


Scientists in Canada say big ocean fish have almost disappeared from the world since the start of industrial fishing in the 1950s. The scientists found the populations of large fish like tuna(金枪鱼), swordfish and cod(鳕鱼) have dropped by ninety percent in the past fifty years.
The study took ten years. The researchers gathered records from fishing businesses and governments around the world. The magazine Nature published the findings.
The scientists say the common method called long line fishing is especially damaging to populations of large fish. This method involves many fishing lines connected to one boat. These wires can be nearly one hundred kilometers long. They hold thousands of sharp metal hooks to catch fish.
Long line fishing is especially common in the Japanese fishing industry. Records showed that Japanese boats used to catch about ten fish for every one hundred hooks. But long line fishing boats now might only catch one fish per hundred hooks.
The scientists say industrial fishing can destroy groups of fish much faster than in the past. The study suggests that whole populations can disappear almost completely from new fishing areas within ten to fifteen years.
Ransom Myers and Boris Worm of Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia led the study with the University of Kiel in Germany. Worm says the destruction could lead to a complete reorganization of ocean life systems. Meyers says the decreased numbers of large fish are not the only worry. He says even populations that are able to reproduce do not get the chance to live long enough to grow as big as their ancestors. He says not only are there fewer big fish, but also they are smaller than those of the past.
American government scientists say even with the best efforts to protect fish populations, decreases are to be expected.
56. Which one can be the best title for the passage?
A. Discoveries Canadian scientists have made     B. Japan fishing industry
C. Losses of big fish                          D. Modern fishing methods
57. When did the researchers begin to survey the decrease of large fish?
A. in the 1960s      B. in the 1970s       C. in the 1980s              D. in the 1990s
58. The underlined word “sharp” in Para 3 means _________.
A. having a fine edge or point that can cut or make a hole in something
B. sudden or rapid change in something
C. quick to react or to understand things
D. loud, sudden and often high in tone
59. Which of the following statements can show the fact that the populations of large fish have dropped?
A. Today’s “large” fish are smaller than those of the past.
B. Long line fishing boats now might catch ten fish for every one hundred hooks.
C. Fish able to reproduce don’t have the chance to live longer.
D. Long line fishing boats now might catch one fish for every one hundred hooks
60. Where is the passage probably taken from?
A. A story book     B. A business magazine         C. An environmental report      D. An economic survey

56---60   CDADC  


Scientists in the United States have developed a method that may help to predict earthquakes earlier. They say it could give people who live in deadly earthquake areas enough warning to leave before an earthquake occurs.
Currently, the most modern systems for predicting earthquakes find them only a short time before the event. Like most strong earthquakes, Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 and Haiti earthquake in 2010 were not identified early enough for people to flee the area, killing hundreds and thousands of people.
But scientists who study earthquakes are reporting that new technology could measure very small changes in the Earth’s surface.
Scientists performed experiments along California’s San Andreas Fault, an area famous for its earthquakes. Highly sensitive electrical devices are placed about one kilometer below ground in two different places. The devices were able to measure even small changes in air pressure on the Earth’s surface. The scientists say such changes are caused when rocks pushed together, forcing air out of small cracks in the rock.
Two earthquakes hit the area in late 2005. The first took place on Dec.25. A smaller earthquake struck five days later. The scientists noted changes in the earth’s surface about ten hours before the first quake struck. That quake measured three in intensity(强度). They then found similar changes taking place two hours before the other quake struck five days later.
If additional tests confirm the changes are linked to earthquakes, the scientists believe their equipment could be used for early warning systems. A system that provides a warning signal ten hours before a major earthquake could help move people from the area and save lives.
The scientists now hope they can find earthquakes with even greater intensity by placing their equipment deeper in the ground.
71. What’s the best title for the passage?
A.A new way to help predict earthquakes.
B.The earthquakes in the world
C.A better understanding of earthquake
D.Scientists and modern systems of earthquakes
72.If the new method does work, _______.
A.fewer earthquakes will break out
B.rescue workers can save more buried people in ruins
C.a warning can be given at least ten days before the major earthquake
D.fewer people will be killed in an earthquake
73.According to the passage, the devices can predict the earthquake by______
reaching the center of the earthquake
detecting the temperature changes in the earth’s crust
measuring changes in air pressure on the Earth’s surface
recording sound waves under the ground
74.We can infer from the passage that ______.
the equipment is perfect enough to be used in practice
it’s unknown if greater earthquake can be predicted by the equipment
the deeper the equipment is placed, the more accurate the measurement is
the equipment has helped save many lives in the earthquake in Haiti .
75.How many earthquakes are mentioned in the passage?
A. One           B. Two           C. Three         D. Four
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Excused from recycling(回收利用) because you live in a high rise with a rubbish chute (垃圾道)? You won"t be for long. Miami"s Mark Shantzis has made it simple for those living in tall buildings to use the chute and recycle too .
