to Ed Miliband, 40, with his elder brother David, 45, coming a close second. Ed’s Miliband’s job will now be to try to lead his party back into power and oppose Prime Minister David Cameron.
The two Milibands were both ministers in the Gordon Brown government. David Miliband, as Foreign Secretary, held the third most important post in UK politics. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton described him as “vibrant and attractive”. Ed, who had a lesser role in government as Minister of Climate Change, was valued for his contribution to policy discussions and for his performance at the Copenhagen Conference on Climate Change last December.
The Miliband brothers were born to political parents. Their father, Ralph, was a Marxist scholar. He came to Britain from Belgium in 1940, fleeing the Nazis. Ralph Miliband was buried beside Karl Marx in London’s Highgate Cemetery. His wife Marion, the brothers’ mother, remains an active party member at 76.
The two brothers represent different wings of the Labour Party. David supported former Prime Minister Tony Blair; Ed was a follower of Blair’s great rival Gordon Brown, the last Labour PM.
“We’re determined to make sure that family comes before politics, and I don’t think there’s any chance that politics is going to get in the way,” David Miliband said before the vote.
After the result, the two embraced in front of the cameras.
In his acceptance speech, Ed Miliband said to his brother: “David, I love you so much as a brother. And I have such extraordinary respect for the campaign that you ran.”
But some feel their warm words were for the media and for the sake of party unity. There had been reports of anger on David’s part when his younger brother chose to stand against him. David may feel that the leadership was stolen from him-and by his own brother. Ed himself was reported to be concerned that he might have hurt David. According to the Guardian, after the result, Ed’s first reaction was: “what have I done to David?”
Ed suggested that he was prepared to make his brother shadow chancellor. But David has decided it is time to move on. He will not have a role in the Shadow Cabinet in the future.
In effect, he has fallen on his sword for the Party. David Miliband said the priority was to allow his brother to make a success of leading Labour: “I believe this will be harder if there is constant comparison with my comments and position as a member of the shadow cabinet.”
小题1:. Ed Miliband became head of Britain’s Labour Party because ______.
A.he played an important role in the previous British government.
B.his arguments at political discussions and his performance at an international conference
C.Hillary Clinton thought highly of him
D.his brother supported him both at home and politics.
小题2:. According to the passage, which is NOT TRUE?
A.Ed and David both worked in the government.
B.Ralph Miliband came to Britain because of the Nazis.
C.Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and David Cameron are all Labour Party Prime Ministers.
D.David Miliband and Ed Miliband’s mother is still alive.
小题3:.What can be inferred from the passage?
A.David Miliband and Ed Miliband fought against each other both at home and politics.
B.Ed was concerned about David’s feelings after the election.
C.David and Ed were born into a political family.
D.David and Ed agreed with each other on most of the issues
小题4:.What does the underlined sentence mean?
A.David accepted his brother’s invitation to be a shadow chancellor.
B.David was determined to fight against his brother.
C.David was so upset that he would end his life with a sword for the Party.
D.David refused his brother’s offer for him to be a shadow chancellor.
小题5:.Which of the following can best describe the relationship between David and Ed?
A.Brothers and political rivalsB.Partners in the political campaign
C.Partners in public and enemy in privateD.Representatives of different wings of Labour Party

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Angry survivors(幸存者)demanded answers on Sunday after a terrible accident at “Love Parade 2010”, a music festival in Germany, killed 19 people and left hundreds hurt.
The German Chancellor Angela Merkel expressed her shock over Saturday’s tragedy in the western city of Duisburg., “This was a very sad day,” Merkel said.
Witnesses(目击者)said that people pushed into the narrow tunnel, the only entrance to the Love Parade festival, from both sides until it was dangerously overcrowded. The panic began as festival-goers began to lose consciousness(意识)as they were crushed against the walls and each other. The dead included eight foreigners, from Australia, Italy, the Netherlands, China, Bosnia and Spain. More than 340 people were injured.
After the panic, a lot of emergency vehicles(救援交通工具), including helicopters, could be seen carrying away the injured people. The festival itself, however, went on. Police were afraid that ending the music altogether could cause further unrest among the crowd.
“The event was a real mess,” Patrick Guenter, a 22-year-old baker, said. “Although the festival was full, they kept letting people in,” he added. “It seems the organizers didn’t plan the route. And no one knew what was going on.” said Taggart Bowen-Gaddy, 20, an American from Philadelphia.
Officials said 4,000 police officers and 1,000 security guards provided security for the event, which attracted up to 1.4 million people.
“I warned one year ago that Duisburg was not a suitable place for the Love Parade. The city is too small and narrow for such events. It is a pity that…” German police union chief Rainer Wendt said.
The chief organizer, Rainer Schaller, said the popular event would never be held again, “out of respect for the victims and their families”.
小题1:How many Germans were killed in the stampede at “Love Parade 2010”?
小题2: How did the German Chancellor Angela Merkel feel about the tragedy?
A.She was very disappointed.B.She was very surprised.
C.She was very puzzled.D.She was very touched.
小题3: According to Patrick Guenter and Taggart Bowen-Gaddy, _______.
A.the event was well-organized
B.the performance was wonderful
C.Duisburg was suitable for the Love Parade
D.the organization was very bad
小题4: We can infer from the passage that _____.
A.Rainer Wendt’s warning went unnoticed
B.Rainer Wendt was a chief organizer of “Love Parade 2010”
C.the popular event would be held in the next year
D.Duisburg is a suitable place for the Love Parade
小题5: According to the passage, we learn that ______.
A.the Love Parade has been canceled forever
B.the Love Parade is a very popular sport event
C.the festival was ended after the panic
D.there are many entrances to the Love Parade

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