In Singapore,most of us love window-shopping while some others enjoy having a pi

In Singapore,most of us love window-shopping while some others enjoy having a pi

In Singapore,most of us love window-shopping while some others enjoy having a picnic at East Coast Park or Changi Beach on sunny days.Singaporeans are never bothered by the occasional thunderstorm.However,we know that if it rains for long continuous periods,there will be more serious effects.Just recently the main shopping street of Orchard Road was flooded and some part of Bukit Timah was impassable(不能通行的)to traffic.People reacted by writing in to the newspaper to complain about this! We forget that other countries suffer much worse effects.
Elsewhere,heavy tropical(热带的)storms often result in floods that ruin crops especially in Thailand and Malaysia.This in turn usually means that the price of rice and vegetables here in Singapore will rise because we import these products from them.If there is a typhoon or tsunami,thousands of lives are lost too.This happened in Indonesia and Phuket in Thailand in 2004 and It serves to remind us of how Mother Nature can cause great damage.
Weather patterns in general have changed dramatically in recent years.Scientists believe that global warming and the resulting melting of the polar ice-cap has caused the level of the ocean to rise.This in turn causes flooding of low-lying areas in countries where the land is rather flat and some parts of which is below water level.It is believed that human activities have caused Mother Nature to show her extreme anger,so it is now important that we really work together to cut down on harmful activities,for example,illegal logging(伐木)or irresponsible forest-burning to clear land for farming.
小题1:From Paragraph 1,we can see that most Singaporeans love .
A.making complaints
B.going out for picnics
C.doing window-shopping
D.traveling along the coast
小题2:What will happen in Singapore if there are floods in its neighboring countries?
A.Heavy tropical storms will follow shortly.
B.The price of rice and vegetables will go up.
C.Many people will write in to the newspaper.
D.More rice and vegetables will be imported.
小题3:The underlined word“it”in Paragraph 2 refers to .
A.the arrival of heavy tropical storms
B.the import of rice and vegetables
C.the rising price of rice and vegetables
D.the loss of lives in natural disasters
小题4:What’s the right order of the following events? warming    b.the rise in ocean level
c.harmful human activities d.the flooding of low-lying areas
e.the melting of the polar ice-cap
小题5:What should we do in order not to make Mother Nature angry?
A.Clear more land for farming.
B.Reduce harmful human activities.
C.Bring down the price of food.
D.Improve the quality of weather.



