The students at Sandy’s high school were badly shaken by the news that a classma

The students at Sandy’s high school were badly shaken by the news that a classma

The students at Sandy’s high school were badly shaken by the news that a classmate had  11 himself. On the suicide note was written: “It’s hard to  12 when nobody cares if you die.”
Glen, a teacher, realized this was a  13 moment about the importance of making people feel
 14 . He asked his class to imagine they were about to  15  and to write a note “telling someone how and why you  16 him or her.”
Sandy, who had a  17  relationship with her mother, decided to write her mother. Her letter  18  “We’ve had some  19  times and I haven’t always been a very good 20 ,but I know I’m lucky to have you in my life. You’re the  21 person I’ve ever known, And even when I disagree with you, I never  22 you love me and want what’s best for me. Thanks for not  23 up on me”.
When her mom read the note, she cried and hugged Sandy  24 but said little.
The next morning, Sandy found a 25  on her mirror: “Dearest Sandy, I want you to know being your mother is ,by far, the most important thing in my life.  26 I got your note, I thought I had lost your love and  27 . I felt like such a failure. I intended to 28 it all last night. Your note saved my  29 .”
Be careful not to underestimate the  30 of expressed appreciation. It won’t always save a life, but it will always make someone’s life better.
A.sacrificedB. defeatedC. abandonedD. killed
A. liveB. imagineC. struggleD. think
A. sadB. finalC. teachableD. great
A. ashamedB. valuedC. excitedD. scared
A. dieB. failC. retireD. survive
A.missB. hateC. admireD. appreciate
A. closeB.casualC.badD.personal
A. readB. wroteC. spokeD. told
A. freeB. delightfulC. usualD. rough
A. daughterB. student C. friendD. trainer
A. bestB. wisestC. luckiestD. gentlest
A. trustB. doubtC. considerD. predict
A. takingB. goingC. givingD. looking
A. coldlyB. hesitantlyC. shylyD. tightly
A. noteB. giftC. noticeD. reminder
A. SinceB. UntilC. ThoughD. When
A. confidenceB. courageC. respectD. heart
A. endB. makeC. getD. fall
A. lifeB. timeC. moneyD. honor
A. pushB. priceC. meaningD. power