  In Shantzis" Hi-Rise Recycling System, a chute leads to a pie-shaped container with six boxes that can turn around when operated. The system , which fits in the same space as the chute and container now in use, enables glass , plastic , paper , metal , and other rubbish to go into separate boxes .
  The system is controlled from a board next to the chute door. The board has a button for each class of recycling materials (as well as for unrecyclables). At the press of a button, a microcomputer locks all other floors" chute door and sets the recycling container turning until the right box comes under the chute. The computer also counts the loads and gives a signal by phone when the box is full. And a particular piece of equipment breaks up the nonrecyclables
  Sorting(分类) recyclables before they are collected saves the use of expensive materials recovery equipment which otherwise has to do the sorting . Such equipment often makes recycled materials very expensive, so expensive that tons of recyclables remain wasted . Shantzis believes his system could help recycled materials become more cost-effective.
小题1:The purpose in writing this text is _________.
A.to encourage people to recycle their rubbish
B.to introduce a recycling system for high rises
C.to describe the use of computer technology in recycling
D.to explain the need for rubbish collection in high rises
小题2: When he says "You won"t be for long" the writer means that _______.
A.you"ll soon be living in a cleaner building
B.rubbish chutes will become out of date before long
C.you won"t wait long for your turn to recycle rubbish
D.it won"t be long before you"ll have to recycle your rubbish
小题3: Before dropping rubbish into the chute you have to ___________
A.lock the other floors" chute doorsB.check if the container is full
C.press the correct buttonD.break up the rubbish
小题4:The biggest advantage of this new system is that _________
A.it reduces the cost of recycling B.it saves time and space
C.it saves money for people living in high rises
D.it makes better use of the existing recovery equipment

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Garbage is unwanted or unusable materials. As long as there are people on the planet,there will be garbage Garbage is directly linked to human development,both technologically and socially.The composition of waste has yared Over time and location,with industrlal development.Examples of this include plastics.Some garbage has economical value and can be recycled once correctly recovered.
For most of us, "out of sight,out of mind": throw it away and it`s gone.But imagine what really happens to all the rubbish the world throws away.Now suddenly,the government is worried about mountains of garbage piling up with no place to put them all.
China`s increasing prosperity and urbanlsm create tons of garbage since the 1980s,causing tons of trouble.The amount of paper,plastic and other garbage has increased more than three times in two decades to about 300 million tons a year.As busy families are shifting from fresh to packaged foods,more garbage is expected.
There are also a huge number of people who go through the garbage to find anything that can be of value and recycled!The recycling is carried out every day when peope come to your house to take away your newspapers and cardboard,plastic and metal items.Every neighborhood has a garbage point.Take a train trip and there are recycling yards all along the tracks in every city. Food waste is collected by farmers to feed animals.
Even though we make an effort to recycle our solid waste,the amount of waste keeps increasing each year.Our biggest problem is where to put the solid waste and how to keep it from polluting our environment.If the solid waste is disposed incorrectly,it can pollute earth`s surface an underground water supplies.Currently,Our municipal waste goes to landfills or garbage dumps.
The waste must be treated to keep rats,flies and other anlmas from building their homes in the landfills.The treatrment also prevents the growth of bacteria that carry diseases.
The government knows such garbage disposal(处理)will always draw complaints.What they need to do is invest more money into bullding and maintaining better evelironment.
66. In the eyes of the author,________.
A.garbage should all be thrown away
B.garbage can all be recycled for its economical value
C.every kind of garbage has its practical value
D.garbage is closely related to the prrogress of society
67.From the second paragraph we can infer that_________.
A.throwing away rubbish is the only way at present
B.mountains of rubbish appear everywhere
C.the government has trouble dealing with rubbish
D.lanudfill treatment is the best way at present
68. In the 1980s,the amount of garbage was estimated about _______.
A.300 million tons                      B.200 million tons
C.100 million tons               D.50 million tons
69. The attitude of the author towards recycling waste is
A.unfriendly    B.objective     C.supportive      D.disappointed
70. What will be talked about after the last paragraph?
A.The government will respond to the people`s complaints.
B.Proper ways to deal with rubbish will be found.
C.The government will take measures to control the public.
D.The rubbish mountains will be removed.
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Ocean Acidification: "Evil Twin" Threatens World"s Oceans
The rise in human emissions of carbon dioxide is driving dangerous changes in the chemistry and ecosystems of the world"s oceans, international marine(海洋的)scientists have warned. "Ocean conditions are already more extreme than those experienced by marine organisms and ecosystems for millions of years," says the latest issue of the journal Trends in Ecology and Evolution. "This emphasizes the urgent need to adopt policies that markedly reduce CO2 emissions."
Ocean acidification, which the researchers call the "evil twin of global warming", is caused when the CO2 emitted by human activity, mainly burning fossil fuels, dissolves into the oceans. It is happening independently of, but in combination with, global warming. Evidence gathered by scientists over the last few years suggests that ocean acidification could represent an equal -- or perhaps even greater threat -- to the biology of our planet than global warming. More than 30% of the CO2 released from burning fossil fuels, cement production, deforestation and other human activities goes straight into the oceans, turning them gradually more acidic.