小题1:C 细节理解题。根据第一段In Singapore,most of us love window-shopping while some others enjoy having a picnic at East Coast Park or Changi Beach on sunny days.新加坡大部分人喜欢逛街,故选C项。
小题2:B 细节理解题。根据第一段Singaporeans are never bothered by the occasional thunderstorm.However,we know that if it rains for long continuous periods,there will be more serious effects.热带风暴导致的洪水会毁掉庄稼,新加坡的蔬菜和大米是从这些国家进口的,所以会导致蔬菜,大米的价格上升,故选B项。
小题3:D 细节理解题。根据第二段提到If there is a typhoon or tsunami,thousands of lives are lost too.This happened in Indonesia and Phuket in Thailand in 2004上句提到台风和海啸会导致成千上万的人死亡。这在2004年在印度尼西亚和泰国的普吉岛发生过。自然灾害到这人死亡这件事用来提醒我们大自然可以带来巨大损害。故选D项。
小题4:A 细节理解题。根据最后一段提到It is believed that human activities have caused Mother Nature to show her extreme anger,so it is now important that we really work together to cut down on harmful activities,for example,illegal logging(伐木)or irresponsible forest-burning to clear land for farming.可知选A项。
小题5:B 细节理解题。根据最后一段提到It is believed that human activities have caused Mother Nature to show her extreme anger, so it is now important that we really work together to cut down on harmful activities,“人们认为是人类的活动导致了大自然极端愤怒, 因此,现在我们真的应该团结合作减少有害活动。
Researchers have developed new software using smart phones’GPS and imaging abilities that determine the exact location of distant objects as well as monitor the speed and direction of moving objects.The software could eventually allow smart phone-armed soldiers to target the location of their enemies.On the home front,the software could be used by everyone,including golfers judging distance to the green and biologists documenting the location of a rare animal without disturbing it.
“The great advantage of a Smartphone is that it provides so many tools in a single,readily available,relatively inexpensive package,”said Qia Wang,a doctoral student who led the development of the software.“For example,on the battlefield,a soldier needs a rangefinder,compass,GPS and other tools to get information before calling in an air strike.With our software,the soldier can have all those instruments in one device that can be purchased off the shelf.When that soldier returns from War,she can use the same Software to protect her family by clocking a speeder near her children’s school and catching the criminal on video.”
Wang and his colleagues developed their software to locate and track:
Targets of known size—when the size of the target is known.a single image is enough to pinpoint the target’s location.
Targets of unknown size—If the exact size of a target is unknown,the software uses two images to triangulate the location of the target·
Moving targets—By taking a short video of a moving target,the smartphone software can calculate how fast the target is moving and in what direction it is going.
“Currently,our software is limited by the physical abilities of smartphone hardware,but the devices are improving rapidly,”Wang said.“We expect that improvements in GPS accuracy,battery  life  and  camera  resolution  will  allow  our  software to  make  even  more  accurate observations.”
小题1:From Paragraph 1 we can know that the new software can.
A.determine the speed of moving objects
B.1ocate objects in the distance exactly
C.defend soldiers against their enemies biologists protect rare animal
小题2:The example given by Qia Wang is meant to .
A.make an advertisement
B.describe the software briefly the benefits of the software
D.present the functions of smartphones
小题3:How does the software calculate the speed of a moving object?
A.By taking a short video.
B.By locating its position.
C.By taking a single image.
D.By measuring real-life size.
小题4:What’s Qia Wang’s attitude towards the future of the software?
小题5:What is the best title of the text?
A.Qia Wang,a Talented Doctoral Student
B.Use Smartphones to Their Full Potential
C.Targeting and Tracking With Smartphones
D.Smartphone-armed Soldiers on the Battlefield

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Eating different colored foods can keep you healthy, as well as change your mood and behavior. Here is a list of colors, which can change your life.
Blue is considered to be peaceful and calming and it has the same effect on our health. The blue / purple color in food is due primarily to their anthocyanins which are antioxidants (抗氧化剂) that are particularly heart healthy and may help support healthy blood pressure. Out of all the blue and purple foods available, blueberries are considered to have the highest antioxidant level. An analysis of the latest data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Study found that people who eat purple and blue fruits and vegetables are at a reduced risk for high blood pressure and are less likely to be overweight.
A food and health expert says that blue and purple color foods can prevent blood mass formation, and they also lower the risk of cancer.
Foods that contain blue and purple colors are: reddish eggplant (especially the skin), blueberries, blackberries, purple grapes, etc.
We all know that we should eat green as green symbolizes nature. The green foods are rich in isothiocyanates, which help resist cancer.
Dr. Ashok Agarwal, a food and nutrition specialist, explains, "They are excellent sources of folic acid, vitamin K, as well as carotene (胡萝卜素). Diets high in those above are associated with lowered blood pressure."
Foods that contain the green color are: broccoli, cabbage, cucumbers, etc. 
Lycopene (番茄红素) in reddish fruits and vegetables is a powerful antioxidant that has been associated with a reduced risk of some cancers, and also provides protection against heart attacks.    
Dr. Smiths says, "Cooked tomato sauces are associated with greater health benefits as compared with the uncooked version as the heating process allows lycopene to be more easily absorbed by the body. Obtaining the most benefit from food depends on proper selection, storage and cooking of the produce."
Foods that contain red color are: Tomatoes and tomato products, watermelon, guava, red onions, red chili, red apples, red grapes, cherries, etc.
The orange foods are also rich in carotene, which are particularly good antioxidants. These foods are commonly considered eyesight foods because they contain vitamin A.
"Orange fruits and vegetables also play a part in preventing cancer, particularly of the lungs and stomach. Foods that contain the color orange are: Carrots, mangoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, etc.
小题1:The passage tries to tell us that ______.
A.colors mean a lot to people and their health
B.foods of different colors will have different benefits
C.eating foods with a color must prevent diseases
D.what people should eat in their daily lives
小题2:All the colors mentioned in the passage have the function of ______.
A.lowering blood pressureB.improving eyesight
C.preventing cancerD.reducing the risk of heart disease
小题3:Which color can help keep us thin according to the passage?
小题4:The green and orange foods are both rich in _______.
A.vitamin AB.folic acidC.caroteneD.vitamin K
小题5:It can be inferred from the passage that _______.
A.all grapes help lower the risk of high blood pressure and cancer
B.lung cancer can be prevented by eating red-colored foods foods contain a lot of vitamin A which is good for eye health
D.tomatoes should be eaten cooked so that we can benefit the most