小题1:D 动词辨析。A牺牲;B击败;C抛弃,遗弃;D***死;suicide(自***)可知他***死了自己。
小题2:A 动词辨析。A活着;B想象;C努力;D思考;当没有人在意你的时候,活着会很难。
小题3:C 上下文串联。老师从该学生自***中找到一个适合教育学生的机会。Teachable适合教学的。
小题4:B 形容词辨析。A羞愧;B有价值;C激动;D害怕;句意:让人们感觉有价值的重要性。
小题5:A 上下文串联。假装一个学生要自***,然后让他写一个纸条告诉一个人为什么感激这个人。
小题6:D 动词辨析。A错过;B讨厌;C钦佩;D感激。句意同15.
小题7:A 形容词辨析。A亲密;B随意;C坏的;D私人;sandy和她的妈妈关系很亲密。
小题8:A 动词辨析。纸条/通知/布告上所写内容都用动词:read/say。故A正确。
小题9:D 形容词辨析。A自由;B快乐的;C通常;D艰难;根据下文可知他们的生活过的很艰难。
小题10:A 上下文串联。这是sandy写给妈妈的信,应该自称为:女儿。
小题11:A 上下文串联。根据这封信内容她是在向妈妈表示感激,故应该称对方是对自己最好的人。
小题12:B 动词辨析。A信任;B怀疑;C考虑;D预测;我从不怀疑你对我的爱。
小题13:C 固定词组。Give up放弃;谢谢你没有放弃我。
小题14:D 副词辨析。A冷酷;B犹豫;C害羞;D紧紧;妈妈紧紧地抱住她什么也没有说。
小题15:A 上下文串联。从下文叙述内容说明妈妈在镜子上给她留下一张纸条。
小题16:B 连词辨析。句意:直到我收到你的纸条,我要让你知道做你的妈妈是世界上最美的事情。
小题17:C 名词辨析。A信心;B勇气;C尊敬;D心;respect与love一起指爱与尊重。
小题18:A 上下文串联。根据句意可知Sandy的妈妈昨天晚上本来想自***,因这这个纸条没有自***。
小题19:A 上下文串联。根据上文说明她想结束自己的生命。
小题20:D 名词辨析。Power力量。不要低估表达对别人的感激的力量。
Since the 1970s, scientists have been searching for ways to link the brain with computers.Brain-computer interface(BCI) technology could help people with disabilities send commands to machines.
Recently, two researchers, Jose Millan and Michele Tavella from the Federal Polytechnic School in Lausanne, Switzerland, demonstrated(展示)a small robotic wheelchair directed by a person’s thoughts.
In the laboratory, Tavella operated the wheelchair just by thinking about moving his left or right hand.He could even talk as he watched the vehicle and guided it with his thoughts.
“Our brain has billions of nerve cells.These send signals through the spinal cord(脊髓)to the muscles to give us the ability to move.But spinal cord injuries or other conditions can prevent these weak electrical signals from reaching the muscles,” Tavella says.“Our system allows disabled people to communicate with external world and also to control devices.”
The researchers designed a special cap for the user.This head cover picks up the signals from the scalp(头皮)and sends them to a computer.The computer interprets the signals and commands the motorized wheelchair. The wheelchair also has two cameras that identify objects in its path.They help the computer react to commands from the brain.
Prof.Millan, the team leader, says scientists keep improving the computer software that interprets brain signals and turns them into simple commands.“The practical possibilities that BCI technology offers to disabled people can be grouped in two categories: communication, and controlling devices.One example is this wheelchair.”
He says his team has set two goals.One is testing with real patients, so as to prove that this is a technology they can benefit from.And the other is to guarantee that they can use the technology over long periods of time.
小题1:BCI is a technology that can         . to update computer the human brain with computers the disabled to recoverD.control a person"s thoughts
小题2:How did Tavella operate the wheelchair in the laboratory?                                    
A.By controlling his muscles.B.By talking to the machine.
C.By moving his hand.D.By using his mind.
小题3:The team will test with real patients to         .
A.make profits from themB.prove the technology useful to them
C.make them live longerD.learn about their physical condition
小题4:Which of the following would be the best title for the text?
A.Switzerland, the BCI Research Center
B.New Findings About How the Human Brain Works
C.BCI Could Mean More Freedom for the Disabled
D.Robotic Vehicles Could Help to Cure Brain Injuries

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Like distance runners on a measured course,all of us will move through time in a roughly predictable pattern.
In the first stage of our lives,we develop and grow, reaching toward the top of physical vitality(活力).
After we grow up,however, the body begins a process of gradually wearing out.
A new awareness of physical fitness may help lengthen our years of health and vitality,yet nothing we do will work to stop the unavoidable force of aging.
Most of the changes of aging take place deep inside the body.The lungs become less able to take in oxygen.Powerful muscles gradually lose their strength.The heart loses power and pumps less blood.Bones grow easier to break.
Finally, we meet a stress,a stress that is greater than our physical resistance.Often,it is only a minor accident or chance infection(a disease caused by virus),but this time,it brings life to an end.
In 1932,a classic experiment nearly doubled the lifetime of rats,simply by cutting back the calories in their diet The reason for the effect was then unknown.
Today, at the University of California at Berkley, Dr.Paul Seagle has also greatly lengthened the normal lifetime of rats.The result was achieved through a special protein limited diet,which had a great effect on the chemistry of the brain.Seagle showed that within the brain,specific chemicals control many of the signals that influence aging.By changing that chemical balance,the clock of aging can be reset.
For the first time, the mystery of why we age is being seriously challenged.Scientists in many fields are now making striking and far-reaching discoveries.
An average lifetime lasts 75 years,yet in each of us lies a potential for a longer life.If we could keep the vitality and resistance to disease that we have at age twenty, we would live for 800 years.
小题1:What does the underlined word “it” refer to?
A.Physical vitality.B.Stress.C.Aging.D.Physical resistance.
小题2:Which of the following is not a change of aging?
A.People gradually lose their muscle strength.
B.Bones tend to break more easily.
C.The heart loses power and pumps less blood.
D.The lungs become unable to take in oxygen.
小题3:The author believes the following except that     
A.human"s life pattern is predictable
B.physical fitness can"t stop the force of aging
C.human"s lifetime will last longer than 75 years
D.all of the changes of aging take place deep inside the body
小题4:How did Dr.Paul Seagle lengthen the lifetime of rats in his experiment?
A.By keeping their physical fitness.B.By cutting the calories in their diet.
C.By resetting their clock of aging.D.By limiting the protein in their diet.
小题5:What is probably the best title for the article?
A.Two Great Experiments
B.The Mystery of Human Life
C.The Breakthrough in the Study of Aging
D.Ways to lengthen Human Life