"The resulting acidification will impact many forms of sea life, especially organisms whose shells or skeletons are made from calcium carbonate(碳化钙), like corals and shellfish. It may interfere with the reproduction of plankton species which are a vital part of the food web on which fish and all other sea life depend," he adds.
The scientists say there is now persuasive evidence that mass extinctions in past Earth history, like the "Great Dying" of 251 million years ago and another wipeout 55 million years ago, were accompanied by ocean acidification, which may have delivered the deathblow to many species that were unable to cope with it. "These past periods can serve as great lessons of what we can expect in the future, if we continue to push the acidity the ocean even further" said lead author, Dr. Carles Pelejero, from ICREA and the Marine Science Institute of CSIC in Barcelona, Spain. "Given the impacts we see in the fossil record, there is no question about the need to immediately reduce the rate at which we are emitting carbon dioxide in the atmosphere," he said further.
"Today, the surface waters of the oceans have already acidified by an average of 0.1 pH units from pre-industrial levels, and we are seeing signs of its impact even in the deep oceans," said co-author Dr. Eva Calvo, from the Marine Science Institute of CSIC in Spain. "Future acidification depends on how much CO2 humans emit from here on -- but by the year 2100 various projections indicate that the oceans will have acidified by a further 0.3 to 0.4 pH units, which is more than many organisms like corals can stand," Prof. Hoegh-Guldberg says.
"This will create conditions not seen on Earth for at least 40 million years."
"These changes are taking place at rates as much as 100 times faster than they ever have over the last tens of millions of years" Prof. Hoegh-Guldberg says. Besides directly impacting on the fishing industry and its contribution to the human food supply at a time when global food demand is doubling, a major die-off in the oceans would affect birds and many land species and change the biology of Earth as a whole profoundly, Prof. Hoegh-Guldberg adds.
67. What is the biggest cause of the ocean acidification according to the report?
A. the increase of carbon dioxide emission by human beings
B. The worsening of global warming
C. The disappearance of the world’s forests
D. The decrease of marine life
68. In what way according to the report does ocean acidification affect the majority of marine life?
A. It affects their reproduction          B. It destroys their food chain
C. It affects the growth of their young    D. destroys their habitats
69. Which of the following statements is NOT true about ocean acidification?
A. Ocean acidification has made ocean conditions most extreme in millions of years.
B. Ocean acidification may do more damage than global warming to human and plant life in the long run.
C. Ocean acidification is suspected of having caused mass extinctions of life in past Earth history.
D. The effects of ocean acidification are not now but will be felt in the foreseeable future.
70. From the report we can clearly feel that the situation with ocean acidification __________.
A. is quite optimistic                B. remains well under control
C. looks more than urgent            D. is already out of control 
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Most sharks are dangerous. The largest kind of sharks—the whale shark—has small teeth and is quite harmless to people. However, blue sharks, tiger sharks, white sharks and hammerheads are enemies of man.
Man-eaters are always a danger to swimmers in shark waters. Sometimes, though, men have used strange methods when they’re suddenly faced with a shark.
During world War Ⅱ, soldiers and sailors whose boats or planes were destroyed drifted(漂流) helplessly on the ocean in small rafts(筏子). While waiting to be saved, the men had to struggle to stay alive and were often attacked by sharks. In some cases, they had few weapons to protect themselves with. They found that just splashing(溅水) water seemed to help keep the sharks away.
One sailor was swimming for his life in the Atlantic Ocean after his boat had been blown up. He saw a shark swimming towards him. He hit the shark with his bare fist, and that drove it off.
Once, in Australia, a fisherman was fishing after sunset. He hooked a big fish and drew it towards the shore. His line broke when the fish was only a few yards from the shore. The fisherman waded(涉水) into the water to try to catch it with his hands. In the dim light, it looked like the kind of fish that could be dealt with without danger.
He put his arms around the fish and wrestled with it. Dragging it to the beach turned out to be harder than he had expected, but at last he pulled it in. When he turned a light on it, he was amazed. He had caught a shark. It was small for a shark, but it was the man-eating type and was about as long as a tall man.In a word, the best way to deal with sharks is to keep far away from them.
60. The shark that is least dangerous to man is the ________.
A. white shark      B. whale shark   C. tiger shark     D. hammerhead shark
61. This story tells you that sharks are usually ________.
A. friendly         B. small         C. afraid of people     D. dangerous
62. After the Australian fisherman found he had caught a shark, he was _________.
A. surprised      B. frightened      C. unhappy      D. angry
63. This story tells you that the best way to handle sharks is to ________.
A. hit them with your fist                 B. keep far away from them
C. splash water                         D. wrestle with them
64. The passage mainly tells us something  ________.
A. about fishing sharks                  B. about sharks
C. how to eat  sharks                   D. that sharks are man’s enemies
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