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The biggest danger facing airlines nowadays may not be a terrorist with a gun, but the man with portable computer in business class. In the last 16 years, pilots have reported well  over 100 incidents that could have been caused by electromagnetic interference  (电磁干扰).  The source of this interference remains not proved, but increasingly, experts are pointing the  blame at portable electronic devices such as portable computers, radio and cassette players  and mobile telephones.
RTC.A. an organization which advises the aviation  (航空 )industry, has suggested that all  airlines ban such devices from being used during "critical" stages of flight  particularly take-  off and landing. Some experts have gone further, calling for a total ban during all flights .Cur- rently , rules on using these devices are left up to individual airlines. And although some air- lines prevent passengers from using such equipment during take-off and landing, most are un- willing to carry out a total ban, given that many passengers want to work during flight.
The difficulty is predicting how electromagnetic fields might affect an aircraft"s computers. Experts know that portable devices send out radiation which affects those wavelengths which aircraft use for navigation and communication. But, because they have not been able to reproduce these effects in a laboratory. they have no way of knowing whether the interference might be. dangerous or not.
The fact that aircraft may be fragile to interference raises the risk that terrorists may use radio systems in order to damage navigation equipment. As worrying, though, is the passenger who can "t hear the instructions to turn off his radio because the music"s too loud.
小题1:What is said about the over 100 aircraft incidents in the past 16 years?
A.They may have been caused by the damage to-the radio systems.
B.They may have taken place during take-off and landing.
C.They were proved to have been caused by the passengers portable computers.
D.They were suspected to have resulted from electromagnetic interference.
小题2:Why is it difficult to predict the possible effects of electromagnetic fields on an airplane "s computers?
A.Because it is extremely dangerous to conduct such research on an airplane.
B.Because it remains a mystery what wavelengths are liable to be interfered with.
C.Because research scientists have not been able to produce the same effects in labs.
D.Because experts lack adequate equipment to do such research.
小题3:Few airlines want to perform a total ban on their passengers using electronic devices because_______
A.they don"t believe there is such a danger as radio interference
B.the harmful effect of electromagnetic interference is yet to be proved
C.most passengers refused to take a plane ,which bans the use of radio and cassette players
D.they have other effective safety measures to fall back on
小题4:The passage is mainly about_________.
A.a new rule for all airlines
B.the disadvantages of electronic devices
C.a possible cause of aircraft incidents
D.effective safety measures for air flight