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People should be warned against using mobile phones outdoors in stormy weather because they may“be struck by lightning”,according to doctors.
Three experts have described how a teenage girl was struck by lightning while using her phone in a large London park.The girl,aged 15,recovered,but a year later was still wheelchair-bound and found to be suffering complex physical and emotional problems.
The girl also had a perforate eardrum(打孔耳膜)on the side where she had been holding the mobile phone.She was having general recovery in Northwick Park Hospital,Middlesex.
Swinda Esprit,a senior house officer, said that while the brain and muscle damage was similar to that of many lightning victims—who can experience heart attacks on being struck—the ear problems were not.
She said that the damages were particularly relevant for people who might be involved in less serious lightning incidents,who might otherwise recover, but would never get their full hearing back if struck while on the phone.
“We were shocked by the damage,which is why we wanted to draw attention to it,”Dr Esprit said.“A year on and she still was suffering these difficult hearing.”
They added that three other cases had been reported in newspapers in China,South Korea,and Malaysia.In the Malaysian case,a sales executive was killed by lightning while talking on his phone during a thunderstorm near Kuala Lumpur.
“All these events resulted in death,”the doctors wrote.“This rare phenomenon is a public health issue,and education is necessary to stress the risk.”
The Australian Lightning Protection Standard recommends that metallic objects,including cordless or mobile phones,should not be carried outdoors during thunderstorms.However, “the United States National Weather Service says on its website that both are safe to use “because there is no direct path between you and the lightening”.
Paul Taylor, of “the Met Office"’,said the ear injuries were a consequence of mobile phones being metal,and not related to radio waves.
Mr. Taylor said that mobile phones should be treated as another piece of metal,similar to carrying coins or wearing rings,and people need to be warned against the possible danger.
小题1:What do we know about the teenage girl?
A.She was struck by lightning at schoo1.
B.She completely recovered from being struck.
C.She still suffered from mental problems.
D.She had to press her ear all day.
小题2:It can be inferred that damage done by lightening while using mobile phones      . more serious than that when one is not using a mobile phone
B.can be healed quickly except for heart attacks less serious because the victims can usually recover mainly in the brain and muscle of the victims
小题3:Why did doctors stress the risk about using phones outside in lightening?
A.Because more people are faced with it.
B.Because some deaths have been caused.
C.Because lightning is harmful for the brain.
D.Because a teenage girl got killed.
小题4:We can infer from the last three paragraphs that        .
A.both cordless and mobile phones are safe to use outside in lightning
B.there is no direct connection between lightning and ear injuries at all
C.opinions differ as to whether it is safe to use mobiles phones in lightning
D.ear injuries are the result of carrying coins or wearing rings in lightning
小题5:The purpose in writing this passage is       . draw attention to the risk of using mobile phones in lightening focus on various damages done to lightning victims tell us the news that a teenage girl was struck by lightning stress the danger of making phone calls in lightning

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[1]Keeping a busy social life among lots of friends may keep people slimmer than spending hours on a treadmill, according to scientists. They say that socializing and meeting with friends helps boost levels of ‘brown fat’ in the boby which burns calories to generate heat.
[2]Living in a stimulating, social environment was found to reduce abdominal fat in mice by half over four weeks, even if they ate more. US researchers say that social stimulation can       
by converting white fat into brown, White stores calories and makes us fatter, while brown burns energy to generate heat .Converting white fat into brown is difficult, as we all know, normally requiring long term exposure to cold conditions or activating part of the body’s nervous system
[3]However, scientists from Ohio State University now think that having a busy social life is an even more effective way of changing white fat into brown, The team came up with their theory by studying the effects of various living environments on mice. Those who lived alongside a greater number of mice and had more space and toys to stimulate them lost far more weight over the course of the study than their ‘couch potato’ ones.
[4]Study author Dr. Mattew During, whose team’s findings appear in journal Cell Metabolism said: I’m still amazed at the degree of fat loss that occurs. Explaining how new technology had threatened face-to-face socializing, he added: ‘It’s not just a sedentary lifestyle and high calorie foods, but an increasing lack of social engagement.’
[5]Co-author Dr. Lei Cao said: ‘Loneliness is a profound factor for cancer and death; it’s on par with cigarette smoking. Social engagement is very important’.
小题1:What’s the main idea of this passage? (no more than 10 words)
小题2:Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words. (no more than 5 words)
小题3:What’s the purpose of the study of mice? (no more than 20 words)
小题4:How does socializing help make people slim? (no more than 15 words)
小题5:Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.
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Morocco is located at the northwest of Africa and is bordered in the north by the strait of Gibraltar and the Mediterranean Sea. The Atlantic Ocean keeps the west and the north of the country more temperate(温和的). The country also offers the broadest plains some of which run along the Atlantic Ocean and the highest mountains in North Africa including the Atlas Mountains.
Starting with the symbol of Morocco, Marrakech is a beautiful city that has remained unspoiled by the volume of tourists that flock there each year. One of the finest monuments in Morocco is greatly benefited by this amount of tourism. Actually their high volume contributes in a positive way to preserve one of the greatest monuments of Morocco.
Fes is the third largest city in Morocco and is the capital of the Fes-Boulemane Region. It is separated into three parts, Fes el Bali more commonly known as the old walled city, now classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Fes-Jdid and the Ville Nouvelle. Fes el Bali is believed to be the largest car-free urban area in the world. Fes is a splendid place to visit to heighten the senses with the colours, smells and sounds.
Casablanca is an enormous city which is near the capital of Morocco and a place where any European would feel at home. Casablanca was made famous by the movie and gives the impression of being a romantic place. Unfortunately like many other popular cities around the world, it is crowded, noisy, and polluted, a far cry from the romantic ideal of the film. Because it has the biggest port, Casablanca being the important city of Morocco, has everything that the tourists need.
Asilah is a city situated on the Atlantic Ocean and is one of the most stunning(出色的) old cities of Morocco. The city is set along the cliffs which make it beautifully presented and an ideal place to continue adding to its economy by the fishermen. The economy is also reliant on the trading of cattle, sheep and cereal. If you are having a holiday in Morocco during August then you will be fortunate enough to experience one of Asilah’s cultural festivals where you can enjoy the lively music and wonderful paintings.
小题1:How many cities in Morocco are introduced in the passage?
小题2:If you want to live conveniently while you are on vacation, which city in Morocco could you choose?
小题3:Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.If you want to enjoy music and paintings, you can visit Asilah at any time.
B.Casablanca is as romantic as what is shown in the movie.
C.Fes is the capital of Morocco.
D.Marrakech is the symbol of Morocco.
小题4:The passage most probably appears      . a geography a magazine a history an atlas(地图册)

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