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Harvard student Julie Zauzmer turned 20 on January 22, and her birthday couldn’t have been better: She got to working the overnight shift at the Harvard Square Homeless Shelter.
That might seem an extraordinary act of selflessness for someone turning 20. But there’s increasing evidence that commitment to community service is becoming much more ordinary to today’s young adults.
“Young adults are doing more volunteer service than in any point in history,’’ said Scott Seider, an assistant professor of education at Boston University who studies the civic development of young adults.
At Harvard, the Winthrop Street Homeless Shelter is one of 86 social service programs associated with the Phillips Brooks House Association, which is a student-run nonprofit organization. Students can work with deaf children, bring pets to nursing homes, and prepare Chinese students to become US citizens, and so on.
Volunteerism develops well outside of colleges, too. Applications to AmeriCorps have risen to a very high level, jumping from 91,399 in 2008 to 258,829 in 2010. City Year, which puts young people in high-poverty schools as tutors and mentors for at-risk students, has had a 140 percent increase in applications since its 2007-2008 service year. Citizen Schools, which uses volunteers to work with students in middle schools, has had a 28 percent jump in applicants between 2008 and 2009.
“Most of my friends know it’s their duty to give back before they settle down,’’ said Samantha Wolf, a 23-year-old Boston University graduate serving with City Year in a Mattapan school.
City Year corps member Antonio Gutierrez, 22, graduated last year from Union College in Schenectady, N.Y., and is applying for admission to law schools, but this year he is tutoring and mentoring students at the Blackstone Elementary School in the South End.
“I grew up in similar circumstances,’’ said Gutierrez, who said he was a weak student until enrichment programs changed his academic trajectory (轨迹). Raised by a single mother in low-income housing across the street from City Year’s South End Headquarters, he used to watch the red-jacketed corps members come and go, and decided to become one someday.
小题1:We learn from what Scott Seider says in Paragraph 3 that young people today       . harder than before more volunteering than ever before
C.don’t care much about others to find jobs in their communities
小题2:What’s the goal of the program of City Year?
A.It helps to find jobs for college students.
B.It offers shelters to the homeless people.
C.It helps to build schools for poor students.
D.It engages young people to teach at high-poverty schools.
小题3:What do we know about Antonio Gutierrez?
A.He wants to give back as a volunteer.
B.He has always been an excellent student.
C.He never expected to become a volunteer.
D.He now works as a teacher.
小题4:What would be the best title for the text?
A.Volunteering spirit has disappeared
B.How to become a college student
C.College students learn to give back
D.The real life of young adults today

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There are many things that go into making a successful school, and success can be measured in many ways. Often, the teachers are praised for a school’s success and blamed for its failure. Yet, in order for a school to be effective, it must be a place where teaching and learning can easily take place, and that requires the hard work of more than just educators. Students must take learning into their own hands and feel as if what they are doing is as important as it actually is. This can only be done with the cooperation of every adult that is involved in the students’ life. Some of these individuals often go unnoticed, yet the role they play in the students’ lives is immeasurable.
Administrative assistants welcome students at the beginning of the day and answer a large number of questions. When an assistant remembers a student’s name or even something special about that student, it communicates to him that he is cared for. The assistant can also give that extra encouragement for a student to make better choices, especially when they are visiting the principal’s office.
Cafeteria workers have a short period of time to interact with students, but can make a big difference as well. Beyond meeting nutritional needs, cafeteria workers may also on occasion meet the emotional needs of the students they serve. Students benefit from positive interaction with adults, and cafeteria workers may give that extra bit of encouragement that a child needs.
Custodians (管理人员) are often underappreciated for all that they give to schools. They have to be knowledgeable about everything from cleaning to fixing the most intricate (复杂的) tools. They get to school early in the morning before teachers arrive and lock up late at night after the last student has left from the after-school event. They also make sure teachers are equipped with the necessary items and prepare the rooms so that they are ready for learning. A great custodian also gives that kind word or extra smile to that student who needs it most.
小题1:If an assistant remembers a student’s name, the student will feel that       .
A.he is cared for
B.he is special
C.he has done something wrong
D.he has made progress in study
小题2:Which of the following is TRUE about cafeteria workers?
A.It’s enough for them to cook for the students.
B.It’s hard for them to interact with the students.
C.They can also meet the emotional needs of the students.
D.They have the most interaction with students at school.
小题3:We learn from the fourth paragraph that       .
A.custodians play the least important role in a school
B.the work of custodians often goes unnoticed
C.custodians should be more serious with students
D.custodians’ work is always appreciated at school
小题4:How does the author feel about the staff mentioned in the text?
A.Disappointed. B.Appreciative.
C.Dissatisfied. D.Doubtful.

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